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Marlenes Gnade - Revision 7c

Author File Description
The Groll
File Details
Ruleset: AoW: SM - Unofficial Patch 1.4
Map Size: XL
Levels: 2
Single Player?: Yes
Co-Op vs. AI?: Yes
PBEM/Hotseat?: Yes
Multiplayer Online?: Yes
# of Wizards: 8
# of players: 8
Skill Level: Expert
Password Protected: Yes
Surface Minimap:
Cavern Minimap:
Shadow Minimap:
Update revision 7c - DATE 13.11.2007
Near one year after the last update of this map I can lift off a secret today!
The Star of the day: naecO
He has translated the whole map alone to the english language!
Thank you naecO for all your power, your enthusiastic engagement and for all the emails with questions about the translation and the unknown german words ;-)
We managed to keep it secret and now you made it.
You are the one who made this map available for all the english people out there.
Thank you very, very much!
Hail to naecO!
The Groll

Update Revision 7b - Date 12.11.2006 - to see the changes scroll to the end of this text, please.

Marlenes Gnade is again full of never seen Quests, and have its own storry.
More than 93 Heros from my second scenario Marlenes Schatten and 67 new, never seen Heros each with its own new, never seen picture (therefore the 4956 kb big Map file) and every one have its own storry to tell. And some of them will maybe reincarnate !
New in this Scenario are the grafic effects on the scenario map, that come up, if you do some things. Be surprised.
Much storry text for the scenario and every Hero and Quest. If you want to feel the storry read the messages and signs.
Very much new designed items for the new heros !
All the old heros are here too.
New pictures for all of the new Wizards.
Very high detailed Landscapes at 3 Levels.
Changing Landscapes !!! The Land will Change its face if you do some things.
This scenario is not designed to play it only one time and it is for Experts only. No Beginner or Looser can stand the enemys here.
Much Surprises.
Every race have its own heros and Quests. Not every hero will join every race. Not every Quest will come up to each race.
Every game will be differently when you play anonther race. Missions, Heros, grafic effects, Landscape changeing will be different.
You will find some strong enemys, that will bring fear into your heart.
Some very strong non-player kindoms that will crush your Armys if you try to beat them to early. Maybe you should leave them alone.
Non-Player kingdoms, some friendly, some bad, some hidden ! Try to find them.
Hidden places behind walls of earth. Read the signs and upcoming informations. Find the items to dig.
Read the datailed info at the intro of the scenario.
The races in this scenario are allies neutral or at war.

The 8 Races in Marlenes Gnade are:

1. Goblins
2. Dark Elfen
3. Archonier
4. Syron
5. Light Elfen
6. Frostlings
7. Humans
8. Undead

Revision 6g

Some facts at the end:
8 players possible
XL Map, 3 Levels
All Landscapes on the map, very high detailed
Many, many Quests
All Old heros from AoWSM
My ca. 93 old heros from Marlenes Schatten + Artefacts
67 new heros for Marlenes Gnade + Artefacts
So there are maybe 160 new Heros + artefacts and new images for this scenario
Very, very much new Artefacts
Difficulty Level: High/Expert
Paßword: Yes
Working time: more than 160 hours
Language: German
My Name: The Groll
Date: 04.01.2005 - Revision 6g

More datails in german

Willkommen zu Marlenes Gnade !
Einer Welt der Wunder !

Marlenes Gnade ist nach Marlenes Welt und Marlenes Schatten mein drittes Scenario für AoWSM.

Es ist eine Welt voller Wunder !
Angefüllt mit Missionen, sehr vielen neuen Artefakten, Landschaftsänderungen durch Ereignisse, grafische spezial Effekte, Non Player Reiche die eigene Ziele verfolgen, Quests, Geiheimnissen und versteckten Ereignissen und Helden die nach ihrem Tode z.T. wieder auferstehen.
Es ist für Strategen gedacht, die viele Stunden vor diesem Scenario verbringen und immer wieder neue Dinge sehen und erleben möchten und keien Angst vor Überraschungen haben.
Jedes Volk hat seine Eigenheiten und nicht jede Mission, nicht jeder Held erschließt sich einer jeden Rasse. Landschaften verändern sich nur bei bestimmten Ereignissen und nur bei bestimmten Rassen.
Darum wird jedes Spiel mit einer anderen Rasse wieder neu und aufregend sein.
Dieses Scenario ist für Experten entworfen und ist in Deustcher Sprache verfaßt.
Es beinhaltet unmengen an Texten, Hinweisen, und Tips.
Deshalb sollte man sich die Zeit nehmen, die Schilder und Ereignistexte zu lesen, und sich nicht bei mir über verlorenen Helden und ein zu schweres Scenario beschweren.
Schickt Späher aus, wenn es nach Ärger richt. Marlens Gnade kenn keine Gnade wenn es um Schwächlinge geht.
Das Scenario hat noch mehr gescriptete Ereignisse als Marlenes Schatten oder Marlenes Welt und die Ereignisse sehen jetzt noch spektakulärer aus, da sehr viele SFX Animationen von mir eingebaut wurden.
Das Scenario ist so ereignisreich, dass es fast Rollenspielcarakter hat (hoffe ich).

Die 8 Völker in Marlenes Gnade sind:

1. Goblins
2. Dunkle Elfen
3. Archonier
4. Syron
5. Elfen
6. Frostlinge
7. Menschen
8. Untote

Somit ergeben sich für dieses Scenario 3 Böse, 3 Gute und 2 Neutrale Völker.
Die Völker sind voreingestellt und mögen sich entsprechend ihren Gesinnungen mehr oder weniger oder sind schon verbündet oder im Krieg miteinander.

- Schicke Späher aus !
Sonst wirst Du manches Mal ins offene Messer laufen, Helden verlieren, die Du liebst und brauchst und Dir dann in den Popo beißen.
- Lese die Zeichen und Schilder aufmerksam und handle vielleicht danach.
- Gehe mit offenen Augen durch die Welt von Marlenes Gnade. Du wirst belohnt werden!
- Für alle Labertaschen die wieder nicht richtig gelesen haben. Das Scenario ist nicht zu schwer. Es ist aber für Experten, nicht für Anfänger und Looser. Ich hasse leichte Scenarien und selbst meine taktisch nicht sehr begabte Verlobte spielt die vermeintlich schweren Scenarien am liebsten.
- Ich hasse Leute die meine Maps nicht mögen, weil sie selbst zu schwache Spieler sind oder weil die Scenarien nicht in Englisch sind. Ein Deutscher kann auch nicht verlangen, das jeder Amerikaner oder Engländer die Maps ins Deutsche übersetzt.

XXL Map mit 3 Ebenen
Unzählige Städte
Ca. 90 Helden aus Marlenes Schatten und ca. 70 neue Helden für Marlenes Gnade (mit neuen Bildern) und sehr viele neue (wie ich glaube) gut ausbalancierte Artefakte, also ca. 160 Helden.
8 Völker (3 gut, 3 böse, 2 neutral)
Detailgrad: sehr hoch
Für welche Spieler ? Expertenlevel
Sprache: Deutsch mit vielen Rechtschreibfehlern
Singel, Hotseat und Multi Player Map
8 Neue Bilder für Wizards
Bauzeit Jun. - Nov. 2004
ca. 160 Std.

Update Revision 7b - Date 12.11.2006
This map is a hybrid now between 1.3 and upatch 1.4 but I don´t want to take the original character away and it shall be still a original AoWSM map in future, in most parts.

1. Balance changes
2. Jyvar Feuerhaar Changes
3. Archon and Wood Elven Balance Changes (Saints, citys - some nice surprises for Vortax)
4. Upatch 1.4 support (some units)
5. City changes (Manacatalysator and Raw Materials taken out of the citys)
6. Magic Crypta changes in Archon land. Spell award changed.
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AuthorComments & Reviews   ( All | Comments Only | Reviews Only )
Map Design5.0
Playability: 5
(Insert Playability analysis here)

Balance: 5
(Insert Balance analysis here)

Creativity: 5
(Insert Creativity analysis here)

Map Design: 5
(Insert Map Design analysis here)

Story/Instructions: 5
(Insert Story/Instructions analysis here)

Additional Comments:
French Touch
Map Design5.0
Playability: 4
(Insert Playability analysis here)

Balance: 4
(Insert Balance analysis here)

Creativity: 5
(Insert Creativity analysis here)

Map Design: 5
(Insert Map Design analysis here)

Story/Instructions: 5
(Insert Story/Instructions analysis here)

Additional Comments:
Map Design5.0
Playability: 3

This map has a very slow start, since there are insanely powerful stacks right next to your starting area. You have to expand very slowly and carfully. On the othe hand, the challenge doesn´t decline when the game progresses. Even superstacks with superheroes will have a hard time exploring the wilderness.

Balance: 3

Tell you the truth, this map isn`t balanced. The good races can expand relatively fast, while the undead are really locked in their caverns for a very long time. On the other hand, they get many very powerful heroes as a compensation once they break out.
But since this map isn`t really suited for mulitplayer, balance isn`t very important anyways.

Creativity: 5

Very nice. You will really love to explore these lands, meet old aquaintances from previous Marlene editions, get heroes with histories...

Map Design: 5

This is where this map really shines. I don`t think that more than a dozend maps of this size exist wich are so detailed. And it isn`t just your starting area, the whole world was created with the love to detail. And everything looks real, like a real fantasy world. Very generic, but also very very beautiful. Especially the underground is outstanding.

Story/Instructions: 4

There isn`t a real story, but you get a lot of informations about the world, and it`s inhabitants. The only flaw for most players is probably that it isn´t in english.

Additional Comments:

Play this map if you like to explore a world. Don`t play this map if you want to finish the game quickly. But if you take your time, you will be richly rewarded by one of the most atmospheric maps awailable.
If this map would be in english, it would easily rank among the top singleplayer maps.
Btw, this map works perfectly with dwiggs mod.
Chat Noir
Map Design5.0
Playability: 5
(Insert Playability analysis here)

Balance: 5
(Insert Balance analysis here)

Creativity: 5
(Insert Creativity analysis here)

Map Design: 5
(Insert Map Design analysis here)

Story/Instructions: 4
(Insert Story/Instructions analysis here)

Additional Comments:
Even if you don't know German, play this map. The visuals (and challenges/rewards) and events alone are worth it.
Map Design5.0
Playability: 4
(For me it´s a 4, but there are some issues, which can make the map quite annoying. Some events seem to be scripted with a stop movement and I have seen half of the archon and syron army stuck in one square and because of the overly heavy guards the syron army never ever comes out of the shadow world, you have to clear the entrances by yourself.
And some ai-block would be nice. Esp. for the dark elf.)

Balance: 4
(only thing to critisize is, that a human player is much faster overcoming the heavy defenses aroud him/her, so you will be much stronger early in the game.
If you play multi that shouldn´t be a prob.)

Creativity: 5
(so much to explore and so much special things to see.)

Map Design: 5
(The Groll is definitely one of the best map makers. Two thumbs up!)

Story/Instructions: 4
(There is not really a story, just you and the other 7 wizards.
On the the other hand there are a lot of special things to do, all instructedc well. If you know German, that is .)

Additional Comments:
This is definitely a very good map. If you don´t understand German you will miss a lot of the fun.
I never played multi-player, but I would think this is one of the best maps for it.

Cheers, Groll! Keep on Mapping! I will play all of your maps.
The Groll
File Author
Thank you guys for you criticism.
The nice and even the not so nice words.

The thing why my maps came only in german language are:
I never get much feedback.
I have made 3 maps for AoW I and they where good and they where in english.
But no one drops me a single line of feedback.
So why I should make work for people that don´t post me a single line via e-mail or coment here.
So I started to make my maps (AoWSM) in german, because I´m from germany and my girlfriend to. And I made the maps first for us, not for you people out there.
But I have seen the maps that where out there and most of them where to simple without nice landscapes and without events.
And so I uploaded the maps for you and was waiting.
I´m not sad that there came less feedback but I was sad that the feedback that came, where only bad words, like "to hard, to less start armys, to long start phase and not in english".
Has anyone english people made his map for me in german?
But I must. If not, crush my work.

All I want to say is:
Look at a map, then play it with different races and feel the map, see the landscape.
Than make a better map or think about a better map and then gave criticism.

I´m very hapy about the comments for this map specially the last two, bacause they came after some time.
Thank you guys for playing my maps and feel free to mail me.

One good new are.
The Unofficial-Patch-V1.4 is ready now and there is a new map from me.
Name "Secrets of Marlenia"
The other good news are. I´m working on the next map "Marlenes Lachen" but it is a huge XXL map and needs time. I think I need 250 hours for it and same time for playtesting.
It will come in german and english for you guys that post me a line.

Now after the work at the Unofficial-Patch-V1.4 I have learned a lot new things.
After now my upcomming maps will be better, for example(making A.I. blocks on some structures) and other things.
skin Hi Groll
I would just like to add a few comments here, as you know i am a HUGE fan of your Secrets map shipped with 1.4 even if you did have to E-Mail a hint to be able to finally find the Pharoes lost treasure.
I too have noticed that there is not much feedback for you map makers out there despite huge amounts of downloads and having just started messing around with the editor myself i realise what a MASSIVE job it is to create the truely stunning maps that your goodself as well as others (King David and Swolte spring to mind)make avalible to us.
I would just like to say dont be downhearted by the lack of response and i am sure if people finally realise what a boost it is to get some decent and viable feedback then more comments will be posted.
As a non German speaker i would love to see an English conversion of your maps mate as would the 3 mates i have pulled kicking and screaning to the CPU only for them to say "Oooooh pretty" and then not leave for 5 hours :) (Please leave Nik it's 3am and i have to go to work in 4 hours..."Just 1 more turn")
So keep on making those beautiful maps mate and rest assured there is a growing legion of Groll fans out there

The Groll
File Author
Thanks again.
Yes, thats it, what keeps us mapmakers alive.
A little comment from you players.
And if it is a nice comment we are happy like little kids if they get´s an icecream.
Maybe my older maps will be in english in future. I had a realy good helping hand and head for the translations of my new map.
this one is in the Competition now and I´m still working and testing it.
I hope you will like it, if it comes out, maybe, maybe in February.
And if he have still fun to translate my maps, then he will make the translations of one or two of my older maps.
Maybe than "Marlenes Gnade" and "Marlenes Schatten" can come out in english.
skin Nice one man..looking forwrd eagerly to the english translation, and you will be pleased to know that your Secrets map is now the official map used in my inter office championship at far i am in the lead having just crushed the the Draconians with my Dark Elf Shochtroopers :)unfortunately it was my boss who was none to pleased :)
The Groll
File Author
Hi all!

If you need help, playing my maps, finding secrets like keys or somthing else visit:

The Conqueror's Fieldguide to The Groll's Universe - All about his maps and mapmaking - DO Panic!,4992,0,60
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