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AI Files » Immobile/Normal for Mithril Knight

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Immobile/Normal for Mithril Knight

Author File Description
Lazarus II
File Details
Version: The Conquerors 1.0c
This is based of Basse's Immobile Agressive AI. Fixes a little bug: Basse's use of the command players-tribute. Replacing this command with players-tribute-memory allows going back and forth multiple times. It goes from immobile to a simple AI made by Leif(also by the request of Mithril Knight).

At the request of Mithril Knight.
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Lazarus II
File Author
D: Sorry anyone who downloaded this. This version had an error... Updating..
Official Reviewer
Lazarus II-
If you have the time, would you be able to script an AI for me that can switch between Immobile, Aggressive, Standard, and Passive?

These links might be useful:

Such an AI would provide infinite opportunities for scenario designers.
Lazarus II
File Author
Hmm... Well its possible
Just a bit time consuming
Maybe I'll try.
Lazarus II
File Author
So aggressive would be just like the original immobile aggresive where it just makes its soldiers move around and fight, and passive being the other link you posted?

EDIT: This double post failure...

The thing is with the "standard AI" in this file, it was made to play only very specific settings. A better shoice would be a different ai for the standard. My question is, what AI do you want for the standard? The one in it right now is only for 75 pop feudal start, very unusual settings for a normal game.

EDIT AGAIN: Made a first version, standard AI is the same as the AI I described above. Tell me what AI you want it to be, just can't be anything really complicated, like a 1000 rule AI.

Have a computer player tribute it resources to change its play style.
Starts as immobile.

10 food: Normal
10 gold: Immobile(units do not move, note that villagers may continue moving)
10 wood: Aggresive
10 stone: VERY PASSIVE(soldiers aid each other within a small distance)
20 stone: Passive(soldiers aid each other within a certain distance)
30 stone: Semi passive(units under attack are aided by the other soldiers, from any distance, soldiers explore)

In all passive settings, villagers move and build farms

[Edited on 10/14/12 @ 12:07 AM]

Official Reviewer
Sorry for not getting back to you in the last couple days. Ideally, the "standard" AI would be a very challenging AI like AllianceThundaEmpire by Doktor Mabuse. However, if that is not possible, I completely understand, and I sincerely thank you for taking the time to script the AI.
Lazarus II
File Author
lol Making it switch to AllianceThunderEmpire would take a LOOONGGG time to do.. maybe eventually :D
Promiskuitiv Lazarus you could just take an AI which only uses one .per file, open it, control + H -> replace "(defrule" with "(defrule(goal X standard)", test for errors (rule too long), fix them if necessary and you're done. :P

[Edited on 10/16/12 @ 05:35 AM]

Lazarus II
File Author
Hmm... lol forgot the replace function :D failure lol

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