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Utilities » Off-Map Cliffs!

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Off-Map Cliffs!

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(id: OtmShankIiI)
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Version: The Conquerors 1.0c
Off-Map Cliffs!
(Previously unknown as Continued Cliffs)

Well, here it is. Updated, 40% more comprehensive and ~90% less "noobish".

This small rotation trick allows scenario designers to make cliffs seem to go off-map, by replacing it with a straight piece... next to the map's edge!

What use could it have, however is up to everyone to think, given how underrated this trick is.

(Hit that download button. Now. Come on, you know you want to. Unzip the file and enlighten yourself. Happy editing.)
AuthorComments & Reviews   ( All | Comments Only | Reviews Only )
Official Reviewer
Very good finding, this is new for me.

As for the Immobile Units AI GOLD, is this another joke like the statue and the victory conditions?

If not, set the 'Number of Players' to '1 Player', you do not need an ally for this kind of utility.
Cesar Bernardi Excellent. Quite an obvious trick, I'm surprised no one noticed before you. I have my share of experiments with the rotation tool (have a search around the Blacksmith for my Gate templates), but then again I never thought of this.

The only downside is the lack of some of the cliff's rotation graphics, which would probably give a greater range to this trick. But then again, we wouldn't have the invisible cliffs...
Official Reviewer
Thanks for the update. I edited the credit for Immobile Units AI GOLD out of your description; you do not use them for the one player map anymore.

I indeed like it! It made me go back to the editor after a long time. XD

Some ideas to make your utility perfect, you wrote "First, draw a cliff, parallel to the edge of the map." You drew the cliffs vertical to the map edges. I am not trying to be fussy, read to the end please. You also wrote, "Unafortunately, it will not work at the bottom right edge of the map (dunno why)." The reason that it does not work, the cliff piece nearest to the right edge becomes invisible when you rotate it. At the left edge, the cliff piece off the edge becomes invisible by rotating. To make it work on the right edge, draw the cliff parallel to the edge of the map just as you proposed in the in game text. Rotate the top part, delete the lower part and draw another cliff piece over the rotated one. The noise by creating outposts is annoying, use a Gaia outpost or place timed map revealers. Last not least the title, "Useful Crap:" will not generate many downloads which your utility deserves, "by OtmShankIiI" is superfluous, unprofessional, your name appears everywhere with your download, "Continued Cliffs at the Map Edges" tells the potential downloader what to expect.
Woad85 Cooooool cliffs....
Plasmaflow i came across this too, but thought nobody would be interested - haha
Official Reviewer
Well, I am interested and it is in the Blacksmith News. :)
Official Reviewer
"Off-Map Cliffs!" is a very small utility under the form of a .scx tutorial, which basically explains the very obvious and not complicated, but at the same time very useful and underrated trick of having the cliffs at the edge of the map look better by creating the illusion that they continue off-map.

Usefulness/Novelty: 4
This was new to me, even though I sometimes played around with rotating cliffs in the editor, I never actually thought of giving it this particular use.

One might say this isn't actually that useful, and it's a really small and unimportant part of a design. To them I say, a great design involves paying attention to detail. And this is one of those details that can give your map extra depth and realism. Particularly if you're doing a minigame, or a game where for some reason the map edges play a very important part.

The trick is actually very easy and would not really necessitate an in-depth tutorial, however it is so easy that people don't even think about it. All the more reason to congratulate Lurkur aka OtmShankIiI for uploading it.

Quality/Instructions: 5
Like I said, the trick is very easy. However, it's always good to have someone patiently and clearly explain a trick to you, and this is what this is. A very easy to understand tutorial that shows you by visual means what you are supposed to do. The archive also contains a text file that contains everything you need to know about the utility. Even the map design in the scenario looks really good. Nothing to complain about here.

Additional Comments:
A very simple trick, but a very good one, and useful for those who want to take their maps to the next level. After going through the scenario you will probably be asking yourself how come you never thought of that. Recommended download.

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