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Ring of Ice

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Version: AoM: The Titans
UPDATED 3/26/2018
There should now be herdable animals, namely cows; I'd forgotten about that. I also reduced the average number of berry bushes to 5, since theres so much other food and each bush has more food than chickens have.

Ring of Ice, by Garn, made in RMS Creator 2.0.1 beta!

Unlike MapGen, RMS Creator 2.0.1 beta allows you to place objects within a certain radius of each player's spawn area, so you can, for example, put chickens and/or berry bushes, medium gold mine(s), and trees and even fish close to every starting town center, which I did.

This RMS is intended to be as close to a regular ensemble RMS as possible, except for the shape of the map.

This is very different from the similar Ring of Fire map that I made because this map has water, and also fish.

This map should work with between 2 and 12 players, but it is very thin with 2 players, and not so much with 12 players.

Please inform me via this map's comment section if something is wrong with this map that is not already listed below.
Do NOT contact me by e-mail; I used a temporary address.

-berry bushes, a medium gold mine, and trees are near every starting TC, like in ensemble RMSes
-2 large gold mines, 1 relic and 2 unowned settlements on the map per player; they're both supposed to be somewhat far from your TC, like on an ensemble RMS... but every unowned settlement has another one next to it; otherwise there wouldn't always be 2 unowned settlements near every starting TC if theres 12 players
-some distance from your starting TC are packs of cairobu, and some wolves and polar bears(not boars, serpents and shades, that was a c/p mistake)
-a shorter distance from your starting TCs are clusters of trees, instead of proper forests
-there are salmon in the water near every player's starting TC

-gold mines may be too close to eachother, and settlements are placed in clusters of two, because I otherwise wasn't able to make the game place 2 unowned settlements near every player
-I hadn't gotten the foresting tool (New Area->Type=Forest) to work the way that I wanted to work, so I placed clusters of trees instead, which actually worked out pretty well
-if you play this map with 2 players on normal, causing the map to not be very big, titans are gonna have a hard time getting to the other side of the map, but they should be able to get there, at least if you cut down trees
-the map isn't actually a perfect circle, but its close enough to be mistaken for one
-the AI won't use the water; I really don't know how to get them to use it via RMS creator 2.0.1 beta, and I don't actually know .xs scripting

installation instructions:
step 1: go to your AoM directory that has the .exe file that starts the game
step 2: go to the rm2 folder
step 3: put the .xs and .xml files that you downloaded into the rm2 folder
step 4: if AoM is currently running, reboot the game, then you should be able to play the map after you start the game back up

Ring of Ice.RMP is the file that I used in RMS Creator 2.0.1 beta to create this map; you can just delete that file if you want, or you can download RMS Creator 2.0.1 at the below link and load it up to edit it!
Big thanks to Hermes_D for making that program.
AuthorComments & Reviews   ( All | Comments Only | Reviews Only )
Rating: 5
Very balanced, strategically good map! I really enjoyed playing each time. Very thanks for this map!
Additional comments:
Siege ships rule! :D

[Edited on 03/28/18 @ 11:02 AM]

Legendary Raider
(id: avaget)
Rating: 5
(Insert Rating analysis here)

Additional Comments:
as previous reviewer said - good map, good balance of resources.
overall - excellent
That AoM Guy
(id: aom expert)
Hey Garn, please update your account with an actual email that we can use to contact you.

Quoted from the Code of Conduct:

"You are required to keep your forum account's email address up-to-date. If a warning sent to the email address on record bounces, your account will be banned and you will have to fill out an Unban Request Form to have your account unbanned"
Niley The map is really funny but it's a bit weird that town centers are right nex to each other. I actually did a little modification of the map which I like to play a lot now. If you want you can have it :P
File Author
I would like to see that modified version of this map, Niley; if I like it, I'll update this map to be that map and give you partial credit for it... provided that I'm still around by then.

P.S.; I've updated my email, which I would've done much earlier if I'd hadn't basically forgotten about AoM and this place over the past few years. I've just recently come back for a time.

[Edited on 01/15/22 @ 11:08 AM]

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