Housing Requirements

Plebs (Insulae)

To keep plebs happy, they need:

  • One type of food
  • Access to water
Housing levelRequirementsNumber of occupants
Small InsulaNothing70
Medium InsulaOne type of basic goods110
Large InsulaTwo types of basic goods, fountain water150

Equites (Domus)

Equites would like to have:

  • Two types of food
  • Access to water
  • Two types of basic goods

If they don’t have any other complaints about the city, they will be satisfied with just one type of food, one basic good, and water.

Housing levelRequirementsNumber of occupants
Small DomusNothing40
Medium DomusOne type of luxury goods, fountain water60
Large DomusTwo types of luxury goods, city walls80


Patricians would like to have:

  • Pipe access provided by a reservoir
  • Three types of food
  • Three types of basic goods
  • Two types of luxury goods

However, if other matters in the city are to their liking, they will be satisfied with only two food types, two basic goods and one luxury good.

Upgrading patrician housing does not change the number of people that can live in the house: there are always 30 patricians living there.

Entertainment requirements in parentheses are suggested entertainment buildings, see below for more information.

Housing levelExotic goodsEntertainment
Small VillaNothing
Medium Villa10Healthcare: clinic or hospital, (entertainment: odeum)
Large Villa20Hygiene: barber shop or bathhouse, religion: one god, (entertainment: theater)
Small Estate1 type30Education: school or library
Medium Estate2 types45Religion: two gods, justice: basilica or forum, (entertainment: arena)
Large Estate3 types60Healthcare: both clinic and hospital, education: school
Small Mansion4 types70Hygiene: both barber shop and bathhouse, religion: three gods, city walls, (entertainment: coliseum)
Medium Mansion5 types85Education: both school and library
Grand Mansion6 types100Religion: four gods, justice: both forum and basilica

Entertainment explained

A house’s entertainment access is not measured by the number of different venues the house has access to. Instead, each type of entertainment venue contributes a certain number of points, and each patrician housing level requires a number of entertainment points to evolve, as listed in the table above.

The following table lists the number of entertainment points per venue.

Coliseum with gladiators only15
Coliseum with animals only30
Coliseum with gladiators and animals45

Example calculation: a patrician home has access to a theater, an arena, and a coliseum with only gladiators (no animals). From the above table, we see that it has 20+25+15 = 60 entertainment points, so the home will evolve to a large estate.