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Legends of Middle Earth

Author File Description
Stephen Caines
File Details
Version: AoM: The Titans
Compatibility: Requires Age of Mythology The Titans Expansion version 1.03
AoM:TT and LoME cannot be run concurrently.

Basic Overview

Legends of Middle Earth is a full makeover of Age of Mythology: The Titans, and provides for both normal Single Player Random maps where you can play as Men, Elves, Orcs, Dwarves; or the traditional LOTR campaigns. You can play multi-user using directly connected PC’s, but the game is not ESO-compatible.

The Campaigns

The Campaign Menu has five options:
  • The Hobbit

  • Fellowship of the Ring (FOTR)

  • The Two Towers (TTT)

  • The Return of the King (ROTK)

  • Adventures in Middle Earth

FOTR and TTT are complete campaigns. ROTK is a work in progress and only the first 4 scenarios are included at present. The Hobbit currently holds a prequel scenario that lets people know that the slot is available for anyone to use once the movie is out.
Adventures in Middle Earth is really just a place where you can put your own Middle Earth creations or those others have posted – I’ve noticed a few good ones – It has two example scenarios.

To install:
  1. Download the .zip file

  2. Extract and run the Legend of Middle Earth 4.0 application, if prompted to use the current Age of Mythology folder say yes. THIS WILL NOT OVERWRITE ANY STANDARD AOM:TT FILES

To run:
  1. Run the AOMEmod.exe in your Age of Mythology folder (or click the desktop icon if you requested one)

  2. Click the Campaign button on the Main Menu.

  3. Choose the campaign of your choice – most likely The Two Towers!

  4. Select first scenario – most likely Foundations of Stone - and difficulty level.

  5. Click the Start Button.

  6. Random Map play goes through the same process as AoM:TT and unfortunately uses the same maps. Most of the stuff is in the online tech tree so use this to inform your selection. Some of the newer stuff cannot be built or trained at present (though my kids are hassling me do fix this). I will get around to it!

Acknowledgements: A lot of people played a role in this game – click Game Credits for a full list, but for the last year or so it has been down to Guardian of Isis and myself. We thank you for your patience! ROTK has no target completion date and I will release updates separately as they are done.
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AuthorComments & Reviews   ( All | Comments Only | Reviews Only )
hoodedwarbler12 Great work, Stephen Caines! I can't wait to see what everyone thinks!
(id: X_MOSS)
I do the work of posting the file then you approve it, way to steal my thunder. :p
hoodedwarbler12 There are some horrible problems when I try to play! Everything works until it's time for the game to start. When I start a Random Map, it has an error and closes. Same with the campaign. What could be causing this?

EDIT: I just had to extract from the bar files. I wonder why, but now it's just great and amazing!

[Edited on 02/21/11 @ 01:13 PM]

Stephen Caines
File Author
@hoodedwarbler12 - can you expand on your comment.

@Yeebaagooon /X_MOSS - thanks for loading it!

[Edited on 02/21/11 @ 06:11 PM]

hoodedwarbler12 Okay. Without the bar extraction, it shows some textures and all models in the main menu, but not terrain at all. I can hear sounds, though. I can't play the campaign or the maps. After I extract everything is fine.
Stephen Caines
File Author
@hoodedwarbler12 - Hmmm! I have checked everything, and cannot see why the texture bar file is not loaded. Had you used the standard AoM:TT before hand? Maybe it is due to some segments of code being left resident in memory??? Also what version of Microsoft O/S are you using? I had some glitches on my son's Vista laptops, but it seemed to clear after a reload. I have Windows 7 on mine.

hoodedwarbler12 I had played Titans earlier, that could be it. I'm using XP 32 bit.

[Edited on 02/21/11 @ 07:41 PM]

Stephen Caines
File Author
@hoodedwarbler12 - OK, well 95% of the game was developed on XP, but in separating the sceanrios from one to five .bar files the number of .bar files loaded went from 13 to 17. I did this on W7.

Maybe 16 is the limit on 32-bit machines?? If you want to test this, edit the meblist.txt file in the base AoM folder and put a semi-colon (;) in front of the Directors Cut anim line. This will reduce the number of bar files back to 16.

But then again I am pretty sure Vista is 32-bit and a reload fixed it.
WinstonShnozwick Wow, this looks awesome! Very good job to all of the people that took their time and effort into creating this.
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