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Modding Discussions
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Topic Subject: Age of Empires III: The World Modd
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posted 12-19-06 07:09 PM EDT (US)   
Age of Empires III : Orders and Saints is pretty much dead right now, and the thread hasn't has a reply in well over a month, and is very unorganized. So here is the Mod as it stands now..

Completion: 17%

Release Date: 95 Days

Age of Empires III : World Mod v. 1.5 is a continuation of the first mod that I made for Age of Empires III. It originally included four new civs, and several new units for European civs. But it is getting streamlined, and all the bugs and problems with it are getting removed. The Europeans are losing their mideval units and are getting some more Civil War type units, such as more types of rockets, grapeshot guns, snipers, and more cavalry types. The Mughals wont be in this version, as they were too hard to work with, and instead there will only be the Mexicans, Safavids, and Japanese, and one other.

HiroshimaChild fixed many of the bugs and errors from the original mod, as well as unintentionally adding quite a few more bugs, and I am going to be working off of that version, so you can say that he was apart of the devellopment team at one point. You can still download that version and the previous version in the downloads section.
Main Creator, Main Programmer, Main Graphics ::: Bobbbo Ob
Additional graphics ::: Ishtarleijos
Flags::: Lord Tahattus
Testers::: Abadu
Additional ideas::: Bcmax, Abadu, Captain_Soanso Irish_legend8, Brocktree_101, HiroshimaChild

Table of Contents
1. Features
2. New Civs
3. Eruopean Units
4. New mercenaries


3 added Civs, the Mexicans, Safavids, and Japanese, with their own unique strategies, unique units, and home cities.
1 more Random Civ. I wont say anything about it.
3 new units for each European civ.
3 new mercenaries for Each European civ.
1 Version for regular AOEIII, and 1 Version Rebalanced and Redesigned for the Warchiefs civs.
A Reworked UI.

New Civs

Completion: 75%

Homecity: Veracruz

Veracruz is a heavily fortified city on the east coast of Mexico. The Fortifications in the city are the srtongest in the entire western hemisphere and have been in place sine the 1600's. Pirates, the Spanish, and the French on several occasions have tried to storm the city, but have never been able to fully take it. Only the Americans have been able to take it, but it was only on the condition that there was no army protecting it, only several thousand disgruntled citizens.

Leader: Santa Anna

Santa Anna is considered to be a National Hero, even a Saint to some, and also a National Enemy,even Satan incarnate to others. He was probably the best General of his time, but his military Genieus took a back seat to his arrogance, which has caused him to lose many battles against the Americans,but also to win many a battle against the Spanish and French. He was also Mexico's President many times as well. He has had his bad points, probably more so than any other Great Leader in history. as he has lost the country to the Americans in 1848, and has lost Mexico City to the Spanish and French several times, as well as losing Texas and Central America to Rebels, throwing his nation at the mercy of many World powers. After Santa Anna lost the Mexican American War in 1848, he went to live in his Ranch in Southern Mexico, where he stayed, playing very little part in politics until his death.

has a rather low settler population, but can research more different techs than other nations to increase their gather rates. also at any time, mexico can turn a settler into a Militia, Cadet Infantry, or a Lancer Resistance.
Can build three more outposts than other nations can.

Mexico used to be home to the Mighty Aztec and Mayan Civilizations, and the Olmecs before them. Now though, Mexico is a civ with outdated weaponry and its infrastructure is falling apart. To make matters worse, the United States wants all of Mexico's Northern Territories, and will even start a war over it. Mexico isn't prepared for such a war, but is willing to stand up for their national pride and defend their nation from the American Invaders.

Lancer Resistance


Artillery Depot
Infantry Cannon

Fishing Boat

Home City
Cadet Musketeer

-Militia - A weak gunpowder unit. Mexico's Equivelant to the Europeans Crossbowmen., but is stronger against Cavalry than Infantry.
-Lancer Resistance- A powerful Lance weilding unit. Good against infantry rather than cavalry. They sometimes dress in bright colors, other times, in very dull colors.
-Pistolero- A unit that shoots as fast but is more powerful than a Musketeer but costs more coin than food.
-Cazadore- Mexico's Equivelant to Portugual's Cacadore.
-Scout- Very light cavalry. and costs only one pop.
-Infantry Cannon- Slow moving cannon that is moved only by infantry and not by horses.
-Corvette- Fast moving Galleon type ship. Not very powerful though, trains units faster than a Galleon does as well.
-Cadet Musketeer - Young inexpirenced musketeer. less powerful than a regular musketeer. Has high armor though and costs no population.

Completion: 38%

Mercenaries are cheaper, and can be sent faster than other nations.

The Safavid Dynasty of the Persian Empire was at its height in the late 1600's, but the endless wars with the Ottomans and the Mughals are startign to take its toll. Shah's are being murdered left and right, the old Religion of Mithra and Zorroastorism is being choked out by Islam, and all traces of the Persians once great Glory is being wiped out. and Now, the Europeans want to set up colonies, on Persian Lands. The Safavids wont stand for this, and a long bloody war will most definitely ensue. But the Safavids military is waning, the power is mostly in desert raiders and feudal lords than in the actual government.



Artillery Depot
Abuss Gun

Fishing Boat

Home City

-Bashi-Bazouk- Leaderless irregular soldiers. The Persian Bashi use Bows when they are in battle, even going as far as to use their feet to hold the bow then pulling the string back with their hands, causing the arrow to fly to extreme velocities, sometimes as fast as a lead bullet temporarily until the air pressure slows down the arrow. they can pierce armor very easily.
-Raider- These Sword wielding soldiers aren't under the employ of any government, but are more of mercenaries, taking their pay in gold instead of food.
-Akinci- Akincis are rather light cavalry, and are not usually very heavily armored. They are the Persian's equivelant of hussars that europeans and the Ottomans have.
-Gureba- Gureba's are heavy Cavalry soldiers. They are also heavily armored and have quite a high attack as well.
-Silahdir- These are cavalry archers, very similar to the Russians and Ottomans. The Silahdir has more range though, and costs more.
-Rocketeer- Like the Chinese of which the Safavids trade with very often, the Safavids use rockets regularly on the battlefield. The Technology was stolen from the Chinese, but Safavid rockets aren't made of paper, nor metal like European concrieve rockets. They are made of scarce palm wood and the wood is formed into the rocket. Metal peices are often filled into the rocket as well, so nearby enemy units will usually get hit by shrapnel.
-Sepahi- The Persian Spahi. The Sepahi isn't as well armored but instead of using a mace, the Sepahi swings around a long sword that is similar to a Claymore, but is more curved as to be able to be swung faster.

Completion: 63%

japan is nearing the end of its feudal and Isolationist state of society. Samurai are still heavily embedded into Society and so are tales of Demons and Ninja. But Muskets are becoming very widespread, and the Clans who are in constant war with eachother have very little power unlike what they had a few hundred years before.

Ashigaru Arquebusier
Ashigaru Pikeman

Uma Samurai
Cavalry Archer

Artillery Depot

Fishing boat
Red Seal ship

Home City

-Ashigaru Arquebusier- No more than Conscripted soldiers. Most have never even seen a gun. This Arquebusier uses a primitive Wheelock and later the Flint-lock Musket. Originally invented by Leonardo Da vinci, the Japanese copied them when a Portuguese ship crashed on shore of Japanese lands. Now the Musket is a formidable weapon, though mostly Forbiden by many local lords in their armies.
-Ashigaru Pikeman- This is japans Pikeman. The Ashigaru Pikeman is trained better than the Ashigaru Arquebusier and has more hitpoints.
-Samurai- heavy infantry. High attack. low health though. A Samcurai can upgrade once in the Fortress age, Twice in the Industrial Age and can still upgrade a fourth time in the Imperial age.
-Uma Samurai- A Mounted Samurai.
-Rocketeer- Japanese Rockets are similar to Persian Rockets but they are made of metal and various types of Oak, Willow and other woods.
-Red Seal Ship- This ship is a fast moving trading ship. But also has its own cannons and fire arrows to attack enemies.
-Shohei- Mystic Priest unit. Heals at twice the rate of regular healing methods.
-Ninja- Unlike the Mercenaries that Europeans hire such as spies and assasins, a Japanese Ninja is more loyal to the Japanese than Europeans, and they can stay under stealth for much longer as well as they can attack twice before their stealth gets removed.
-yamabushi- Mountain Monks. They have rather large pikes and spears, and are quite a bit more powerful than a standard European Halberdier.

European New Units
Completion: 6%

Sniper - Very long ranged unit, and can have stealth. the problem is though is that they have the lowest hp count in the game, but also the highest attack in the game.
Marksman - A Powerful skirmisher, but has much less hitpoints.
Rocketeer - European Rockets are often made of metal, or very hard wood, such as Oak trees.
Harquebusier - Heavily armoured Dragoon unit.
Saker - Stronger cannon than a Falconet but still weaker than a heavy cannon, but this can be trained.
Minion - Stronger than a Culverin and can be trained unlike heavy cannons.
Old Guard - Not just for the French, all civs have an Old Guard something, be it grenadiers, Lancers, Musketeers, or Hussars and can be trained from your Town Center.
Young Guard/ Cadet units - Aside From Mexico's Cadet Musketeers, every civ also has a cadet unit that can be trained from the Town Center.
Clipper Ship - This ship is very fast, and can transport Military units quickly, but they cannot transport as much as other ships.
Line Ship - This Heavy Frigate is made only for the Front lines of a Large Scale Naval Battle. They are meant to take a big pounding while you maneuver your stronger ships around the enemy, flanking them, and attacking them from all sides.
Marine - The Spanish, Russians, French, and Especially the British have a long Naval history and have Soldiers trained specially for naval battles. Garrisoning them inside of a ship raises its attack, and the Marine is also a strong land unit. They have little hitpoints though, and can fall easily against Artillery.

European New Mercenaries Most of my new mercenaries are not historically accurate, or are entirely fictional alltogether.

Bayou Cannoneers - These cannoneers come from the Southeastern United States. They use regular Cast Iron Cannons, but they often fire just about anything out of it. One type of ball that is fired is a type of wooden cannonball that is Made of Live Oak. It doesn't burn, or explode on impact, and can be reused for a number of times just like Iron cannon balls, and they are cheaper to produce. They are cheaper to produce because The Southeastern united states had only one Ironworks. So it was more effective and economical to create cannonballs from Dried Oak than Cast Iron.
Pocket Pistol - This is a very large Cannon that can fire a cannon ball more than three miles away and still be accurate. it can fire a cannonball of up to a hundred pounds, and sometimes they are hollow and filled with explosives. You have to use your explorer to build this very powerful cannon after you send a card from the HC. It has little hitpoints though and can be captured by an enemy so be careful. It has no LOS, and you have to send scouts in across the map before you can take aim, but be careful, as this unit can damage your own units, so use a unit with a high LOS such as an abuss gun, or Skirmishers.
Dog Cabin- The Alps are a treacherous place for travellers, and places up there have trained dogs, often large furry ones to withstand the cold. These dogs are trained to seek out the scent of a person. Getting a Dog cabin shipment allows you to train a limited number of Alpine dogs. These dogs have a heal ability like priests but can only use it once per dog per game. Being big dogs, they also have a pounce ability which can deal out lots of damage to a single unit and some more to surrounding units.

[This message has been edited by Bobbbo Ob (edited 01-25-2007 @ 03:31 PM).]

posted 12-19-06 07:10 PM EDT (US)     1 / 104  
I am reserving this post by myself for myself for Screenshots of the Mod. Look for them next week.
posted 12-19-06 07:17 PM EDT (US)     2 / 104  
Bobbbo, nice thread, but didn't fit the screen properly. Why don't you resize it?

Lord Tahattus - Register yourselves at the WotTA forum!
War of the Triple Alliance Beta!
Flags for new Civilizations, The Asian Dynasties, Knights and Barbarians and Napoleonic Era
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posted 12-19-06 07:23 PM EDT (US)     3 / 104  
works fine here

posted 12-19-06 07:32 PM EDT (US)     4 / 104  
Weird. Here, his main logo and "loading bars" go off-screen.

Lord Tahattus - Register yourselves at the WotTA forum!
War of the Triple Alliance Beta!
Flags for new Civilizations, The Asian Dynasties, Knights and Barbarians and Napoleonic Era
TWC Tutorials: Basics of Modding - The List of Modding No-nos - Adding a Nation - Music and Sounds - Initilization Failed

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posted 12-19-06 08:16 PM EDT (US)     5 / 104  
I think your fourth civ should be the American Civ.

Go tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that loyal to them, here we lie

Heed to Sparta, that on this hill, we lie loyal to them still

Go tell to Sparta, what you have read, that loyal to them, we lie now dead...

posted 12-19-06 08:42 PM EDT (US)     6 / 104  
Lol, aren't the mexicans americans?

Lord Tahattus - Register yourselves at the WotTA forum!
War of the Triple Alliance Beta!
Flags for new Civilizations, The Asian Dynasties, Knights and Barbarians and Napoleonic Era
TWC Tutorials: Basics of Modding - The List of Modding No-nos - Adding a Nation - Music and Sounds - Initilization Failed

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posted 12-19-06 10:33 PM EDT (US)     7 / 104  
What's the last civilization going to be?

׺°˜`°º×ALL HAIL THE UNCLELAND!׺°˜`°º×[/ind]\

[ind]Help to reveal the Dumbo Conspiracy to the World!

posted 12-20-06 00:48 AM EDT (US)     8 / 104  
Nice thread but Lord Tahattus is right, if you get the time make the loading bars and the main logo a bit smaller please.

It works fine in 1280x1024 but most forummers have a smaller resolution I think.

posted 12-20-06 01:25 AM EDT (US)     9 / 104  
The loading bars could be a bit smaller, I use 1024 so they extend into the black unknown.

For the rest, nice thread, looks much better than the old one.

|| Cherub at AoE3H
|| In honor of FlipBizcut
|| Mod: The Age of Crusades
posted 12-20-06 03:10 AM EDT (US)     10 / 104  
Looks great. Snipers sound like a lot of fun, I was thinking about a sniper-like unit that could be implemented into the game just the other day. Looking forward to the Mexicans!

I do wish Australia appeared in a mod, though. Not as a civ, just maps and tribes. But hey, you may surprise me yet.

"You cannot discover an inhabited land. Otherwise I could cross the Atlantic and 'discover' England."
- Dekhatkadons, Onondaga Iroquois chief.
posted 12-20-06 12:35 PM EDT (US)     11 / 104  
posted 12-20-06 04:15 PM EDT (US)     12 / 104  
Just a idea for japan:You can give them a better explorer,the shogun(like a warchief),wich train samurais and give nearby infantry an atack boost
posted 12-20-06 10:30 PM EDT (US)     13 / 104  



A unit that uses a Revolver as a weapon. It is called the exact same thing in Spanish except for an Accent mark. I know that they should probably be called something different, but, ah well.


The loading bars could be a bit smaller, I use 1024 so they extend into the black unknown.

Thanks for bringing up a problem with the graphics. My computers res is 1200 x 800 so it appears just fine. The loading bars and title picture is x800 wide right now. x600 should be visible to everyone then. I'll resize it later.


Just a idea for japan:You can give them a better explorer,the shogun(like a warchief),wich train samurais and give nearby infantry an atack boost

I don't have anything planned for the Explorer's at this time.

Edit: Added Homecity and leader information and history to Mexico.

[This message has been edited by bobbbo ob (edited 12-20-2006 @ 11:15 PM).]

posted 12-21-06 03:05 AM EDT (US)     14 / 104  
what will the last civ be plzzz make them arabs (or sarcins as in age:2)

and why dont you call the safids persins cuz the safids wher only rulers not type of people

[This message has been edited by yoyozzz (edited 12-21-2006 @ 03:17 AM).]

posted 12-21-06 05:45 AM EDT (US)     15 / 104  
no plzzzz make uzbequistan! pleaaase?

Lord Tahattus - Register yourselves at the WotTA forum!
War of the Triple Alliance Beta!
Flags for new Civilizations, The Asian Dynasties, Knights and Barbarians and Napoleonic Era
TWC Tutorials: Basics of Modding - The List of Modding No-nos - Adding a Nation - Music and Sounds - Initilization Failed

WotTA back to active!
posted 12-21-06 06:58 PM EDT (US)     16 / 104  
Bobbbo ob, you, Tahattus, and Kast0r are by far my favorite modders. Could I be of assistance? I could help you with the final civ and units and junk.

׺°˜`°º×ALL HAIL THE UNCLELAND!׺°˜`°º×[/ind]\

[ind]Help to reveal the Dumbo Conspiracy to the World!

posted 12-22-06 02:46 PM EDT (US)     17 / 104  
Can you post some general info about your mod? For example the theme, timeline, ...

Btw., why you were banned?

posted 01-01-07 03:19 AM EDT (US)     18 / 104  

My friend my congratulations Put to Santa Anna and not Juarez is soberbius I think that Santa Anna is the best General of Mexico (But Doroteo Aranda is muuuuch better that Santa Anna) so, a Mexican Civ; a suggestion?
Put Dorados, and the Zacapoaxtlas; this units are an icon in the mexican army.

PD: AGGGGG yo también ando haciendo mi propia civilización mexicana y me esta quedando chida, si no hay problema luego la pongo.

¡Ah! ¿No es cierto, ángel de amor,
que en esta apartada orilla
más pura la luna brilla
y se respira mejor?
--------------------------Don Juan Tenorio-----------------
posted 01-01-07 08:24 AM EDT (US)     19 / 104  
posted 01-02-07 08:53 PM EDT (US)     20 / 104  
Want to know what the fourth civ is? everyone has to wait a little longer. But here is Two things that the Civ is not...

- A Latin Speaking Civ.
- A Civ that practices Monotheism beliefs as a religion.

posted 01-02-07 10:04 PM EDT (US)     21 / 104  
Mayans. Tainos. Some sort of Native American civilization, I don't know what.

׺°˜`°º×ALL HAIL THE UNCLELAND!׺°˜`°º×[/ind]\

[ind]Help to reveal the Dumbo Conspiracy to the World!

posted 01-02-07 11:07 PM EDT (US)     22 / 104  
Not even close. Keep guessing though. I want to see if someone can figure it out before I say what the fourth civ is.
posted 01-03-07 10:03 AM EDT (US)     23 / 104  
Chinese, Indians, Arabs, Byzantines?

Lord Tahattus - Register yourselves at the WotTA forum!
War of the Triple Alliance Beta!
Flags for new Civilizations, The Asian Dynasties, Knights and Barbarians and Napoleonic Era
TWC Tutorials: Basics of Modding - The List of Modding No-nos - Adding a Nation - Music and Sounds - Initilization Failed

WotTA back to active!
posted 01-03-07 10:23 AM EDT (US)     24 / 104  
Inuit,Zulus or Maoris?
posted 01-03-07 04:08 PM EDT (US)     25 / 104  
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Age of Empires III Heaven » Forums » Modding Discussions » Age of Empires III: The World Modd
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