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Topic Subject: The Splash Splash Screenplay Thread - Pirates Ahoy!
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posted 08-14-06 10:52 AM CT (US)   
The Splash Splash Screenplay Thread
Pirates Ahoy!

Splash Splash Screenplay v.3.14159265
By Oliver

Narrator: I guess I should start this screenplay with some witty comment on Arocracy, Scud's lack of humour and the general leetness of a certain forumer named after a peculiar thing that's not quite a fruit, not quite a berry but very much a tasteful addition to a Greek tomato salad, but instead I've decided to jump right into the story and open up the floor for nav.
nav: Yarr.
ax_1: Couldn't have said it better myself.
nav: Shut up you.
ax_1: Sorry.
nav: Yarr, so he we be on our faithful vessel Cow Gone Mad, the fastest ship on the seven seas and CC's bathtub. But, I must say, saillin be awfully dull without a quest.
ax_1: A quest!
zyx: A quest!
nav: Indeed, a quest.
Everyone else: A quest! We have a quest! *dances*
Aro: No we don't. nav was merely pointing out that we lack a quest and therefore should attemt to get one.
zyx: Always trying to be the smart one, huh? I say we keelhaul Aro. All in favor say aye.
ax_1: Aye.
nav: Aye.
Oliver: Aii.
zyx: What do you mean, 'aii'?
Oliver: Well, I'm sorry, but due to my ridiculous Swedish accent I cannot pronounce certain words correctly. What I really wanted to say was 'Aye'.
zyx: Oh.
ax_1: Should we count that as an aye?
nav: Hmm, I'm not sure. In the spirit of democracy, I say we should vote if Oliver's 'Aii' should be counted as an aye. All in favor say aye.
ax_1: Aye.
zyx: Aye.
Oliver: Aii.
nav: Hmm. Something wen't wrong, there. I say we should vote again. All in favor say aye.
ax_1: Aye.
zyx: Aye.
Oliver: Aii.
ax_1: You know, I have this strange feeling that this isn't going anywhere.
nav: That is because you are... the One! [dramatic trumpet fanfare]
zyx: CK! This is not the right time or place to do your trumpet exercises!
CK: Sorry. *puts away trumpet*
zyx: That's better, now-- hey! Where did Aro go?
Oliver: Vaporized?
Ax_1: Kidnapped?
CK: Eaten by lesbian gorillas?
nav: Or all three?
zyx: Kidnapped, vaporized and eaten by lesbian gorillas? Isn't that a bit of overkill?
nav: Perhaps. But if we should have a quest, we should have a good one.
Ax_1: It's not good if it doesn't have ninjas.
Oliver: And wizards.
Trebuchet King: NINJA WIZARDS!
nav: That was old even before LoTR was written.
Ax_1: So we have a quest then?
CK: Looks like.
nav: Alright.


Zyx: Strike that part about Steven Seagal's teapot, I gotta be home by nine.
nav: K.
Zyx: And fix your caps lock button. It's quite annoying.

The Quest For Aro, in Which We Heroically Rescue Our Lovable Dictator From Man-Eating Lesbian Gorillas
And Don't Find Steven Seagal's Teapot, Because We Haven't Got Enough Time.

Splash Splash Screenplay v3.15
By Thunder 77

nav: Navigator Raptor!
Raptor: Aye, cap'n?
nav: Where are we?
Raptor: Not sure, sir.
nav: Aye. You're fired. Give me the map.
Raptor: Here you are, sir. *hands map to nav*
nav: Swab the deck, mate!
Rapter: I'll try, cap'n.
Thudunder: Captain! I think I see Aro in the water!
nav: Why the heck would he water?
Thudunder: Aye, he just swam ashore a small island. Looks like there's something coming out of the--
nav: ...What is it, lookout?
Thudunder: Looks like he just got tackled and kidnapped by some huge gorillas wearing lipstick...
*awkward silence*
Oliver: Let me guess, they have rayguns?
Thudunder: Can't tell...
Thudunder: *erupts with laughter*
nav: Avast, what's so funny, lookout?
Thundunder: They're giving him a cucumber mask! And they're putting olives on his eyes!
Oliver: Those fiends!
CK: Wait, how can you tell they're lesbians and not just normal transvestites?
Thudunder: Aye, I can't.
CK: *begins to climb up to the crow's nest* Let me see.
Thudunder: *hands CK the scope*
CK: *looks into it for a second* Ugh. *looks sickly* I just found out.
Thudunder: Aye?
CK: They're lesbians. I just saw them--
Thudunder: That's quite enough, matey. Get out of me personal space!
CK: *climbs down* Aye, I think I'm sick. Not seasick, either! Yar har har.
Raptor: Well do me a favor and puke--
CK: *pukes*
Raptor: ...Overboard...
CK: Aye, have fun with that.
TK: All in favor of leaving him there say aye.
CK: Aye.
nav: Aye.
Thudunder: Aye.
Oliver: Aii.
nav: *glares at Oliver*
Oliver: Shut up, you.
Raptor: NAY!
Everyone: *gasp*
nav: No matter, ye be outvoted!
Raptor: *draws sword*
Thudunder: *giggles* Someone's in love!
Raptor: *points sword at Thudunder*
Thudunder: *draws sword* Bring it on mate!
nav: Anyways, I say we go watch them perform the sex change surgery, then laugh.
Oliver: Aii.
nav: You know what? *draws sword*
*second swordfight*
CK: This is getting old.
TK: *looks over the bow* Aye cap'n, we be headin' for rocks!
nav: *swordfights*
TK: *runs towards steering wheel, and changes direction*
CK: *looks over bow* Aye, now we're heading for a whale!
TK: *turns more*
CK: Aye, now we're heading towards swimming lesbian gorillas!
TK: Argh! *faints*
CK: *sidetracked by swordfight*


Dark_Reign: Sqwarrrck, walk the plank!
CK: *draws pistol* WHAT DID THE PARROT SAY?!
D_R: *flys away*

Splash Splash Screenplay Part v3.16
By trebuchet king

Narrator: When we last left our heroes, they had erupted into fights, probably in an attempt to be humorous.
ax_man1: Avast! Stop ye fighting!
nav: And where have ye been, ax?
ax_man1: I've been doing Gunnery Sargeat type things. Arr.
Oliver: So, what are we going to do?
nav: Well, we have a couple of options. Option 1: We go on a daring land assault mission. Now, the enemy will be expecting us to assualt on the closest beach. That is also where they have the strongest fortifications.
TK: *now awake* What fortifica--
nav: Silence, ye scurvy dog. We could attack the other side of the island, using the entire Allied forces to force our way in and overwhelm the Nazis.
Raptor: Wait, Nazis? What are you talking ab--
nav: Ye be asking for a keelhauling, Raptor. So, we send the brute of our forces to Omaha beach--
ax_man1: Umm, nav?
nav: Why do ye all keep interrupting me? Now, there might be a few thousand causualties, but with the help of our paratroopers, we should be able to liberate Europe.
CK: Well, actually, we're trying to free Aro.
nav: ...Right. Well, forget that one.
TK: The Nazis have been gone for 60 years. Do ye honestly think they're going to take over Europe?

Narrator: Meanwhile, in Berlin...
Nazi stormtrooper: All our troops are in position, sir.
Cyborg Hitler: Excellent. Soon, Europe shall again be mine. Mwa ha ha ha ha!
Nazi stormtrooper: Mwa ha ha ha ha!
Igor: Mwa ha ha ha ha!
Regis Philbin: Oh the humanity!

Narrator: Meanwhile, back on the pirate ship...
ax_man1: Well, what be our other options?
Thunder: We could always run away, and leave Aro to the depths of Davy Jone's locker.
TK: Erm, Thunder, Aro's on land.
Thunder: Ye never know!
ax_man1: I don't think so. That would make for an awfully lame story line.
Raptor: Agreed. We could always just go rescue him right now, while he isn't in a terribly bad position.
nav: That be far too straightforward. We need a way to save Aro that involves taking us along a dangerous route with mystery, intrigue, and Nazis.
CK: Lesbian Gorillas!
nav: Right. Lesbian gorillas.
zyx: Why not send a small group of people on a boat, who somehow manage to get stranded on the island somewhere away from Aro and the gorillas, and let them try and save the situation in a Gilligan-esque style?
nav: Not a bad idea, lad.
zyx: *eats bread*
nav: Anyone else?
Raptor: We could lure the gorillas away from Aro in order to rescue him, but something could go horribly astray and the bait could end up getting stuck in Aro's place, allowing us to make fun of Aro's experience while at the same time cracking jokes about CK's thong...
CK: *blushes*
nav: Excellent! Ye can ne'er go wrong with thong jokes! All in favor, say Aye.
ax_man1: Aye.
Raptor: Aye.
Thunder: Aye.
Samuel L. Jaskon: Mother****in' Aye.
Oliver: Aii.
nav: We're agreed, then. Crimson, get in this banana costume.
CK: Fine... Wait, when did Samuel L. Jackson become part of the crew?
Samuel L. Jackson: I'm catching a ride to Europe. It's a nice change of pace, and I don't like planes.
Thunder: Why don't you like planes?
Samuel L. Jackson: Well, there's--
Narrator: Will the plan succeed? What will become of Aro? Was TK seriously trying to work a Snakes On A Plane reference into the screenplay? What color thong is CK wearing? Why did lesbian gorillas become a staple of humor in Splash Splash? How much is that doggy in the window? Find out next time...

Splash Splash Screenplay Part v3.17
A Strange Plot Adaption, But Funny Nonetheless
By Aro

Narrator: When we last left our heroes, the group decided to heroically save Aro from lesbian man-eating gorillas. However, due to the writing, it was difficult to understand what the hell happened to them. We join our the Arocratic Dictator himself, Aro, in a giant cave with man-eating plants; because lesbian gorillas are by all means LAME, and playing into a lame homophobic joke trend that has taken Splash Splash down a few notches. IT'S NOT FUNNY. STOP KILLING JOKES. *Ahem.* Now, we join Aro...

Aro: Ha! You just try, foolish man-eating plant! And to think, I wanted to "wack" some "weeds" today too! Who-ha!
*The Plant attempts to move. It fails because it's a freaking Plant.*
Aro: ....
Aro: Son of a... damn you Oliver....
Plant: RAWR!

Narrator: Far away on the Cow Gone Mad, an infidel pirate boat apparently.

oliver: Avast, we continue our quest!
xyz: A quest?
nav: A quest!
oliver: LOL! Repeating the same thing 3 times really *is* funny!
xyz: Didn't we already go on a quest?
oliver: I didn't give enough details to close off the story because I'm lazy. Tehe!
All: Oooooh....
oliver: Anyway, this time Aro's trapped in a cave off the coast of AoKH, about to be eaten by man-eating plants. I'm the hero, so I'll go onto the island firs-
xyz: You... you know this for sure?
oliver: Apparently.... Why?
nav: Alright. I'll set course to the cave, wherever that is. I hope Aro's worth it, though. I honestly don't see why we should save him.
CK: Anarchy 4tw!
oliver: Steven Seagal!
Thunder77: *Licks toes.* Mmmm....

Narrator: Even more far away, on the edges of the AoKH mainland, a mysterious, shady character watches the waves crash onto the coast, imagining... something.

????: I'll get that Aro. I'll show him. I'll g-
Scud: Sir, sir! The moderators know Aro's gone! They might suspect us!
????: You interrupted my self-indulgent monologue, peon.
Scud: Hey... shut up, arsehat!
????: Leave my presence, peon. I'm not concerned with the moderators. They're weak and ineffective without their leader.
Anastasia: You think so?
All (including Ana): WOAH!
Scud: Mwah.
Anastasia: I heard everything that you said. You're after Aro, and I'm after something too...
????: What's that?
Anastasia: Aro has something I want. Something invaluable, something that I've wanted since he came here...
????: OK... he *has* something that *you want*. What is it?
Anastasia: A deck of trading cards that I just HAVE to have.
Scud: LOL! Trading cards! I didn't expect th-
????: Hush, peon. Tell me, Kafka... what will you do for me if we get Aro's trading cards?
Anastasia: No moderator interference while you "eliminate" him, a clean slate, and... I'll give you power.
Scud: OMG! My warning will disappear! Yay!
????: Power? Haha... after years of having a meaningless presidential title.... Power....
Anastasia: Do we have a deal?
????: Yeah. And by the way, you say a lot less when we're talking one-on-one.
Anastasia: Aro's writing this in script form. I prefer to keep my dialogue quick and concise.
????: You should do it more often.
Anastasia: Die.

Narrator: Centered on the lowest coast of the AoKH mainland, deep within the Inner Court, the moderators are concerned.

CrystalCrown: I'm concerned.
Gordon: You're also in China.
All: *Laughter.*
CrystalCrown: Burn in hell Gordon.
Gordon: Yeee-owch!
All: *Laughter.*
CrystalCrown: Gordon... you and your hilarious one-liners.
Qazitory: Before Gordon hi-jacks this story, we best discuss Aro's recent disappearance.
DaVe: Yaaa-owch!
All: Shut up Dave.
DaVe: *Face turns red and eyes shift.*
CrystalCrown: Look, we can carry on without Aro. But I'd hate it if the Halos installed another stranger to take his place.
All: *Nod.*
CrystalCrown: And we miss him too, right?
Qazitory: It's quiet, but umm... sure.
DaVe: 1... I suppose.
Gordon: Yeee-
All: *Wait expectantly.*
Gordon: -ees!
All: *Laughter.*
Qazitory: Maybe we can send the... the new guy.

*The new guy walks in. A shady, green figure, he instantly makes everybody in the room quiver in fear. Everybody's breath is now strangely visible, as if the room grew... colder.*

Steve: Yeah, sure! I'll find Aro!
DaVe: You... you won't kill or randomly ban anybody, right?
Steve: Of course not. Why would I-
Qazitory: I don't know. Steve's a loose cannon mod, always on the edge.
Steve: What? I'm not-
CrystalCrown: Qaz, we have no choice! It's either him, or we go ourselves. And I'm in China.
Steve: I'm not a-
Gordon: Well, it's decided then. Steve's perfect for the job. Nobody gets in his way.
Steve: Where do yo-
CrystalCrown: OK, Steve. We think Aro's on an island, far off the coast of AoKH.
Steve: You guys "think" he's on a far-off island? You don't know?
CrystalCrown: We assume, Steve! We rely on our mod instincts! Now git!
Steve: *Angerly curses as he leaves.*

*Everybody shivers uncontrollably.*

CrystalCrown: I have never been so scared....
Gordon: But I thought you said you were in China!
All: *Laughter.*
CrystalCrown: Hush, Gordon.
Gordon: Yeee-owch!
All: *Laughter.*

Narrator: Out on the Cow Gone Mad, that infidel boat I had talked about earlier. The crew haven't made much progress, since the boat is slowed down by lots and lots of SPAM.

nav: We're not making any progress because we keep spamming. The boat is overflowing.
oliver: Not that I care, but I hope Aro's OK. He's a tough guy, right?
xyz: Dark_Aro's a n00b. I doubt he'll survive the night.
Spirit of Gilead: He's not KMAN-n00bish though, so he's FAIRLY LIKELY to not live a NIGHT on the ALLEGED island, lowlowlow.
All: ...
Thunder77: Wow... even to me....

*newIdea comes from below deck, an urgent expression. Something like O_O...*

newIdea: Hey, something is on the ship! I can only assume it's a Kraken, because of that one movie that we based this boat and theme on!
xyz: Arrgh, the mighty Kraken. Deep within the shores of the HeavenGames ocean, waiting to pounce on it's pray, the Kraken is a mythological squid that-
newIdea: We all know what a Kraken is, zyx.
xyz: You play AoM too? Well, I didn-

*Something, maybe a Kraken, busts through the hull of the boat from below-deck and starts screaming madly.*

nav: Hey... watchwood.... SHUT UP.
watchwood: Sorry.
xyz: What's up, ww?
watchwood: I want to help you guys find Aro!
oliver: Sure thing! We could use more help!
watchwood: Cool! What can I be?
oliver: Dunno. Pick a title. They don't mean anything.
watchwood: Titles that don't mean anything? *Glares.*
oliver: Ooh... sorry.
watchwood: *Smiles brightly.* It's OK! I don't mind! As long as I can help Aro!
All: *Smiling.* All right! *Group high-five.*
TK: Gi-gi-gi!
CK: Me-me-me!

*watchwood goes to the lower floors of the ship, where the other crew-members are sleeping, waiting for their cameos.*

watchwood: Scud? You down here?
Scud: Behind these crates, arsehat! It's muggy down here! Can I come up?
watchwood: No. They can't know you're on the boat. You must be my ears until we get the trading cards from Aro. The crew must never find out about my attempt to become the most powerfulest, ultimatest President at AoKH, and single-handedly become the coolest forumer EVER!
Scud: OMG... so you're that ???? guy?
watchwood: *Sigh.* Yes, peon. Now... we put our plan into action!

Narrator: In the cave that Aro's trapped in.

Aro: Shut up! I'm trying to sleep, dammit!

Narrator: Just outside of the Inner Court.

Steve: Time to find Aro and prove that I'm not some loose-cannon mod.

*Steve flaps his new Cherub wings wildly, attempting to fly.*

Steve: Are you kidding me? I have to freaking WALK? WHAT... THE HELL?! *Bans random forumer.*

Narrator: Far above Steve, but still near the Inner Court.

Anastasia: They're sending the new Cherub? All of that time I spend in SD... I don't know anything about him! Well, I'll just have to make sure his "trip" is a "bumpy ride". *Laughs at irony... it's in there somewhere.*

Narrator: Will Aro survive the evil plant hordes before the Splash Splash crew arrive? Will watchwood succeed in his evil plan to grab power? Will Scud adapt to the muggy lower decks of the Cow Gone Mad? Will Steve find Aro? What exactly will Anastasia do to make Steve have a bumpy trip or whatever? Will DaVe ever get a laugh? What will the mods do to prevent the Halos from replacing Aro yet again? Find out in the next installment of the Splash Splash Screenplay: Pirate Invasion!

Splash Splash Screenplay Part v3.18
By Oliver
Narrator: Okay, so last time we left our heroes they were still on the Cow Gone Mad, and apart from Samuel L Jackson joining as as a crew member there wasn't much progress.

nav: Yarr, are we still heading for that mysterious faraway island where our *cough* lovable seraph Aro is *cough* trapped in a cave with *cough* man-eating plants?
Ax_man1: I dunno, you're the navigator. (Aro: LOLOLO LAME JOKE THIS SCREENPLAY'S GONNA SUCK) Too bad you had to catch that cold, though, nav.
nav: Aye, *cough*
Samuel L. Jaskon: There are Motha****in SNAKES on this boat!
zyx: 'Samuel L. Jaskon'? tk didn't have enough money to hire the real guy?
tk: So sue me.
zyx: K, you asked for it. Everyone, let's go down to the courtroom!
oliver: We've got a courtroom on this ship?
zyx: Yeah, we've got everything. Jacuzzis, casinos, password protected sig testing areas...
oliver: cool.
Dan Brown: I know.
oliver: ZOMG it's Dan Brown! You're, like, my hero! Could you please please tell me about the time you beat Chuck Norris in chess with only 9 moves?
Dan Brown: Actually it was 8 moves.
oliver: ZOMGe^24!
[Dan Brown and oliver leaves]
zyx [to nav]: Um, what is Dan Brown doing on our ship?
nav: Well, Steven Seagal kinda left...
zyx: And you hired Dan Brown...
nav: yeah...

Narrator: Meanwhile in China, CC is struggling with the new admin page Zen set up last week.

CC [attempting to ban Mabuse smurf]: Argh! Dial-up! I hate it! Why did Zen have to replace the text link to the IP ban page with a huge 892 kb .png image of a red ban button! Oh, if only my beloved tyrant and overlord Aro was here to compress this image to a more convenient size, because everyone knows that I am strikingly inferior to him when it comes to such things as image editing!
Ana: I can do that, too.
CC: Ana! *falls off chair* Wha-what are you doing in China?
Ana: I'm just taking a look around, that all.
CC: Okay. Um, can you access the ban page and take care of Mabuse while I get my bowels evacuated?
Ana: Sure.
CC: Thanks, Ana, you're the man, err, woman. *leaves for the bathroom*
Ana: Mwahaha, now to put my evil plan into practice!

Narrator: An hour later.

CC: Ana, there's something wrong with the bathroom door, I can't open it. Ana? Ana! Come over here, I'm getting suffocated by my own gases! ANA!!
Qazitory: Hey, what are you doing in there, CC?
CC: Qaz? Are you in China too?
Qazitory: Nah, actually you're just hallucinating. You shouldn't have eaten that fried dog Gordon Bleu, you know.
CC: Dammit! ANA!

Narrator: Meanwhile Steve attempts to infiltrate a forum party arranged by the AoEIII Heaven crew.

Steve [to the doorkeeper]: Please let me through, will ya? I need to have a word with a handful of people inside about the sudden disappearance of our Seraph.
Doorkeeper: Invitation only, sir.
Steve: But I am invited.
Doorkeeper: I doubt you're on the list.
Steve: Um, you don't even know my name.
Doorkeeper: Trust me, I really don't think anyone here would've invited you.
Steve: Sixth sense?
Doorkeeper: That and the t-shirt you're wearing, saying: "AoKH Rulz! AoEIII Heaven u burn in h3ll!!"
Steve: But it's not my shirt.
Doorkeeper: It's not your shirt?
Steve: Correct.
Doorkeeper: I guess I should ignore the "Property of Steve" tag on the back, then?
Steve: Well, um, I'm working undercover. My real name is actually, um, Bob.
Bob: See?
Doorkeeper: You just used your mod powers to change your name!
Bob: No I didn't.
Doorkeeper: Besides, you forgot to read this. *points at sign placed just above the entrance* "No Bobs".
Bob the Builder [from inside]: Bob the Builder, can he fix it? Oh, baby, you bet he can! *does the robot dance*
Bob: Hey! How come Bob the Builder was allowed to enter but not me?
Doorkeeper: It clearly says "No Bobs". Mind the difference between singular and plural.
Steve: Okay, I've... HAD IT!
[Steve draws his bansword and strikes down the Doorkeeper, who is immediately sent to a jolly place called Moderation Announcements]
Steve [upon entering, whispering to himself]: I'm NOT a loose-cannon mod, I'm NOT a loose-cannon mod...

Narrator: Inside...

Luke M [to Steve]: swp! I didn't expect YOU to come! Well, come in, have a seat, don't mind the drunk n00bs that pass out in heaps on the floor. You sure don't mind spending twelve hours discussing the wonders of cricket with me?
Steve: Actually I can't...
Luke M: Good, good! Now, with the upcoming game between England and North Korea in mind I personally think...
Steve: No, Luke, I really can't chat with you right now. I have to see Elpea and NAT.
Luke M: *gasp* You don't have TIME to talk to ME about CRICKET??!! That is the biggest insult of them all! I demand a duel! *throws white glove on the ground*
Steve: You know your glove will get all dirty lying there on the floor for anyone to step on it.
Luke: No worries, I use [stress] CC-Wash! And I always get Crystal ClearTM Laundry!
Steve: CC-Wash, huh? Where can I get it?
Luke: I happen to have a package right here. I never leave home without [stress] CC-Wash!
50 Cent: You should really buy it, Steve. It has even got my name on it.
Steve: You mean as in "Only 9 Dollars, 50 Cent"?
50 Cent: Word.
Steve: Homie.
Luke: So, deal?
Steve: Deal.
[Luke gives the package of CC-wash to Steve]
Steve: Thanks.
Luke: Now to our duel.
Steve: *sigh* as long as we finish soon. Should we do it with ban swords?
Luke: Nah.
Steve: Iron pikes?
Luke: Nah.
Steve: Little wooden sticks?
Luke: Nah.
Steve: Then what the bloody hell do you want? A freakin tea testing duel, or what?
Luke: The good ol' fashion English way! OH YES!
Steve: *sighs*

[Theme from the Good, the Bad, the Ugly]
[Luke and Steve sit by a round table facing each other, teapots and cups in front of them, their eyes fixed at each other]
Luke: *slowly moves hand towards tea cup*
Steve: *Clint Eastwood-ish face*
Luke: *raises tea cup*
Steve: *more Clint Eastwood-ish face*
[insert dramatic increase of music here]
Luke: *takes a mouthful of the tea in the cup* Earl Grey! *hits the table with his cup*
Random Tea Testing Duel Judge: *nods*
Luke: *laughs triumphantly*
Steve: *quickly grabs tea cup, the smile on Luke's face disappears*
Steve: *sips tea with a supercilious expression on his face* English Breakfast Tea. (Peter Jackson: Go to slow motion and zoom in on his face!) LLL-EMON!
[repeat 125 times]

Narrator: Back on the Cow Gone Mad...

Raptor: Avast! Cyborg Jesus and his Nazi Stormtroopers are chasing us!
zyx: Cyborg Jesus?
Raptor: Oh, sorry, I mean Cyborg Hitler. They're coming after us in what looks like a elite cannon galleon from a counterfeit copy of AoK:tC.
zyx: Which civ?
Raptor: Spanish.
zyx: *gasp*
Raptor: Prepatch!
zyx: We're doomed!
[the Splash Splash crew starts running around aimlessly]
oliver: This screenplay isn't going anywhere...
CK: Man the spam cannons!
Ax_man1: It's useless, we haven't even researched careening. They'll blow us to pieces! Oh, why did we have to spend our last gold on that stupid petard? Why, oh why, oh why oh...
CK: You're such a pessimist, ax. Don't you remember what Adder told us on that faithful day in August three years ago?
Ax_man1: "Stop spamming, idiots?"
CK: No! "If you ever happen to encounter Cyborg Hitler and his Nazi Stormtroopers on the Seven Forum Seas, use this enchanted brass screw that I will now give you."
Ax_man1: Oh, that particular screw. But where is it?
CK: Well, what do you know, I have it here in my pocket.
Ax_man1: What an odd coincidence.
CK: Almost as if the narrator just came up with the story about the enchanted brass screw because he ran out of ideas and needed a way to get rid of Cyborg Hitler fast so he could continue with the plot.
Ax_man1: Yeah, scary, huh? Now what?
CK: We use it.
Ax_man1: How?
CK: Well, how do you normally use a screw?
Ax_man1: Screw it?
CK: Screw you too!
Ax_man1: No, I mean, we can screw the screw.
CK: Oh. Where?
Ax_man1: That's the question.
tk: Lemme have a look... ah, I see.
CK: What? What do you see?
tk: Here's the deal. We wait for the full moon, then we light a fire and sacrifice sixteen penguins to Sandy Petersen.
CK: And then...?
tk: I don't have a clue, I just read the instructions printed on this paper that somehow found its way to my hand.
Ax_man1: The plot thickens...

Narrator: Will the Splashers ever figure out a way to defeat Cyborg Jesus Hitler? Will Steve win the tea testing duel? Will CC remain locked up in a Chinese bathroom for the rest of the Screenplay? Will watchwood stop jacking off in front of my TV while watching Carmen Electra's latest body exercise video "Fit to Spam"? Seriously, watchwood, stop doing that.
Aro: Hey! what about me!?
Narrator: Yes, what about you?
Aro: I haven't had a single line in this part!
Narrator: So?
Man-eating plant: Hey, talking in all-caps is my job.

Splash Splash Screenplay Part v3.185
By Scud
Narrator: Meanwhile below decks on the Cow Gone Mad, Scud is still stowing away, much to his digust

Scud: Ahg! Blooming watchwood roping me into service! He tricked me, darn him, darn him!
*watchwood enter*
Watchwood: Sshh keep it down in hear, i'm not suprised the others did hear you.
Scud: Well excuse me, i was expressing my anger at you tricking me under your service, "El Prezident".
Watchwood: President indeed, soon i will have the power off Aro
Scud:...and his trading cards
Watchwood: Yes thoose aswell.
Scud: But will i get my part of the bargin?
Watchwood: Whats that?
Scud: Y'know when you invited me to the "Sea Dog Inn", you said Ana *sigh* had agreed a date with me, yet when i arrived, you got me blind drunk, knocked me out and now i'm serving under you
Watchood: Ohh waht, oh i suppose you could
Scud: Score!

Narrator: it seems the writer of this section is moving the storyline to suit him and his crush on Ana - Theres only hope until somebody else take over

Scud: This ship could do more singing, may i sign a few lines of the "HMS Pinofore?
Watchwood: NO!
Watchwood: Wait....who is that coming below decks?!

Narrator: DUURR DURR DUH!!!! Who the hell is it coming below decks? Will watchwood achieve his goal. Will Scud break free from WW's grasp and get it off with Ana? Who knows.....and who cares? The whole forum i think...thats whom! More singing of HMS Pinofore i say, i say indeed!

Splash Splash Screenplay Part XIV - D-Day Revisited
By Thunder77

Narrator: When we last left our heroes, their ship Cow Gone Mad was being chased by Cyborg Hitler and his Nazi Stormtroopers. What will they do to stop from being shoved intoa super-evil high-tech gas chamber?

Thunder77: Argh, what are we going to do about that damn Cyborg Hitler?
trebuchet king: Hm... I think I have an idea! *turns to nav* Cap'n!
nav: What is it, unworthy-- I mean Scurvy Dog?
tk: Do we still have the emergency stow-away of 500 gallon bean barrels?
nav: *farts* Half of it.
tk: Disgusting, cap'n. Anywho, permission to use?
nav: Granted.
tk: Aye. *cups mouth* WATCHWOOD!
watchwood: *erupts from water* Sup?
tk: Crew! Open up the barrels and carry them over here!
watchwood: Uhm, why do you need me?
tk: You'll see. Now shu'p.
*CGM crew carries 50 barrels over toward the deck near watchwood*
tk: Okay watchwood. Open up!
watchwood: *opens gigantic kraken mouth*
tk: Pour!
*the CGM crew pours the 50 barrels of beans into watchwood's mouth*
ax: Now what?
tk: Wait for it...
tk: watchwood, go over by Cyborg Hitler's boat.
watchwood: Okay then.

Narrator: Meanwhile, on Cyborg Hitler's boat...

Cyborg Hitler: *robot voice* Doot doot doo-da-dee-leet-doot. Yar. What are they doing?
Nazi Stormtrooper: *crrk* Sir, I believe that they are feeding their kraken.
Cyborg Hitler: Kraken. Does not compute.
Nazi Stormtrooper: *mumbling* Idiot robot...
Cyborg Hitler: I heard that. *fries the stormtrooper's head with heat vision*
Nazi Stormtooper: Argghh!
Cyborg Hitler: Beep boop. Serves you right. Har har har har.

watchwood: Uh oh... Feeling gas cramps!
tk: Here it comes! Duck and cover, men!

Narrator: After consuming so many beans, watchwood just had to pass gass. Krakens are notorious for such violent gas passing, but this one was extrodinarily humongous. It sent Cyborg Hitler and all of his evil little Nazi Stormtroopers flying into the air and into an array of extremely sharp rocks.

tk: Man, that was the grossest, yet most satisfying thing I have ever seen.
ax: Aye.
nav: Aye.
Thunder77: Aye.
Oliver: Aii.
nav: *glare* Well, now that the cyborg psycho is off our butt, we need to save Aro! To the island!
Raptor: Aye. I believe it is just west of--
nav: Shut up, you. I fired you.
Raptor: Oh, right. *swabs deck*
nav: Judging by what the narrator said, and by that huge signal fire, *looks at compass* I'd say that's the island right there! *point*
Thunder77: Avast! To the island!
All: Yarr!

Narrator: So our heroes set sail for their ever-so-respected Seraph stuck on an island with man-eating plants. Meanwhile...

Aro: I'm hungry.
King Plant: Ah, pick a fruit from that tree over there.
Aro: Okay, Mr. King Plant sir thing--
Aro: Okay, Theodore. *picks fruit*
Theodore: I must warn you--
Aro: *bites into fruit* ARGH! *spits out* It tastes just like ammonia!
Theodore: That it tastes like ammonia...
Aro: Bleck! Do you have any water?
Theodore: Yeah, in that pool right there.
Aro: ...Anything you want to say about the water?
Theodore: No, water's fine.
Aro: *drinks* Ahh. *stomach grumbles* Ehrm, I'm still hungry.
Theodore: There's different fruits over there.
Aro: Okay then. Do they taste like ammonia?
Theodore: No, I don't particularly like them but I'm sure you would like them.
Aro: Err, okay... *picks, cautiously bites* Oh em gee, these are delicious!
Theodore: >_> Eat as many as you like. THEN GET BACK IN THE CAVE! *growl*
Aro: *takes five* Okay, fine then!

Narrator: Back on the beaches of Normandy Aro's Island, the Cow Gone Mad crew fought inland

nav: Okay men, we're approaching the beaches! Remember, stay low, stay behind the palm trees, and watch out for flying fruits!
All: Aye!
nav: Here we are men! Move move move!
All: Yarrr!!

Narrator: Our heroes beging to charge the beaches of Aro's Island. Will Aro be saved? Will any CGM members be harmed? Find out next time!

Splash Splash Screenplay XV
By Aro

Narrator: When we last left our heroes, Scud and watchwood came to terms with their evil agreement to bring down Aro, oliver had made a clever cameo for every movie and television show in existence, Ana for some reason decided to kill off CC by suffocating him, and Steve infiltrated AoE3H for no reason whatsoever. As you can tell, the plot has thickened! YEEE! We join Steve at AoE3H, where he just beat Luke in a card game.

Steve: Woah... where the hell am I?
Luke: You just beat me in cards! LOL, you played a good game!
Steve: Last thing I remember was leaving the Inner Court... and then I started feeling increasingly drunk.
Luke: Only reason you'd ever go to AoE3H! Hand shake, friend?
Steve: Oh god... I gotta get the hell out of here.
Luke: Stay! Have more tea! Tell us more AoK stories! It such a primitive and interesting game...
Steve: What the hell have I done?!

Narrator: While Steve runs the hell out of AoE3H's forum party, the crew on the Cow Gone Mad, while sailing to save Aro, have found a strange piece of paper as they arrived at the island. Also, Dan Brown and Samuel L. Jackson have found their way onto the boat. Luckily, the crew has a pistol with two shots! As soon as Thunder77 pulls the trigger twice, the two limp bodies make a thud as their dead bodies hit the deck.

oliver: *Sobbing.* I understand why you killed Brown, but why Mr. Jackson...
Thunder77: It had to be done. There aren't snakes on this mother****ing boat.
nav: *Mutters as he throws the bodies overboard.* The Da Vinci Code sucks.
Thunder77: Well, we're at the beaches of Aro's island. What should we do now?
nav: Let's circle the island and generally dink around. Also, throw that piece of paper away.
TK: It could be an important plot device.
nav: *Eats paper.*
TK: Damn you.
nav: Now let's start the dinking!!!
oliver: Aii!!!
cool120: LALALALALA-

Narrator: Inside of the Inner Court, Gordon has just let CrystalCrown out of the bathroom, probably saving his life.

CrystalCrown: *Coughing.* Thanks, Gordo.
Gordon: No problem, I love opening bathroom doors!
Both: *Laughter.*
CrystalCrown: My character was literally melted down into an idiotic gas-inflated retard while Ana was around me, Gordon!
Gordon: Doesn't that usually happens when you're around girls?
Both: *Laughter.*
CrystalCrown: Funny in a stupid, horribly written way, but that wasn't it... I called for her to let me out, but she didn't. Like she wanted me to die.
Qazitory: Guys! Guys! The Halos are trying to install another Seraph!
CrystalCrown: Oh... no. Not again. Any idea who it's going to be?
Qazitory: Word is, they're planning on hiring a FORUMER! At the recommendation of a staffer here!
CrystalCrown: Who would recommend a forumer?

*DaVe enters the room. Everyone stares at him.*

DaVe: H... hi!
CrystalCrown: Daaaaave.... Who did you recommend as our new Seraph?
DaVe: Recommend? *Face turns blue and eyes don't shift.*
CrystalCrown: If Dave didn't do it, who did it then?
Gordon: Maybe it was Ana.
All: *Laughter.*
Gordon: ...

Narrator: Meanwhile, as Steve stumbles out of AoE3H, he can't help but vomit. Because he was drunk? Maybe...

Steve: Ugh... why the hell was I at AoE3H? What happened after I left the Inner Court? Who the hell am I talking to?

Narrator: While everybody else is living in luxury, Aro's doom seems imminent.

Aro: Oh no! For the love of my heathen god, no! No! NOOOO! NOOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOO!
oliver: If you don't like the script, then don't ask to read it. Sheesh. *Leaves.*
Aro: Hey, wait a second... oliver! How the hell did you get here?!
Aro: Damn.... oliver, I loved the script! Come back!
Aro: Shut up.

Narrator: The crew of the Cow Gone Mad find themselves in a "sticky" situation.

nav: By golly, I can't get this darned jar of jelly opened! And the jar's sticky, my hands are getting all gross! Now I'll have to wash-
Thunder77: I wonder how that n00b Aro's doing.
xyz: *Kicks replica of Aro.* Dunno. Prolly dead. Where could watchwood be, though? He keeps disappearing.
TK: Hold on a sec. *Eats the only Kraken in the ocean.*
nav: Why?
TK: To make sure that plot device is never, ever used.
xyz: ... Good work. But knowing how Aro writes these terribly long, boring screenplays, he's bound to mention it eventually in his attempt to include and mention every scene from the other screenplays and playfully make fun of them, but making his own scenes that suck even more in comparison.
TK: You think?
xyz: A hunch.
cool120: LALALALA-

Narrator: Downstairs, watchwood and Scud plot how they'll deceive the group.

watchwood: Let's milk them. You can milk anything with nipples.
Scud: ...
watchwood: That was from Meet the Parents. I'm going for that movie-copy humor... it seems popular.
Scud: No.

*In a flash of red light, Ana appears.*

Ana: Do you have the trading cards?
watchwood: We haven't landed on the island yet. The crew has been too busy recreating and mutilating popular movies, and generally dinking around.
Ana: OK, I'll tell you what. I'll give the crew incentive to land, but I can't go too close to the island. Aro might sense me.
oliver: 50-cents you?
Ana: *Shoots oliver in the arm.* No. Bad.
oliver: Sorry.... *walks upstairs*
watchwood: Aro can sense you?
Ana: Everytime a moderator is close to him, his Seraph senses tingle and he yells at them for no apparent reason. Me being close might trigger a reaction.
watchwood: Damn... Aro really does suck.
Ana: Yeah, but we don't tell him. Listen, I saw Steve leave the Inner Court to find Aro. I used my Angelic powers to drug him though, so he should be at AoE3H by now with all of the other drugged n00bs.
watchwood: Haha... nice. And CrystalCrown, the only other mod who could possibly stop us, I assume?
Ana: Locked in a bathroom. I wasn't feeling very creative at the time.
watchwood: No kidding.
Ana: Also, I recommend that the Halos to make you the new temporary Seraph. You can then proceed to grab power.
watchwood: They're going to make a *forumer* the Seraph?!
Ana: I found out that it doesn't matter how good you are. They've done it before.

*At the Cave, Aro twitches violently for no apparent reason.*

Ana: I have to go. I'll be in touch.

*In a flash of light, Anastasia disappears.*

watchwood: Mwah. I'll get my revenge yet.
cool120: LALALA-

Narrator: As Steve walks to the shores of AoKH, he sees the sun set. He can't help but remember all six minutes of his journey so far. Steve decides to swim to the island. Only a certain Angel could stop him now -- ANGEL ZEN.

Zen: What are you doing, Stephen?
Steve: Zen? What the hell are you doing here?
Zen: I can't let you do this, Stephen.
Steve: Why not?
Zen: Because Stephen...
Steve: ...
Steve: ...
Steve: Um...
Steve: ...
Steve: LMAO!!!1

*Zen flies Steve off to the island.*

Narrator: Inside of the Inner Court, the mods are in distress!

Gordon: AAAAAARGH! *Rips out hair.*
All: *Laughter.*
CrystalCrown: What can we do to delay the Halos installing a new Seraph?
Qazitory: I didn't want it to come to this, but... we'll have to fight.
DaVe: w00t!
All: *Almost laugh, but then they realize it's DaVe.*
CrystalCrown: Hush, DaVe.
DaVe: *Face turns red and eyes shift.*
cool120: Look, I've been thinking about the situation. Perhaps by using clever delay tactics, you could stall the Halo's appointment of whomever they plan on hiring. Obviously the forumer they plan on hiring is by no means better than Aro, considering they're most likely an unruly, untrained forumer, and the staff member that recommended the forumer in question knows that and will use this to their advantage. I also have a feeling I know who the staff member could be. According to my data, it's probably-
CrystalCrown: Hey... shut up.
Qazitory: Go away! This is the Inner Court! You're not allowed here. Somebody ban him.
cool120: I'll see myself out, thank you. Good luck, and I wish you all the best on your future ventures.
All: ...
cool120: LALA-

Narrator: How will the mods delay the Halo appointment of watchwood? Will Zen and Steve make it to the island... alive? Will watchwood obtain the trading cards for Anastasia? Will Aro survive? Will oliver firebomb Aro for poking fun constantly, and will it hurt Aro's fragile skin? Find out next time!

Splash Splash Screenplay Part XV
By Thunder77

Narrator: When we last left out heroes, they were found dinking around, as usual. Who was going to save the day? A newcomer...

cool120: LALALALALA-

Narrator: NOT YOU IDIOT. *ahem* So now we join our heroes somewhere over the bay of AoKH.

Steve: Zen, you're a slow flyer.
Steve: Because you're like 50.
Zen: ...Shut up.
Steve: *looking down* Zen you just flew over-
Zen: I SAID SHUT UP. *turns around* I'm not used to the lands outside of the Inner Court.
Steve: Obviously...

Narrator: Now we're just off the beach of Aro's Island.

Thunder77: Now we're just off the beach of-
nav: We heard him.
zyx: Wait, how do you know that the narrator isn't a chick?
nav: Well it's obvious that I don't.
ax: And that you're more sexist than a man from the 1700's.
nav: Whatever.
zyx: Anyways, what are we planning to do about Aro? *clutches replica*
ax: That idiot. It's beyond me how he got on that island, anyways.
Thunder77: Chya, me too. N00b...
nav: Haha, he probably got lost when trying to find the bathroom.
zyx: Whoa, you're right.
ax: Ooh.
zyx: Ooh.
Thunder77: Duh, it's only the fifth time he's done it, but this is the first time he's got stuck on an island with man-eating plants.
watchwood: OH EM GEE! The first letter of the last eight lines spells WATCHWOOD!
nav: WW, you're way too observant.
ax: Atleast he' being observant.
zyx: For once.
cool120: hi guys
Thunder77: Atleast have the decentcy to talk in complete sentences.
cool120: no
D_R: *squark* Walk the plank!
cool120: what did the- wait
nav: I agree. Walk the plank, matey!
cool120: *walks plank* meh this is dumb whoevr came up with the walk the plank idea anyways i mean cmon-
ax: Stop saying words.
nav: *push*
cool120: eeeeeee!!!
nav: *rubs hands* That takes care of that
Thunder77: Yeah, and the idiot can't even scream in a complete sentece.
AK: No flaming allowed! (unless done by me)
All: *gasp*
cool120: LALALALALA-
Narrator: Thunder77, stop being unoriginal.
Thunder77: *looks around confused*
zyx: Shouldn't we be doing something? *huggles Aro replica*
nav: Yeah, but even if we knew we were supposed to be doing something, would we still be doing it?
ax: Doubt it.
Thunder77: *bangs head ferociously* Shut up damnit, SHUT UP!
All: *stares at 77*
Thunder77: *nervous smile* Heh heh...
nav: *whispering* Psychoooo.

Narrator: Somewhere in a jungle on Aro's Island...

Steve: Good job, idiot, now we're in the middle of a jungle.
Zen: Sorry, my engines failed and I had to make a crash landing!
Zen: Sorry, I was steering out of control! You can't even fly yet, so just SHH.
Steve: Whatever, let's just go find-
Zen: They'd be better off being called annoying plants than man-eating plants.
Steve: Poor Aro is probably losing his mind.

Narrator: Back in Aro's Cave...

Aro: Hmm, maybe I can devise a plan to-
Aro: Escape this dumb cave and get around-
Aro: These stupid plants, but first maybe they-
Aro: WOULD SHUT UP! Anyways, I'll be I could just-
Aro: *stands up* Walk around this blabbering-
Aro: Plant, then climb up that big rock above-
Aro: This cave, and try to find the Cow Gone Mad.
Aro: *walks out the cave* Later, idiot.
Aro: *climbs above cave* Hey, look, I wasn't the first here. *sees a skeleton with a hatchet* Hmm, those plants are quite annoying. *looks at plant, which is still running its organic mouth* Hmm... *thinks*
Aro: Meh, that aught to shut you up. *burns plant*
Theodore: Thank you!
Aro: Hopefully those idiots will be smart enough to see this signal fire.

Narrator: Back on the Cow Gone Mad...

tk: *bursts into dance*
Thunder77: Stop it.
tk: *dances ferociously*
Thunder77: *hits tk over the head with a wooden plank*
zyx: Enough with the violence, man!
ax: Hippie.
Thunder77: Aye.

Narrator: Will Aro be saved? Will the Cow Gone Mad crew see the signal fire? Will Thunder77 stop being haunted by voices? Find out next time!

Splash Splash Screenplay Part XV.5
By Thunder77

Narrator: Somewhere in the Cow Gone Mad cargo hold...

Scud: watchwood, what's taking them so lo-
watchwood: Hush, peon. The prophecy says that it will take the crew approxiately 5 days to get onto the island once they found it. This dictates that-
Scud: What the bloody hell are you talking about?
watchwood: Nevermind, you. It's much too complicated.
Scud: No, you're just making getting a trading card for Ana much too complicated than it really is by making a non-existant prophecy to enhance the exitement of this stupid situation.
watchwood: Touché.
Ana: *poof* What's taking those idiots so long?
watchwood: Well the proph-
Scud: Don't even go there, dude.
watchwood: Hmph.
Ana: If it takes them longer than 5 days, I will ban them all!
All (including Ana): *gasp*
Ana: Muhuhahahaha! *poof*
watchwood: That's getting old.
Scud: *cries*
watchwood: But you heard her yourself, she said five days! The prophecy speaks the truth!
Scud: Nah, just a coincidence.
watchwood: Shut up, you!

Splash Splash Screenplay Part XVI
By Scuddles

Narrator: On the deck of the Cow Gone Mad all has indeed on mad, i personally think we've been giving the writers to much illegal drugs, but what do i know, i seem to be some booming voice like god. Excuse while i go and kiss the sky and make some tea, ta-ra!

*Scuds climbs out of cargo hold onto the deck*
Scud: Boy it was stuffy down there
Thunder77: What are you doing aboard?
Scud: I was stowing away, 'tis not glamorous as it seems.
Thunder77: Dear Scuddles, why did you stow away the first place?
Scud: ¬_¬
Thunder77: *raises eyebrow* I see
Oliver: I say we rush aboard now men, to free Aro
Nav: TO free Aro
Thunder77: Why are we freeing Aro
Oliver: For we love him
Scud: No, Oliver, you love him
Oliver: We All love Aro, whos with me.....
*hushly silence*
Scud: ¬_¬
Thunder77: Isn't time you said "ANAILOVEYOU"
Scud: Aro was using mind control - i like Ana alot, but she does not respond *sigh*
Dark_Reign: Nice way to kill the chit-tat Mr O'Liver from the land up North
Ax_Man1: Anyone for corrupt a wish then?
*All*: Hurray!

Narrator: Soz y'all teh krew site 'ound thehe table and get ready 4 a lil game
Narrator II: I Apolgise, my wife seems to have drunk, what she meant to say was the whole crew sat down on the deck to have a little game of corrupt a wish

Ax_Man1: Right what rule set we're doing, Classic or stand-off
Oliver: I say stand-off!
*cheers all round*
Oliver: Who dares challenges me?!
Thunder77: Dark_Reign will!
Dark_Reign: Dude, no...nooo!!!
Oliver: Pirate rules dictate once we start, we onyl finish when one man is down!
*The deck turns into a scence like Fight Club with Oliver and D_R in the centre and the crew surronding them

D_R: I wish to end this dual
Oliver: Granted, but it ends with me winning!
*crowd woop*
Oliver: I wish to save Aro
D_R: Granted, but his dies at your care!
*louder wooping
Nav: ENOUGH!!! None of this crazy crap on my ship!
Raptor: I say this has gotten out of hand, i suggest a sing-song!

Dark_Reign: Kind Captain, I've important information, Sing hey, the kind commander that you are, About a certain intimate relation, Sing hey, the merry maiden and the tar.
Scud: The merry, merry maiden, The merry, merry maiden, Sing hey, the merry maiden and the tar.
Nav: Good fellow, in conundrums you are speaking, Sing hey, the mystic sailor that you are, The answer to them vainly I am seeking; Sing hey, the merry maiden and the tar.
Dark_Reign: Kind Captain, I've important information, Sing hey, the kind commander that you are, About a certain intimate relation, Sing hey, the merry maiden and the tar.
Scud: The merry, merry maiden, The merry, merry maiden, Sing hey, the merry maiden and the tar.
Thunder77: Kind Captain, your young lady is a-sighing, Sing hey, the simple captain that you are, This very might with Rackstraw to be flying; Sing hey, the merry maiden and the tar.

Narrator: Now i've sobered up, let us all watch as the crew sing some score HMS Pinafore join me a glass of rum....or two....or five *collaspes*

Meanwhile we turn to Aro:
Plant 1: So as i was saying, you should really buy yourself a solar powered lamp, really helps your photosythenis levels
Plant 2: I tried getting one, i went down to B&Q but they were sold out, could i borrow yours
Plant 1: Certaintly now.
Aro: *groans* Please, kill me now!
Plant 1: Ok, wait, you do it
Plant 2: No you!
Plant 1: No you!
Aro: Oh God, here they go again!

Splash Splash Screenplay Part XVII
By Oliver

Narrator: Once again we return to our heroes, but this time we find them in an awkward situation...

oliver: You do it.
nav: No, you.
oliver: No... ax does it.
Ax_man1: Not me!
oliver: We gotta find someone who is willing to do it.
noIdea [upon entering the bridge]: Hi guys, wazzup? You'll never guess what just happened to me.
oliver: Does it involve a pink thong, a stick of butter, sixteeen stunt men, one stand-in stunt man and three million flesh-eating mutant koalas?
oliver: Ah, crap, I fold.
nav: dude, what's in your fantasies?
Ax_man1: I just got a brilliant idea! We let noIdea do it! All in favor say ay... *glances at oliver* eh, yay.
nav: Yay!
oliver: Yey!
Ax_man1: ...not the Swedish accent again...
oliver: I can't help it. Besides, the women love it. "I'm a swidishmän in New Yörk...öhh...öhh...."
nav: Actually it's Swede, not 'swidishmän'.
Ax_man1: But we agree then? noIdea does it.
nav: Yeah.
noIdea: does what?
Ax_man1: We need someone who can infiltrate the Inner Court and preferably make out with Ana in order to get information on what the mods are planning to do in response to Aro's sudden disappearance.
(Aro: I haven't disappeared, damnit! I'm still here in this bloody cave!)
(Aro: How soon?)
(Plant: We count on sixteen years at least.)
(Aro: ...)

[the Splashers pretend they can't hear anything that is within a parenthesis]
noIdea: really?
Ax_man1: Nah, we're just messing with you.
noIdea: :-(
Ax_man1: But it DOES require someone with incredible courage, who is dauntless, a man full of... manfullness, yes, a true daredevil...
noIdea: Oh boy! I'm the right guy for that! Lemme guess, I'm going to rescue Aro all by my own in a heroic way with greased muscles, machine guns, explosions, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon-ish mano-a-mano fights and an exceeded special effects budget?
nav: actually we just need someone to clean out the garbage room in the lowest part of the ship.
noIdea: Wha... Oh ****! [noIdea leaves the bridge with a >_< expression on his face]
nav: Say, oliver, why are you using the word 'bridge' all the time?
oliver: It sounds cool. Reminds me of Star Trek. Hey, wouldn't it be totally cool if...
CK: Oh God, no, I can see where this is heading...
oliver: know, if we were all part of a Star Trek Voyager episode. That would totally pwn!
nav: Shit.

Narrator: The Starship Voyager bridge.

oliver: First Officer CK... err, I mean CKotay, what's our course?
CKotay: Shit. Shit, shit, shit.
oliver: Repeat, officer.
CKotay: We're heading towards a Klingon ship. There, I'm done now, could I PLEASE have another role?
oliver: No, your name is the only one that fits with 'Chakotay'.
Seven of nav: Oh great, I'm the female cyborg without any ability to show feelings or emotion, and on top of everything I'm dressed in a catsuit...
oliver: Shut up, you. You're ruining the mood.
Narrator: Okay, this is way too lame. I'm gonna narrate something else now.
oliver: Nooo! Please don't! Star Trek is cool!
[The crew mutinies and force oliver to walk the space plank, that is, they drop him off on a nebula somewhere]
oliver: They're motha****** snakes on this nebula!
Narrator: Whatever. So we return to the ship Cow Gone Mad and try to figure out what the hell is going on.

Ax_man1: What the hell is going on?
(Aro: I keep asking that, too.)
nav: So, in thunder's episode we were on the beach preparing to enter the jungle and save Aro, but then in Scud's episode we were suddenly on the boat again playing Corrupt a wish.
zyx: Why did we go aboard again?
nav: That's the question.
zyx: Maybe there was a kraken on the beach that scared us away.
(Aro: NOT the kraken! I thought I had taken care of that plot device!)
(Dan Brown: Ya know, Aro, the other authors have the ability to resurrect dead characters anytime they want.)
(Samuel L. Jaskon: There are motha****** plants in this cave!)
(Dan Brown: Sam, you're really ruining that motha****** joke.)
(Samuel L. Jaskon: Sorry. So, anyone up for an association chain?)
(Aro: Noooooooo, the lamest spam threads of them all!)
(Dan Brown: Butter.)
(Samuel L. Jaskon: Sex.)
(Dan Brown: Sex?)
(Samuel L. Jaskon: Oh, sorry, I thought you said mayonnaise.)
(Dan Brown: That doesn't make more sense.)
(Samuel L. Jaskon: Um, maple syrup?)
(Aro: Noooooooo......)
Narrator: Meanwhile...
nav: So we have agreed then? The kraken scared us away.
All: Yeah.
nav: Now what?
CK: Well, seeing as we have nothing else of importance to say, I think we should cut.
zyx: I second that.
Peter Jackson: Okay, cut! Good, excellent work, everyone! Should we shoot the scene where we fearlessly rescue Aro in the next post?
oliver: I'm cool with that.
Peter Jackson: Great!
Steven Spielberg: Greater.
Peter Jackson: Greatest.
Steven Spielberg: Gre.... DAMN YOU PETER! >:-(
Peter Jackson: Heh.

Narrator: Will Peter Jackson finish the movie in time? Will we ever get rid of the kraken? Will Aro read this post for 30 minutes in order to find stuff he can make fun of? And why didn't oliver spend more time making fun of Aro when he had the chance?
oliver: Well, I simply ran out of time.
Narrator: Tune in next time for another thrilling episode of The Splash Splash Screenplay v.somethingsomething - Pirates Ahoy! Brought to you by [stress] CC-Wash!
Commercials: CC-Wash, CC-Wash, I'm lovin it, CC-Wash, CC-Wash....

Splash Splash Part XVIII
By Thunder77

Narrator: When we last left our heroes, they were dinking around thinking of an excuse to not save their 'beloved' Seraph Aro. But first, we join Steve and Zen, deep in the jungle.

Steve: Zen, have you any idea where we're going? It seems like we've been wandering around aimlessly for hours.
Zen: Shh, I'm trying to concentrate! *rubs head into the map*
Steve: Oh my God, do you even know how to read a map?
Zen: *stops* No need, *concentrates* I am the HG master of osmosis!
Steve: *rolls eyes* (quietly): The master of idiocy too, I suppose. (louder): So I'm guesing by being the master, you teach others?
Zen: Yes, of course. That's what the OD Core Group is. Do you honestly think those idiots can read?
Steve: So THAT explains their bruised heads in their pictures...
Zen: They also try and type with their heads.
Steve: How sad. Anywho, give me the ma- *looks up* Wow, we're here!
Zen: I told you I could get us here!
Steve: Wow. *points* Aro!
Aro: *looks up* About ****ing time!
Steve: C'mon Aro, lets get out of here.
Zen: Look out, Steve!
Scud: HI-YA! *kicks Steve square in the forehead*
Steve: Oof! *K-O'd*
Zen: Who the hell are you?
Aro: *gasp* You can cuss?
Scud: Just a lazy peon.
Zen: Uh...
watchwood: *appears behind Scud* My peon.
Aro: watchwood? What are you do-
ww: Hush.
Aro: You can't tell me to hush!
ww: Hush!
Aro: *draws bansword* COWER!
ww: *does so*
Aro: *seathes* Now tell me, what are you doing here.
ww: You have something I require.
Aro: Oh? *huggles bansword*
ww: Not that. A trading card deck.
Aro: *gasps* The one I always carry in my back-left pocket?!
ww: Correct. I'll make you a proposition.
Aro: Pft, what do you have that I want?
ww: *whistles, and a bunch of man-eating plants erupt from the ground* Your life.
Aro: Meh. *glances at Zen*
Zen: *nods, draws bansword*
Narrator: The two angels made amazing stunt, cutting every plant's base with the bansword within 15 seconds.
Aro: ww, you don't scare me.
ww: Blast! *clenches fist*
Aro: *kicks Steve* GET UP SWP!
Steve: Uh? *gets up, looks around* watchwood? Scud? Banned plants? WTF just happened?
Zen: You don't want to know.
Steve: *nods* Let's go.

Narrator: Back on the beaches of Aro's Island...

ax: *twiddling fingers*
Thunder77: Ha! *sets down pail and shovel* Finished.
zyx: Nice sand castle.
Thunder77: Haha, yeah. I'm gonna go sit in its master bedroom. Peace.
zyx: Hey Thunder, wait up. Wanna play some pool in its game room?
Thunder77: Sure.
ax: I'm gonna go twiddle in the library. Maybe I can get some reading done.
Thunder77: Nah, those books are fake.
ax: Blast!
Thunder77: The master bedroom's matress is quite nice.
ax: Okay then.

Narrator: Will our heroes get off the island alive? Find out next time!

Splash Splash Screenplay Part XIX
By Aro

Voice: Coming soon... what happens when a series of arranged incidents, die for your sins?

Thunder77: Take this!
Plot: Oh no! Please no! AAAGH!
Scud: Lemme get a shot in!
Plot: AAGH! Please! Please no! Aro! Help me!
Aro: I'm... I'm sorry.... I... I don't know you.
Plot: Aro! Please help!
Aro: I don't know you! Leave me be!
Plot: I thought you loved me!
Thunder77: Die! Hiya!
Plot: Augh! No, no! I can't take this! Please stop!
oliver: I hope you feel this one! I hate you and your kind! Bam!
Plot: Aaargh! Please, think about the readers!
Spirit of Gilead: Can I give it a shot, with this CHAINSAW LOLZ?!? *Vvvvn, vvvvn, vvvvv!!!*

Voice: The Lack of Passion for the Plot
Voice: Coming to a theatre near you...

Narrator: On the last episode of the Splash Splash Screenplay, the mods decided to use delay tactics on the Halos to stop the installation of a temporary Seraph. At that EXACT SAME TIME more or less, Zen's taking Steve around Aro's island! watchwood is getting even closer to getting power over AoKH! And Anastasia's one step closer to getting Aro's trading cards, but canceling out that joy, a date with Scud, and apparently she'll ban everybody if they don't hurry up! The only thing that could make this episode more exciting is a big, stupid Kraken! Clu-clu-clu...

Thunder77: Isn't it funny that the narrator has a personal life, and actually interacts with us during the story?
xyz: Yeah... what's your point?
Thunder77: Just saying I find it funny.
xyz: Haw haw.
Thunder77: *Grunts with anger.*
Saint Mungo: Mu-mu-mungo!

*In a flash of light, Anastasia appears.*

Ana: What are you guys doing? *Smiles.*
TK: *Smiles back.* None of your goddamn business.
Ana: Listen, I want you guys to go on the island and save Aro.
nav: We're the rebellious Cow Gone Mad crew! Why would we want to listen to a mod?
Ana: Because I'll ban you all for breathing.
xyz: Let's go save Aro!
All: *Cheers.*

*Ana glances over at watchwood and nods; he nods back. She disappears in another flash of light.*

Scud: What was she nodding about?
watchwood: I think she was hitting on me.
Scud: Screw you.

Narrator: In the super-secret Halo meeting forum, the Halos review the recent Seraph suggestion...

Jayhawk: Hrm... it seems like, not only do we not know anything about watchwood, but like, we don't really care and stuff.
Spiney: To'lly, Jeyzey Jay. Like, who cares? AoKH is old, ancient, like.
Reck: Mmmm... *licks toes*
Jayhawk: AoK is, like, going out of style anyway. What could this watchwood possibly do wrong? Plus, he like, got a huge recommendation from Anastasia, umkay?
Spiney: Umkay, I told ya, like, don't care, don't care. Just latum, kay?
Reck: Oh you... mmm.... *licks toes*
Jayhawk: ...
Spiney: ...
Reck: *Looks up.* OK, OK, I'll give my two cents. To be completely honest with you guys, this watchwood guy has a criminal record, and he doesn't seem to be half as professional as Anastasia says he is. Maybe we should ask the FMT for an informed decision? A background check? Anything... at all?
All: *Laughter.*
Jayhawk: Go back to licking your toes, heathen.

Narrator: Meanwhile, Zen drops Steve off at Aro's island. Unlike contrary belief, what Steve met was a clone of Aro when he and Zen were trapped on Aro's island, because they were hallucinating. HALLUCINATING, because of the long flight, apparently.

Steve: Thanks, Zen.
Zen: Steve... we're like brothers. I'd do anything for you.
Steve: ... I barely know you.
Zen: What? You think I'd fly you all of the way out here, just for a thanks? Who the heck do you think I am?
Steve: Zen, I-
Zen: No! Enough! I can't believe you, Steve! I thought we were one, you and I!
Steve: Zen-
Zen: Enough Steve! You think you can have a ride, thank me, and it's all over?! No sir! I'm not some train, Steve, or some one-stop bus! I need some commitment! I thought we were friends!
Steve: Um... I can pay you some money-
Zen: Money?! Now you want to pay me for my services?! What are you implying?!


Aro: What the hell was I thinking? The smoke from my signal fire is suffocating me. Somebody must've had the impression that there was a skylight in this cave.
Aro: It's not that easy, moron. It's never that easy.
Aro: What about the sharks?
Theodore: THERE ARE NO-
Aro: What if an eagle eats me, Theodore? Or what if I choke on a small fish? It's never that easy! It looks easy, it sounds easy, but it isn't easy! It's never easy! It's hard to beat the final boss! It's difficult! It's a challenge that I'm not willing to take! You beat Bowser by jumping over him! It sounds easy, but it's not! Mario can only jump so high when he has no mushroom!
Theodore: ... YOU'RE MESSED UP, DUDE.
Aro: And you're a lame character.
Theodore: ... TOUCHE.


Thunder77: Aro probably got stuck here while trying to go to the bathroom.
All: ...
Thunder77: ... while trying to *find* the bathroom.
xyz: Quiet.
Thunder77: K.
xyz: This cave is huge.
oliver: No ****.
nav: Strange how you switch from censoring and uncensoring the word "shit".
oliver: It's not that big of a deal.
nav: Haha... it's sorta like Aro keeps changing the subject mid-segment to illustrate a point.
All: *Laughter.*
xyz: Aro sucks.
Saint Mungo: Ma-mu-mu-mungo!

Narrator: As they went deeper inside of the cave, watchwood and Scud separated themselves from the herd so they could conspire privately.

watchwood: I could've sworn I had already taken the cards from Aro.
Scud: That was a hallucination. You beat me with a steel rake while calling out Aro's name.
watchwood: Oh....
Scud: Plus, we have to *kill* Aro too, so you get revenge, remember?
Thunder77: Major plot points can be overlooked time to time.
All: ...
Thunder77: Don't worry, I never heard anything. Continue....

Narrator: Deeper inside of the cave, deep, deep inside, the crew led by xyz find that they're at a dead end.

xyz: We're at a dead end!
nav: Didn't watchwood say that we should go this way?
xyz: How would he know where the dead ends are?
nav: It's as if he's been here before. As if he intentionally lured us away from where Aro really is so he could confront Aro himself.
Thunder77: Strange...
All: ...
oliver: Where the heck did you come from, Thunder?
Saint Mungo: MUNGO!!!

Narrator: watchwood and Scud walk into the place where Aro is in the cave, or however that's phrased... whatever.

Scud: That was half-arsed.
watchwood: Aro's not even trying anymore.
Scud: Speak of the devil...

*Aro steps out of the shadows.*

watchwood: Aro... you know why we've come here.
Scud: The showdown begins.
Aro: I... somehow knew you would come. Not that I knew it would be you exactly... and I don't even know why you've come. But this will be our greatest battle.
watchwood: This will our last battle.
Scud: More like first battle, but nice try, guys.
watchwood: Aro, I need your cards. I have to have your cards.
Aro: My... cards?
Scud: Lol, all serious and stuff now.
watchwood: Your trading cards. Your Pokemon trading cards.
Aro: watchwood... there are no cards.
watchwood: You're lying!
Aro: No... who told you?
watchwood: I need your trading cards, Aro. Give me your trading cards!
Aro: I told all of my staff members I had trading cards. A holo Charizard, mint condition, included. That was to test their loyalty.
watchwood: You have to be lying!
Aro: Was I? Do you think I'd just, lie to you?
watchwood: Give me the cards!
Aro: There are no cards, watchwood! You've been lied to! Lied to lied to lied to! Lie... 'd to!
watchwood: No, no, no, no! This can't be!
Aro: I'm honest, watchwood. I've never lied in my life. Why would I lie now?
Scud: Technically you lied to your staff members if you told them you had trading cards when you didn't.
Aro: ...
watchwood: ...
Aro: ...
watchwood: ...
Aro: ...
watchwood: Give me the cards.
Aro: NO! They're MINE, commie!

Narrator: As Aro and watchwood have the ultimatest of all confrontationals, the rest of the crew run into troubles of their own.

oliver: Who's that?
nav: Oh no...
xyz: Woah.
Saint Mungo: MUNGO!!!

*Right in front of their eyes was the most feared villain in Splash Splash history.*

Fearless Leader: Muahahahahahahahahahahahahaha- *inhale* -mwahahahahahaha! FEAR ME, INFIDELS!
xyz: Oh noez, Fearless Leader!
Spirit of Gilead: He doesn't look that tough!
Fearless Leader: Not tough you say?

*Fearless Leader pulls out Gilead's heart and waves it above his head proudly.*

xyz: No! Spirit of Gilead!
Thunder77: You knew him, zyx?
xyz: I have to show compassion to give me a reason to want to fight the villain, past transgressions aside.
Fearless Leader: Now, zyxomma... you know how Aro got to this island! Ghost of Caesar, Nabrimn, Darkmaster, Kevo... I defeated them all. I captured Aro and stranded him out on this island, his wings taped with... with....
xyz: Duck tape?
Fearless Leader: Duck tape!
oliver: Lol, duck-
Fearless Leader: And I knew you, the Splashers, would arrive! You're all that remains of the old crew, zyxomma, and even then you fail to stay active! Splash Splash is nothing now! Aro's all that remains of the original crew, the rest are away or inactive, unable to help you post your oh-so-clever posts! The essence of Splash Splash has been lost! What you call Splash Splash is a shadow of what we all once called the greatest thread at HeavenGames!
xyz: I will dest-
Fearless Leader: You can't destroy me, because I'm all that remains of the good ol' days, zyxomma. If you destroy me, Splash Splash will be no more. It will fade into some n00b-"look I can't spell" showcase.
xyz: ...
Fearless Leader: Join me, zyx. Together we can bring Splash Splash back, restore it, purify it!
xyz: How do you plan on doing that?
nav: zyx?
Fearless Leader: Destroying the Town's Crier. Think about it, my friend... when the Town's Crier was created, Splash Splash went into decline. The original was even closed in that evil forum due to an alleged "forum bug"! Ha... not likely. It was an assassination! The Halos noticed that it was about to beat something called the Party Thread in post count, and they insisted that it be closed so that wouldn't happen!
xyz: ...
nav: Don't listen to him. It was a bug. Other threads were closed in accordance to that rule too!
Thunder77: Yeah, he's lying.
Saint Mungo: Mungo very, very confused.
Fearless Leader: Splash Splash will never die as long as we restore it, purify it, together! AoKH will live on if we work together, zyxomma! We can even take on HG itself, even that forum with... with n00bs posing as oldies!
Fearless Leader: Yes, OD! Forgot. Come on, zyx! Join me!
xyz: Guys... leave.
nav: Don't listen to him!
xyz: Guys, just leave!
Fearless Leader: Mwahaha!
oliver: zyx... you're our leader.
xyz: Leave!
nav: *Sadly.* Come on, let's go guys...

*The other Splashers leave.*

Fearless Leader: Mwahaha! Now, what shall we do first, my ally? Destroy AoMH or AoE3H? Which has the higher n00b ratio?
xyz: *Karate stance.*
Fearless Leader: What is this?!
xyz: Time to say goodbye, FL.
Fearless Leader: And kill Splash Splash?
xyz: I've come to acknowledge that... that we can't save Splash Splash.... No matter how hard we try, new people will join and old people will leave. We can't purify it. We can't restore it. But maybe we can try our hardest to make it evolve.
Fearless Leader: Evolve? That's like saying the older you get, the stronger you get, zyxomma. It doesn't work like that.
xyz: Maybe it could.
Fearless Leader: The old gets WEAK unless you do something about it! I will end this now, and restore Splash Splash, and then the world, in my image! You made a mistake, zyxomma!
xyz: A mistake I'm not going to regret. You were made to show how Splash Splash distained n00bs and spammers; you were made to be defeated! And for the record: AoE3H has the higher n00b ratio!
Fearless Leader: Bwahah! Bring it on! You can't beat me without your allies!

*Both leap at eachother and a flash floods the room, all DBZ-anime style.*

Narrator: Meanwhile, Steve breaks up with Zen and enters the cave, only to find Aro and watchwood about to fight.

Aro: Steve, mind giving me a hand?
Steve: Haha, with watchwood and Scud? Seriously?
Aro: Can you watch and cheer me on at least?

*Aro proceeds to destroy watchwood in the most brutal way possible.*

watchwood: Arejafk;
Scud: Aro, watchwood tricked me! Let me join the side of good and rightlisness!
Aro: You can be my ward.
Scud: Really?
Aro: No, just run away and pretend you were never saw any of this.
Scud: K.
Steve: I finally found you. You wouldn't believe how big of an ass-
Aro: Yeah, yeah, the whole loose cannon cop thing. Can you untape my wings?
Steve: Had you ever had Zen give you a ride anywhere?
Both: Commitment! *Laughter.*
Aro: Yeah... what a card. Reminds me of a bad Seinfeld episode. Hey... speaking of cards, where the hell are my trading cards?! No! Nooo! CHARIZAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD!!!!

Narrator: Out on the boat, Anastasia waits, watching the mouth of the cave. She notices Scud walking up to the boat with a smile on his face.

Anastasia: Where's watchwood?
Scud: Nevermind him. You wanted these...?
Anastasia: The trading cards....
Scud: Now, about our date?
Anastasia: Give me the cards first, sweety.

*Scud hands over the cards gleefully.*

Anastasia: I'll give you your reward...

*Anastasia pulls out her ban sword and strikes Scud down, sending him to banland.*

Anastasia: My plan is going according to plan. Er... my plan is going "swell". Now, all I must do is give these Pokemon cards to Jayhawk, an avid collector, in exchange for me becoming a Halo! Hehehehehe! But first, I must destroy this boat and let these tools rot on this island! EVILL!

*The crew is standing behind Anastasia.*

Anastasia: Oh... hi.
All: ...
Anastasia: ... What?
All: ...
Anastasia: You... you heard everything I said?
All: ...
Anastasia: ALL of it?

Narrator: Will zyx defeat the notorious old-timey boss Fearless Leader? What will Scud do to get out of banland? Will Anastasia become a Halo, or will the crew stop her? Will the people who post a follow-up succeed in capturing the mood of all of these climaxes without ruining the story? Will they give characters individual personalities? Find out next time!

Splash Splash Screenplay Part XX
By Scud
Narrator: Tossing away the rest of the entire cast for the minuete we will focus on Scud as he fights his way through ban-land back to the rest of the crew, very narcasist i think on the part of the writer focusing on himself alone, well he really couldn't give a toss, can i say "toss" in this screenplay? Oh well, ta-ra!
Scud: Ahhh evil Ana! Thats it, i swear i will kill her when i get out of here......but how could i kill some-one so beatiful *sigh*
Scud: Pull yourself togther man!

Narrator: As Scuddles walks around ban-land he encounters the two man-eating plants we encountered earlier from Aro's cave
Plant1: Your wheel's came yet?
Plant2: Nah, Argo's delivery service sucks
Plant1: You can get the same wheels from Woolworths, £5 cheaper and gaurented delivery in 5 days
Plant 2: Sounds good, pass me the phone chum, i want to order a pair
*Scud walks past*
Scud: Hey, do you know a way out of here
Plant1: Looks like we have some food
Scud: Ahh f....

Narrator: Just before Scud was to say a rather rude word, a mysterious figure appeared and slayed the plants
Scud: Wh..whoo are you?
*****: I be, RAY!!!!!
Scud: Woooh, didnt you get a long ban?
Ray: Hence i am here
Scud: How did you kill them?
Ray: With my sword of light of course
Scud: Could you help me get out of ban land, i need to seek revenge on Ana.
Colo: Grr, grumble, mods, grumble, i'm a bad ass
Ray: Tut Tut, Colo's never been the same since the ban
Scud: He be a broken man.....
Colo: If you want to get out of ban-land, you've had the power all along
Scud: I have?
Ray: He has?
Narrator: He does?!
Colo: Yes, those slippers you are wearing, tap your heels three times and say there is no place like Nav
Scud: Why Nav?
Colo: He's the captain, so where he is, the crew is

Narrator: So Scud does as he appears on in the jungle as the rest of crew are trecking around aimlessly thinking of a plan of attack

Nav: G'arrgh, i be captain Nav!
Oliver: Whats that in the bush?!
Scud: Me!
Thunder77: Scuddles
*Thunder77 hugs Scud*
Scud: ¬_¬
Thunder77: ¬_¬
Dark_Reign: Rather odd.
Oliver: Whats happened?
NewIdea: Don't look at me, i had no-Idea
Scud: Ana is evil, at first Watchwood wanted Aro's power, then they had a face off, then i took Aro's mighty power to Ana, thus scoring me a dinner date with her, but Ana was supreme evil overlord in the end and was like, OMG!!! She's evil and banned me and and and....
Reaper_93: Calm down, calm down!
Ax_Man1: Where did you come from?
Reaper_93: It's a very large crew y'know.

Narrator: So as Scud and plied himself with rum, he told the story off all the crazy double-crossing and his exploration of the Ban-lands

Nav: So thats settles it!
Oliver: Settles what?
Nav: what we are doing now!
NewIdea: So who are we goign after, whos the bad guys, i have no-idea!

Narrator: Yes, who is the bad guys, who will Captain Nav and his crew support as it all goes tits-up in a massive power-struggle for the Seraph-ship!

Splash Splash Screenplay Part XXI
By nav
Narrator: Ok, in spite of Aro’s best efforts, I’m completely lost in this plot.
nav: It’s not just you.
Narrator: Well then let’s briefly review. Aro and Steve destroyed watchwood after a rather quick and anticlimactic fight, right?
nav: Yeah.
Narrator: And in the meantime, Scud stole the cards from Aro and brought them back to his beloved Ana. She banned him rather than go on the promised date.
nav: That’s what I gathered.
Regis Philbin: Oh, the humanity!
Narrator: Also, Fearless Leader appeared and tried to convince zyx to join him in an evil effort to destroy the Town’s Crier and restore Splash Splash to its original glory.
nav: That whole thing was a little stretched, considering how easily I just left zyx alone with FL.
Aro: Hey, you try to keep this plot coherent.
Narrator: And when we last left the crew of the Cow Gone Mad, they had just finished hearing Ana discussing her evil intentions out loud.
nav: Yeah, that was the cliffhanger at the end of Aro’s.
Narrator: All right, well I’ll pick it up after this public service announcement.

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How closely do you monitor your daily poison intake? You may be consuming things that you don’t even realize! Scientific research has proven that worldwide hundreds of thousands of gallons of the chemical substance dihydrogen monoxide were consumed last year. Are your children safe? What can you do about this threat? Stay tuned.
------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------

Narrator: When last we left Scud he had just escaped banland. In reality he had just been hallucinating about escaping, a known side effect for those recently smitten with the banstick.
Scud: This? You override my last installment to use this as a plot development?
Narrator: Scud, get ahold of yourself.

Narrator: Scud finds himself floating in nothingness along with several legendary forumers of old.
Regis Philbin: Oh, the humanity!
Pauken: Cobra Cars are unstoppable!
Scud: Who is Pauken?
Scud: Ray!
Batman Adam West: LOLZ!!1
musiclover412: Hey, I don’t deserve to be in this group! I made a new account and apologized!
Scud: Ana, why oh why did you abandon me to this place??

Narrator: While Scud “enjoys” the company of the banished in banland, we join Aro and Steve in the cave.
Aro: So, uh, what now?
Steve: You’re the one developing the plot for this screenplay.

Narrator: Back at the Cow Gone Mad, the Splash Splash crew is getting absolutely nowhere, as usual.
ax_man1: We’re getting absolutely nowhere, as usual.
nav: Quiet. Ana just announced her secret plans to us by accident, so now we have to do something.
ax_man1: I shouldn’t have skimmed the top of your post.
oliver: *to Ana* We heard your plans! You’ll never succeed now!
Ana: Fools! You can’t stop me!
nav: She’s probably right. Only Aro can save this plot now.

Narrator: Will Ana’s evil plan be thwarted? Can Aro even save this plot? Why didn’t the story between zyx and FL continue in this screenplay? What is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything?
zyx: 42. *eats bread*
Narrator: Tune in next time!

Splash Splash Screenplay Part XXII
By Scud

Narrator: Now, instead of trying to contiune the main story arch, it is indeed time for something completely different. It seems Scud was hallucantating and still suck in Ban-land
Scud: If i was stuck in Ban-land, how did they find out of Ana's evil plans?
Narrator: Don't look at me
Scud: And i've gone off Ana now
Narrator: Whys that?
Scud: The abuse, and then she beat me, and banned me aswell
Narrator: Hhmm, not a good base of a stable relationship is it now?
Scud: Darn right
*Scud, exploring the emptyness of the Ban-Lands begans to expirment with directing his floating into flying*
Narrator: The trick is not aim for the floor when jumping
Scud: I think i've finnally got the hang of this flying lark
Narrator: That's good, well i must be off, ta-ra!
Scud: You're leaving me?!
Narrator: The story is all about you, you egomanic
*narrator leaves*

Scud: Hmmm what could i possibly do to escape?
*Scud spots an ATM machine*
Scud: Hmm, strange
*Scud flys up to the ATM machine, and on further inspection it is an FMT Machine*
FMT Machine: Hello! And Welcome to the FMT Automated help line!
Scud: Bu...
FMT Machine: Press 1 if you want to contact the FMT
FMT Machine: Press 2 if you want to know your location
FMT Machine: Press 3 if you want to apeal to a banning
FMT Machine: Press 0 if your claim does not suit these options
FMT Machine: Press # to hear the options again.
Scud: Hmmmm.....*press #*
FMT Machine: You Pressed the "HASH" key.
FMT Machine: Press 1 if you want to contact the FMT
FMT Machine: Press 2 if you want to know your location
FMT Machine: Press 3 if you want to apeal to a banning
FMT Machine: Press 0 if your claim does not suit these
Scud: *Press 0*
FMT Machine: Please hold while we connect you to a Chreub
*Green Sleves plays*
Scud: I like this tune, Green la la....
Scud: *drums fingers*

Narrator: After 2 hours of waiting Scud is finnaly connected.

Unknown: Hello, welcome to the Forum Moderation Contact line, i am Luke M and how can i help you?
Scud: Luke! Wow, hurray, i'm saved!
Luke: 'Eh?
Scud: Long story, anyway, why are you manning the phones?
Luke: Bloody overtime
Scud: Yeah, must be a pain in the arse.....anyway, i am in a slight problem.
Luke: You've been banned
Scud: Durh!
Luke: Don't break the CoC then!
Scud: I didn't
Luke: I'm sorry, but you already have two warning to your name.
Scud: Well yes, but i haven't commited any more offence to get me banned
Luke: Ahh i see, so how are you banned? Sorry, my computer system is broken, as it always seems to be in call centres and we have to run around fetching files
Scud: Well, cut a long story short Ana went on a power trip and got me banned, and everything seems to going to hell
Luke: Well sorry, i'm not an offical member of the FMT, i can't just clear you without a full investigation
Scud: That will take.....?
Luke: Around 1 week
Scud: ¬_¬....and were will i stay until my hearing?
Luke: We'll provide you a cell
Scud: Hard when i'm floating around
Luke: Yeah to cut cost the FMT decided all outside space just be a vaccum, but with are handy powers here i'll transport you to your cell.
Scud: Ok
Luke: Now don't freak out now....

Narrator: Scud wakes up in a plain boring ol' cell, and he has a compaion!

Lord Basse: Hi!

Narrator: What a perfect time to add a cameo for somebody in, so here it is....

Scud: What are you doing here?
Lord Basse: I went a bit over the top with the forum games and the posting back and forth
Lord Basse: Look at me, look at me! Look at the spamming monster i have become!!!!! I see a word game andi just can't help myself, I JUST CANT!!!!
*Basse weeps*
Scud: Cheer up ol' chum, i can get us out of here
Basse: *sniff* You can?
Scud: I could get myself out, but i'm not sure about you ¬_¬
Basse: Please, please please!!!!
*Thunder77 gets thrown into the cell*

Scud: huh?
Thuder77: Evil Ana upted the warning i had to ban!
Scud: Didn't the whole crew stop her?
Thunder77: I'm not sure, i'm not the narrator
Narrator: However i am, Thunder got thrown into this part of the plot for it's just be wierd to see, and i'm sure they'll all be back out for tea and crumpets any time soon!
Thunder77: You best not of given me a dead end role now
Narrator: Hey, it's not up to me!
Thunder77: How many plot lines are going on at the moment?!
Narratrt: I lost count, but theres the main ship with the stand off i think, this part and ummm... Steve and people prancing around i think.
Thunder77: Yes, it's been broken alot, the fourth wall must be weak.....
Scud: Are you thinking what i am thinking?
Thunder77: If it is Lesbian gorrilas, yes
Scud: No, try again
Thunder77: Samuel l. Jackson coming in a going "YO MOFOs THERE BE SNAKES!!!! DIE ALL, i'll pop a cap in YO ARSE!
Scud: Nien
Thunder77: Well what?
Scud: We use the huge amount of unfinished projects for Aok by Basse as something to set fire to, then we burn down the fourth wall to get free!
Lord Basse: I'll finish them at one point!
Thunder77: What-ever *gets out match*
Scud: This could only end in tears
Lord Basse: Already has *cries*

Narrator: Will these three get out?! Will anyone bother to contiune this story arch, will people just leave them to die and focus of the main plot!, Who knows and who cares?!

Back on the cow gone mad
Nav: Where did Thunder77 go?
Ana: Mwah i banned him!
Ax_man: Really wow, why was he part of this showdown?
Ana: Well now he ain't
Oliver: Aii!
Ana: Now lets all get abck on topic before i all ban you!
Oliver: Where were we
Ana: About to have a stand-off, of course
Ax_man: Oh yes, i had newIdea in a head lock
newIdea: And we where standing over here
Ana: And i had my sword drawn

Peter Jackson: Guys, guys guys!!! You're all in the wrong places, Look, when made I the final battle in Helms deep everyone was spontaious, like fighting everwhere. I WANT SPONTANITY PEOPLE!!!!! Ana, you stand by the mast, no no, have one leg on that box, yes thats right!

Narrator: Will Peter Jackson ever direct this great screenplay, will the showdown be such a let down it is a box office flop, will this end all our acting career

Plant1: Got your wheels yet?!
Plant2: No, bloody Woolworths!
Plant1: Like man, tried the Avon catalogue?
Plant2: All the catalogues we've tried failed.
Plant1: Mabye it's time we used online shopping
Plant2: Yeah, my friend picked a up a lovely dress from Marks and Spencer's online
Plant1: ¬_¬

Splash Splash Screenplay Part XXIII
By Thunder77

Narrator: When we last left our heroes, they were staring blankly at Ana. Thunder77 was stuck in banland!

Thunder77: *sticks heads between bars* This sucks.
Basse: I know man. All I did was post with Scuddles 500 times in SS!
Thunder77: And all I did was flame the crap out of Elpeye!
Basse: I know. Who in their right mind wouldn't do that?
Thunder77: Beats me.
Both: ...
Basse: How the hell do we get out of here?
Thunder77: *gets out a crystal ball* Lemme check.
Thunder77: It's the crystal ball of time! It lets me replay anything that ever happened.
Basse: What are you looking at?
Thunder77: How Scuddles got out of here!
Basse: Uh, that just happened about 5 minutes ago.
Thunder77: Shu'p, shu'p, SHU'P!
Basse: ...
Thunder77: *gazes into ball* Let me concentrate!
Basse: ...

Narrator: On the shores of Aro's Island...

Scud: *appears in the jungle* There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home. Hey cool, that movie really did give good life lessons! Now to find the crew... *peeks through a bush in front of him, and see Ana and the Cow Gone Mad crew* Hm. *leans back* That was surprisingly easy. Now, I just have to plan this exactly right...
Ana: Now, you guys saw none of this!
ax: No way man! I will protect the HG rights just like I protect my WoW! *huggles box*
zyx: And my Aro! *huggles replica*
Aro: *ahem*
zyx: Oops.
Rest: *stares*
nav: Where the heck did you come from?
zyx and Aro: Uh...
Ana: Now, if any of you speak a word of this, you will be banned, kicked out of the Tsuniversity and the TS forums...
Scud: *walks up behind Ana as she continues to blather unimportantly*
All: *looks at Scud*
Ana: But if you don't speak of this I'll- ...What are you guys looking at?
All: *stares at Scud*
Scud: *shakes head, and mouthes "NO!"*
All: *stares at Scud*
Ana: Uh.. *looks behind her*
Scud: *runs behind Ana*
Ana: I still don't get what you're looking at. *turns around*
Scud: *remains behind Ana*
All: *stares at Scud*
Scud: *rubs eyes frustratingly* -_-
Ana: You guys are crazy.
Scud: *rubs hands together* >=D
Ana: Anyways, you'll also be banned from all the other design team forums... *blathers unimportantly*
Scud: *walks up behind Ana, grabs her hands and tucks them behind her back* 'Ello, poppit. [/accent]
Ana: *looks behind her* Scud?! Where did you-... How did you-... Why did you-... *sighs*
Scud: *very close to Ana* So, you thought you'd get away with this, didn't you, you stupid, evil, *runs fingers through her hair* ...beautiful little devil!
Ana: *standing up straight, looking straight forward*
Scud: *gets out a piece of palm tree fibers and ties Ana's hands together* So, *walking in circles around her* I want the whole story.
Ana: ...
Scud: TELL!
Ana: *blinks* Well, I told you and watchwood to get me Aro's trading cards so I could give them to Jayhawk. He's a collecter you know. *ahem* Anyways, in exchange for the deck, he would make me a Halo.
Scud: Interesting. Well, I think you know what happens next. *takes Ana's bansword*
Ana: No...! Not Charlie...
All: ...
oliver: *eats popcorn*
Scud: To banland with you, felon! *raises bansword over his head*
Ana: Arghh! *screams*
Jayhawk: *catches Scud's ... Ana's ... Charlie* No, Scud.
All: *gasp*
Ana: Jayhawk?!
Jayhawk: *takes Charlie, duel wields banswords* Ana, I decieved you.
Ana: ???
Jayhawk: I actually do not collect Pokemon cards. Well, actually I do, but I already had all the cards in Aro's puny-
All: *gasp*
Jayhawk: -deck. I was going to give GillB the deck in exchange for Zen's position! He was going to be fired!
All: *gasp*
Jayhawk: So, all of you, to banland. I cannot let information like this leak.
All: *gasp*
Jayhawk: *raises the two banswords over his head*
GillB: *catches them* No, Jayhawk.
All: *GASP!!*
Jayhawk: GillB?
Ana: GillB?
All: GillB?
Scud: SCUD! *cheesy Japanese peace-sign pose*
GillB: Jayhawk, I decieved you.
tk: *faints*
GillB: I actually collect the cards, but after getting the cards, I was going to ban you!
All: *gasp*
Jayhawk: But... why?
GillB: You're a terrible Seraph.
Jayhawk: >:,'O
GillB: Zen was going to take your position.
All: ...
Ana, Jayhawk, GillB: Commitment. *laughter*

Narrator: What will happen to Scud, Ana, Jayhawk, and Aro? Find out next time!

Splash Splash Screenplay Part XIV
By Aro


Calm Voice: Feeling lonely? Distraught? We present the Whine Hotline! Here are a few real testimonials!

Aro: I felt angry because people were ruining my twists, which were already mutilated beyond recognition when I made them, but... GAH, I couldn't stand it anymore! But then I called Whine Hotline, where hot girls whined to me about how much their boyfriends sucked and how they need a nice, sensitive guy like me. Although I told them all to screw themselves, putting people down over the phone is fun, and it made me feel better! One of the girls sounded really hot though; she said I had a sexy voice, to which I humbly agreed.

Thunder77: Aro kept phasing out my storylines and more or less removing or changing them, I mean, he did it twice now! I mean, come on, cut a guy a break! But then I called Whine Hotline, where a girl whining about people mutilating her storylines shared my concerns. I felt like I could relate, and this girl had a really sexy voice, but she told me to screw myself when I said I wanted to get to know her! Still, I feel better now that I know that I'm not the only one out there!

Calm Voice: Call the Whine Hotline today at 1-800-555-FLT4!

Quick Voice: Call1800555FLT4fortheWhineHotlineboysonly18yearsorolderwomen mightnotactuallybewomen$1.85persecond, againthat's1800555FLT4fortheWhineHotline! Call today!

Narrator: When we last left our heroes, the entire cast was on the Cow Gone Mad, and a series of betrayals happened! First, Scud tied up Anastasia and was about to strike her down with her own ban sword regardless of the fact that mods can't ban themselves when, OMG, JAYHAWK BETRAYED HER! But OMG GET THIS, Gill betrays JAYHAWK in turn because he's a "BAD SERAPH" when he's a FRICKING HALO WHICH MAKES HIM EQUAL IN RANKING WITH HER!!!!!1 Zen's a halo too, so it doesn't make sense that she would replace him with Zen since they're EQUAL, AS I SAIDHOLYHOLYCRAP! It gets better and more exciting, the plot, developing! Somehow xyz slipped out of the epic story-necessary Fearless Leader fight to join the crew in this parade of insanity and plot destruction! What could get more exciting than this? Regis Philbin and Peter Jackson getting killed off!

Regis Philbin: Wai, wai, I was supposta be a random "funny" guest! It's not my fault they kept including me in EVERY story!
Peter Jackson: And... I have no idea what the hell I'm doing here. Kill me.
Aro: *Pulls gun trigger repeatedly.*
All: *Breaths of relief.*
GillB: Now, where were we? *Raises ban sword.*
Aro: Wait... I have something to reveal.
All: ...
Aro: I actually tricked Gill into betraying Jayhawk, who betrayed Anastasia, who betrayed everybody. I did it because I wanted to grab power away from everyone or some lame reason like that.
Jayhawk: So you're the one responsible for all of this?
Spiney: No....
All: ...

Narrator: ...

Jayhawk: Where did you come from?
Spiney: Look, I tricked Aro into betraying Gill, everybody. I did it at first because I wanted everybody to get along with eachother, but it fell apart when Gill betrayed more people. Who would've thought one person betraying another would lead to more betrayal, honestly? It's unheard of.
Regis Philbin: *Sputtering blood.* Oh the... *cough* oh... human-
Aro: *Pulls trigger again.*
Zen: And I tricked Spiney, folks.
All: ...
Steve: What... the hell....
Aro: My beautiful plot....
Zen: I tricked him because... well.... For kicks, really.
Halos: *Laughter.*
Zen: And because I hate the other Halos with a passion.
Halos: ...
Zen: Kidding haha!
Halos: *Laughter.*
Zen: Now let's go drink liquor and talk about how inferior AoKH is compared to OD. Maybe we can fit in a few stale jokes from Aro's other installments too! They're funnier when you're drunk!
AoKH'ers: ....

*The Halos leave in a ghastly mist, causing the already-devastated plot to start on fire.*

All: ...
Thunder77: Well, it made sense to me!
Aro: My plot... *Crashes head repeatedly against keyboard.*
Steve: Aro?
Aro: /'jkghgftyu9o0hjyumju....

Narrator: .... No idea what the hell just happened, but thank GOD it's over. Damn... so we join our confused heroes on the Cow Gone Mad, where Anastasia's confused too.

Ana: I feel exposed!
All: *Confused forced giggles.*
Ana: Well guys, since the plot is effectively destroyed, let's make a new one!
Aro: afj;sdjkrteaja...
Ana: Since Aro's going insane from the old story crashing down around him, why don't I go to AoKH and take over due to him having a mental illness, even though it probably will not last forever? Just to get things on a role?
Aro: jhvgfgdfss7....
Steve: K... and I'll stop you?
Ana: Sure! How about you guys?
Scud: Can I involve the funny plants that always go RAWR?
Ana: Absolutely, the more the merrier!
nav: Can I involve musiclover and Batman Adam West and call them "legendary spammers of old", confusing what legendary and old really mean?
Ana: That's a bit too far.
nav: OK, can I include a skit about not understanding Aro's story because the plot is dieing?
Ana: Absolutely!
Scud: OK, you'd better run, 'cuz we're gonna "git ya"!
All: *Laughter.*
Aro: /';./';[pjnhuvgfthl

Narrator: And for all those that continue the installments, Aro literally picked up the keyboard and slammed it against his head to get his dialogue, so make sure you replicate it by doing likewise! Now, we join the crew aboard the Cow Gone Mad, where they're doing their signature "ignoring the plot entirely" while Anastasia races towards the Inner Court.

Thunder77: Make cool120 do that thing again!
cool120: I'd rather not-
nav: Do it or we'll lynch you. It's funny.
cool120: It's not funny thou-
cool120: *Sigh.* LALALALALALA-
Steve: What the hell is wrong with you guys?
Thunder77: I don't know, what the hell is wrong with us?
All: *Laughter.*
Thunder77: *Bows.*
Steve: We have a motive now. We have direction. We have a mission. The story is actually going somewhere, building up to something. Must you dedicate every three lines to random, lame attempts at humor?
nav: That's what the screenplay's about! Randomness!
All: *Gasp.*
Steve: You can at least put some goddamn effort into it.
All: *Gasp.*
Steve: Make it into a fun read rather than a messed up George Lucas script.
All: *Gasp.*
Steve: This is what I mean. Repeating the same thing after every line isn't funny. Saying something multiple times in a row isn't funny. Using jokes from other installments isn't funny.
xyz: *Kicks Aro replica.* Says who?
All: *Laughter.*
Steve: I'm taking Aro to the Inner Court myself. I'll probably get there faster.
xyz: ... OK, OK, maybe we can follow the plot. Maybe. We've never done it before.
Jar Jar Binks: Mesa not welcome?
Thunder77: Sorry Jar Jar. You'll have to go the way of Old Yeller.
Jar Jar Binks: Mesa understand.... Mesa sorry mesa screwed up, but it's not mes-

*Jar Jar is shot in the back of the head. Millions of miles away, George Lucas has a mild stroke.*

*Scud and TK are next to eachother in the background, waiting for the discussion to end.*

Scud: Plot? I thought this was real?
TK: Nope.
Scud: So I never actually got to run my fingers through Anastasia's hair?
TK: How do you know she even has hair, or at least hair long enough for your fingers to "run through"?
Scud: ...
TK: No punch line. I'm honestly wondering.
Scud: ...
TK: ...
Scud: ...
TK: Well?
Scud: I DON'T KNOW, K?!?! *Starts crying.*

Narrator: So the plot is reborn, yet little do the contributors know that they're required to ANSWER THE QUESTIONS LEFT BY ME AT THE END OF EACH INSTALLMENT. But the crew has agreed to stick with the plot in exchange for Steve not giving them the stink eye. Meanwhile, Ana has arrived at the Inner Court.

Ana: I don't know how I'll trick the other staff into believing that I'm replacing Aro.... Maybe I'll just walk in and improvise.

*Anastasia walks into the long hallways of the Inner Court. CrystalCrown walks out of the Staff Roster thread.*

CrystalCrown: Hey Anastasia. Where've you been?
Ana: Quit giving me that look! Aro appointed me Seraph, and I'm not trying to trick you! I'm really the Seraph now! *Starts crying.*
CrystalCrown: Um... alright.
Ana: I really am you know! Quit judging me! *Continues crying.*
CrystalCrown: Eh... I'm going over here. *Runs away.*

*Qazitory walks out of the "Worship Aro" thread.*

Qazitory: Hello Anastasia.
Ana: Aro appointed me Seraph, OK?! Quit looking at me like I'm an idiot! I'm really the Seraph! *Continues crying.*
Qazitory: That's how Gordon became an Angel, Anastasia, so it doesn't really work on me. Maybe Aro, but not me.
Ana: *Sobbing lightly.* Can I cry on your shoulder?
Qazitory: K, you win. *Qazitory runs away.*

*DaVe, Gordon, and Tanneur walk out of the "Playa Hate Aro" thread."

Ana: I'm the Seraph now guys.
All: *Mumbled remarks of quasi-approval and general discontent with Aro. People laugh when Gordon cracks a joke.*
Gordon: It wasn't a joke!
All: *Laughter.*
Gordon: Shut up! Take me seriously!
All: *Laughter.*
Ana: So... I'm officially the Seraph now! I'm finally all-powerful! To test my new power... a BAN on all those who oppose me! Heheheh!
All: ...
Ana: Shut up, go away.

Narrator: On the Cow Gone Mad, the crew is attempting to follow the plot.

nav: So here we go... almost to the shores of AoKH....
MW: Boring....
xyz: Where'd you come from, MW?
MW: Bottom of the boat. I kept complaining that I wasn't being included, so the others threw me up here, tired of my constant bickering.
xyz: Was it worth it?
MW: Totally! Hi mom!

*The skies turn black.*

MW: Woah-ho-ho, look at this! Cool! The sky turned black! Creepy!
Steve: This doesn't look good.
Aro: hjuju/';[./';[h....
MW: Woah-ho-ho! My name is an acronym, and so is my life! Pwnt! LOLOLO-
Steve: This could be a mass banning....
xyz: How do you know?
Steve: I'm in the Myll clan.
All: *Ooooo and ahhhh.*
Thunder77: Who would mass ban us? Maybe the Halos hired somebody, an ex-convict and computer hacker named John Freedman perhaps, to hack into the foru-
Steve: It's Anastasia. She arrived at the Inner Court before we did.
Thunder77: But John Freedma-
nav: I wonder if Ray and Colo have anything to do with this.
Steve: Why the hell are you involving them now?! It's Anastasia!
Thunder77: If he can add those guys, why can't I add John Freedman? John's a cool charact-

Narrator: Flames engulfed the HeavenGames ocean as the Cow Gone Mad and everybody on it were sent to banland, a desolate, vast desert deep within the Moderations Announcements forum. The rusty boat crashes into the sands and slides down a hill, coincidentally made of sand too.

All: *Shouts and screams.*
nav: I can't steer! Boats can't float in sand!
xyz: Oh no, I'm banned! My clean record!
Steve: Throw Aro out in front! His rugged Seraph manliness will almost certainly stop the boat!

*The crew heaves Aro into the path of the boat below. The boat glides over him.*

All: ...

*However, a small stone in the path of the boat sends it into a screeching halt.*

TK: Well, I'll be....

Narrator: After picking up Aro's broken body, the crew decides to adventure to the FMT's Unban Request form. Unfortunately, they have no idea where it is since Anastasia never sent a ban notification letter. Must've forgot.

Thunder77: Even if we do make it to the Unban Request form, how are we going to stop Ana?
xyz: Dark_Aro's the only one who stands a chance at stopping Anastasia.
Steve: Because I'm sure saying "Quit acting like you're the Seraph" is really hard.
Aro: Screw you.
All: ...
Aro: nhjuy}"MJ...

Narrator: So the crew begins the long, painful journey through banland to the Unban Request form. Will they reach the Unban Request form in time? Will Anastasia forever rule AoKH with an iron glove? How will the crew get the Cow Gone Mad out of banland? Will the future contributors answer these questions in their own installments? Find out next time!

Act II: Ana's Song - A Siren in a Sea of Madness
By Anastasia

Narrator: As the crew of the Cow Gone Mad drift further and further out on the sea of Aro's madness, the staff begin to become more and more frightened of his delusions. As usual EXCO is out to lunch, and they turn to Anastasia for comfort.

All staff: Ana! What shall we do about Aro?
Anastasia: We'll do what we've been doing...we'll cover his ass, and then if that fails we'll send an email to the Halos to cover ours!
DaVe: OK, but how?
CC: He's ruining the screenplay! What's all this about you forgetting a ban notification letter? No matter what anyone says about you, everyone knows you would never do that!
Anastasia: Yeah well...Aro's under a lot of stress lately...what with thinking about leaving us and all. *laughs* That and I don't think he ever got over how I owned him on April Fools day...
Shadowflare: Leaving us? Who will replace him and become Seraph then??
Anastasia: I don't know, your guess is as good as mine? Anyway, who would want it after seeing what it has done to Aro?
DaVe: OK, so how are we going to cover this?
Anastasia: I have an idea...I think what Aro could use is his own theme song!
DaVe: Why a theme song?
Anastasia: You kind of put a sympathetic spin on his reasons for being mad! Just some catchy tune we could play before each of his installments to the Splash Splash Screenplay to put them into perspective...

Narrator: Anastasia breaks into song to the tune of the Beverly Hillbillies TV show.

Come and listen to a story 'bout a boy named Aro, A poor high school kid, who's sights were always narrow. But then one day he was sucking up to Luke, who said "they'll pay big bucks if you work at H-Geeeeeee!"

As a Cherub, that in green!

Well, the next thing ya know ol' Aro's a Seraph. Aro decided, "I'll ah move away from here!" "3-D gaming is the place I oughta be!" So he bought some donuts, and moved to A-O-E-Threeeeeee!

Heaven, that is...popularity...attitude!

On his first day there, they stuck him on the news. He ate lots of donuts, made him think he was head dude. They said "your project's late, but we know just what to do!" "Instead of 20 hours, you'll have to work twenty-two!"

Unpaid hours, that is...mandatory...slave labor!

The weeks rolled by and things at AoKH were bad. Aro was neglecting us and the forumers were mad. The Halos called another meeting and decided on a fix. "The answer's very simple, you'll have to work twenty-six!"

Hours a week, that social his ass off!

Weeks turned to months and back at AoK. There Aro's influence all but faded away. Waiting for the time when he would leave his home for school. Instead of just a sick leave, they took away his rule!

Replaced him, that is...dethroned...Socvazius!

Now the moral of the story is we do what we are told. HG will use us and discard us when we're old. But now Aro's back where we have the greatest staff, and we can tell the skeptics to kiss our Heaven's ass!

Age of Kings Heaven's ass that is...backside...Splash Splash...Gaia Challenge...foty...we'll never die!

Y'all come back now, ya hear!

Narrator: Ana ended her song with a laugh. Once again the staff fears were eased by Ana's humor, that always seem to remind them of the extraordinary healing power of the unconquerable spirit of AOKH. That and they were glad that Ana had stopped singing (a nice girl, a good sense of humor, but a horrid singing voice)! Suddenly, the dark clouds parted and a strong wind blew the sails of the Cow Gone Mad ship to life! This was to be a brand new day! Anastasia smiled, and as she made her way back to her post she came across a dark shadowy figure lurking in an alcove.

Anastasia: You got the trading cards?
Aro: So they bought the song and dance routine huh? Here's the cards -- gold edition!
Anastasia: Thanks! Now you must get back to the screenplay and start raving like a lunatic again before the Halos suspect anything!

To be continued...

Splash Splash Screenplay Part XXV
By Thunder77

Narrator: When we last left our heroes, they were mass banned and stuck in banland. Also, Aro was sending me subliminal messages telling me not to screw his plotline.

Thunder77: Wait, you? Don't you mean me?
Narrator: No, I mean me.
Thunder77: He wasn't sending YOU subliminal messages, you were actually sending them.
Narrator: But you're typing this and my script!
Thunder77: No, you're just being an idiot.
All: ... *stare*
ax: Dude, you'd really aught to seek a psychologist.
zyx: Leave me alone. *beats ax with Aro replica*
ax: Ouch! Argh! Get this idiot off me!
zyx: *angry* I'M NOT AN IDIOT!
*the two start fighting with an Aro replica and a giant World of Warcraft box*
zyx: Argh! Aro, you're a terrible fighter!
Aro: I resent that.
*stuffing pops out of Aro replica*
zyx: Noooooo! *lets stuffing run between his fingers, then begins to cry* My prized sewing trophy, torn by a razor sharp MMORPG box!
ax: Correction, WoW isn't just an MMO! It's the best out there! *looks at the camera with the WoW box* In stores near you. *smiles*
zyx: *glares at ax* You... you b******! *tackles ax*
ax: *screams*
TK: zyx, serves you right. That Aro replica has been getting on my nerves!
zyx: *climbs off ax, and looks at TK with a foaming mouth* ROOAARR! *tackles TK*
Ana: Oh my God!
Thunder77: Serves TK right. He should know better than making fun of his Aro replica.
Ana: This must be zyxomma's sick way of replacing the old plot's man-eating plants!
MW: Too bad the man-eating plants never ate anything. Where'd you come from, anyways?
Ana: Err... *disappears*
Aro: You wouldn't know, MW, you've been trapped in the ship's hull.
MW: Uhh... I have psychic powers? *nervous smile*
All: ...
zyx: ROAR!!
Aro: Meh, after being around zyx so long, I've carried this rabies rear-injection cure in my back pocket!
MW: ...Why?
Aro: *shows scar on shoulder* You don't want to know.
MW: *shivers*
Aro: Anywho, *injects zyx in the butt*
zyx: ROARR! ROOARR?! Rooarr... *faints*
Thunder77: Awe, he's so cute when he's unconcious.
All: ...
Thunder77: What? I have a sensitive side! *calm voice, looks at camera* Call the Whine Hotline at 1-800-555-FLT4!
MW: Or maybe just a femanine side...
ax: Or just a homo-
Aro: Let's not go there. Anyways, *picks up zyx* We have to keep walking to the Unban Request form.
ax: I'm thirsty.
Thunder77: Then why don't you just drink out of that huge cantine your WoW box?! >_>
ax: *looks at camera, smiles* World of-
Thunder77: NO! This is NOT an ongoing commercial you numbskull! *blocks camera lense with hand*
Cameraman: Hey!
Stephen Spielburg: Ugh, cut!
Thunder77: Hey, when did you start doing commercials?
Stephen Spielburg: Since we hired ax_man1!
Thunder77: Urgh, he's a terrible actor!
ax: Am not!
Stephen Spielburg: Is not!
Samuel L. Jaskon: Is ****ing not!
Thunder77: Didn't I shoot you?
Samuel L. Jaskon: No, you shot Samuel L. Jackson.
Thunder77: *busts a cap*
Samuel L. Jaskon: Argh! *dies*
Aro: "busts a cap"? What are you, a gangster?
Thunder77: Yo *****, you can't diss me like that to my face! You gotta have some respect for your home dawgs!
All: ...
Stephen Spielburg: That's quite enough of that. May I hire you for a new State Property movie?
Thunder77: But I'm white...
Stephen Spielburg: We have wonderful makeup.
Thunder77: *loads gun* Back up!
Stephen Spielburg: Yeek, okay fine!
Thunder77: Hm, how did you get banned anyways?
Stephen Spielburg: Advertisement.
Thunder77: You freaking noob. What about you?
Cameraman: Posting pornography.
Thunder77: *sighs* Read the CoC first, please.
Stephen Spielburg: I'm bad at reading. Anyways, do you guys know how to get out of here? We've been wandering around aimlessly for 2 years now.
Aro: Oh, so that's why you havn't been directing any good movies lately?
Stephen Spielburg: *glares at Aro* Just for that, you're not getting free tickets to my new movie!
Aro: Good riddance.

Narrator: Wow, I don't think I've heard a more random conversation in my whole career of narration.


Narrator: ...Anywho, back in the Inner Court...

All: *stare*
Ana: ...What?
All: ...
CC: *leaves*
All: ...
DaVe: Where...the hell...did that...come from...Anastasia?
Ana: Well you know me, I have to burst into things all of a suddenly, you know!
All (in unison): No, we don't. That's the weirdest thing we've ever heard.

Narrator: Somewhere on the beaches of AoKH...

watchwood: Man... I just don't understand how it didn't happen! I had it all... right in my hands! The power to take over AoKH! But I just let it slip through my fingers!
????: Calm down, silly.
watchwood: *looks around* Am I going insane?
????: *appears* No, no. Well, maybe a little...
watchwood: Hey! Who are you, anyways?!
????: That's not important.
watchwood: Whatever, dude. What do you want with me?
????: I want your brain! *evil laugh*
watchwood: o.O
????: Hahaha, uh-haha... hah... heh... I'm only kidding!
watchwood: You're bad at this joke thing.
????: What I really want is...

Narrator: Just to piss you off, I'm going to leave that hanging.

Thunder77: YOU F***ING SUCK!
Narrator: Now now, unkind words aren't the way to go.
Thunder77: The f*** do you know?! I do what I please!
Narrator: This is getting out of hand.
Thunder77: Yeah, but you know what isn't getting out of your hand? Your momma's-

Narrator: That's quite enough! Anyways, we rejoin the Cow Gone Mad crew in the middle of the Banland Badlands. Or just call it The Desert so you don't hurt your tongue.

ax: Hey guys, look ahead! A sign!
Thunder77: A sign?
Aro: A sign?
noIdea: A sign?
MW: A sign?
oliver: A s-
ax: YES A SIGN, YOU IMBECILS! *ahem* Sorry.
MW: What's it say?
All: ...
ax: It says Unban Requests!
All: Yay! *dances*
Aro: Well, let's go!
zyx: *rubs eyes* Where are we?
Aro: The Unban Requsts!
zyx: *gasps* Aro is carrying me?! It's a dream come true!
Aro: ... *drops*
zyx: Ow, my butt...
All: *looks at the unban request building*
Aro: The UB Requests Fest? They made the UBR's into a tavern? What the hell...
zyx: Ah hell, let's go have a beer!
All: *walk into the UB Requests Fest*
Ray: Hello, fellas! Welcome to the UBR Fest! To file a UB request, go upstairs into room 3. However, before doing so, have a drink!
Crew: Aye!

Narrator: So the crew has a few drinks. Well, more like 15.

All (in a chorus line):

In heaven there is no beer,
So that's why we drink it here!
And when we're all gone from here,
Our friends will be drinking all our beer!

Thunder77: In German!
Ja-ja ja ja ja ja
Ja ja-ja ja ja ja
Ja-ja ja ja ja JA!
Ja ja-ja ja ja-ja-ja-ja!

Thunder77: In French!
Wui-wui wui wui wui wui
Wui wui-wui wui wui wui
Wui-wui wui wui wui WUI!
Wui wui-wui wui wui-wui-wui-wui!

Thunder77: In Spanish!
Si-si si si si si
Si si-si si si si si
Si-si si si si SI!
Si si-si si si-si-si-si!

Thunder77: In Iowan!
Corn-corn corn corn corn corn
Corn corn-corn corn corn corn corn
Corn-corn corn corn corn CORN!
Corn corn-corn corn corn-corn-corn-corn!

Thunder77: In Wisconsin!
Cheese-cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese
Cheese cheese-cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese
Cheese-cheese cheese cheese cheese CHEESE!
Cheese cheese-cheese cheese cheese-cheese-cheese-cheese!

Narrator: Well, that was fun. wasn't it? Anyways, that next morning...

Crew: ZzzZzzZzzZzzZzz...
Ray: *outside their room* Hehe, this is my favorite part of every morning!
*walks into their room silently*
*puts megaphone up to mouth*
Crew: *moans* My head!
Aro: *throws pillow at Ray* That megaphone is making my head rattle! Shut the bloody hell up!
Crew: *moans* Pay the man!
Aro: *sits up* HERE! *throws money at Ray until his pockets are empty*
Ray: Yay! *gets on hands an knees and picks up money*
Aro: *points at door* NOW LEAVE AND LET US SLEEP!
Crew: (moaning): Ayyeee...
Ray: Sleep tight! *slams door behind him*
Crew: *moans*

Narrator: Will the Cow Gone Mad crew ever recover from their massive hangover? Will watchwood find out if he is insane? Find out next time!

Splash Splash Screenplay v3 - Act II. Scence III

Title: Perils of The Tundra
By Scuddledoo

Narrator: When we last left our Heros, and I mean "Hero" in a very loose fashion, in my view they are all meglomanic drunkards who act over exgrangant and rather camp at times - camper than a row a tent at times for some *looks shifty*. But anyway, the "Heros" finnally got their requests sorted - but only for now. They were relaesed on parol and can only gain their total freedom by capturing the evil Ana who caused all this crap. And this part would be better explained in a prequel 3 years after the line and it would never live up to the orignal piece
Narrator II : Didn't Ana become good, for when she was singing Aro was there and such?
Narrator: Well, the plot is Ana banned everyone and went crazy, and now the "Heros" are finnally out, but on parol. And for the disgraced Captain Nav to regain his glory his must lead his crew to capture Ana and offer her up to the god Aries so the cosmic balance can finnally be restored.

So as the Cow Gone Mad sail up northward to search for Ana and regain their pride a Thunder Storm strikes and breaks the mast! The Ship drift northwards, and it is bitterly cold and then they run a-ground


Nav: What was that?!
Ax_man1: We have run a-ground!
noIdea: Where are we, for i have no idea.
Oliver: Well judging by the hasrh coldness, the fog, and the ice and snow all around we are deep in the Artic Circle and in the Tundra!
All: *Gasp*
Thunder77: Well least Oliver can help us.
Scud: What do you mean?
Thunder77: He's's all cold there, he should get us out of here
Scud: *rolls eyes* National Sterotypes
Thunder77: but it's the trueth!
Scud: Look! I don't want to fight over if the statement was a National sterotype, but I bloody well will - and i'd win!
Nav: Shhh all! We need a plan, we'd all freeze to death soon!
Oliver: The white-ness.....the end-less....umm.....ness......
Thunder77: Ohhhhhhhhh my god!

*burtsing into song*
Scud: Ice flow nowhere to go
Nav: Ice flow nowhere to go
All: Lost in the blinding whiteness of the tundra
Oliver: Whiteness, Nothingness, Endlessness
Reper_93: DEATH!
NewIdea: They call him the shrew, Arms in short, Then with the claw
Scud: I’m little Johnny Frostbite moving around Freezin’ you up freezing you down, Like an icicle!! Comin’ in your tent like a cold night scissor bite
Nav: Infinite night!
MW: They call me tundra boy because I move like an arctic,
MW: When the Blizzard strikes, I disappear like a pipedream - All that’s left is
ALL: the gleam!
Trebuchet King: Of a tent peg
Aro: Moose, Moose, Stronger than Boosh
Boosh: Oi!
Scud: Don’t lock your doors or we’ll come through your roof top
Surge: Stop look around take your mind off the floor
All: Because The Cow Gone Mad is loose and we’re a little bit RAW!

*/end of singing*

Boosh: That is all well and good, but how will we find Ana in The Tundra>
Lord Basse: We ride Penguins of course!
Scud: They are only found in the south-pole!
Lord basse: No they aint!
Scud: Scud: Look! I don't want to fight over where penguins live Lord Basse , but I bloody well will - and i'd win!
Raptor07: Stop saying that line!
Scud: C'mon lad, c'mon, i'd give you a fight aswell
Nav: Now now all! I think the coldness is freezing up our brains
King Bob VI: Some people's brains where already frozen solid *shifty eyes*
NewIdea: Don't look at me!
Dark_Reign : How else did you get the nick-name "no idea", huh? HUH?!
Thunder77: Ahhhhh, we're all desending into fighting!!!
*crew go silent*
Thunder77: What?!
*all of crew stare at Thunder77*
Narrator: Oh my god, this situation has been used befo....sod this, i'm off! *leaves*
*Thunder77 turns around*

Thunder77: EEEK!!! A polar bear, Scuddles, nI, Aro, Dark_Reign, Raptor, Boosh, somebody, HOLD ME!!!

Narrator: What will the crew now they are stuck in ice in the frozen wastes of The Tundra and are confronted by Polar bears, who knows, and who cares?!


If you ever heard/watched/a huge fan(like me) of the TV show "The Mighty Boosh" you'd know where the song comes from, (one of their best TV shows and stage shows, "Artic Boosh" )

Splash Splash Screenplay v3 Act II. Scene IV
By Dark_Reign, the psycho parrot.
Narrator: When we last left the crew, they were stuck in the icy lands of Tundra, and were faced by Polar Bears! Lets see them get out of this one!

Thunder: I said HOLD ME! I'm too young to die! And I havn't finished my shrine to Oliver!
Narator: How awkward...
Oliver: Riiiight, it's ok, my years fighting off Polar Bears in the freezing snow was not in vain! *Starts building contraption*
All: *Stares over Olivers shoulder*
Oliver: Done!
All: Why can't you get T&L done this quick?
Oliver: BECAUSE I CAN'T! Gah! Now all we need is for that Polar Bear to walk into this circle, and it will get shot far into the horizon! Where is the Polar Bear anyway?
*Crew looks over to Polar Bear only to find it standing next to an empty pair of Scud's shoes*
Thunder: Nooooo! Scuddles! Why couldn't he have taken me instead! Nooooo! *Crying*
Scud: Calm down, i'm right here...
Thunder: It's a miracle! How did you do it!?! You always find a way to shock and inspire me! I think i'm in love!
Scud: Get off my leg! I was just airing out my feet, I love the feel of the powdery snow between my toes...
Crew: *Stares*
Polar Bear: *Stares*
Scud: Ummm... Let me explain...

Narrator: As Scud tries to talk his way out of the awkward situation he got himslef into, the Polar Bear gives up and walks away to find a more entertaining meal

Splash Splash Screenplay - "Pirates Ahoy!" - The Finale
By, of course, Aro

Narrator: When we last left our heroes, we endured an achingly bad musical performed by in the Inner Court followed by an achingly bad continuation of the previous installment, which happened to include a musical, and which inevitably made it achingly bad. Afterwards, they endure ANOTHER musical continuation on a Tundra. After Scud manhandles some Polar Bears, the crew sleeps, and they all wake up on the Cow Gone Mad, with a bit of a hangover.

Thunder77: I have a headache from all of that drinking we did in my installment! And the show tunes! **** yea! **** yea!
Aro: The show tunes were unnecessary. Us drinking was unnecessary. The swearing... unnecessary.
Thunder77: But it was funny anyways!
All: *Groans.*
xyz: I thought drinking would make the musicals funnier, but no. At least Scud let us share the spotlight when he did his show tunes.
Steve: Tell me, how did the Unban Request Form turn into a bar?
Aro: How did I wake up to give dialogue when I was crashing my head into my keyboard before?
Steve: How come Ana's storyline had NOTHING to do with ANYTHING going on here, but was still included with the other installments?!
Aro: I... I must end this! No more musicals! Come on guys! We're going back to the forums!
All: *Wild cheers.*
Thunder77: How can you do that? You have to fill out the Unban Request Form and wait!
Steve: You're paying attention to story inconsistencies?
All: *Laughter.*
Scud: But we're on a Tundra! How do we escape?! There's no Unban Request Form here!
Aro: I'm a Seraph, so theoretically, I can't be banned by Anastasia, a mere Angel. So all I have to do is come to that realization, and the wounded plot will attempt to send me back by opening a worm hole to mend itself. We crawl through this wormhole, and we're back at AoKH.
All: ...
All: *Cheers.*

Narrator: A worm hole opens and the crew jumps into it. That's more logical than most of this installment will be.

xyz: It's neat how you managed to bring now only us back to AoKH, but the Cow Gone Mad too.
Aro: Yeah... odd how things turn out.
xyz: OK guys, let's go back to Splash Splash.
Aro: Hey, I need your help! I can't topple Ana and restore order alone!
xyz: Yeah, you can.
Aro: I can, but... I would like you guys to back me up when I do it. I can't maintain order without the support and respect of my fellow forumers.
Steve: They already left.
Aro: I know... somehow I always knew....
Steve: Huh?
Aro: Let's go to the Inner Court and save the day, so we can end this pitiful screenplay. I gotta admit, though, I'm going to miss writing about these adventures.
Steve: Which do you like more? Writing installments or adding to incoherent storylines?
Aro: OK, OK. Let's finish this.
Steve: Word.
Aro: ...

Narrator: Aro and Steve burst into the Inner Court, interrupting Ana continuing her musical number.

Ana: In 1983, Aro wasn't born so he had no high school degree! Dum, dum, my view of Aro's history is, dum de da dum, really really dum da dum da dum, awesome!
Mods: *Look calm and relaxed, but slowly dieing inside from the idiocy.*
Ana: I imagine covering Aro's ass, when I'm hittin' that grass! Dum dum dum, this song is, dum dum, de da dum! Angry Aro was ruining the stor-iyey, so I decided to include more of me! Dum dum de, pay attention to me, being, dum, dum de dum, being dum, dum, dum, being awes-
Aro: Anastasia!
Ana: Aro!
Aro: What are you doing?
Ana: I'm relaxing the others with a musical number slash theme music chronicling your history in the most skewed, incorrect way possible, contributing nothing to the story at hand, but remaking it in my image.
Aro: ... Very honest.
Ana: Ya'll come back now, ya hear!
Aro: You're done, heathen. Enough of you hitting on the readers! *Pulls out ban sword.* Time for the climax of this story, to end it! All installments after this are irrelevant! This story ends now, this installment, this finale!
Ana: Fine, Aro. *Draws ban sword.*
Aro: And for the record... the Beverly Hillbillies suck HORRIBLY!
Ana: You lie! How can you make fun of other people's stories with such little remorse, you angry, angry person?
Aro: Because I lack creativity! Mwah!

*Over by the Staff Roster thread, watching the fight about to ensue.*

Qazitory: You found Aro! Good work, Steve!
Steve: Yeah.
CrystalCrown: Who did you ban along the way?
Steve: Nobo-
DaVe: He banned the entire Splash Splash crew.
Steve: I didn't ban-
DaVe: 1, you did. Anastasia told us.
Steve: She lied to you guys so she could ban the crew, no questions asked, and pass the blame onto the only staff member who opposes her rule.
All: *Laughter.*
Qazitory: Steve? You can be funny?
Steve: I wasn't being funny.
All: *Laughter.*
Gordon: ... Cocain!
All: *Laughter.*
DaVe: Lol, he made a Black Sabbath referen-
CrystalCrown: Shut up, Dave.
DaVe: *Face turns red and eyes shift.*

Narrator: Outside of the Inner Court, the crew approach the gates, and ponder whether they should help the staff members or not.

xyz: Well... should we help Ako or what?
nav: He *has* done a lot for us. He's been the subject of our rants for years.
oliver: Yeah! Frankly, I love Aro.
All: ...
oliver: Um... j/k, I think he sucks.

Narrator: Inside of the Inner Court, Aro and Anastasia's swords clash! However, the sound effects are mediocre, being pulled directly from AoE.

Ana: You can't beat me Aro!

*Aro parrys her strike, does a roundhouse kick to destroy her motivation, and other fighting terminology.*

Aro: I think you should take the "me" out of that sentence!

*Both stop.*

Ana: What?
Aro: You can't beat Aro. Without the me, it changes the meaning of the sentence.
Ana: I can't dissect sentences without having it on paper. Show me.
Aro: Alright... you have paper?
Ana: Here.
Aro: Alright... see, here's what you said. Now, lemme cross out the me, and-

*Anastasia stabs Aro.*

Aro: Gwah! That was unexpected!

*Aro falls to the ground. Ana stands over him triumphantly.*

Ana: Your time here is up. You're a failure, disgrace. You don't deserve to be Seraph.
Aro: My stomach! It's bleeding red blood!
Ana: Now, what can I do to make your death even more painful than it is now?
Aro: Singing.
Ana: Oooh, goody.

*The Splash Splash crew breaks through the gates.*

xyz: Stay away from Dark_Aro, fiend!
Ana: Oh no! How terrible and anti-climactic! The crew is here to put an end to my evil reign!
nav: Correct, now drop your ban sword and don't go out with an action-filled sequence of destruction and mayhem.
Ana: Oh blast. I am is r defeated.
xyz: All ur base, foo'.

*Anastasia drops her ban sword.*

CrystalCrown: Um... Aro! I will, uh, save you!
Qazitory: Yes, me too, but, uh, it looks like the Splash Splash crew got there first! The good ol' Splash Splash crew!
DaVe: Yeah, the Splash crew got there fi-
Gordon: Shut up, Dave.
All: *Laughter.*
Aro: I... I can't breath.
Thunder77: Well, it looks like we all learned a lesson here today!
Gordon: Not to trust Ana?
All: *Laughter.*
Thunder77: No, no, Ana rocks. She was tempted by something more powerful than all of us combined. Pokemon cards, bad writing, and poor song crafting. But mostly Pokemon cards.
Steve: What? I thought that plot element was dropped a long time ago. Why the hell are you-
Thunder77: Pokemon cards are tempting indeed, but they should only be used in moderation!
Gordon: Yeah, I use them in "moderation" all of the time!
All: ...
Gordon: ...
All: ...
Gordon: ... Co-... cocain!
All: *Laughter.*
Aro: *Cough.* Someb-... somebody help me.... My lung is falling ou-
CrystalCrown: Well, it looks like the day's saved! And we have you to thank, Splashers! What do you guys have planned for your next adventure?
nav: We're going to take a long break. This adventure both drained and confused us!
TK: Us and the readers both!
All: *Laughter.*
Aro: Hel... help....

*Aro passes out.*

All: *Laughter.*
DaVe: That Aro's a laugh a minut-
CrystalCrown: Shut up, Da-
All: ...
DaVe: I'm tired of being stepped on and interrupted!
All: ...
CrystalCrown: You done?
DaVe: Yeah, sorry 'bout tha-
CrystalCrown: Shut up, n00b.
All: *Laughter.*
DaVe: *Cries softly.*

Narrator: And they all lived happily ever after!

By Scud

After the crew had finished serving on the Cow Gone Mad - they all took they're payments and went they're seprate ways.Aro went back to Minnesota for he had enough adventure to last him a life time. He moved to a small village where he had a small workshop making pine and oak furniture and he sold these products at the local craft fair, Aro enjoyed his new life. Oliver returned to his native Sweden, but he soon found out in his absents Cossacks had started to rape and pillage his beloved lands. Oliver picked up his axe, let a blood-piercing "Aiiiiiiiiiiieeeeee!" and charged to free his homeland. Lord Basse who also returned to his farm in Sweden where he worked with his brother, but they where soon captured by the cossacks and sold as slaves in the Crimea. Luckily they where rescuced by Surge who was spending his booty on a trip found Turkey and the Crimea, and he brought Basse's and his brother's freedom. Cool120 went on a journey on self discovery deep into the Himalayers to purify his soul of spam and seek forgiveness of the great Buddah.Trebuchet King went trecking round Borneo, but he soon caught maleria and died....he is happy now in Valhalla. Scud returned to his native England but he was arrested for "Piracy with violence" which is punishable by hanging, Scud pleaded that at no point in his travels on the Cow Gone Mad was it violent, Scud got an offical pardon from the King, and the king also made him an officer in the Royal Navy, and he is currently sailing the world under his country's service. Thunder77, who had missed his home state of Arizona was over-joyed when he returned, he vowed never to leave one of the most beatifull states on earth, he now leads tours around the grand canyon. NewIdea went to Las Vegas and he gambled away his booty, but it wasn't all bad for him, for he meet a barmaid and feel in love with her. They both got married and had two children. Luke M deciced to move to Spain and by a holiday villa, this was all going to plan, but then he got mugged - he is currently on a vendetta to find who stole his money. Ana, who is servely sorry for her evil actions ran away to the Swiss Alps to a convant to seek penance. Watchwood became a lumberjack, and made up with Aro and actually helps him with his furniture making business by suppling wood.King Bob VI sailed back to cuba and is currently running a small bussiness running pleasure tours for tourists. Steven Spielberg made the screenplay into a film, and it won 5 oscars, one of them was for Eva Longoria as best supporting actress for her role as Ana, but some critised her performance as not being accurate enough.

Thanks for reading!

[This message has been edited by Thunder77 (edited 08-31-2006 @ 10:28 AM).]

posted 08-14-06 10:56 AM CT (US)     1 / 113  
Ax was right; if you have pirates, you must also have ninjas.

| D A R C K R C D D |

[This message has been edited by DarckRedd (edited 08-14-2006 @ 10:57 AM).]

posted 08-14-06 11:28 AM CT (US)     2 / 113  


ax_man1: Aye.
Raptor: Aye.
Thunder: Aye.
Samuel L. Jaskon: Mother****in' Aye.


/// (¬, (¯\ (¯¹ ¯)¯ (¯) )¬,
\\\ ==============
/// AoKH Forumer

posted 08-14-06 11:32 AM CT (US)     3 / 113  
Is CK even active anymore?
posted 08-14-06 11:45 AM CT (US)     4 / 113  
can u put me into a screenplay...i dont mind if u embarrass me or anything...

"We are only supposed to stereotype the games, and not the gamers. I think I might have blurred that line with mine though? Oh well, if the shoe fits... " - AnastasiaKafka
From here
posted 08-14-06 12:07 PM CT (US)     5 / 113  
Narrator: Okay, so last time we left our heroes they were still on the Cow Gone Mad, and apart from Samuel L Jackson joining as as a crew member there wasn't much progress.

nav: Yarr, are we still heading for that mysterious faraway island where our *cough* lovable seraph Aro is *cough* trapped in a cave with *cough* man-eating plants?
Ax_man1: I dunno, you're the navigator. (Aro: LOLOLO LAME JOKE THIS SCREENPLAY'S GONNA SUCK) Too bad you had to catch that cold, though, nav.
nav: Aye, *cough*
Samuel L. Jaskon: There are Motha****in SNAKES on this boat!
zyx: 'Samuel L. Jaskon'? tk didn't have enough money to hire the real guy?
tk: So sue me.
zyx: K, you asked for it. Everyone, let's go down to the courtroom!
oliver: We've got a courtroom on this ship?
zyx: Yeah, we've got everything. Jacuzzis, casinos, password protected sig testing areas...
oliver: cool.
Dan Brown: I know.
oliver: ZOMG it's Dan Brown! You're, like, my hero! Could you please please tell me about the time you beat Chuck Norris in chess with only 9 moves?
Dan Brown: Actually it was 8 moves.
oliver: ZOMGe^24!
[Dan Brown and oliver leaves]
zyx [to nav]: Um, what is Dan Brown doing on our ship?
nav: Well, Steven Seagal kinda left...
zyx: And you hired Dan Brown...
nav: yeah...

Narrator: Meanwhile in China, CC is struggling with the new admin page Zen set up last week.

CC [attempting to ban Mabuse smurf]: Argh! Dial-up! I hate it! Why did Zen have to replace the text link to the IP ban page with a huge 892 kb .png image of a red ban button! Oh, if only my beloved tyrant and overlord Aro was here to compress this image to a more convenient size, because everyone knows that I am strikingly inferior to him when it comes to such things as image editing!
Ana: I can do that, too.
CC: Ana! *falls off chair* Wha-what are you doing in China?
Ana: I'm just taking a look around, that all.
CC: Okay. Um, can you access the ban page and take care of Mabuse while I get my bowels evacuated?
Ana: Sure.
CC: Thanks, Ana, you're the man, err, woman. *leaves for the bathroom*
Ana: Mwahaha, now to put my evil plan into practice!

Narrator: An hour later.

CC: Ana, there's something wrong with the bathroom door, I can't open it. Ana? Ana! Come over here, I'm getting suffocated by my own gases! ANA!!
Qazitory: Hey, what are you doing in there, CC?
CC: Qaz? Are you in China too?
Qazitory: Nah, actually you're just hallucinating. You shouldn't have eaten that fried dog Gordon Bleu, you know.
CC: Dammit! ANA!

Narrator: Meanwhile Steve attempts to infiltrate a forum party arranged by the AoEIII Heaven crew.

Steve [to the doorkeeper]: Please let me through, will ya? I need to have a word with a handful of people inside about the sudden disappearance of our Seraph.
Doorkeeper: Invitation only, sir.
Steve: But I am invited.
Doorkeeper: I doubt you're on the list.
Steve: Um, you don't even know my name.
Doorkeeper: Trust me, I really don't think anyone here would've invited you.
Steve: Sixth sense?
Doorkeeper: That and the t-shirt you're wearing, saying: "AoKH Rulz! AoEIII Heaven u burn in h3ll!!"
Steve: But it's not my shirt.
Doorkeeper: It's not your shirt?
Steve: Correct.
Doorkeeper: I guess I should ignore the "Property of Steve" tag on the back, then?
Steve: Well, um, I'm working undercover. My real name is actually, um, Bob.
Bob: See?
Doorkeeper: You just used your mod powers to change your name!
Bob: No I didn't.
Doorkeeper: Besides, you forgot to read this. *points at sign placed just above the entrance* "No Bobs".
Bob the Builder [from inside]: Bob the Builder, can he fix it? Oh, baby, you bet he can! *does the robot dance*
Bob: Hey! How come Bob the Builder was allowed to enter but not me?
Doorkeeper: It clearly says "No Bobs". Mind the difference between singular and plural.
Steve: Okay, I've... HAD IT!
[Steve draws his bansword and strikes down the Doorkeeper, who is immediately sent to a jolly place called Moderation Announcements]
Steve [upon entering, whispering to himself]: I'm NOT a loose-cannon mod, I'm NOT a loose-cannon mod...

Narrator: Inside...

Luke M [to Steve]: swp! I didn't expect YOU to come! Well, come in, have a seat, don't mind the drunk n00bs that pass out in heaps on the floor. You sure don't mind spending twelve hours discussing the wonders of cricket with me?
Steve: Actually I can't...
Luke M: Good, good! Now, with the upcoming game between England and North Korea in mind I personally think...
Steve: No, Luke, I really can't chat with you right now. I have to see Elpea and NAT.
Luke M: *gasp* You don't have TIME to talk to ME about CRICKET??!! That is the biggest insult of them all! I demand a duel! *throws white glove on the ground*
Steve: You know your glove will get all dirty lying there on the floor for anyone to step on it.
Luke: No worries, I use [stress] CC-Wash! And I always get Crystal ClearTM Laundry!
Steve: CC-Wash, huh? Where can I get it?
Luke: I happen to have a package right here. I never leave home without [stress] CC-Wash!
50 Cent: You should really buy it, Steve. It has even got my name on it.
Steve: You mean as in "Only 9 Dollars, 50 Cent"?
50 Cent: Word.
Steve: Homie.
Luke: So, deal?
Steve: Deal.
[Luke gives the package of CC-wash to Steve]
Steve: Thanks.
Luke: Now to our duel.
Steve: *sigh* as long as we finish soon. Should we do it with ban swords?
Luke: Nah.
Steve: Iron pikes?
Luke: Nah.
Steve: Little wooden sticks?
Luke: Nah.
Steve: Then what the bloody hell do you want? A freakin tea testing duel, or what?
Luke: The good ol' fashion English way! OH YES!
Steve: *sighs*

[Theme from the Good, the Bad, the Ugly]
[Luke and Steve sit by a round table facing each other, teapots and cups in front of them, their eyes fixed at each other]
Luke: *slowly moves hand towards tea cup*
Steve: *Clint Eastwood-ish face*
Luke: *raises tea cup*
Steve: *more Clint Eastwood-ish face*
[insert dramatic increase of music here]
Luke: *takes a mouthful of the tea in the cup* Earl Grey! *hits the table with his cup*
Random Tea Testing Duel Judge: *nods*
Luke: *laughs triumphantly*
Steve: *quickly grabs tea cup, the smile on Luke's face disappears*
Steve: *sips tea with a supercilious expression on his face* English Breakfast Tea. (Peter Jackson: Go to slow motion and zoom in on his face!) LLL-EMON!
[repeat 125 times]

Narrator: Back on the Cow Gone Mad...

Raptor: Avast! Cyborg Jesus and his Nazi Stormtroopers are chasing us!
zyx: Cyborg Jesus?
Raptor: Oh, sorry, I mean Cyborg Hitler. They're coming after us in what looks like a elite cannon galleon from a counterfeit copy of AoK:tC.
zyx: Which civ?
Raptor: Spanish.
zyx: *gasp*
Raptor: Prepatch!
zyx: We're doomed!
[the Splash Splash crew starts running around aimlessly]
oliver: This screenplay isn't going anywhere...
CK: Man the spam cannons!
Ax_man1: It's useless, we haven't even researched careening. They'll blow us to pieces! Oh, why did we have to spend our last gold on that stupid petard? Why, oh why, oh why oh...
CK: You're such a pessimist, ax. Don't you remember what Adder told us on that faithful day in August three years ago?
Ax_man1: "Stop spamming, idiots?"
CK: No! "If you ever happen to encounter Cyborg Hitler and his Nazi Stormtroopers on the Seven Forum Seas, use this enchanted brass screw that I will now give you."
Ax_man1: Oh, that particular screw. But where is it?
CK: Well, what do you know, I have it here in my pocket.
Ax_man1: What an odd coincidence.
CK: Almost as if the narrator just came up with the story about the enchanted brass screw because he ran out of ideas and needed a way to get rid of Cyborg Hitler fast so he could continue with the plot.
Ax_man1: Yeah, scary, huh? Now what?
CK: We use it.
Ax_man1: How?
CK: Well, how do you normally use a screw?
Ax_man1: Screw it?
CK: Screw you too!
Ax_man1: No, I mean, we can screw the screw.
CK: Oh. Where?
Ax_man1: That's the question.
tk: Lemme have a look... ah, I see.
CK: What? What do you see?
tk: Here's the deal. We wait for the full moon, then we light a fire and sacrifice sixteen penguins to Sandy Petersen.
CK: And then...?
tk: I don't have a clue, I just read the instructions printed on this paper that somehow found its way to my hand.
Ax_man1: The plot thickens...

Narrator: Will the Splashers ever figure out a way to defeat Cyborg Jesus Hitler? Will Steve win the tea testing duel? Will CC remain locked up in a Chinese bathroom for the rest of the Screenplay? Will watchwood stop jacking off in front of my TV while watching Carmen Electra's latest body exercise video "Fit to Spam"? Seriously, watchwood, stop doing that.
Aro: Hey! what about me!?
Narrator: Yes, what about you?
Aro: I haven't had a single line in this part!
Narrator: So?
Man-eating plant: Hey, talking in all-caps is my job.

[This message has been edited by oliver (edited 08-14-2006 @ 03:53 PM).]

posted 08-14-06 12:23 PM CT (US)     6 / 113  
Narrator: Meanwhile below decks on the Cow Gone Mad, Scud is still stowing away, much to his digust

Scud: Ahg! Blooming watchwood roping me into service! He tricked me, darn him, darn him!
*watchwood enter*
Watchwood: Sshh keep it down in hear, i'm not suprised the others did hear you.
Scud: Well excuse me, i was expressing my anger at you tricking me under your service, "El Prezident".
Watchwood: President indeed, soon i will have the power off Aro
Scud:...and his trading cards
Watchwood: Yes thoose aswell.
Scud: But will i get my part of the bargin?
Watchwood: Whats that?
Scud: Y'know when you invited me to the "Sea Dog Inn", you said Ana *sigh* had agreed a date with me, yet when i arrived, you got me blind drunk, knocked me out and now i'm serving under you
Watchood: Ohh waht, oh i suppose you could
Scud: Score!

Narrator: it seems the writer of this section is moving the storyline to suit him and his crush on Ana - Theres only hope until somebody else take over

Scud: This ship could do more singing, may i sign a few lines of the "HMS Pinofore?
Watchwood: NO!
Watchwood: Wait....who is that coming below decks?!

Narrator: DUURR DURR DUH!!!! Who the hell is it coming below decks? Will watchwood achieve his goal. Will Scud break free from WW's grasp and get it off with Ana? Who knows.....and who cares? The whole forum i think...thats whom! More singing of HMS Pinofore i say, i say indeed!

[Just a small filler scence from for now And yes, we need more score from the HMS Pinafore and/or Pirate of Pensance, well anything by Gulbert and Sulivan [sp? - like most of the time ¬_¬] ]

¬_¬ Scuddles: Rhymes with huggles© ¬_¬
"Scud: the man who could even make God feel foolish." - A Banned User
"Anyway, Scud's not mean, it's not in his nature...he is a bit eccentric though!" - Anastasia

[This message has been edited by Scud (edited 08-14-2006 @ 01:35 PM).]

posted 08-14-06 01:15 PM CT (US)     7 / 113  



ax_man1: Aye.
Raptor: Aye.
Thunder: Aye.
Samuel L. Jaskon: Mother****in' Aye.


I didn't even notice. Damnit

What do you get when you gobble down sweets?
Eating as much as an elephant eats?
What are you at getting terribly fat?
What do you think will come of that?
"Actually, my foreskin was stuck at the point where the pink bulb starts, and they cut it free."-Stroke
"Tonight, I pulled it back a bit too far and the opening of my foreskin is stuck beneath the head of my penis." -Pears
posted 08-14-06 10:59 PM CT (US)     8 / 113  
Good stuff, guys! I will make one as soon as I finish my bloody homework...
posted 08-15-06 01:32 AM CT (US)     9 / 113  
Splash Splash Screenplay Part XIV - D-Day Revisited
By Thunder77

Narrator: When we last left our heroes, their ship Cow Gone Mad was being chased by Cyborg Hitler and his Nazi Stormtroopers. What will they do to stop from being shoved intoa super-evil high-tech gas chamber?

Thunder77: Argh, what are we going to do about that damn Cyborg Hitler?
trebuchet king: Hm... I think I have an idea! *turns to nav* Cap'n!
nav: What is it, unworthy-- I mean Scurvy Dog?
tk: Do we still have the emergency stow-away of 500 gallon bean barrels?
nav: *farts* Half of it.
tk: Disgusting, cap'n. Anywho, permission to use?
nav: Granted.
tk: Aye. *cups mouth* WATCHWOOD!
watchwood: *erupts from water* Sup?
tk: Crew! Open up the barrels and carry them over here!
watchwood: Uhm, why do you need me?
tk: You'll see. Now shu'p.
*CGM crew carries 50 barrels over toward the deck near watchwood*
tk: Okay watchwood. Open up!
watchwood: *opens gigantic kraken mouth*
tk: Pour!
*the CGM crew pours the 50 barrels of beans into watchwood's mouth*
ax: Now what?
tk: Wait for it...
tk: watchwood, go over by Cyborg Hitler's boat.
watchwood: Okay then.

Narrator: Meanwhile, on Cyborg Hitler's boat...

Cyborg Hitler: *robot voice* Doot doot doo-da-dee-leet-doot. Yar. What are they doing?
Nazi Stormtrooper: *crrk* Sir, I believe that they are feeding their kraken.
Cyborg Hitler: Kraken. Does not compute.
Nazi Stormtrooper: *mumbling* Idiot robot...
Cyborg Hitler: I heard that. *fries the stormtrooper's head with heat vision*
Nazi Stormtooper: Argghh!
Cyborg Hitler: Beep boop. Serves you right. Har har har har.

watchwood: Uh oh... Feeling gas cramps!
tk: Here it comes! Duck and cover, men!

Narrator: After consuming so many beans, watchwood just had to pass gass. Krakens are notorious for such violent gas passing, but this one was extrodinarily humongous. It sent Cyborg Hitler and all of his evil little Nazi Stormtroopers flying into the air and into an array of extremely sharp rocks.

tk: Man, that was the grossest, yet most satisfying thing I have ever seen.
ax: Aye.
nav: Aye.
Thunder77: Aye.
Oliver: Aii.
nav: *glare* Well, now that the cyborg psycho is off our butt, we need to save Aro! To the island!
Raptor: Aye. I believe it is just west of--
nav: Shut up, you. I fired you.
Raptor: Oh, right. *swabs deck*
nav: Judging by what the narrator said, and by that huge signal fire, *looks at compass* I'd say that's the island right there! *point*
Thunder77: Avast! To the island!
All: Yarr!

Narrator: So our heroes set sail for their ever-so-respected Seraph stuck on an island with man-eating plants. Meanwhile...

Aro: I'm hungry.
King Plant: Ah, pick a fruit from that tree over there.
Aro: Okay, Mr. King Plant sir thing--
Aro: Okay, Theodore. *picks fruit*
Theodore: I must warn you--
Aro: *bites into fruit* ARGH! *spits out* It tastes just like ammonia!
Theodore: That it tastes like ammonia...
Aro: Bleck! Do you have any water?
Theodore: Yeah, in that pool right there.
Aro: ...Anything you want to say about the water?
Theodore: No, water's fine.
Aro: *drinks* Ahh. *stomach grumbles* Ehrm, I'm still hungry.
Theodore: There's different fruits over there.
Aro: Okay then. Do they taste like ammonia?
Theodore: No, I don't particularly like them but I'm sure you would like them.
Aro: Err, okay... *picks, cautiously bites* Oh em gee, these are delicious!
Theodore: >_> Eat as many as you like. THEN GET BACK IN THE CAVE! *growl*
Aro: *takes five* Okay, fine then!

Narrator: Back on the beaches of Normandy Aro's Island, the Cow Gone Mad crew fought inland

nav: Okay men, we're approaching the beaches! Remember, stay low, stay behind the palm trees, and watch out for flying fruits!
All: Aye!
nav: Here we are men! Move move move!
All: Yarrr!!

Narrator: Our heroes beging to charge the beaches of Aro's Island. Will Aro be saved? Will any CGM members be harmed? Find out next time!

posted 08-15-06 02:17 AM CT (US)     10 / 113  
You DO realize that the Cyborg Hitler thing was a one-time thing, something akin to Donald Trump riding around on his bicycle in one of the former screenplays, or for a closer example, the Vietcong in this, right?

What do you get when you gobble down sweets?
Eating as much as an elephant eats?
What are you at getting terribly fat?
What do you think will come of that?
"Actually, my foreskin was stuck at the point where the pink bulb starts, and they cut it free."-Stroke
"Tonight, I pulled it back a bit too far and the opening of my foreskin is stuck beneath the head of my penis." -Pears
posted 08-15-06 02:19 AM CT (US)     11 / 113  

Quoted from Ollie's screenplay:

Narrator: Will the Splashers ever figure out a way to defeat Cyborg Jesus Hitler?

Gee sorry, was just continuing storyline.
posted 08-15-06 03:00 AM CT (US)     12 / 113  
Narrator: When we last left our heroes, Scud and watchwood came to terms with their evil agreement to bring down Aro, oliver had made a clever cameo for every movie and television show in existence, Ana for some reason decided to kill off CC by suffocating him, and Steve infiltrated AoE3H for no reason whatsoever. As you can tell, the plot has thickened! YEEE! We join Steve at AoE3H, where he just beat Luke in a card game.

Steve: Woah... where the hell am I?
Luke: You just beat me in cards! LOL, you played a good game!
Steve: Last thing I remember was leaving the Inner Court... and then I started feeling increasingly drunk.
Luke: Only reason you'd ever go to AoE3H! Hand shake, friend?
Steve: Oh god... I gotta get the hell out of here.
Luke: Stay! Have more tea! Tell us more AoK stories! It such a primitive and interesting game...
Steve: What the hell have I done?!

Narrator: While Steve runs the hell out of AoE3H's forum party, the crew on the Cow Gone Mad, while sailing to save Aro, have found a strange piece of paper as they arrived at the island. Also, Dan Brown and Samuel L. Jackson have found their way onto the boat. Luckily, the crew has a pistol with two shots! As soon as Thunder77 pulls the trigger twice, the two limp bodies make a thud as their dead bodies hit the deck.

oliver: *Sobbing.* I understand why you killed Brown, but why Mr. Jackson...
Thunder77: It had to be done. There aren't snakes on this mother****ing boat.
nav: *Mutters as he throws the bodies overboard.* The Da Vinci Code sucks.
Thunder77: Well, we're at the beaches of Aro's island. What should we do now?
nav: Let's circle the island and generally dink around. Also, throw that piece of paper away.
TK: It could be an important plot device.
nav: *Eats paper.*
TK: Damn you.
nav: Now let's start the dinking!!!
oliver: Aii!!!
cool120: LALALALALA-

Narrator: Inside of the Inner Court, Gordon has just let CrystalCrown out of the bathroom, probably saving his life.

CrystalCrown: *Coughing.* Thanks, Gordo.
Gordon: No problem, I love opening bathroom doors!
Both: *Laughter.*
CrystalCrown: My character was literally melted down into an idiotic gas-inflated retard while Ana was around me, Gordon!
Gordon: Doesn't that usually happens when you're around girls?
Both: *Laughter.*
CrystalCrown: Funny in a stupid, horribly written way, but that wasn't it... I called for her to let me out, but she didn't. Like she wanted me to die.
Qazitory: Guys! Guys! The Halos are trying to install another Seraph!
CrystalCrown: Oh... no. Not again. Any idea who it's going to be?
Qazitory: Word is, they're planning on hiring a FORUMER! At the recommendation of a staffer here!
CrystalCrown: Who would recommend a forumer?

*DaVe enters the room. Everyone stares at him.*

DaVe: H... hi!
CrystalCrown: Daaaaave.... Who did you recommend as our new Seraph?
DaVe: Recommend? *Face turns blue and eyes don't shift.*
CrystalCrown: If Dave didn't do it, who did it then?
Gordon: Maybe it was Ana.
All: *Laughter.*
Gordon: ...

Narrator: Meanwhile, as Steve stumbles out of AoE3H, he can't help but vomit. Because he was drunk? Maybe...

Steve: Ugh... why the hell was I at AoE3H? What happened after I left the Inner Court? Who the hell am I talking to?

Narrator: While everybody else is living in luxury, Aro's doom seems imminent.

Aro: Oh no! For the love of my heathen god, no! No! NOOOO! NOOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOO!
oliver: If you don't like the script, then don't ask to read it. Sheesh. *Leaves.*
Aro: Hey, wait a second... oliver! How the hell did you get here?!
Aro: Damn.... oliver, I loved the script! Come back!
Aro: Shut up.

Narrator: The crew of the Cow Gone Mad find themselves in a "sticky" situation.

nav: By golly, I can't get this darned jar of jelly opened! And the jar's sticky, my hands are getting all gross! Now I'll have to wash-
Thunder77: I wonder how that n00b Aro's doing.
xyz: *Kicks replica of Aro.* Dunno. Prolly dead. Where could watchwood be, though? He keeps disappearing.
TK: Hold on a sec. *Eats the only Kraken in the ocean.*
nav: Why?
TK: To make sure that plot device is never, ever used.
xyz: ... Good work. But knowing how Aro writes these terribly long, boring screenplays, he's bound to mention it eventually in his attempt to include and mention every scene from the other screenplays and playfully make fun of them, but making his own scenes that suck even more in comparison.
TK: You think?
xyz: A hunch.
cool120: LALALALA-

Narrator: Downstairs, watchwood and Scud plot how they'll deceive the group.

watchwood: Let's milk them. You can milk anything with nipples.
Scud: ...
watchwood: That was from Meet the Parents. I'm going for that movie-copy humor... it seems popular.
Scud: No.

*In a flash of red light, Ana appears.*

Ana: Do you have the trading cards?
watchwood: We haven't landed on the island yet. The crew has been too busy recreating and mutilating popular movies, and generally dinking around.
Ana: OK, I'll tell you what. I'll give the crew incentive to land, but I can't go too close to the island. Aro might sense me.
oliver: 50-cents you?
Ana: *Shoots oliver in the arm.* No. Bad.
oliver: Sorry.... *walks upstairs*
watchwood: Aro can sense you?
Ana: Everytime a moderator is close to him, his Seraph senses tingle and he yells at them for no apparent reason. Me being close might trigger a reaction.
watchwood: Damn... Aro really does suck.
Ana: Yeah, but we don't tell him. Listen, I saw Steve leave the Inner Court to find Aro. I used my Angelic powers to drug him though, so he should be at AoE3H by now with all of the other drugged n00bs.
watchwood: Haha... nice. And CrystalCrown, the only other mod who could possibly stop us, I assume?
Ana: Locked in a bathroom. I wasn't feeling very creative at the time.
watchwood: No kidding.
Ana: Also, I recommend that the Halos to make you the new temporary Seraph. You can then proceed to grab power.
watchwood: They're going to make a *forumer* the Seraph?!
Ana: I found out that it doesn't matter how good you are. They've done it before.

*At the Cave, Aro twitches violently for no apparent reason.*

Ana: I have to go. I'll be in touch.

*In a flash of light, Anastasia disappears.*

watchwood: Mwah. I'll get my revenge yet.
cool120: LALALA-

Narrator: As Steve walks to the shores of AoKH, he sees the sun set. He can't help but remember all six minutes of his journey so far. Steve decides to swim to the island. Only a certain Angel could stop him now -- ANGEL ZEN.

Zen: What are you doing, Stephen?
Steve: Zen? What the hell are you doing here?
Zen: I can't let you do this, Stephen.
Steve: Why not?
Zen: Because Stephen...
Steve: ...
Steve: ...
Steve: Um...
Steve: ...
Steve: LMAO!!!1

*Zen flies Steve off to the island.*

Narrator: Inside of the Inner Court, the mods are in distress!

Gordon: AAAAAARGH! *Rips out hair.*
All: *Laughter.*
CrystalCrown: What can we do to delay the Halos installing a new Seraph?
Qazitory: I didn't want it to come to this, but... we'll have to fight.
DaVe: w00t!
All: *Almost laugh, but then they realize it's DaVe.*
CrystalCrown: Hush, DaVe.
DaVe: *Face turns red and eyes shift.*
cool120: Look, I've been thinking about the situation. Perhaps by using clever delay tactics, you could stall the Halo's appointment of whomever they plan on hiring. Obviously the forumer they plan on hiring is by no means better than Aro, considering they're most likely an unruly, untrained forumer, and the staff member that recommended the forumer in question knows that and will use this to their advantage. I also have a feeling I know who the staff member could be. According to my data, it's probably-
CrystalCrown: Hey... shut up.
Qazitory: Go away! This is the Inner Court! You're not allowed here. Somebody ban him.
cool120: I'll see myself out, thank you. Good luck, and I wish you all the best on your future ventures.
All: ...
cool120: LALA-

Narrator: How will the mods delay the Halo appointment of watchwood? Will Zen and Steve make it to the island... alive? Will watchwood obtain the trading cards for Anastasia? Will Aro survive? Will oliver firebomb Aro for poking fun constantly, and will it hurt Aro's fragile skin? Find out next time!

» Your attractive master.
» "Because I before E is a LIE!!!"
posted 08-15-06 03:17 AM CT (US)     13 / 113  
*laughs histerically*

Aro, your screenplays are pwnage.

Best quotes:


Zen: What are you doing, Stephen?
Steve: Zen? What the hell are you doing here?
Zen: I can't let you do this, Stephen.
Steve: Why not?
Zen: Because Stephen...
Steve: ...
Steve: ...
Steve: Um...
Steve: ...
Steve: LMAO!!!1


cool120: Look, I've been thinking about the situation. Perhaps by using clever delay tactics, you could stall the Halo's appointment of whomever they plan on hiring. Obviously the forumer they plan on hiring is by no means better than Aro, considering they're most likely an unruly, untrained forumer, and the staff member that recommended the forumer in question knows that and will use this to their advantage. I also have a feeling I know who the staff member could be. According to my data, it's probably-
CrystalCrown: Hey... shut up.
Qazitory: Go away! This is the Inner Court! You're not allowed here. Somebody ban him.
cool120: I'll see myself out, thank you. Good luck, and I wish you all the best on your future ventures.
All: ...
cool120: LALA-


Gordon: AAAAAARGH! *Rips out hair.*
All: *Laughter.*

Aro, I have a newfound respect for you.

posted 08-15-06 03:20 AM CT (US)     14 / 113  
Three cheers for Aro!

Riki retardo strikes again!- Jokey on Obese's posting habits
posted 08-15-06 03:24 AM CT (US)     15 / 113  
Awesome, Aro. It seems awkward habing a seraph write in the screenplay, but it works. The cool120 parts were a nice touch.

I'll write more, maybe. You know, when I'm actually awake and can check the damned spelling ahead of time.


Gee sorry, was just continuing storyline.

I was talking to Ollie, too.

What do you get when you gobble down sweets?
Eating as much as an elephant eats?
What are you at getting terribly fat?
What do you think will come of that?
"Actually, my foreskin was stuck at the point where the pink bulb starts, and they cut it free."-Stroke
"Tonight, I pulled it back a bit too far and the opening of my foreskin is stuck beneath the head of my penis." -Pears
posted 08-15-06 03:32 AM CT (US)     16 / 113  
Well, obviously mine suck.



Quoted from Screenplay:

oliver: *Sobbing.* I understand why you killed Brown, but why Mr. Jackson...
Thunder77: It had to be done. There aren't snakes on this mother****ing boat.

*laughs* Best thing I've ever done. EVER.

[This message has been edited by Thunder77 (edited 08-15-2006 @ 03:34 AM).]

posted 08-15-06 04:19 AM CT (US)     17 / 113  
Aro, my hat goes off to you. You rock.
You do realize I must kill you the next episode, or at least make fun of you by placing you in some awkward situation such as being exposed when shoplifting or spilling tea on the Queen of England?


Well, obviously mine suck.

In comparison with Aro's it does. But so does mine.


I was talking to Ollie, too.

I had already written the part about Cyborg Hitler when I realized this, but instead of rewriting that part I invented the enchanted brass screw. Unfortunately I didn't feel like finishing Cyborg Hitler at that point and instead hoped that the next writer would take care of that. And obviously thudunder did.

Where's zyx, btw?

posted 08-15-06 03:17 PM CT (US)     18 / 113  
posted 08-16-06 02:41 AM CT (US)     19 / 113  
Splash Splash Screenplay Part XV
By Thunder77

Narrator: When we last left out heroes, they were found dinking around, as usual. Who was going to save the day? A newcomer...

cool120: LALALALALA-

Narrator: NOT YOU IDIOT. *ahem* So now we join our heroes somewhere over the bay of AoKH.

Steve: Zen, you're a slow flyer.
Steve: Because you're like 50.
Zen: ...Shut up.
Steve: *looking down* Zen you just flew over-
Zen: I SAID SHUT UP. *turns around* I'm not used to the lands outside of the Inner Court.
Steve: Obviously...

Narrator: Now we're just off the beach of Aro's Island.

Thunder77: Now we're just off the beach of-
nav: We heard him.
zyx: Wait, how do you know that the narrator isn't a chick?
nav: Well it's obvious that I don't.
ax: And that you're more sexist than a man from the 1700's.
nav: Whatever.
zyx: Anyways, what are we planning to do about Aro? *clutches replica*
ax: That idiot. It's beyond me how he got on that island, anyways.
Thunder77: Chya, me too. N00b...
nav: Haha, he probably got lost when trying to find the bathroom.
zyx: Whoa, you're right.
ax: Ooh.
zyx: Ooh.
Thunder77: Duh, it's only the fifth time he's done it, but this is the first time he's got stuck on an island with man-eating plants.
watchwood: OH EM GEE! The first letter of the last eight lines spells WATCHWOOD!
nav: WW, you're way too observant.
ax: Atleast he' being observant.
zyx: For once.
cool120: hi guys
Thunder77: Atleast have the decentcy to talk in complete sentences.
cool120: no
D_R: *squark* Walk the plank!
cool120: what did the- wait
nav: I agree. Walk the plank, matey!
cool120: *walks plank* meh this is dumb whoevr came up with the walk the plank idea anyways i mean cmon-
ax: Stop saying words.
nav: *push*
cool120: eeeeeee!!!
nav: *rubs hands* That takes care of that
Thunder77: Yeah, and the idiot can't even scream in a complete sentece.
AK: No flaming allowed! (unless done by me)
All: *gasp*
cool120: LALALALALA-
Narrator: Thunder77, stop being unoriginal.
Thunder77: *looks around confused*
zyx: Shouldn't we be doing something? *huggles Aro replica*
nav: Yeah, but even if we knew we were supposed to be doing something, would we still be doing it?
ax: Doubt it.
Thunder77: *bangs head ferociously* Shut up damnit, SHUT UP!
All: *stares at 77*
Thunder77: *nervous smile* Heh heh...
nav: *whispering* Psychoooo.

Narrator: Somewhere in a jungle on Aro's Island...

Steve: Good job, idiot, now we're in the middle of a jungle.
Zen: Sorry, my engines failed and I had to make a crash landing!
Zen: Sorry, I was steering out of control! You can't even fly yet, so just SHH.
Steve: Whatever, let's just go find-
Zen: They'd be better off being called annoying plants than man-eating plants.
Steve: Poor Aro is probably losing his mind.

Narrator: Back in Aro's Cave...

Aro: Hmm, maybe I can devise a plan to-
Aro: Escape this dumb cave and get around-
Aro: These stupid plants, but first maybe they-
Aro: WOULD SHUT UP! Anyways, I'll be I could just-
Aro: *stands up* Walk around this blabbering-
Aro: Plant, then climb up that big rock above-
Aro: This cave, and try to find the Cow Gone Mad.
Aro: *walks out the cave* Later, idiot.
Aro: *climbs above cave* Hey, look, I wasn't the first here. *sees a skeleton with a hatchet* Hmm, those plants are quite annoying. *looks at plant, which is still running its organic mouth* Hmm... *thinks*
Aro: Meh, that aught to shut you up. *burns plant*
Theodore: Thank you!
Aro: Hopefully those idiots will be smart enough to see this signal fire.

Narrator: Back on the Cow Gone Mad...

tk: *bursts into dance*
Thunder77: Stop it.
tk: *dances ferociously*
Thunder77: *hits tk over the head with a wooden plank*
zyx: Enough with the violence, man!
ax: Hippie.
Thunder77: Aye.

Narrator: Will Aro be saved? Will the Cow Gone Mad crew see the signal fire? Will Thunder77 stop being haunted by voices? Find out next time!

posted 08-16-06 02:55 AM CT (US)     20 / 113  
For the record, I'm a terrible dancer. Moshing is far more fun, anyway

What do you get when you gobble down sweets?
Eating as much as an elephant eats?
What are you at getting terribly fat?
What do you think will come of that?
"Actually, my foreskin was stuck at the point where the pink bulb starts, and they cut it free."-Stroke
"Tonight, I pulled it back a bit too far and the opening of my foreskin is stuck beneath the head of my penis." -Pears
posted 08-16-06 05:48 AM CT (US)     21 / 113  
Why do i only get like one line, and it's always block capitals *angry* ¬_¬

¬_¬ Scuddles: Rhymes with huggles© ¬_¬
"Scud: the man who could even make God feel foolish." - A Banned User
"Anyway, Scud's not mean, it's not in his nature...he is a bit eccentric though!" - Anastasia
posted 08-16-06 06:05 AM CT (US)     22 / 113  

I'd love to contribute but working with Elpea has made me lose my sense of humour.

posted 08-16-06 08:20 AM CT (US)     23 / 113  
Story is awsome... Too bad I only have 1 line

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posted 08-16-06 10:45 AM CT (US)     24 / 113  
Splash Splash Screenplay Part XV.5
By Thunder77

Narrator: Somewhere in the Cow Gone Mad cargo hold...

Scud: watchwood, what's taking them so lo-
watchwood: Hush, peon. The prophecy says that it will take the crew approxiately 5 days to get onto the island once they found it. This dictates that-
Scud: What the bloody hell are you talking about?
watchwood: Nevermind, you. It's much too complicated.
Scud: No, you're just making getting a trading card for Ana much too complicated than it really is by making a non-existant prophecy to enhance the exitement of this stupid situation.
watchwood: Touché.
Ana: *poof* What's taking those idiots so long?
watchwood: Well the proph-
Scud: Don't even go there, dude.
watchwood: Hmph.
Ana: If it takes them longer than 5 days, I will ban them all!
All (including Ana): *gasp*
Ana: Muhuhahahaha! *poof*
watchwood: That's getting old.
Scud: *cries*
watchwood: But you heard her yourself, she said five days! The prophecy speaks the truth!
Scud: Nah, just a coincidence.
watchwood: Shut up, you!

posted 08-16-06 12:42 PM CT (US)     25 / 113  
Splash Splash Screenplay Part XVI
By Scuddles

Narrator: On the deck of the Cow Gone Mad all has indeed on mad, i personally think we've been giving the writers to much illegal drugs, but what do i know, i seem to be some booming voice like god. Excuse while i go and kiss the sky and make some tea, ta-ra!

*Scuds climbs out of cargo hold onto the deck*
Scud: Boy it was stuffy down there
Thunder77: What are you doing aboard?
Scud: I was stowing away, 'tis not glamorous as it seems.
Thunder77: Dear Scuddles, why did you stow away the first place?
Scud: ¬_¬
Thunder77: *raises eyebrow* I see
Oliver: I say we rush aboard now men, to free Aro
Nav: TO free Aro
Thunder77: Why are we freeing Aro
Oliver: For we love him
Scud: No, Oliver, you love him
Oliver: We All love Aro, whos with me.....
*hushly silence*
Scud: ¬_¬
Thunder77: Isn't time you said "ANAILOVEYOU"
Scud: Aro was using mind control - i like Ana alot, but she does not respond *sigh*
Dark_Reign: Nice way to kill the chit-tat Mr O'Liver from the land up North
Ax_Man1: Anyone for corrupt a wish then?
*All*: Hurray!

Narrator: Soz y'all teh krew site 'ound thehe table and get ready 4 a lil game
Narrator II: I Apolgise, my wife seems to have drunk, what she meant to say was the whole crew sat down on the deck to have a little game of corrupt a wish

Ax_Man1: Right what rule set we're doing, Classic or stand-off
Oliver: I say stand-off!
*cheers all round*
Oliver: Who dares challenges me?!
Thunder77: Dark_Reign will!
Dark_Reign: Dude, no...nooo!!!
Oliver: Pirate rules dictate once we start, we onyl finish when one man is down!
*The deck turns into a scence like Fight Club with Oliver and D_R in the centre and the crew surronding them

D_R: I wish to end this dual
Oliver: Granted, but it ends with me winning!
*crowd woop*
Oliver: I wish to save Aro
D_R: Granted, but his dies at your care!
*louder wooping
Nav: ENOUGH!!! None of this crazy crap on my ship!
Raptor: I say this has gotten out of hand, i suggest a sing-song!

Dark_Reign: Kind Captain, I've important information, Sing hey, the kind commander that you are, About a certain intimate relation, Sing hey, the merry maiden and the tar.
Scud: The merry, merry maiden, The merry, merry maiden, Sing hey, the merry maiden and the tar.
Nav: Good fellow, in conundrums you are speaking, Sing hey, the mystic sailor that you are, The answer to them vainly I am seeking; Sing hey, the merry maiden and the tar.
Dark_Reign: Kind Captain, I've important information, Sing hey, the kind commander that you are, About a certain intimate relation, Sing hey, the merry maiden and the tar.
Scud: The merry, merry maiden, The merry, merry maiden, Sing hey, the merry maiden and the tar.
Thunder77: Kind Captain, your young lady is a-sighing, Sing hey, the simple captain that you are, This very might with Rackstraw to be flying; Sing hey, the merry maiden and the tar.

Narrator: Now i've sobered up, let us all watch as the crew sing some score HMS Pinafore join me a glass of rum....or two....or five *collaspes*

Meanwhile we turn to Aro:
Plant 1: So as i was saying, you should really buy yourself a solar powered lamp, really helps your photosythenis levels
Plant 2: I tried getting one, i went down to B&Q but they were sold out, could i borrow yours
Plant 1: Certaintly now.
Aro: *groans* Please, kill me now!
Plant 1: Ok, wait, you do it
Plant 2: No you!
Plant 1: No you!
Aro: Oh God, here they go again!

Marvel at the sing-song in it!

¬_¬ Scuddles: Rhymes with huggles© ¬_¬
"Scud: the man who could even make God feel foolish." - A Banned User
"Anyway, Scud's not mean, it's not in his nature...he is a bit eccentric though!" - Anastasia

[This message has been edited by Scud (edited 08-16-2006 @ 12:44 PM).]

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