posted 25 January 2011 07:32 PM EDT (US)   
I'm not sure if this is the right place or this, but here is a guide to using the xpacklanguage.dll file and Resource Hacker to remove the *** before new units.


-Age of Mythology: The Titans
-ResourceHacker (Available here)


1. Open resource hacker.
2. Use resource hacker to open AOM:TT's xpacklanguage.dll file.
3. Click "View" then "Expand Tree".
4. Go down to the very bottom of the list of files and folders, and click the last 1033 file.
5. Just at the end of the line before the } at the end, make a line break.
6. Unless you have installed mods which edit the file, it should end with 48969. If not, just prepare to type the number after whatever it has. If it does end with 48969, prepare to type 48970.
7. Type the following:
48970(or your other number), (six spaces)"YOUR UNIT NAME"
8. Click the "Compile Script" button, and then "File", "Save".
8. Open the protox.xml file from your data folder.
9. In your unit's proto, find the X near the top.
10. Replace the X with 48970 or your other number.
11. Save the file.
12. Open AOM:TT and go to the editor. Your unit should no longer have a ***!
13. If the place where your unit once was is invisible, you either haven't saved the xpacklanguage.dll in Resource Hacker or forgot to compile the script. If your unit still has the ***, you forgot to save the protox file.

I hope this helps everyone!

P.s. You can also use this for rollover text, use against text, and counter with text.

[This message has been edited by hoodedwarbler12 (edited 01-25-2011 @ 08:41 PM).]