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AoW1 Mod Packs
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Topic Subject: Rule-Set Installation FAQ
posted 07-10-02 07:08 AM EDT (US)   
Frequently Asked Questions about the installation of user created rule-sets for AoW:

The first rule-set to install is Warlock's Rule-Set. It's a good one, and it's used as a base for most of the other rule-sets. Install it!

  • Q1: Can I switch back to the default rules if I install Warlock's Rule-Set?

    A1: Yes! You switch easily back and forth between the rule-sets by running a small program/script.

  • Q2: The installer says I'm running it from the wrong directory?



    Rules2.bat version 1.10

    You are running this batch file from the wrong directory.
    You may have installed this Patch incorrectly.


    The two most common explanations are:
    A2a: The installer for the game (not the rule-set) suggests installing in the folder C:\Program Files\...
    The installer for Warlock's rule-set suggests installing in the folder C:\games\...
    You can install into whatever folder you like, but you must use the same folder for the game and the rule-set.

    A2b: If you're using Windows 95, 98, 98SE, or ME, the instructions to use Rules.bat is correct. But if you're using Windows NT, 2000 or XP, that won't work. But the solution is very simple! Just use Rules2.bat instead, and everything will work as the readmes/installation instructions says.

  • Q3: What version of AoW must I have to install a mod-pack?

    A3: AoW was released in the original version and later in the Medieval Masters box. These two versions has two different patches. Install the one for your version of AoW before trying to install a mod like Warlock's Rule-Set.

    You'll find the patch for the original release in our downloads section: Official AoW1 Patch v1.36.

    You'll find the patch for the Medieval Masters release in our downloads section: Official "Medieval Masters" Compilation Patch.

    Update: If you've got the Medieval Masters release, first use its patch, then apply the original release patch to get the "correct" version number for your game. Then you're ready to install Warlock's Rule-Set.

    Update: See the Mods page for more information, and especially the Warlock's Rule-Set FAQ.

    [This message has been edited by Nojd (edited 06-01-2003 @ 04:52 PM).]

  • Replies:
    posted 04-30-04 04:46 PM EDT (US)     1 / 15  
    Q4. What is the small program/script that you addressed in question number one?

    Q5. Is it part of the ruleset or do we need to be able to code our own program to switch back and forth?

    (edited to fit style above)

    Feyd Rautha
    "It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion
    It is by the beans of Java, that my thoughts acquire speed;
    The hands acquire shakes; the shakes become a warning.
    It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion."

    [This message has been edited by Feyd Rautha (edited 04-30-2004 @ 04:48 PM).]

    posted 05-01-04 04:41 AM EDT (US)     2 / 15  
    A4: If you're running Windows 95, 98 or (I think) ME, the answer is Rules.bat
    If you're running Windows NT, 2000 or XP, the answer is Rules2.bat

    A5: Included with the Rule-Set.

    posted 06-15-04 12:18 PM EDT (US)     3 / 15  
    How do I compile and make a set of rules ready for distribution? (I am trying to make a mod derived from Warlocks).

    Who put the coffin in my back yard??!!
    posted 06-17-04 05:06 AM EDT (US)     4 / 15  
    For my Tactics Modpack I used Clickteam's Install Creator ( I found the link in this thread, which I belive is worth reading.

    Lord Dragatus, 30th member of BTOOIC, The One Who Killed the Cow.
    posted 06-17-04 06:30 PM EDT (US)     5 / 15  
    Ah, but what I meant was which files are necessary in order to compile the mod? I can create an .exe easily, but if I derive my work from Warlocks, which files must I copy and keep and distribute?

    Who put the coffin in my back yard??!!
    posted 06-18-04 09:32 AM EDT (US)     6 / 15  
    Depends what you modified.

    Generally speaking if you just used DevEd you should include the files that get put into the AoW/Release.
    These are:
    High Level.ahl

    I'm not sure which information each of these files include, I only know about the obvious ones like Spells.pfs and Unitres.pfs.

    You don't always have to include all of them though. For example this week I made a small mod that just increases the hit points of all units by 50% (and a few other minor unit adjustments), so I only need to suply the modified Unitres.pfs file.

    If you modified any other files (like with a hex editor) you should (obviously) provide them as well. The most common thing to forget is including any of you custom graphic files.

    Lord Dragatus, 30th member of BTOOIC, The One Who Killed the Cow.
    posted 06-18-04 07:41 PM EDT (US)     7 / 15  
    Ok, so lets step this through.

    (1) Activate Warlocks.
    (2) Make mod?
    (3) Save mod release file?


    I assume you then copy all those files, or do you mean they are IN the release file? I'm confused.

    Who put the coffin in my back yard??!!
    posted 06-19-04 04:11 AM EDT (US)     8 / 15  
    This are the files that go in the directory Age of Wonders/Release. Release is a folder. The files in it describe units, races, spells, abilities and so on. So yes, you copy these files.

    This isn't directly related to your question, but a good thing to do before uploading the mod is testing if it works on a "clean" installation (something I did NOT do with Tactics 1.3 and the result was 600 people who downloaded a mod that didn't work and even made the game crash). So now I have Age of Wonders installed in two different directories, one is the old installation from 1999 with all the mods and stuff and the other is 5 years younger and as fresh and unmodified as possible. Whenever I will now make a mod I'll first test it on the clean installation to see if it works. If it does I'll upload version 0.1 and let others test it further and if nobody experiences any problems I'll call it finished.

    Lord Dragatus, 30th member of BTOOIC, The One Who Killed the Cow.

    [This message has been edited by LordDragatus (edited 06-19-2004 @ 04:12 AM).]

    posted 09-23-04 02:38 PM EDT (US)     9 / 15  
    According to the top its possible to get the correct version for mods from the Medieval Masters AoW? Or would this only work for Warlock's Rule-Set?

    I noticed this topic the other day -,2634,0,365

    So was curious if I should reinstall it then. I installed the Master's Collection version this last time rather then the Medieval Master's.

    Age of Wonders 1 Online Players Listing - Here
    posted 09-24-04 01:25 AM EDT (US)     10 / 15  
    Not sure, but I think someone needs to ask...

    The guy on the Comfy Chair! (Josh)

    This is an important issue, with AoW being re-released with other games at various patch levels. If TS only released 1.36.0054 by mistake, as we have been led to believe, then why are new releases shipping with it?

    ===================================== Alphax =====================================
    ============= LASFS Operative #4 =============
    The VoW Inn
    "I'll bribe you to change the inn link in your sig." -- TDK
    posted 09-24-04 08:58 AM EDT (US)     11 / 15  
    I'm not going to try it with the newest copy, since that person in the topic already has, but my cd-rom did work long enough yesterday to let me re-install and try it with the Medieval Master's version. It does give the "need cd" problem.

    Though something I did wonder, would the Mod overwrite say the file that would cause that problem? I've never tried a mod before.

    [This message has been edited by Xiados (edited 09-24-2004 @ 09:00 AM).]

    posted 10-06-06 07:59 PM EDT (US)     12 / 15  
    how do you make a mod? what programs do you need?
    posted 12-02-06 11:36 PM EDT (US)     13 / 15  
    You said up above that the reason for it saying that it cannot run is that it is misplaced, or that I am using the wrong one. However, when I run the correct file (Rules2.bat) I am confronted with a problem when I try to change the rules to Warlock rules. It goes through the whole "Patch installed incorrectly" thing. If I try to start the game it fails to recognize any files at all, and so I can no longer run the game. Tried to get it to work three times so far, nothing happens.
    posted 02-14-08 06:45 PM EDT (US)     14 / 15  

    first things first - sorry to resurrect this thread. I have an unusual problem: How can I install Warlock's in Linux (Kubuntu 7.10, to be exact)? The game installs, patches and runs easily, but the script needed to create the ruleset does not work. I tried emulating cmd.exe in wine and running rules2.bat, but it hangs when it's supposed to run any of the patch executables. I also tried starting those directly with cmd.exe, which produces the same result.

    One possible solution would be to install the whole thing in Windows and copy it over to my Linux machine - as I understand, for switching the rules, I only need to copy/paste some files. But I wonder whether there is a more elegant way that does not require a Windows workaround. Any thoughts?

    Thank you for reading.
    posted 02-14-08 10:16 PM EDT (US)     15 / 15  
    Hmm, of my knowledge of Linux, Iknow that users have to be very text-based, and command/parameter line specific. Something I have found poor skill in.

    However, I can tell you that the process to enable the Warlock Mod is quite at times hard to understand and enable, I agree with that for sure.

    I hope that perhaps other members of the community here will log on and add their possible solutions to help you, best of luck matey!

    Lord Naismith
    Age of Wonders 2 Heaven » Forums » AoW1 Mod Packs » Rule-Set Installation FAQ
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