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Topic Subject: Let's ask for the source code!
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posted 06-03-04 06:47 AM EDT (US)   
While I was browsing the Civilization Fanatics site in search for new unit graphics (and they do have a lot of great usable units!), I noticed that there is a petition going on to ask game publishers Atari to release the source code for Civilization II. I think we should do the same for Age of Wonders! After all, the game is over 5 years old now, and has been succeeded by 2 newer titles in the same series. I doubt that AoW 1 has any real commercial value left to the publishers. The technology inside is probably very much aged by now, so from a competitior's point of view there's not much left there either. So maybe, just maybe, we could persuade them.

But why should we?

Well, if nothing else, we could use the source code to finally get all the pieces together of the used file formats for graphics, campaigns, unit stats, rule sets, etc. We could fix some bugs that are still there, either in the game itself or in the editor. We could build in support for multiple rule sets and/or campaigns. Maybe add a new feature or two ...

How's that sound? If you like this, please send me an email containing your name and valid email address (which I will keep in a safe place of course). If we get enough names (let's say 100 for starters) I will do my best to get this petition to the right place. Speaking of which: would that be Triumph Studios or Take Two?

Anyway, let's get this list growing!

UPDATE 2006-04-01:

Take 2 Interactive is not responding to my messages, either by email or 'classic' mail. Therefore, I am afraid that we will have to let go of this idea.

I thank you all for your interest and support.

SmurfHero - Leader of the Smurf race

[This message has been edited by SmurfHero (edited 04-01-2006 @ 10:20 AM).]

posted 12-07-04 01:36 PM EDT (US)     91 / 125  
What I meant by that was “It does work on Intel machines.”.
posted 02-08-05 09:20 PM EDT (US)     92 / 125  
If you manage to port the thing to C, or happen to use Kylix on MacOS (just cross compile ), because I assume its a Delphi to C interpreter? Then we could sort of do cross-platform support.

Or is that an impossible shortcut? I never tried to cross compile across to another platform before.

I forgot if I sent anyone the petition email. Anyhow, slashdot it!

posted 03-27-05 12:05 PM EDT (US)     93 / 125  
I thought it was in Java - I noticed a mention of Java in an error message once.
posted 03-27-05 08:52 PM EDT (US)     94 / 125  
If it had been written in Java, the networking stuff would work very well No, it's written in Delphi - hence the DLP files. We still talking about AoW here?

===================================== Alphax =====================================
============= LASFS Operative #4 =============
The VoW Inn
"I'll bribe you to change the inn link in your sig." -- TDK
posted 04-07-05 01:38 PM EDT (US)     95 / 125  
Are we still doing anything about this?
posted 04-08-05 02:19 AM EDT (US)     96 / 125  
I tend to forget this subject several times a day. I really should send an e-mail message to all of those who showed their interest, to give them a fair chance to agree or disagree on the petition text I have come up with. In a week, I have a one week's holiday - I might have some time to do this then.

SmurfHero - Leader of the Smurf race
posted 04-09-05 11:51 PM EDT (US)     97 / 125  
So, if the petition doesn't go through, what about Wine? Will it work?

===================================== Alphax =====================================
============= LASFS Operative #4 =============
The VoW Inn
"I'll bribe you to change the inn link in your sig." -- TDK
posted 04-22-05 05:39 PM EDT (US)     98 / 125  
Hello SmurfHero,

I sent you the email to sign up for the
petition (hope you got it, if you didn't
let me know).

One thing I would improve in AoW1 is
the handling of the inventory. So far only
heroes can carry items. Frequently items turn
up that are needed elsewhere on the map
by another hero but all heroes are too busy
to take off some time for a long journey
just to pick up an item.
What about giving some units a courier-
function? They may not need to be able to
use the items but just to carry them (i.e.
have an inventory-tab with a few slots in
it and the usual ground slots - let's call
it an item-bag. These units could be a number
of riders such as pony rider, frog rider,
eagle rider etc. (providing that all places
can be accessed and all races have at least
one courier). Also each alignmentgroup (neutral,
evil, good) should have one flying unit with
capability of carrying items (so that a race
with no such flying courier can use a unit
from another friendly race if the item is
lying in the water or on a mountain).

Secondly I learnt from Alphax that the scrolls used
to have the function now being fulfilled by the
wizard towers. The scrolls have no more function
but they are still there in the editor. Maybe
they could be programmed for reading out a message
when being taken to a certain map point or giving
you a programmable spell when you take them to
a certain point on the map. As opposed to the direct
messages that already exist this would add an extra
adventure element for scenario and campaign design.
You don't get the message or the extra spell if you
arrive at the point on the map without the scroll.
You could expand this concept. You could attach
winning conditions for a scenario to the scrolls.

I don't know whether we should have a Smurf race in
AoW1 (they sure would look nice) but I'm afraid we
would probably breach some copyright if we did that.

posted 09-07-05 08:03 AM EDT (US)     99 / 125  
Ahem! (* cough cough * - it sure is dusty in here!)

Now, as I was saying ...

I completed the petition text after your suggestions, signed it with all those who gave their permission (22 names, including mine - not very impressive I suppose) and sent it to Take 2.

Only problem is: they don't have an e-mail address ... Or at least, they refuse to reveil it on their web site. The only e-mail address I can find is their support department's, so that is where I ended up sending the petition to. I asked to forward it to whomever would be more appropriate.

So far (this was about a week ago) I've had no response whatsoever. I'll keep you posted.

Meanwhile, if anyone knows a more appropriate e-mail address that we might try, please let me know.

SmurfHero - Leader of the Smurf race
posted 09-07-05 12:09 PM EDT (US)     100 / 125  
Sendt email adress to the smurf.
posted 09-11-05 10:37 AM EDT (US)     101 / 125  
Hello Guys,

actually trying to go several parallel ways at the same time is a good idea. Nowadays with companies passing to different owners by the score (without the public knowing it) it's often difficult to find out who is responsible for one of the older projects. I did sign the petition quite a while ago. Do you have me on your list Smurf?

Off topic: Which role did Epic Megagames play in the making of AoW? Does anybody know. I have some very old classics from Epic Megagames - so I have an idea about what they once stood for but I don't know what became of the company since then.

posted 09-12-05 02:39 PM EDT (US)     102 / 125  
If i recal corectlly, Epic Megagames was publisher of AoW1 only.

Epic Megagames estill exist, but it is several years since they produced any games. They have basically lived on selling the lisence for the Unreal engines, and developing said engines and selling to other companies to make games on. I have been in contact brieflly with some from Epic Megagames before regarding another game.

posted 03-11-06 09:50 AM EDT (US)     103 / 125  
This really needs to be kept on top, or at least prevented from expiring. Perhaps it should be made sticky?
posted 03-11-06 11:03 AM EDT (US)     104 / 125  

Yep. Sticky this someone?

===================================== Alphax =====================================
============= LASFS Operative #4 =============
The VoW Inn
"I'll bribe you to change the inn link in your sig." -- TDK
posted 03-22-06 05:05 PM EDT (US)     105 / 125  
The Jerk, perhaps?
posted 03-24-06 11:27 AM EDT (US)     106 / 125  
Or Nojd. Sticky now!
posted 03-24-06 02:46 PM EDT (US)     107 / 125  
Yay! It's sticky!

Okay, so any progress lately?

Lord Dragatus, 30th member of BTOOIC, The One Who Killed the Cow.
posted 03-24-06 04:11 PM EDT (US)     108 / 125  
Not much.
Umm... how long were you away?
posted 03-25-06 02:57 AM EDT (US)     109 / 125  
Not sure. 2 years? Maybe more.

Lord Dragatus, 30th member of BTOOIC, The One Who Killed the Cow.
posted 03-27-06 07:48 AM EDT (US)     110 / 125  
Hey all! Check this out!

Open Source Age of Wonders Clone!

===================================== Alphax =====================================
============= LASFS Operative #4 =============
The VoW Inn
"I'll bribe you to change the inn link in your sig." -- TDK
posted 04-01-06 10:17 AM EDT (US)     111 / 125  

So much for the good news ...

Take 2 Interactive is not responding to my messages, either by email or 'classic' mail. Therefore, I am afraid that we will have to let go of this idea.

I thank you all for your interest and support.

Oh well, on to Plan B ...

SmurfHero - Leader of the Smurf race
posted 04-01-06 11:04 AM EDT (US)     112 / 125  
I've forgotten what Plan B was now.
posted 04-03-06 03:18 PM EDT (US)     113 / 125  
Well, it starts like this:

SmurfHero - Leader of the Smurf race
posted 04-03-06 03:24 PM EDT (US)     114 / 125  
Ah! Of course! Now I remeber everything!
So, go on...
posted 04-04-06 02:40 PM EDT (US)     115 / 125  
Well the rest is kind of similar, though unfinished.

SmurfHero - Leader of the Smurf race
posted 09-05-06 10:51 PM EDT (US)     116 / 125  
Hi Smurf

If you're still around I might be interested learning about Plan B. If you need a level designer that is. (Just a thought)

posted 12-31-06 06:20 AM EDT (US)     117 / 125  
Hiya there! I know this is probably a useless post, but if you somehow need stories at all, for the Plan B! I be willing to help out there! I think that's only thing I'm decent at!

Like I said, probably a useless post, since many areas of AoW heaven here is....."A tad delayed" in posts and activeness. But since I'm not quite used to all parts of the forum yet, I'm still cruisin' around each forum, and topic, seeing/reading what the good ol' days of AoW must have been like when people posted like everyday on like every topic! It's quite fun to imagine the competition and discussions that must have gone on.................Anyways!! I talk too much, I gotta get back to browsing through these ancient archives of posts and topics, its like a I be travelling back in time......................

CHeers! If you ever come back, I can be found usually in the PBEM forums!

Lord Naismith

posted 11-03-17 08:00 AM EDT (US)     118 / 125  
Too bad this never worked out.
posted 11-11-17 09:19 AM EDT (US)     119 / 125  
It's a little bit sad to see that activity around here has gone down since last I was here. It was so long ago and I used to be so active and then life got in the way.

Here I am now hoping there's some way I can see some activity come back to the site. I'll be here looking for all of you who come back and join the site as we go on. I look forward to meeting anybody who has interest in bringing this community back.

~ DaemonVirus

#7373DE for Humans #6BB54A for Elves #B563BD for Dark Elves
#EFB573 for Azracs #EFE773 for Halflings #F74242 for Orcs
#4AA58C for Lizard Men #D6AD8C for Dwarves #BD7352 for Goblins
#9CC6E7 for Frostlings #EFEFDE for High Men #947B73 for The Undead
posted 11-11-17 10:47 AM EDT (US)     120 / 125  
I wish I could've been around in the glory days. I've played since release, but I didn't have internet access way back then.

These days I still play with two other active players, both also long-time veterans of the game. They aren't active on the site, but would both probably join a multiplayer game. It seems PBEM is probably the only viable option, though we usually play LAN.
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Age of Wonders 2 Heaven » Forums » AoW1 General Discussion & Strategies » Let's ask for the source code!
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