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Topic Subject: The Episode VII RPG
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posted 02-08-04 04:00 PM EDT (US)   
The Episode VII RPG

This thread is the continuation of the "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi RPG." If you wish to look at the old RPG, this is the url,,0,0,10

Like in most RPGs there are a few rules and here they are:
1. No godmoding
2. No killing someone else's character without their permission
3. No flaming or spam

If you have the intelligence of a fly you should be able to follow those rules.

Here is a bit of information you'ld probably like to know:
Leia is still enslaved
Chewie and Han are in Siac's prison forgotten by basically everyone
Luke was last seen escaping from Mara Jade
The warring Impeirial factions allied with Siac, plus the alliance between Fortuna, Droid Army, and Sith all fighting against Siac.

Now for when you sign up with a character, please use this format or one that is similar,

When you make a Faction it should include at least this information,
Army Size
Planets Under Control

Finally if you have a custom ship or a heavily upgraded ship you should use this format or one that is similar for its stats,
Misc Info:

Now remember you can sign up at any time.


Hutt Cartell
(Part of the Imperial Federation, and stats only include its private forces.)
Leader: Siac
Planets: Tatooine, Hutt Space
25 Star Destroyers
500,000 CloackShape Fighters
350,000 Mercanaries
750,000 Gamorrean Guards
500,000 Weequay Guards
200,000 Vodran
7,000 T'landa Til
750,000 Mercanaries
250,000 Droid Soldiers
750 Nimbanel
350 Other

Name: The Gungan Liberation
Army Size:
500,000,000 Gungan Soldiers
100,000 Gungan Air Cruisers
100,000 Fambaa Shield Generators
500,000 Mounted Kaadu
300,000 Kaadu with Laser cannons
250,000 Laser cannon carying Fambaa
5,000,000 Gungan Air Transports
300,000 Gungan Fighters
300,000 Gungan Bombers

The Chiss Alliance
2 Eclipse Super Star Destroyers ((Eclissi, Csilla) Under Construction)
1 Super Star Destroyer (Predictable)
5 Imperial Star Destroyers (Interlude, Sentinel, Codemaster, Toska, Kodaire)
1,000 Comet supercruisers
15,000 Fury Supercruisers
1,500 Interference Cruisers
500 Chiss corvettes
100 Smaller cruisers and gunships
5 Luxury cruisers
5 Gargantuan Cruisers
100,000 SD 10 War Droids
0 Z-Type Droid Fighters
0 Fel Droid Fighters
Klasse Ephemora

Leader: Grand Admiral Galak Fyyar
Capital: Byss
Flagship: The Eclipse
Official Language: Basic
Ecnomic Situation: Exellent
After the Emperor died, many Imperials formed their own warlord kingdoms, but Thrawn united most of them. Now, with Thrawn captured, Galak Fyyar leads the Imperial Federation
The Imperial Military
Status: Strong
After Thrawn reunited the warlords, the Imperial Navy and army became one the strongest in the entire Galaxy.
Fleet Stats:
Core Worlds: 600 Super Star Destroyers, 8,000 Star Destroyers
Mid Rim: 400 Super Star Destroyers, 5,000 Star Destroyers
Outer Rim: 150 Super Star Destroyers, 2,800 Star Destroyers
+Tens of thoulsants of smaller ships.
Army Stats:
Stormtrooper Battalions: 4,500,000
Elite Stormtrooper Battalions: 1,500,000
Anti-Mech Battalions: 3,000,000
Dark Troopers: 400,000
AT-STs: 12,000,000
AT-ATs: 5,000,000

Leader: Admiral Nydar
Base of operations: Mon Calamari
Planets under control: (Umm, i'm not sure, with the Imp Fed claiming planets and stuff)
Fleet Stats:
Capital Ships
2 Mon Cal Command Cruisers (Home One and Independence)
4 Bulwark Battlecruisers
25 Mon Calamari Cruisers
500 Victory-Class Star Destroyers
230 Imperial-Class Star Destroyers
700 Dauntless Cruisers
1100 Strike Cruisers
1200 Dreadnaughts
3600 Liberator Cruisers
Support/Assault Vessels
4200 Old Republic Assault Ships
3610 Medium Transports
5000 Bulk Cruisers
4900 Nebulon-B Frigates
2400 CC-9600 Frigates
4300 Corellian Corvettes
3800 Corellian Gunships
2800 Bulk Transports
2500 Assault Frigates
2000 Alliance Escort Carriers
1400 Carrack Light Cruisers
340 CC-7700 Interdicter Frigates
120 Interdictor Cruisers
4300 Marauder Corvettes
Army Stats:
10,000,000 Standard Infanity
1,000,000 Commandoes
500,000 Elite Troops
74,000,000 Misc Volunteer Soldiers
500,000 Old Republic Juggernaughts
1,400,000 Misc Captured Imperial AT-models
7,000,000 Misc Combat Landspeeders

Talon Karrde's Smuggling Operation
Army Size:
Action Corellian Action VIIs (Wilde Kardde, Starry Ice, Etherway)
Numerous fighters, including mostly Z-95s
Planets Under Control: none, but their main base is on the planet Myrkr

Name of Faction: The Kel'Dor Empire
Army Size:
1,000,000,000 Cloned Storm Troopers
30,000 AT-ATs
200,000 Modified AT-TEs
100,000 MT-ATs
100,000,000 AT-PTs
2,000,000 Destroyer Droids
1,000,000 Assorted Scout and Patrol Walkers
300 Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbolasers
2,000,000 TIE Hunters
1,000,000 TIE Defenders
3,000,000 TIE Drones
24 Interdictor Cruisers
66 Star Destroyers
1,500 Scimitar Assault Bombers
300 TIE Phantoms
1 Super Star Destroyer, The Persia
My Planets: Kel'Dor Homeworld(I forget what It's called), Thrule, Sarrapin, Korriban, Kessel, Alaris 3, and Krant.

Name: Din
Army size: Victory class Star Destroyer Clamor, roughtly 10,000 Taurill workers, pilots and warriors.
Planets: Gentes

The Chaos Empire
Army Size:
10,000 Gank Soldiers
5,000 Anzati Assassins
50,000 Aqualsih Soldiers
15,000 Devaronian Soldiers
100,000 Dug Soldiers
250,000 Gamorrean Soldiers
1,000 Codru-Ji Warriors
5,000 A9 Vigilance Interceptors
7,500 Carrack Cruisers
50,000 MorningStars
500,000 CloakShape Fighters
700,000 HowlRunners
100 RHE Acclamator-Class Transgalactic Military Assault
Munto Codru

Faction Name: The New Sith Empire
Army Size: 5,000,000 Sith Shadow Knights (Can become invisible)
1000 Elite Sith Shadow Knights
10,000 sith tanks (The force is it's power source)
10,000,000 Sith Infiltrators (Come with sith pilots)
1 Super Star Destroyer\Inderdictor blend, The "Dark Rage"
1 Super Sith Infiltrator (Darth Persia's personal fighter)
1,000 Star Destroyers
700 Interdictors
1,000,000 Tie Interceptors
40,000 Tie Defenders
500 Scimitar Assualt Bombers
1,000 Self Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbo Lasers
500 Suicide Bombers (Compter Controlled, crash into enemy ships)
1,000 Assualt Transports
Planets Under Control: Eriadu


Name: Siac
Species: Hutt
Job: a Viceroy of The Imperial Federation, and leader of Hutt Cartell
Faction: Hutt Cartell
Bio: A hutt that took revenge on Jabba, and then took over the Hutt Cartell. He currently has an alliance with the Imperial Federation.

Name: Irek
Species: Human
Job: NA
Faction: Empire
Bio: Irek has an implant that allows him to control machinery through the force. He is a bit mischevious and often uses it to amuse himself. Currently works for Bib Fortuna and has around 75 droids under his command that he has taken from numerous adventures.

Name: Sento Jass
Species: Gungan
Faction: The Gungan Liberation
Occupation: General
Bio: Sento Jass is a general of The Gungan Liberation, and believes it is time for the Gungans to be superior than all other species and races. He is one of the few that actually knows and speaks to the mysterious leader of The Gungan Liberation.

Name - Kyp Jargon
Age - 36
Species - Shi'ido
Job - Captain Super Star Destroyer Predictable
Faction - Chiss
Bio - Kyp was born on Alderaan. Despite having two eminent Jedi as parents, Kyp has no trace of the gift himself. He is however, a crack pilot and brilliant strategiser, and has amassed a sizeable fleet due to his skills as both a pilot and a leader. He left the New Republic shortly after its formation because he felt that the New Republic was moving in the wrong direction by giving control over to the beaurecrats.

Name: Adlon Merove
Specie's: Human
Gender: Male
Job: Spy
Age: 41
Faction: Rebel's
Home Planet: Correlia
When Adlon was young he could find the best hiding place's and sneak up on people without a sound. He did this just to scare them though and it worked realy well. One day he decided to pick on a nikto. He snuck up on the nikto and as he was about to scare him the nikto turned around real fast and shot adlon in the leg's. Then adlon was taken to a rebel medical center. And now he's a spy.

Name: Beloth Delorm.
Specie's: Chiss.
Gender: Male.
Job: Dark jedi mercenary.
Age: 27.
Faction: Sith.
Home Planet: Korriban.

Name: Thrawn
Species: Chiss
Job: Supreme Viceroy of the Grand Imperial Federation
Faction: The Grand Imperial Federation
Ship: The Eclipse
Bio: Thrawn was once a Grand Admiral but now controls the Imperial Federation

Name: Galak Fyyar
Species: Human
Job: Grand Admiral of the Grand Imperial Federation
Faction: The Grand Imperial Federation
Ship: The Doomgiver
Bio: Fyyar is a weapon specialist and is now Grand Admiral in the Grand Imperial Federation

Name: Hayrel Nickel
Species: Human
Job: Stormtrooper General
Faction: Galactic Empire
Bio: A Stormtrooper who were once a Dark Jedi training in the Shadow Academy.He quitted when he were called by the Empire to command an army of ground forces to destroy a Wookie Village.Because of his force powers that he has mastered,he easily find the Village and are able to detect dangers.The mission was more then successful,and he were promoted to become a general.

Name: Admiral Nydar
Species: Human
Job: Leader of the NRPF
Faction: NRPF
Bio: Although the galaxy has errupted into chaos and war, the NRPF still fights to prevail and restore peace, lead by Admiral Nydar. Once a lowly Jugun'fy Spaceport security officer, Nydar rose in power by staging an ambush of an Imperial convoy near Wayland, and later defending Mon Calamari from an Imperial assult. He is legendary amoung his troops for his ability to instantly come up with brilliant strategic plans.

Name: Captain Durk Ziridan
Species: Human
Job: Leader of the Endor Coalition
Faction: Endor Coalition (Loyal faction of the Imperial Federation)
Bio: An Imperial Captain, Durk was captured by Rebels, then rescued from an Endor prison camp. He re-assumed command of his small Imperial fleet, only to find that the once glorious Empire had crumbled into warring factions. Designating his small fleet as the Endor Coalition, and overiding protocol, Ziridan pledged his services to Grand Admiral Thrawn, the Leader of the Imperial Federation.

Name: Lord Bib Fortuna
Species: Twi'Lek
Job: Criminal Mastermind
Faction: Independent Crime Organization
Bio: Folowing the death of Jabba the Hutt, Lord Bib Fortuna rose to power, pledging to avenge his master by killing Siac the Hutt. Fortuna posess a private army and fleet, and has a large fortress on the planet Naar Shaada, and is currently holding Leia as his slave. He has access to nearly infinite credits, thanks to "Z-shield" technology which allows him to capture, enslave, and sell Zeltron females. Amoung his allies are a droid army led by Irek, and a legion of Sith warriors.

Name: Shadow-0000000001
Species: Shadow Droid
Faction: Imperial Faction
Bio: Shadow-0000000001 is the first ever Shadow Droid and also has more free will then the ones made after him. He also has a bit more fire power and force energies. He is a leader of a small squadron of nine other Shadow Droids.

Name: Jayzen Starrider
Species: Chalactan
Job: Information Broker/Smuggler
Faction: Talon Kardde's Smuggling Operation
Bio: Little is known about the smuggler Jayzen Starrider, but he is fiercely loyal to his chieftan Talon Kardde.

Name: Plo Koon
Species: Kel'Dor
Faction:The Kel'Dor Empire
Bio: Plo Koon was cloned by a mysterious jedi. He was cloned with special technology that gave him an incrededibly effective tacticle mind. He soon founded his own Empire and stole a sample of Stormtrooper DNA and cloned his own soldiers, and created and upgraded his own special walkers.
Job: To serve the Dark Jedi Darth Persia and crush their foes!

Name: Dap
Species: Taurill
Job: Crimelord
Faction: Din
Bio: The name of a hivemind of a group of Taurill, Dap is the collective consciousness of the entire swarm of them. It has lived for a long time, so long it has achieved an intelligence a little past a human's. It's swarm consists of about 10,000 Taurill. Sadly, if one of the Taurill becomes alone, it dies from separation from the hivemind.

Name: Acopolypse
Species: Unknown (has a black humanoid body, blood red horns, and dark blue hair)
Faction: The Chaos Empire
Job: Emperor of The Chaos Empire
Bio: An evil leader of an evil empire. Seems to care about nothing but destruction, and his whole fleet is basically made up of stolen ships. Acopolypse has somehow made inhabits of each planet he's conquered instantly follow him. Acopolypse also has great strength in the dark side of the force and has two lightsabers that have red hilts and have a strange black blade.

Name: Darth Persia
Species: Human
Job: Sith Master
Faction: Sith Empire
Bio: This ancient Sith, when he saw that the sith empire was crumbling(thousands of years ago) he froze himself in cryogenic stasis. Awaking 20 years ago, he cloned an apprentice for himself. That apprentice was Plo Koon(mASTER_ PLO_KOON1). He quickly amassed an army of Sith Shadow knights through corruption of Jedi and the discovery of other sith who had preserved themselves in cryogenic stasis. Right after the Battle of Endor, he took advantage of the Empire's temporary disarray and aquired many Imperiel Ships....

Name: Jake Dustil(Darth Jake)
Species: Human
Job: Sith Knight
Faction: Sith Empire
Bio: Jake was a proude and headstrong boy but he had a weakness it was hatred beacause one day he was out scavenging parts from ships in space but when he came back that to his town he found something horrible his town was destroyed by the galactic empire but then he saw a black robeb man and that man lies to him by saying the rebel(aka new republic)jake swore that he will kill all the rebel and at that same moment the robeb man offered him to be his pupil to join the sith to have the power to kill the new republic and have revenge
Ship Name:Raven Crusher
Owner: Darth Jake
Weapons:2 laser cannons
Misc: its like the raven claw and the sith infiltrator combine it can cloak for a maximum of 4 hours without attacking

Customized Ships

The Black Shadow Stat's
Ship Name: The Black Shadow
Ship Class: Raider Transport
Ship Design: it is similar design to the correlian corvette. It is grey almost going into black.
Hight: 56 Meter's.
Leingth: 64 Meter's.
Width: 58 Meter's
Moddification's: Cloaking Device, Boarding Tube It attach's to whatever ship and cut's through the armor so the raider squadron can jump in, Sonic Charge's seen in episode2 aotc when obi'wan was chasing jango, Solar panneled armor Extract's energy from heat, Hyper Drive, Ion Cannon's, Advanced Shield Generator, Small Tractor Beam For extracting small recource's like ship wreckage, Busted droid part's, Ect, Ect..
Speed: 90 MPH.

Ship Name: The Eclipse
Ship Class: KDY Super Star Destroyer
Ship Design: It is a huge, night-black Star Destroyer equipped with a superlaser and cloaking devices
Length: 17.6 Kilometers
Axial Composite Beam Superlaser
800 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
500 Point defense turbolasers (Grouped into batteries of five)
500 Assault laser cannons (Grouped into batteries of five)
550 Quad Laser Cannons(grouped into batteries of five)
75 Ion Cannons (grouped into batteries of five)
100 Tractor Beam Projectors
10 Gravity Well Projectors
600 TIE Defenders (Organized into 50 squadrons)
96 Scimitar Assault Bombers (Organized into 8 squadrons)
200 Shadow Droids (Attracted to the hull)
100 AT-ATs
1,000 Combat vessels

Ship Name: The Doomgiver
Ship Class: Rendili Battleship
Ship Design: A huge, Star Destroyer-like battleship equipped with a huge amount of weaponary
Length: 5 Kilometers
200 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
50 Ion Cannon Batteries
200 Quad Laser Cannons
144 TIE Defenders (Organized into 12 squadrons)
38 Scimitar Asault Bombers
100 Combat vessels.

Name of Plo Koon's Personal Flagship: The Persia
Owner: Plo Koon
550 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
150 Concussion Missle Tubes
300 Ion Cannons
90 Tractor/Repulsor Beam Projectors
5 Fully Stable Cloaking Devices
20 Planetary Bombardment Weapons
Carry Capablilities:
1,000,000 Misc shuttlecraft, fighters, ect

Custom Ship Name: "Dark Rage"
Ship Class: Kuat Drive Yards Super Star Destroyer
Size: 19 KM
Owner: Darth Persia
Weapons: 40,000 laser turrets, 700 ion cannons, 60 Proton Bomb bays, 20 Gravity Well Generators, .
Carries 800,000 Sith Infiltrtors. (The other Star Destroyers carry the rest)
Misc Info: Has a fortune of 900,000 credits. Has an enormous cloning facility on the Dark Rage.

Custom ship
Ship name: Clamor
Ship class: Victory Star Destroyer
Owner: Dap
Weapons: 60 turbolasers (linked in banks of 12), 40 ion cannons (linked in banks of 8), 180 quad laser cannons, 20 concussion missile launchers, 10 tractor beams
Misc. info: The Clamor has modified, simpler controls so the Taurill can operate them more efficiently. Also many of the walls have been destroyed, making each level of the ship a huge open area. The ship is also outfitted with a crystal gravitational trap, one of the few sensors that can sense a cloaked ship. Clamor also has multiple banks of backup shields, and during battle it has 3 shields raised- the particle shield, which protects from physical objects, the normal energy shield, protecting from lasers and turbolasers, and the reconfigured energy shield, protecting from ion cannons. Each shield has four banks of backup shields.

[This message has been edited by Shadow_Droid (edited 03-27-2004 @ 11:01 AM).]

posted 02-08-04 06:52 PM EDT (US)     1 / 426  
Name - Kyp Jargon
Age - 36
Species - Shi'ido
Job - Captain Super Star Destroyer Predictable
Faction - Chiss
Bio - Kyp was born on Alderaan. Despite having two eminent Jedi as parents, Kyp has no trace of the gift himself. He is however, a crack pilot and brilliant strategiser, and has amassed a sizeable fleet due to his skills as both a pilot and a leader. He left the New Republic shortly after its formation because he felt that the New Republic was moving in the wrong direction by giving control over to the beaurecrats.

The Chiss Alliance
1 Super Star Destroyer (Predictable)
10 Imperial Star Destroyers (Kanaba, Interlude, Sentinel, Diablos, Codemaster, Dergister, Toska, Dekarr, Darnell, Kodaire)
5 Calamari Cruisers (Antellach, Imt, Rendan, Naxos, Tenga)
3 Victory Star Destroyers (Pheric, Blasta, Wampa's Fury)
10 Chiss corvettes
100 Smaller cruisers and gunships
60 Chiss Clawcraft
200 X-Wings
50 A-Wings
30 B-Wings

5 Luxury cruisers (sightseeing tours and cruises are part of his legitimate enterprises)
5 Gargantuan Cruisers (Roughly the size of a mon cal cruiser, but three times the height, consists of a cockpit, engines and a massive storage area)(Kyp sells these to the public as another part of the legitimate side of his operation)

80,000 SD 10 War Droids
100,000 Z-Type Droid Fighters

Rattatak (Droid Foundry and Starship construction facility)

[This message has been edited by kypjargon (edited 02-08-2004 @ 06:55 PM).]

posted 02-08-04 07:05 PM EDT (US)     2 / 426  
Ok, stats updated. Going to wait until a few more people to join/rejoin.

[This message has been edited by Shadow_Droid (edited 02-08-2004 @ 07:25 PM).]

posted 02-08-04 08:15 PM EDT (US)     3 / 426  
Name: Adlon Merove
Specie's: Human
Gender: Male
Job: Spy
Age: 41
Faction: Rebel's
Home Planet: Correlia
When Adlon was young he could find the best hiding place's and sneak up on people without a sound. He did this just to scare them though and it worked realy well. One day he decided to pick on a nikto. He snuck up on the nikto and as he was about to scare him the nikto turned around real fast and shot adlon in the leg's. Then adlon was taken to a rebel medical center. And now he's a spy.

Name: Beloth Delorm.
Specie's: Chiss.
Gender: Male.
Job: Dark jedi mercenary.
Age: 27.
Faction: Sith.
Home Planet: Korriban.

OOC: No way im going behind!

posted 02-08-04 09:07 PM EDT (US)     4 / 426  
How come there is no bio for Beloth?
posted 02-08-04 11:38 PM EDT (US)     5 / 426  
im confused. Why two threads?
posted 02-09-04 03:13 AM EDT (US)     6 / 426  
Add the Imp fed.

And these:

Name: Thrawn
Species: Chiss
Job: Supreme Viceroy of the Grand Imperial Federation
Faction: The Grand Imperial Federation
Ship: The Eclipse
Bio: Thrawn was once a Grand Admiral but now controls the Imperial Federation

Name: Galak Fyyar
Species: Human
Job: Grand Admiral of the Grand Imperial Federation
Faction: The Grand Imperial Federation
Ship: The Doomgiver
Bio: Fyyar is a weapon specialist and is now Grand Admiral in the Grand Imperial Federation

The RPG & Election Ruiner
Lord Fooby & Lord Fyyarby '09 - The Superior Choice

[This message has been edited by Admiral Fyyar (edited 02-09-2004 @ 03:28 AM).]

posted 02-09-04 05:28 PM EDT (US)     7 / 426  
Xelop, this is the continuation of that thread. The old one will no longer be used. The reason for the new one, is because the old title didn't fit the thread anymore. Also Admiral Fyyar, I hope those are the correct stats for the Imperial Federation. If they aren't post the correct stats. Also if Shadow Droids are in existance, I might have myself as a character. So are they in existance, Admiral Fyyar?
posted 02-09-04 08:44 PM EDT (US)     8 / 426  
The Black Shadow Stat's
Ship Name: The Black Shadow
Ship Class: Raider Transport
Ship Design: it is similar design to the correlian corvette. It is grey almost going into black.
Hight: 56 Meter's.
Leingth: 64 Meter's.
Width: 58 Meter's
Moddification's: Cloaking Device, Boarding Tube It attach's to whatever ship and cut's through the armor so the raider squadron can jump in, Sonic Charge's seen in episode2 aotc when obi'wan was chasing jango, Solar panneled armor Extract's energy from heat, Hyper Drive, Ion Cannon's, Advanced Shield Generator, Small Tractor Beam For extracting small recource's like ship wreckage, Busted droid part's, Ect, Ect..
Speed: 90 MPH.
posted 02-10-04 05:52 AM EDT (US)     9 / 426  
Name: Hayrel Nickel
Species: Human
Job: Stormtrooper General
Faction: Galactic Empire
Bio: A Stormtrooper who were once a Dark Jedi training in the Shadow Academy.He quitted when he were called by the Empire to command an army of ground forces to destroy a Wookie Village.Because of his force powers that he has mastered,he easily find the Village and are able to detect dangers.The mission was more then successful,and he were promoted to become a general.

Member Since: 11-19-2002
Proud winner of "Zara's Challenge #2 - Funny Screenshot" award
Han Katarn's tribute thread to Stormtrooper88
posted 02-10-04 06:07 AM EDT (US)     10 / 426  
Prison Camp

"Sir,we've found him!" A stormtrooper shouted a distance away.

Hayrel darted towards his position while staying low,careful not be detected by enemies,or worst,be hit by laser fire.

As soon as Hayrel reach in front of Durk's prison cell,he stretch out his hand towards the identity panel on the side of the prison cell,causing it to shut down the force field protecting it.

Hayrel and his troops rushed in,to see Durk sitting down in one corner of the cell.

"What took you so long!? I've been here for more then days and those rebel scums ain't giving me any good food...Come on,get me out of this place!" Durk yelled at all the Stormtroopers.Some were shocked as they expect a better reward.

"Here,take this..Stick together troops!" Hayrel took a stormtrooper blaster rifle and hand it to Durk.He then press the button for his transmission.

"TK-637 here,provide cover fire for our escape!"

Member Since: 11-19-2002
Proud winner of "Zara's Challenge #2 - Funny Screenshot" award
Han Katarn's tribute thread to Stormtrooper88
posted 02-10-04 10:16 AM EDT (US)     11 / 426  
Nai, I'we made these stats for you, can you use them?


Leader: <Inset leader here Nai>
Base of Operations: <Inset base here Nai>
Planets under control: <inset planets here Nai>

Fleet Stats:

Capital Ships

2 Mon Cal Command Cruisers (Home One and Independence)
4 Bulwark Battlecruisers
25 Mon Calamari Cruisers
500 Victory-Class Star Destroyers
230 Imperial-Class Star Destroyers
700 Dauntless Cruisers
1100 Strike Cruisers
1200 Dreadnaughts
3600 Liberator Cruisers

Support/Assault Vessels

4200 Old Republic Assault Ships
3610 Medium Transports
5000 Bulk Cruisers
4900 Nebulon-B Frigates
2400 CC-9600 Frigates
4300 Corellian Corvettes
3800 Corellian Gunships
2800 Bulk Transports
2500 Assault Frigates
2000 Alliance Escort Carriers
1400 Carrack Light Cruisers
340 CC-7700 Interdicter Frigates
120 Interdictor Cruisers
4300 Marauder Corvettes

Army Stats:


10,000,000 Standard Infanity
1,000,000 Commandoes
500,000 Elite Troops
74,000,000 Misc Volunteer Soldiers


500,000 Old Republic Juggernaughts
1,400,000 Misc Captured Imperial AT-models
7,000,000 Misc Combat Landspeeders

The RPG & Election Ruiner
Lord Fooby & Lord Fyyarby '09 - The Superior Choice
posted 02-11-04 05:04 PM EDT (US)     12 / 426  
Stormtrooper88, we're going to wait a bit more before we start sorry. Also I'm going to wait until Darth Nai joins and says he can use those New Republic stats before posting them. Finally anyone can IM me and ask me questions about the thread or work something out with me. My screen name is CmptrSean.
posted 02-12-04 10:05 PM EDT (US)     13 / 426  
go ahead and post NR stats but i might be busy for a couple days

Darth Nai, Co-leader of ASD (For AgeS we have been Dead)
Bet kindchen bet, morgen kommt der Schwed.
Stupidity quote of the week:
"We should invade their Muslim countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity!"
-Ann Coulter
posted 02-12-04 10:09 PM EDT (US)     14 / 426  
Thats too bad, and I just posted the New Republic stats. You need to fill in a few blanks though. Also can you post the stats for your characters soon?
posted 02-13-04 03:17 PM EDT (US)     15 / 426  
Laboratory, Byss

A new droid fighter had just been designed, the Shadow Droid, it haden't more firepower than an ordinary fighter, but it had something no other fighter had, the power of the Dark Side! Siphoed from captured Sith Masters, this power made the ship capable of preforming incredible precise maneuvers, the first one was named Shadow-0000000001(Shadow, your wish is my command)

The RPG & Election Ruiner
Lord Fooby & Lord Fyyarby '09 - The Superior Choice
posted 02-13-04 03:33 PM EDT (US)     16 / 426  
OOC: Thanks! Also I guess I'll have to wait a while for more people to join, so everyone can start now. Hopefuly Darth Nai will soon post the stats of his characters and the blanks in the New Republic stats. Also may I use the first Shadow Droid as one of my characters?

[This message has been edited by Shadow_Droid (edited 02-13-2004 @ 03:34 PM).]

posted 02-14-04 10:59 AM EDT (US)     17 / 426  
OOC: Okay, okay!


Leader: Admiral Nydar
Base of operations: Mon Calamari
Planets under control: (Umm, i'm not sure, with the Imp Fed claiming planets and stuff)
<fleet status here>

Name: Admiral Nydar
Species: Human
Job: Leader of the NRPF
Faction: NRPF
Bio: Although the galaxy has errupted into chaos and war, the NRPF still fights to prevail and restore peace, lead by Admiral Nydar. Once a lowly Jugun'fy Spaceport security officer, Nydar rose in power by staging an ambush of an Imperial convoy near Wayland, and later defending Mon Calamari from an Imperial assult. He is legendary amoung his troops for his ability to instantly come up with brilliant strategic plans.

Name: Captain Durk Ziridan
Species: Human
Job: Leader of the Endor Coalition
Faction: Endor Coalition (Loyal faction of the Imperial Federation)
Bio: An Imperial Captain, Durk was captured by Rebels, then rescued from an Endor prison camp. He re-assumed command of his small Imperial fleet, only to find that the once glorious Empire had crumbled into warring factions. Designating his small fleet as the Endor Coalition, and overiding protocol, Ziridan pledged his services to Grand Admiral Thrawn, the Leader of the Imperial Federation.

Name: Lord Bib Fortuna
Species: Twi'Lek
Job: Criminal Mastermind
Faction: Independent Crime Organization
Bio: Folowing the death of Jabba the Hutt, Lord Bib Fortuna rose to power, pledging to avenge his master by killing Siac the Hutt. Fortuna posess a private army and fleet, and has a large fortress on the planet Naar Shaada, and is currently holding Leia as his slave. He has access to nearly infinite credits, thanks to "Z-shield" technology which allows him to capture, enslave, and sell Zeltron females. Amoung his allies are a droid army led by Irek, and a legion of Sith warriors.

Darth Nai, Co-leader of ASD (For AgeS we have been Dead)
Bet kindchen bet, morgen kommt der Schwed.
Stupidity quote of the week:
"We should invade their Muslim countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity!"
-Ann Coulter

[This message has been edited by Darth Nai (edited 02-14-2004 @ 11:50 AM).]

posted 02-14-04 12:55 PM EDT (US)     18 / 426  
OOC: Thanks. Since you had major characters I was mostly just waiting for you. Also everyone may start now, and hopefully more people will join later on.

Nar Shaada

While waiting until it was time for the attack Siac, Irek played cards against people at casinos. Of course automated dealers were used to stop cheating, so Irek used the force to make sure the automated dealer always gave him the best hand. Soon angry losers chased him out of the casino with disruptor rifles and other powerful weaponry. Outside he just managed to kill them all, and then Irek stole their credits.

He later spent all of his money on a Pursuer-class patrol ship and Holographic Image Disguisers, and Man Traps. Unfortunately, Irek could not upgrade his newly bought ship because of his lack of money.

Tatooine: Siac's Palace

Siac soon had a few new defenses added to the palace. All would be costly, but certainly worth it if attacked again. No matter what, no one would be getting as close to killing him as last time.


Sento Jass reported to the Gungan leader that all resistance on Naboo was taken out. He also reported that a few new weapons were being worked on.

OOC: Incase Admiral Fyyar does not read my previous post, can I use the first created Shadow Droid as my character?

posted 02-15-04 01:08 AM EDT (US)     19 / 426  
Prison Camp
"Sir,we've found him!" A stormtrooper shouted a distance away.

Hayrel darted towards his position while staying low,careful not be detected by enemies,or worst,be hit by laser fire.

As soon as Hayrel reach in front of Durk's prison cell,he stretch out his hand towards the identity panel on the side of the prison cell,causing it to shut down the force field protecting it.

Hayrel and his troops rushed in,to see Durk sitting down in one corner of the cell.

"What took you so long!? I've been here for more then days and those rebel scums ain't giving me any good food...Come on,get me out of this place!" Durk yelled at all the Stormtroopers.Some were shocked as they expect a better reward.

"Here,take this..Stick together troops!" Hayrel took a stormtrooper blaster rifle and hand it to Durk.He then press the button for his transmission.

"TK-637 here,provide cover fire for our escape!"

Member Since: 11-19-2002
Proud winner of "Zara's Challenge #2 - Funny Screenshot" award
Han Katarn's tribute thread to Stormtrooper88
posted 02-15-04 01:50 PM EDT (US)     20 / 426  
OOC: Yes you can Shadow, and Nai, the Imperial Federation still control Mon Calamari, Sarron's incharge, but you can allways try to take it back .

The RPG & Election Ruiner
Lord Fooby & Lord Fyyarby '09 - The Superior Choice
posted 02-15-04 06:04 PM EDT (US)     21 / 426  
OOC: Thanks.
Name: Shadow-0000000001
Species: Shadow Droid
Faction: Imperial Faction
Bio: Shadow-0000000001 is the first ever Shadow Droid and also has more free will then the ones made after him. He also has a bit more fire power and force energies. He is a leader of a small squadron of nine other Shadow Droids.

So, do you have any orders for him or should I just do what I want?

posted 02-15-04 06:54 PM EDT (US)     22 / 426  
OOC: Whoop's! I almost forgot something!

BIC: The mon calimari cruiser taken from star destroyer dread arrived at byss. It sent out a transmittion and explained about it's capture and how succesful the O.N.B was. Thrawn smiled. "Excelent! Prepare for boarding, we will look at the data base's and hack into the rebel information." He allowed it to land.

posted 02-17-04 08:55 AM EDT (US)     23 / 426  
Prison Camp

Lasers flew everywhere as Hayrel,Captain Durk and the soldiers attempt to fall back.Dead bodies lied everywhere on the ground.

Hayrel and his troops provide a box formation around Captain Durk to protect him from the lasers.Hayrel set his senses to the maximum to warn him of dangers.

"This way!" Hayrel yelled while heading towards the Nickel's Eye."Split up,and fall back to our camp as soon as possible!"

Without hesitating,Hayrel grabbed the Captain's arm and jumped up onto the AT-ST.

"Get in!"

Hayrel went into the Nickel's Eye as soon as Durk has settled down in his personal AT-ST.He fired 2 missiles towards the camp and turn the Nickel's eye around,throttling to the maximum speed he can reach...

Member Since: 11-19-2002
Proud winner of "Zara's Challenge #2 - Funny Screenshot" award
Han Katarn's tribute thread to Stormtrooper88
posted 02-17-04 10:27 PM EDT (US)     24 / 426  
As the ATAT moved away from the wreckage, Durk began fidgeting. He wasn't the kind of guy who could just sit there and give orders while stormtroopers handled things, he had to do something mihself.
He suddenly straitened in his chair and grabbed the controls.
"What are you doing?" demanded Nickel.
"I'm transferring control of the ATAT weapons systems to me!" Durk replied eagerly. He flipped a few switches, then brought up a targeting screen on the display pannel. He aimed at a group of fleeing Rebel troopers, and blasted them to bits. Then he locked to an X-wing as it flew overhead, and blew of it's right wing with one missile. Smoking, the ruined X-wing sailed to the ground and exploded. Durk laughed.
"Those Rebels deserve it for that bad food they gave me in the prison camp!" Durk said to Nickel, pating him on the shoulder. "Now lets get up to the nearest Star Destroyer so I can issue control and glass all these Rebels from above! There will be no cowardly escape for them this time!"

Darth Nai, Co-leader of ASD (For AgeS we have been Dead)
Bet kindchen bet, morgen kommt der Schwed.
Stupidity quote of the week:
"We should invade their Muslim countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity!"
-Ann Coulter
posted 02-17-04 10:42 PM EDT (US)     25 / 426  
Name: Jayzen Starrider
Species: Chalactan
Job: Information Broker/Smuggler
Faction: Talon Kardde's Smuggling Operation
Bio: Little is known about the smuggler Jayzen Starrider, but he is fiercely loyal to his chieftan Talon Kardde.

Talon Karrde's Smuggling Operation

Army Size:
Action Corellian Action VIIs (Wilde Kardde, Starry Ice, Etherway)
Numerous fighters, including mostly Z-95s
Planets Under Control: none, but their main base is on the planet Myrkr

Zaarin | Creator of Coruscant Life SE
deviantArt | New Campaign Coming Soon
"But if of ships I now should sing, what ship would come to me,
What ship would bear me ever back across so wide a Sea?”

"And now the moon, earth's friend, that cared so much/for us, and cared so little, comes again—/always a stranger!"--Robert Lowell, "The Public Garden"
posted 02-18-04 01:57 AM EDT (US)     26 / 426  
Nar-Shadaa-[Fortuna's Throne Room]
Fortuna was getting excited as he thought of the attack on siac more and more. He was planning something on a datapad, constantly pressing button's on it. After a long time he stopped. He then looked over to 10 of his gaurd's and said "Go into the dark jedi's quarter's and tell them to come to my presence imidiatly! I have our strategy ready!" They went out into the room's and did so.


All the dark jedi were standing in fortuna's throne room waiting for his plan. All of them were having quite a conversation with each other and later Fortuna drew a breathe and they all snapped attention to him eagerly listening for the strategy. This made him more confident and he began to talk.

OOC: You can just talk about the strategy, what behavior is required, diferent thing's.

PS: If you dont want to do this quite yet tell me and ill edit this out.

[This message has been edited by Robock (edited 02-18-2004 @ 04:14 PM).]

posted 02-18-04 06:06 AM EDT (US)     27 / 426  

After hours of searching in the Mon Cal cruiser's databanks, Thrawn finally found the really usefull stuff.
He found the locations of five very importent NR bases and data regarding Sluis Van and the Wild Space, very usefull

He sent a message to The Chiss Alliance

Message to the Chiss Alliance
Greetings former ruler, I'm pretty sure you can remember me.
I know you have sided with Kyp Jargon agianst me, i request an alliance between us, so we can crush the trouble makers of the New Republic.
I would like you to come and meet me above Coruscant
Supreme Viceroy Thrawn of the Grand Imperial Federation

The RPG & Election Ruiner
Lord Fooby & Lord Fyyarby '09 - The Superior Choice

[This message has been edited by Admiral Fyyar (edited 02-19-2004 @ 03:01 AM).]

posted 02-18-04 06:53 AM EDT (US)     28 / 426  
The Chiss recieved Thrawns message.

Kyp Jargon is not only our ally, but our representitive in all areas outside Chiss Space. If you wish to discuss an alliance, discuss it with him. I must also inform you that any military action that is taken against him will forever tarnish our relationship.

posted 02-18-04 07:13 PM EDT (US)     29 / 426  
Bridge of the Wilde Karrde
"Karrde, we can't stay neutral forever!" Jayzen Starrider said.
"Perhaps not forever. But for now-"
"The Empire killed my entire family! They must pay!"

Zaarin | Creator of Coruscant Life SE
deviantArt | New Campaign Coming Soon
"But if of ships I now should sing, what ship would come to me,
What ship would bear me ever back across so wide a Sea?”

"And now the moon, earth's friend, that cared so much/for us, and cared so little, comes again—/always a stranger!"--Robert Lowell, "The Public Garden"
posted 02-18-04 08:43 PM EDT (US)     30 / 426  
Nar Shaada

Irek was going to be late to meet with Bib Fortuna about the battle stradegy. Then he got a smirk on his face and used the dark dimension.

Seconds later Irek appeared right above his seat and fell down into it.

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