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BSS vs IS_

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# of Players: 8
Map Type: New England
Map Size: Normal
Game Speed: Normal
Starting Age: Discovery
Game Type: Supremacy
Cheats Allowed: No
Total Game Time: 1:20:00
Player 1's Name: WALK3R
Player 2's Name: Janko
Player 3's Name: IS_Gonma_Permil
Player 4's Name: Yellow_
Player 5's Name: prince_joker
Player 6's Name: KingRatt
Player 7's Name: Shimano
Player 8's Name: sniper4hirer
The game started out with a triple rush on one of there guys. We took his tc down and then went to the next town and they fought us off. Then they went on the offensive and about had us. A marathon game that could have went either way. It wasn't looking good for a while but I got my economy going and then started tributing to sniper to get him in age 5. We just barely pulled it out and a couple of times some on out team were going to resign, but we talked them out of it and glad that they stuck around.
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Achaean Lionness
Rating: 5

Guys …

What can anyone say..?
Superb from start to finish…

Definitely among the three best I’ve seen – and may well be the best of those overall.

Exemplary efforts on everyone’s part and some brilliant fighting.

How you guys managed to wall off your R.E.’s (even behind double walls for most of the breadth of the field) after the French several times slipped some heavy horse in your rear and cut down scores of civilians, and While simultaneously keeping up your massive inertia on the quite distant front, is just impressive in-itself.

This one is of the ‘epic’ variety and well worth a viewing by anyone with machine enough to handle Eight fully mobilized Civilizations making every effort to cut through the hoards on the front to reach the enemy’s rear en mass, in large-scale frontal assault one after another after another – and some being continuous for lengthy periods.

One for the ‘Recorded Favorites’ folder – and I don’t put anything in mine lightly.

A hearty three ‘Hurrahs!’ for each one & all of you..!

Thanks for sharing this one here as well, Prince Joker (I think I’ll even watch it again from your perspective, as I’m most fond of the Russian Civ. and am Always Russian myself).
I think you may have here disproved my belief that after the Colonial, Streletys are basically ‘meaningless’ on a field that is familiar with field artillery, unless you have No Other choice.
You achieved a lot with them on an extremely violent field with more than the average amount of artillery thundering all the while.
Thanks for the eye-opener…
I’ll watch again and see how you’ve really used those units to such seemingly great effect.

My salute to all of you! 0_\
~ Lionness

[Edited on 04/05/06 @ 12:10 PM]

Achaean Lionness
All right then, I just watched it again, as I mentioned above I’d try to do, watching from Prince Joker’s perspective.

It seemed an entirely different war viewed from the opposite perspective.

Contrary to my above thinking from the impression created watching from Walk3r’s (hard-pressed French) perspective – my previous contention only seems more solidly re-enforced.
Streletys on such a field are meaningless.

For probably the better part of the first half, the carnage wrought upon the Russian light infantry is utterly appalling, and I have to say – I’ve not yet anywhere else seen such a wonton waste of men.
If you’ll permit me this little ‘free criticism,’ Joker..? ..understanding that as I offer it here – I’m not saying that in like situation I’d do or fare any better. I’d do things differently – but we’d have to try it out on a like violent field to see whether it would fare any better.
That said – it really struck me while watching this from your perspective, that far-more often than not, your operations groups were just too small to accomplish anything (usually composed of Streletys, occasionally of Musketeers, or some combination of the two) – and that they made vain attempts to penetrate to the enemy rear where they were ultimately slaughtered by fresh enemy troops coming up to the front (or holding positions recently ‘liberated’), to no effect whatsoever.
It seemed an exception that they were attached to a larger Operational body of force (of your allies, particularly the Ottoman and Dutch), where as light infantry, had they kept up with the guns, for instance, and stood Behind the batteries of advancing artillery, the could have served a good light infantry purpose with some visible effects.

Too, the Streletys’ melee attacks were appalling – made against bodies often three or four times their size of much tougher, and harder hitting units.
Time & again I watched them melt away like hot butter under a scorching Sun.

On your side among the allies, the Dutch and Ottomans did very well overall (IMO) in operating together en mass – with the very wise and effective service of the Dutch (Shimano) using his factory to crank out Heavy Cannons, and miraculously at-times, getting them moved safely all the way to the front (it is a huge map-area!).
The support given by those guns was significant. It SEEMED to me while watching however, that on the whole, your side just had some ‘bad luck’ with artillery – often at the wrong place at the wrong time, and often being surprised by batteries of culverins and/or heavy horse.
Chalk it up to the misfortunes of war. I didn’t see anything I’d consider done ‘wrong’ or ‘stupidly’ there – it was just some bad luck for the guns.

Again it seemed, the Janissaries, Dragoons and artillery that did come into play were the decisive factors. Operating well together in combined movements and thrusts, they established the inertia that finally broke the front, softening it up sufficiently to pierce with some light raids in the rear – some made by your (P. Joker’s) Imperial Oprichniks

In all, really a great fight – on all sides as I say again.
I enjoyed it just as much the 2nd time.

Salute guys!
~ Lionness
Heli one of the best I have seen on AOE3... takes me back to the days of AOE2 and watchign osme of the epic battles of Sherrif.

very nice... fun to watch, wish dark purple would have not dropped though, would have made the game more intresting in the end.

GOOD come back blue!
Shimano hehe that was when i just started playing the game :) i didnt even know that joker posted it lol it was a decent game by me i didnt play very well at all but decent for a someone new i guess gg :)

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