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Single Player Scenarios » Shilmista - The Era of Rain Showers

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Shilmista - The Era of Rain Showers

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(id: Byzantine_Warrior)
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Version: AoM: The Titans
When you open the .exe file and it asks you what path to install to, you must select your AoM folder in Program files (default is C:/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Age of Mythology), not in My Documents!

Play on EASY!

Grappling onto the cliff-side, you can hear your undertakers below. Your biceps strain, and you pray they don't have enough sense to look up. You sense them looking about, surveying your once small yet profitable fishing business. They shrug, seemingly disappointed, and walk back to continue looting with their compadres. A zephyr comes from the west and lets you know you can get down. You hit the mix of grass and dirt and return to the bush you had been at but five minutes ago. You grasp the handle of your sword. The blade glistens in the falling sun. Dusk will soon be upon you. You pick a handful of berries and stuff them in your pouch. Traversing the hill in which you had previously been clutching, you survey the land before you. The Syrus River flows in its majestic way, toward the east. Further on, you can make out the dull outline of Grainsport. That is where you will start anew. Little do you know, the world, Shilmista, that houses Grainsport and its neighbors has a dark underside, in which you will stumble upon in due time.

The story begins simple enough. You take up the role of a mild-mannered merchant who owns a small, yet profitable, fishing business on the Island of Clearwood. One day, bandits ransack your business; however, you are able to make it out without being detected. Your goal is to get to Grainsport and to become more of a handy-man, delivering packages, escorting people to various places. Your combat skills, however, do not go unnoticed, and you find yourself being called upon the military officials of different towns and cities and asked to go on daring adventures. You soon realize, though, that the most daring adventures are brewing right under your feet.

Shilmista: The Era of Rain Showers
By Byzantine Warrior @ Tsunami Studios


Please read the readme file for important issues.
Note: If you come across any bugs, please mail me at byzwar@icqmail.com


The Winner of the "Best Playable Scenario Award."
The Winner of the "Best Story and Instructions Award."
A Winner of the "Best Cinematography Award."

Thanks to those who voted for it! :)
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bennyboy275 how did you get the sounds or did you just make them?
(id: Byzantine_Warrior)
File Author
Most of the sounds are from games and or artists.
Map Design5.0
Playability: 4
The map plays just great - so long as you make sure to choose a mission from a flashing character. The author clearly spent a VERY long time with all the triggers, and for as intricate and complicated as the map is, I think we can all look over the few minor bugs.

Balance: 4
The missions are all very creative and fun, though a couple can be a tad frustrating. There isn't a whole lot of combat - at least not in the style we've become accustomed to in standard AOM gameplay.

Creativity: 5
I'm usually not a fan of scenarios where people try to make AOM into a movie or a RPG or whatever, but this is truly great. I would describe it as an 'adventure' type scenario, that truly does change the way we think of AOM.

Map Design: 5
The map design is very strong, as well as effective. There is plenty of eye candy, as well as a cinematic intro, which is great.

Story/Instructions: 5
Its always nice when people add a story to their scenarios, and this one is probably the deepest one I've seen so far. Great work!

Additional Comments:
This was a very fun map to play, though I must confess that when I got to the final mission, something bugged and I was unable to control my player and I got killed. It may have been a mistake on my part though, I'm not really sure. But when more people review this I'm sure that the problem will get solved.
Yannos Playability: 4
The map has been perfectly crafted so the whole game will play out very smoothly. Not a single time when I found myself doing the same stuff all over. So it was a fun play

Balance: 5
The game isnt too difficult (still difficult though) but certainly not too easy! you might have to repeat some area's but most missions can be done in a single trek.

Creativity: 5
Very original use of triggers (boat races, stealth mission, pot breaking). Excellent!

Map Design: 5
The map just looks great, plenty of eye candy to stare at, and the cities are beautifuly crafted.

Story/Instructions: 4
The story itself didnt appeal that much to me , however, a large amount of time was spent in the background story. Also, you can cleary see what your next objective is , or where you can recieve new mission by using flashes.

Additional Comments:
All in all, one of the best scenario's to grace this site :)

[Edited on 05/21/06 @ 10:19 AM]

EvilCat_Knight I'm stuck. I just saved circe, what's next?
- evilcat_knight@hotmail.com
(id: Byzantine_Warrior)
File Author
That still isn't working. God! Alright, thank you.
(id: Byzantine_Warrior)
File Author
Okay, I played it through and the new version is virtually bug free.
(id: EazY_Ben)
A highly origianal scenario!Very fun!
DB_Emperor_ This is an FUN scenario!
But i have just arrested the dwarf, came to the towncenter of Syrusville...
Someone said me there was an army in the eastchrest, but there isn't an army.
only that dead Odysseus from another mission.
What should i do?
(id: Byzantine_Warrior)
File Author
Well, I'm not sure. If you killed all of the army guarding Odyseeus (via cheats or what have you) then they will not be there.
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