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Version: AoM: The Titans

This is Admiral AI for AoMX. It is based on the standard AI for AoMX.

- supports most random maps available at http://aom.heavengames.com/downloads/lister.php?category=rms
- explores other islands
- claims settlements on other islands
- claims gold from other islands once the gold on the mainbase is exhausted
- overall better behaviour on water maps
- simple raiding behaviour
- builds forward bases
- tries to build forward bases on enemy islands
- better, more intelligent use of many of the godpowers
- more intelligent placement of isis monuments
- increased overall strength

This AI is meant to be more entertaining than the default AI.
My main focus when developing this AI was to create an entertaining AI.
Altough I claim that this is the strongest AoM AI on the planet, strength was only my second motivation ;)
check the included readme for details and an installation guide.

Current version: 20050814. If your version is older, please get the latest one!

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File Author
I have updated the file because the previous version caused AoM to crash sometimes in the late games. I hope to have solved the problem with this version.
nomekori Gj, kalus!
But is this weaker than default AI?
I did the game VS default AI several times, and it lost in all...
File Author
As far as strength is concerned, this ai almost *is* the default ai.
The stuff I have added/changed mostly affects water map behaviour.
The reason for admiral losing against the default ai could be the forward basing I have added: Sometimes the Admiral AI decides to build a forward base close to the enemy town. This is a quite risky thing, because if the Admiral AI fails to build up the forward base quick enough, it will send all its military units there one after the other and the enemy can easily kill all of them. On the other hand: I have a recorded game where Admiral AI beats the default ai in about 16 min with a forward base. This is a known issue and I am working on something like a fallback plan if building up (and holding) the forward base fails.
nomekori Thx for explaination, kalus.
I tested some more games, and they won much more than default.
So I have a question. They built docks on Marsh and Wartering Hole map. Why?

P.S. 20031118 version contains no xml file. 20031116 version contains it.
How about enabling it to choice personality like default ai?
File Author
Thank you for your feedback.
I have added the xml with version 20031120. Sorry that I forgot the last time. About the docks on wrong maps: fixed.
And about the choice of personality: I think about it. Maybe I add it in one of the following versions :-)

[Edited on 09/12/08 @ 08:34 AM]

s7092910 i couldn't get it to work on my comp it said it loaded but it won't go on the age of mythology the titans map.

[Edited on 12/03/03 @ 04:45 PM]

peterpurvis2003 can this go on normal aom??
if so where do i save it??
i dont wanna ruin my cd
File Author
This AI does not work with normal AoM. You need to get Admiral AI for vanilla AoM.
This file as well as the other one contains an installation guide. And finally: this AI, though very aggressive, is highly unlikely to destroy your cd LOL.

[Edited on 12/15/03 @ 06:38 AM]

peterpurvis2003 nice joke... but u no what i mean...i dont wanna burn it onto my cd then 4 my game not to work. i guess i have to open the file then??? instead of save it.
File Author
To be honest, I don't really understand what you mean. Of course you have to save the zip somewhere. And then, of course, you have to open it. And inside, you find an installation guide that should help you further on...
But at no point is there any risk to the game, your cd, your computer or whatever. If you don't like the ai, you can simply delete its files and everything is as before. I know, this won't happen ;)

[Edited on 12/29/03 @ 07:04 AM]

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