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Stronghold: Invasions » Andora chapter 3 The Pass of Cauros

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Andora chapter 3 The Pass of Cauros

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Map Size: 400x400 (Large)
Difficulty: Normal
This is the third map in the campaign. To learn more about the campaign, and to play the first maps, please go to the first chapter, and the second chapter.

Here's a link to the sixth chapter which then you can get linked to every chapter of the campaign.

I would like to thank God Avo, for playtesting this map - twice! He deserves a big juicy THANKS.
To win this map, you need to use your resources well. Use your oil!
In the next chapter you will arrive to the great city of Cuarna!

They were nearing the Cauros Pass when one of their scouts they left halfway from Nador, was galloping to the front of the line that they made; towards Teudor. “The Snake’s army has almost gained on us. My king, we will not survive the journey to Cuarna.” Teudor still hadn’t got used to be called king. Everyone was loyal to Malar and accepted his choice that Teudor had gotten his position.
Some of the men started mumbling worrying. He had expected this. “How fast are they moving?” He asked the scout. “We will possibly sight them at Cauros pass.” “How many are they?” Teudor asked the man. “The remaining army lies high above 300 men. Let me remind you that they have thicker armies than most of us do” The scout said.
That was true, Teudor remembered them from Bavelock. They wouldn’t survive an open battle on a field. But a field was exactly the location that they wouldn’t confront them in. The battle ground was most likely to be a mountain pass; The Pass of Cauros.
The men were worried. They relied on Teudor to save them.
They continued walking. Lando asked what Teudor had in mind. They would have to do something…

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God Avo I enjoyed this map :p It's a challenge, but when you get the right strategy it becomes a whole lot easier :p
I suggest that everyone downloads and haves fun!

[Edited on 08/18/06 @ 12:49 PM]

William Tell Dougleass,
Your maps are wonderfull!
You are a very skilled map maker,
nothing mroe to say :).
~Sir William.
File Author
Wow, thanks William. I appreciate it, I work alot with my maps.
FroobaChoob Downloaded - Check
Days Worth Of Supllies (crips Etc) - Check
Hand - Check
Brain - Erm...
Stronghold Brain - Check
Hand Moving to Play - Check
lollard97367 Priceless
WarLord_Designs Playability: 4

A fast and action packed siege offers quite a playable offering in asuch a shot amount of time, yet i feel it was just what the campaign needed, a tasty pick me up to get players excited. The first couple of times i didnt realise i had caged wardogs or extra pitch, however when i finally did i dvised a simple strategy to dispatch the enemy.

Balance: 4

The balance was good and though I had quite a few troops left at the end of the battle a few incorret timings of the pitch could have easily turned my efforts around. Timing is everything as is placement, deploy troops to hold back the enemy and fault their plan, then light'em up.

Creativity: 5

A very creative map design the pass, and then two fortified locations causes some of the enemy to break off and chase the few archers on the tower. The design is great and looks very origianl. Great work.

Map Design: 4

Again you show another solid terrain design using a multitued of stones shrubs and well moulded terrain to achieve a mountainous fortification and a very good looking pass. Keep it up it looks great.

Story/Instructions: 5

Again not much needs to be said, follows on great. The instuctions are clear at the begining of the game and thats a five for me.

Additional Comments:

Just what was needed a high action, fast pased ivasion that keeps the player on his or her toes, and on I go.

File Author
I haven't thanked you yet for reviewing all the first three maps.

I want to inform everyone that since the last time I updated this map, there was a flaw in it. The starting year was 1066, which is the wrong year. All the invasions happened at once, and making it unbalanced. It is now fixed, and the starting year is 696.
That means that you probably reviewed the wrong map WD, but it doesn't matter so much. I don't think the difference is considerably big.
Dragons Rider Playability: 5
Out of all your maps, this one is probably my favourite. Okay so it doesnt have a massive city feature or anything, but still has a massive battle in my favourite style: wooden walls

Balance: 5
I found that this map is perfect. Our tropps were about even when they survived the pitch and the traps. I then had to do some tactical thinking which was an enjoyable challenge

Creativity: 4
Again wooden forts, but this time u had one on either side of the valley. Very unique!

Map Design: 5
The terrain in the mountains was good, as well as the village

Story/Instructions: 5
As always, above my requirements for a 5 (1 and a half pages) as well as being a well thought story.

Additional Comments:
Keep Designing!
File Author
Thanks man!
Adam the First
Map Design4.5
Playability: 4.5
This scenario offers a very unique experience for the players. This map was one of those rare ones, where the player MUST use everything at hand to see the Victroy screen. And in top of everything this scenario is one of the act-fast scenarios too, as the player has a very limited time to prepare everything till the invasions arrive. The main key to win here is the timing. Many manouvers has to be done and that is only possible, if the game speed is at the minimum. But sadly, this mission was that fast paced, I had -and I'm not joking- really no time to fully enjoy the scenario, except at the end when I killed the last enemy troops marching to my keep. Anyway, this map deserves at least a 4.5 as it really worth re-playing over and over. I have to congratulate the author for achieving such a great gameplay! :)

Balance: 5
The balance was almost outstaning, the mission took me many tries to figure out everything and again many times to practice my strategy and learn how to do everything as fast as needed to win. From my side the balance fully deserves a 5.

Creativity: 5
All aspects of the scenario were creative. I've already sad at playability that this map is one of those rare ones, not only in gameplay, but in design too, which makes the creativity outstanding. I just love that wooden fort watching over the relatively narrow pass. It is visually stunning, when the hordes of the Snake appear and my archers start shooting at them and burning the ground up under those unwary fools' feets.

Map Design: 4.5
Awesome design! I have to say. The mountains are very well moulded and they just look beautiful. The woodeen fort also catched my eyes, I really like its structure, it looks more like a wooden fort than the one in chapter two. The only thing, which brings down 0.5 from the score is the low-land area, it is well detailed, but it doesn't really fit the mountainous terrain, and it is bit strange, when such a high mountain suddenly turns ino a swamp. Though it looks great. Well done, author!:)

Story/Instructions: 4
Give here a 5 or not? This is the question... but the answer is simple: No, only a 4. The reasons: The story is excellent, but as I've written in my review of chapter 5, it isn't very well written and is a bit boring and plain. Honestly it didn't really catch me in the story and at some parts it has terrible stilistical errors: at some parts the story was in third person ("Teudor said"), but at some parts it suddenly changed to first person ("I said"); and it was present in almost all chapters. You should have checked through stories many times, and corrected the mistakes before you've submitted them. Also, some instructions/hints could be presented too for the newbie or moderately skilled players.

Additional Comments:
Personally, I think this is the best map from the Andora campaign. It offers an awesome experience and very unusual and unique gameplay, so I can only suggest it to everyone to download and play!
This scenario is simply fantastic!:)

[Edited on 04/26/11 @ 10:53 AM]

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