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AoW2/SM Mod Making
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Topic Subject: Pioneers
posted 02-28-13 11:46 AM EDT (US)   
I'm sorry if this has been asked already, I'm new to these forums and navigating is proving a little tricky so I'm hoping someone might have some easy answers they may be nice enough to share.

-I can't seem to find any mod which fixes pioneers so that the AI will build and utilize them to found new outposts. I am aware that some mods have this feature but I don't want the other features which come with those mods. I am running the unofficial patch 1.4 and don't want to deviate from that beyond the pioneer 'fix'. I read that you could add an attack rating to the pioneers and the AI would utilize them (which would bring with it other problems but one thing at a time..), but I can't figure out how to edit a units attack rating?

-After installing the unofficial patch I notice that the monks have all become race-specific, so it must be installed properly, but when I have run the Setup program I notice that the 'custom resources' tab isn't checked and when I check it there's an option that says Patch_13.. should this be enabled? I'm wondering if I'm somehow playing Patch 1.4 without the benefit of the fixes that were included in the 1.3 patch by not having this checkmarked.

-How do I create custom wizard portraits. I first downloaded a jpeg, I converted it to ILB format, realized when choosing custom wizard portrait in-game that it actually wanted a jpeg, tried jpeg, wouldn't work, found a post someone made giving specific dimensions, changed the jpeg to those dimensions, loaded the photo, the photo came out completely skewed, half of it cut off and the entire thing distorted and stretched weird. Or, if there is somewhere with a bunch of portraits ready-made, this would work fine too.

-Is there a way to remove the possibility for multiples of the same wizard from appearing in custom map games? It seems almost every time I start a game I'll end up with a clone of myself in the game too, or two Julia's, two Tempests etc.. really kills some of the fun to have these duplicates.

Lots of questions and if anyone actually takes the time to read and goes to the trouble to respond then I thank you much in advance as I have tried googling and playing around with files and programs but seem to be getting nowhere but wasting countless hours accomplishing nothing!
posted 02-28-13 07:32 PM EDT (US)     1 / 11  
I read that you could add an attack rating to the pioneers and the AI would utilize them (which would bring with it other problems but one thing at a time..), but I can't figure out how to edit a units attack rating?
You can edit the unit stats in the Settings -> Units tab in the resource editor. And yeah, I suppose adding damage or attack to a pioneer could help AI build them more (even without strike). Haven't really tried though, cause i don't really like playing against AI.
I'm wondering if I'm somehow playing Patch 1.4 without the benefit of the fixes that were included in the 1.3 patch by not having this checkmarked.
After you've installed the upatch, it should show in the setup as "default" resources. UPatch 1.4 has all the fixes of 1.3 and some more things in addition.
How do I create custom wizard portraits. I first downloaded a jpeg, I converted it to ILB format, realized when choosing custom wizard portrait in-game that it actually wanted a jpeg, tried jpeg, wouldn't work, found a post someone made giving specific dimensions, changed the jpeg to those dimensions, loaded the photo, the photo came out completely skewed, half of it cut off and the entire thing distorted and stretched weird.
Hmm.. Jpg-images should work just fine, if you have added them to an ILB file with the ILEd program. Note that you need two images: smaller one size 180x220px and larger 480x720px. Then in the editor, go to Settings -> Wizards -> Faces tab and add the requested info of the new wizard there. You can then use the new images for the wizard in the Library tab.
Is there a way to remove the possibility for multiples of the same wizard from appearing in custom map games?
Oh? Can't even recall this happening, so cant help here.. (but i rarely play with AI so..)


Maker of the CoMA and Strange Lands mods.
Check out the AoW Chatroom

[This message has been edited by Griffith (edited 02-28-2013 @ 07:35 PM).]

posted 03-01-13 07:20 AM EDT (US)     2 / 11  
Hi Griffith, thanks for the reply. You mention a 'resource editor' are you referring to the program AoWSMEd.exe? I've opened this program in the past but from what I saw it was just a program for creating individual scenarios.. how does one go about using it to edit core files for unit stats so that the changes will apply across the board to any random map one plays in the future?

[This message has been edited by woodshadows (edited 03-01-2013 @ 07:20 AM).]

posted 03-01-13 10:33 AM EDT (US)     3 / 11  
Yeah, I mean the AoW:SM Editor. Oh right, if you want to start editing from the "default" resources, you need to first make your own custom resources with Resources -> Customize... selection in the editor. You can then select custom name for your resources and start editing.

Maker of the CoMA and Strange Lands mods.
Check out the AoW Chatroom
posted 03-01-13 11:38 AM EDT (US)     4 / 11  
In the editor I open it up and I see at the top:

File, Edit, Options, Players, Help

in File I can create "New" which gives me the option of creating a random or blank map.

If I choose either one of those it opens a map for me, which I presume I could use to create my own 'scenario'.

Even after opening this map I see nothing relating to 'custom resources' and I'm wondering even if such an option exists whether it wouldn't just apply to the custom scenario map I just created as opposed to what I'm aiming for which is a change that will affect all random maps I play in the future from the in-game menu.

Maybe I have an old version of the editor? it seems to be just a stamping program, stamping terrain tiles, units, cities in order to create a custom map scenario. I'm wondering if there are files somewhere in the folders I can open with notepad and just edit the unit stats manually like I'd do in the Civ games.
posted 03-01-13 01:20 PM EDT (US)     5 / 11  
Hmm.. There should be "Resources" -tab between the "File" and "Edit" tabs..

Now that I tested it, it seems you need to have "Custom Resources" box checked in the AoW:SM Setup for the tab to appear.. Didnt know that.

If that don't work, then there's probably something missing from your Editor.

Maker of the CoMA and Strange Lands mods.
Check out the AoW Chatroom
posted 03-02-13 11:28 AM EDT (US)     6 / 11  
ah hah! thank you
posted 03-02-13 11:34 AM EDT (US)     7 / 11  
You can edit the unit stats in the Settings -> Units tab in the resource editor. And yeah, I suppose adding damage or attack to a pioneer could help AI build them more (even without strike). Haven't really tried though, cause i don't really like playing against AI.
Correct, I had the AI building pioneers, teleportation gates, tower guard etc in 2042 by adding "fake" stats to them.
posted 03-03-13 11:52 AM EDT (US)     8 / 11  
2042, is that a game year, or a mod? does the AI normally not build tower guards or teleporters?
posted 03-04-13 08:56 AM EDT (US)     9 / 11  
Old project of mine.

The AI doesn't normally build teleportation gates AFAIK and very rarely built tower guards. By having those structures give a small amount of resources, I was able to make the AI build them very regularly along with other related defenses.
posted 03-06-13 10:15 AM EDT (US)     10 / 11  
Oh okay, I think I saw one of your youtube videos on that mod then, it sounded intriguing. I've been playing on the second highest difficulty with nothing but the unofficial update installed and find the AI builds tower guards in their 'capital city', not so much their others. I'm not sure if they build teleportation gates or not. I still haven't got around to playing with the pioneer stats, took me forever to figure out how to change the wizard portraits.. but I'm quite happy now that I can fix that major flaw of this game really some horrible artwork there and all the female wizards look like skanks. The other aesthetic tweak I made was to get the elder scrolls soundtracks and use them as a custom playlist in place of the original, the original was OK, but the elder scrolls is a vast improvement.
posted 03-07-13 02:45 PM EDT (US)     11 / 11  
I've only played vanilla AoW2 a little bit (I wasn't very interested in the default game, I jumped right into modding) but I don't distinctly remember the AI making wizard towers/teleportation gates very often. In my project, every town the AI built eventually had all upgrades.

Those youtube videos are probably as old as father time, seeing as I haven't been able to actually get a functional recording of the game in like 4-5 years.

Incidentally, this made games last an eternity because the AI is so bad at aggressing the overworld.

[This message has been edited by IskatuMesk (edited 03-07-2013 @ 02:46 PM).]

Age of Wonders 2 Heaven » Forums » AoW2/SM Mod Making » Pioneers
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