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Topic Subject: Episode VIII: A Darkening Galaxy
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posted 05-06-04 05:13 PM EDT (US)   
Episode VIII: A Darkening Galaxy

Welcome to my third RPG and the sequel to the Episode VII RPG which was the sequel to my Star Wars: Return of the Jedi RPG. Credit to Robock for the new title. The rules are the same as always and if you have common sense you shouldn't ever need to be told them.

The rules for this RPG,
1. No godmoding
2. No killing a character that belongs to another person or unless that person has been disobeying all the rules and permission to kill his or her character has been granted by me.
3. No entirely wiping out someone's faction without their permission or unless that person has been disobeying all the rules and permission to wipe out his or her faction has been granted by me.
4. Your character and faction may be beaten without your permission as long as they are not completely killed or wiped out.
5. No throwing a fit if your faction or character is defeated.
6. No flaming or spam.

Also here are a few recomended things,
1. Please try to make battles last more than one post unless it is completely obvious that you would win.
2. Please remember that this isn't real and shouldn't be taken incredibly seriously.
3. Please don't destroy other people's custom ships, they can be taken out but it is not very nice and many times it would be impossible to do so without breaking a rule.

Now that I'm done with that here are requested formats for the stats of characters, factions, and custom ships. You may add different things or have them be a bit different if wanted.


Army Size:

Custom Ship,
Misc Info:

Now that that is done, please read the previous threads or at least scan quickly through them for a good idea of what is going on.

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi RPG,,0,0,10

The Episode VII RPG,,4633,,10

Now that that is done, I hope everyone enjoys this thread as much as the last.


Name: Siac
Species: Hutt
Job: Leader of Hutt Cartell
Faction: Hutt Cartell
Bio: Siac was nearly killed by Jabba as an infant, so Jabba could gain control of the Hutt Cartell. He survived and later killed Jabba as revenge and took over the Hutt Cartell. Is allied with the Galactic Empire.

Name: Irek
Species: Human (With Cybernetic Implants)
Job: Mercanary/Dark Jedi
Faction: Factionless (Currently working for Bib Fortuna)
Bio: Irek is a force user that joined with Bib Fortuna. He isn't an adult yet but is the equal of some of the best of them in combat. Is the only person that can control machinery with the Force.

Name: Shadow-0000000001 (Shadow)
Species: Shadow Assassin Droid/Shadow Droid Hybrid
Job: Leader of Shadow's Droid Rebellion
Faction: Shadow's Droid Rebellion
Bio: Shadow-0000000001 was the first ever Shadow Droid and also had more free will then the ones made after him. He also has a bit more fire power and force energies. He was a leader of a small squadron of nine other Shadow Droids. Later a Jawa named Sean tried using him for a project to make a powerful droid fighter. Unfortunately things controlling his brain were removed causing him to go rogue. He had the prototype assassin droid body fused with his old Shadow Droid body to give him more power after escaping. When he did run away he took Sean the Jawa with and forced him to help him create his faction.

Name: Sean
Species: Jawa
Job: Whatever Shadow tells him to do
Faction: Shadow's Droid Rebellion
Bio: When trying to create a droid for the Hutt Cartell he accidently removed things from Shadow's brain, causing Shadow to go rogue. Shadow then kidnapped him and escaped from Tatooine. Shadow then forced him to help create Shadow's Droid Rebellion. The frightened Jawa does whatever he is told because if he doesn't he might be killed.

Name: Luke
Species: Human
Job: Jedi
Faction: Factionless
Bio: Luke disapeared for a long time to study the Force and find Holocrons to give him great knowledge of the Force. Now he realized he has been studying for too long and must work to get rid of the many disturbances in the force.

Name: Adlon Merove
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Job: Spy
Age: 41
Faction: New Republic
Home Planet: Correlia
When Adlon was young he could find the best hiding place's and sneak up on people without a sound. He did this just to scare them though and it worked realy well. One day he decided to pick on a nikto. He snuck up on the nikto and as he was about to scare him the nikto turned around real fast and shot adlon in the leg's. Then adlon was taken to a rebel medical center. And now he's a spy.

Name: Vess Silon
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Job: Republic Admiral
Age: 56
Faction: New Republic
Home Planet: Unknown
Bio: After a raid on the New Republic Capital, Everyone on the planet was believed to be dead. Nydar was also on the planet so Vess was made the leader. He took his new fleet and went to the unknown regions to find a new world to become their capital. When they got there they called it Athram and started to build. A few days later an imperial lambda class shuttle landed on the planet. Stormtroopers came out with their guns held high. Nydar came out and explained how he found them then took control of the new base.

Name - Kyp Jargon
Age - 36
Species - Shi'ido
Job - Captain Super Star Destroyer Predictable, Leader of the Chiss
Faction - Chiss
Bio - Kyp was born on Alderaan. Despite having two eminent Jedi as parents, Kyp has no trace of the gift himself. He is however, a crack pilot and brilliant strategiser, and has amassed a sizeable fleet due to his skills as both a pilot and a leader. He left the New Republic shortly after its formation because he felt that the New Republic was moving in the wrong direction by giving control over to the beaurecrats. He led the Chiss to victory in the biggest battle in their history, before using his diplomatic skills to secure two lasting allies.

Name: Hayrel Nickel
Species: Human
Job: Retired Stormtrooper/Dark Jedi master
Faction: Shadow Academy
Bio: He was once trained in the Shadow academy when he was called up by the Imperials to assist them.But he escaped with some of the Stormtroopers after he promised them to be Dark Jedi.Which he hoped to destroy what's left of the Jedi.

Name: Janos Aldro
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Job: Freelance Bounty Hunter
Faction: (The highest bidder)
Weapon(s): Two Green Lightsabers, Blaster, Blaster Rifle, Thermal Detonators, Flamethrower hidden in metal bracer.
Ship: The Eagle
Bio: Janos was brought up on Nar Shaada by his mum and dad but they were murdered by Siac's soldiers when he was 12. But Janos has always been street smart and managed to live on his own while he and his Droid, Lopo repaired his family the ship, The Eagle. They modified the ship heavily and it was built when Janos turned 22. Janos is also known for his incredible lightsaber skills. The Lightsaber's where his off his dad as a present when he was 9. Now Janos seeks revenge against Siac.

Name: Plo Koon
Sith Name: Darth Imperious
Species: Kel'Dor
Faction:The Kel'Dor Empire
Job: Captain of SSD Persia, Leader of Kel'Dor Empire, Trainer of Danik, and Sith Knight (quite a lot, huh?)
Bio: Plo Koon was cloned by an ancient Sith Lord named Darth Persia, and taken as his apprentice. He later founded his own Empire by stealing walker blueprints, a sample of Stormtrooper DNA, and carving a new order for the Kel'Dor civilazation. After trading with the Imperial Federation, he bought many Imperial ships, and later was given Kerl-class ships. Shortly after becoming a Sith knight, he took Danik as his apprentice, and remains as Darth Persia's most trusted agent.

Name: Darth Persia
Species: Human
Job: Sith Master
Faction: Sith Empire
Bio: This ancient Sith was an instructor on the Sith Academy on Korriban (During the time of KOTOR), when he saw that the sith empire was crumbling, he froze himself in cryogenic stasis. Awaking 20 years ago, he cloned an apprentice for himself. That apprentice was Plo Koon(mASTER_ PLO_KOON1). He quickly amassed an army of Sith Shadow knights through corruption of Jedi and the discovery of other sith who had preserved themselves in cryogenic stasis. Right after the Battle of Endor, he took advantage of the Empire's temporary disarray and aquired many Imperiel Ships....

Name: Danik Kalnar
Species: Human
Job: Sith/Dark Jedi
Faction: New Sith Empire (if that's ok, Master () Persia?
Bio: He was trained by Persia, not for apprenticeship but just for the dark side. He never knew the light, and is completely cruel and confident in his abilities. Once he went on a mission and found the last remaining Decimator plans and mass-produced them.

Name: Lord Bib Fortuna
Species: Twi'Lek
Job: Criminal Mastermind
Faction: Fortunan Dominion
Bio: A sadistic but understanding genius, Fortuna has risen from the criminal underworld to form the Fortunan Dominion. Determined to avenge Jabba by overthrowing Siac and reclaiming the Cartel, Fortuna has forged alliances in very high places. His forces include Dark Jedi, Mercenaries, and the Droid Armies of the great Irek.

Name: Durk Ziridan
Species: Human
Job: Leader of the Endor Coalition
Faction: Endor Coalition
Bio: A determined ex-Imperial, Ziridan assumed command of the Imperial forces near Endor shortly after being rescued from a Rebel prison camp by Hayrel Nickel. He quickly glassed the moon of Endor from space, killing all the Rebels on it and most Ewoks. He is currently mining and governing the system and is loyal to the Imperial Federation.

Name: Prime Admiral Nydar
Species: Human
Job: Prime Admiral of the GPF
Faction: GPF
Bio: Nydar is a brilliant strategist that strives for peace and a strong galactic economy. He was once the leader of the New Republic's fleet, but he lead the entire fleet to break free after confirming the corruption and warmongering in the New Republic senate. He is currently the leader of the Galactic Peacekeeping Fleet.

Name: Soban Isber
Species: Human
Faction: New Republic
Soban Isber, was, like most at the Jedi Academy, a promising student and an inhabitant of the Temple since infancy. He was brought into the academy after his discovery in the streets of Coruscant, though this is information even he doesn't know.
Apprenticed early on to Aylth Jelri, a young knight that had only recently completed the trials, he formed an unusual bond with his kind and compassionate master and over the years he was apprenticed to her, fell in love. However, their time together was cut short.
Aylth was sent to the planet Rhommamool to investigate terrorist allegations of the miners who had just openly attacked Osarian facilities on Osar Prime. The Osarian government had called for Republican assistance as had the Rhommamoolians but the Republic was afraid of either side seceeding from the Republic as a few worlds were beginning to.
So the Jedi were sent to mediate the problem and discover the perpetrators of the attacks. Overtime the attacks were linked to Ryado Tyrsac, a formidable and charismatic rebel leader who proclaimed that he would bring freedom to Rhommamool. Pitying the conditions of the miners, Alyth was convinced to help assist the rebels by investigating Trade Federation connections with the Osarian government.
This was all a clever plan of Darth Sidious and his apprentice to help spread discontent through the Republic and Aylth was killed by bounty hunters working for Darth Tyrannus. Soban went mad and began to seek out revenge, destroying a good deal of the Trade Federation facility before barely escaping with his life.
Less than a year later Tyrannus, known only as Count Dooku to Soban, came to him. Dooku was a great philosopher amongst the Jedi and one of the many heroes of young students such as Soban and he was easily seduced by Count Dooku's comforts. Soon, Soban was carrying out missions against the Republic and, when Tyrannus deemed him ready, against the Jedi Order.
Overtime, during the Clone Wars, Soban helped to hunt down Jedi who were becoming a serious hamperment to the war effort. He assisted in the conquest of Sarapin with Sev'rance Tann and was there in the final battle when Dooku was slain. With his tutor slain and the Emperor's troops looking for all force-sensitive individuals to either kill them or enslave them, Soban realized his faults in having followed the dark side and fled to Korriban, where he hid for many years.
It was much later, during the Rebellion, that he was found by rebel agents and came in to contact with Luke Skywalker who took him in as an agent for the Rebellion. Now, with the New Republic reestablished, he is set himself to one task. To redeem himself of his fall to the dark side.

Name: Baron Dey Kinar
Species: Arkanian
Job: admiral for the capture fleet of the pirate gang Red Skull
Faction: Red Skull
Bio: chief of the pirate gang, he fought in a battle with a group of pirates, their leader was so impressed by him, he invited Kinar to join them. He killed the pirate leader and rose in the ranks to become admiral of the Red Skull capture fleet. The only being he truly trusts is Dwith

Name: Dwith
Species: Ryn
Job: counselor of Baron Dey Kinar
Faction: Red Skull
Bio: a Ryn, Dwith is a designer for droids and cyborgs. He is the trusted right hand of Baron Dey Kinar, and also Kinar’s engineer for his robotic parts. Dwith is considered somewhat of a mystic or sage, and has great knowledge of millions of plants and animals. He is also Dey Kinar’s doctor, medicine/poison/antidote administrator, and fortune-teller.

Character: Supreme Overlord Shimmra
Species: Vong, Divine-Speaker Caste
Bio: Shimmra has come to oversee the destruction of the infidels personally.

Character: Tsavong Lah
Species/Job: Vong/Warmaster
Bio: Tsavong oversees the primary military campaigns of the Vong. He is also a warrior with exceptional skill.

Character: Sar'ahmi
Species: Anjelad-Vong
Bio: A mythical being with immense powers, she can transform a world to her liking with the snap of her fingers.

Job:Freelance Bounty Hunter
Bio:He was an orphan,brought up the the Mandorians.He has the armor and he continues to hunt.

Name: Anarchy Tarkin
Species: Human
Job: Commander of Super Star Destroyer
Faction: Empire
Bio: He is the lost son of Tarkin and was trained at the Imperial Military Academy, he graduated with good results.


Hutt Cartell
(Part of the Galactic Empire and stats only include its private forces.)
Leader: Siac
Planets: Tatooine, Hutt Space
25 Star Destroyers
550,000 CloackShape Fighters
350,000 Mercanaries
100,00 Aggressor Assault Fighters
950,000 Gamorrean Guards
550,000 Weequay Guards
300,000 Vodran
7,500 T'landa Til
800,000 Mercanaries
500,000 Droid Soldiers
1,500 Nimbanel
1,000 Other

Leader: Prime Admiral Nydar
Base of operations: Athram
Planets under control: Athram, Vorelse, Mon Calamari
Fleet Stats:
1 Emancipator Command Cruiser
2 Mon Cal Command Cruisers (Home One and Independence)
110 Bulwark Battlecruisers
4,191 Old Republic Acclamator-class Assault Ships
Star Destroyers
1,554 Captured Imperial-class Star Destroyers
3,636 Captured Victory-class Star Destroyers
10,000 Nebula-class Star Destroyers
25 Mon Calamari Cruisers
7,000 Dauntless Cruisers
10,000 Rendili "Liberty" Heavy Cruisers
25,000 Majestic Heavy Cruisers
12,000 Defender Assault Carriers
6,000 Endurance Fleet Carriers
5,000 Belarus Medium Cruisers
6,436 Assault Frigates
11,410 Dreadnaughts
5,747 Liberator Cruisers
38,678 Bulk Cruisers
1,110 Interdictor Cruisers
4,470 Carrack Light Cruisers
12,798 Alliance Escort Carriers
Frigates, Corvettes & Transports
36,100 Medium Transports
15,000 Sacheen Light Escort Frigates
48,760 Nebulon-B Frigates
12,000 Corona Line Frigates
8,243 CC-9600 Frigates
42,350 Corellian Corvettes
15,630 Corellian Gunships
12,000 Warrior Gunships
12,146 Bulk Transports
3,032 CC-7700 Interdicter Frigates
55,680 Marauder Corvettes
55,000 Agave Picket Ships
50,000 E-Wing Starfighters
120,000 K-Wing Bombers
1,200,000 Defender-class Point Defence Fighters
4,000,000 A-Wing Light Interceptors
5,000,000 B-Wing Assault Starfighters
10,000,000 X-Wing Starfighters
18,000,000 Y-Wing Light Assault Starfighters
Army Stats:
5,748 Raider Troopers
29,986,132 Standard Infanity
1,974,385 Commandoes
1,400,034 Elite Troops
174,000,000 Misc Volunteer Soldiers
800,000 Old Republic Juggernaughts
2,400,000 Misc Captured Imperial AT-models
17,000,000 Misc Combat Landspeeders

The Chiss Alliance
Leader: Kyp Jargon
Fleet Leaders: James Vita, Jacen Tranada, Soontir Fel, Xavier Solon
Scientific Leader : Natalie Pearson, Tiara Reed, Tray Blaise, Will Kobindi
CEDF - total
2 Eclipse Super Star Destroyers (under construction)
4 Super Star Destroyers
3,000 Comet supercruisers
20,000 Fury Supercruisers
4,000 Interference Cruisers
10,000 Chiss Corvettes
80,000 smallers craft and gunships
30,000,000 SD-10 War Droids
3,500,000 Trade Federation Destroyer Droids (on board starship defence ... there is a certain amount on each and every starship in the fleet)
3,500,000 Z-Type droid fighters
3,500,000 Fel Droid fighters
Klasse Ephemora system (starship construction facility)
Rattatak (droid construction facility ... includes droid fighters)

The Galactic Empire
Leader: Grand Admiral Maximus
Capital: Byss
2 Eclipse Star Destroyers
5,000 Super Star Destroyers
30,500 Imperial Star Destroyers
35,000 Vong Cruisers (captured)
5,000 Anhiliator Battlecruisers
4,000 Protectorate Star Destroyers
+tens of thousands of smaller ships
(this does not include Maximus' and Thrawn's personel fleets(but the ESDs are included anyway))
400,000 Dark Troopers
20,000,000,000 Imperial Stormtroopers
250,000,000 Imperial Navy Troopers
2,000,000 IG-72 Imperial Battle Droids
Special Forces
5,000 Imperial Elite Stormcommandos
50,000 Imperial Stormcommandos
4,000,000 Spies (various)
5,000,000 AT-AT Assault Walkers
500,000 Juggernaught Assault Tanks
700,000 AT-TE Assualt Walkers
10,000 Decimators
50,000,000 AT-ST Scout Walkers
140,000,000 AT-PT Mini-Walkers
800,000,000 Imperial Speeder Bikes

Name of Faction: The Kel'Dor Empire
Army Size:
Leader: Plo Koon, aka Darth Imperious
1,000,000,000 Cloned Storm Troopers
30,000 AT-ATs
200,000 Modified AT-TEs
100,000 MT-ATs
100,000,000 AT-PTs
2,000,000 Destroyer Droids
1,000,000 Assorted Scout and Patrol Walkers
300 Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbolasers
100,000 TIE Hunters
1,000,000 TIE Defenders
3,000,000 TIE Drones (because they are really cheap)
1,500 Scimitar Assault Bombers
300 TIE Phantoms
1 Modified Super Star Destroyer, The Persia
10,100 Kerl-class Battleships
4,000 Excalaber-class Kel'Dor Battleships
4,700 Promethious-class Kel'Dor Battleships
3,600 Kel'Dor Corvetts (smaller than Star Destroyers, but carries more Ion cannons and less turbolasers)
5 Super Star Destroyers (Thunder, Shadow, Intimidator, Fist of Imperious, and Glory of Kel'Doria)
5,200 Dreadnaughts (slower than normal, but twice as much firepower)
3,000 YT Cargo ships (used for trading and equipped with cloaking devices)
5,150 Scout Ships (small, fast, lightly shielded and armored, but fierce firepower of 50 Turbolasers, and a crew of 150)
Planets: Kel'Doria, Thrule, Sarrapin, Korriban, Kessel, Alaris 3, and Krant.
Other: Part of the Galactic Protectorate

Faction Name: The New Sith Empire
Army Size: The Dark Rage
19,000 Kerl-Class battleships
3000 Sith Annhilators
2000 Sith Immobilizers
1300 Sith Annhilators II
1,800,000 Sith Shadow Warriors
400,000 Super battle Droids
5,000 Anti-Force Droideka
3,000 Elite Sith Shadow Warriors
300,000 Howlrunners
5,000 Adamant Space Bombers
800 Tie-Interceptors
100 Tie Defenders
500,000 Cloakshape II Fighters
50,000 Tie Phantoms
1000 Tie Phantom bombers
Planets Under Control: Eriadu, Nar Shadda, Geonosis, Ryloth
Other: 10 VerdanTech x8 Combat Shields. Darth Persia usually wears one in battle.

Name: Sith Federation
Leader: Danik
Army Size:
75 Miasma-class Warships
5 SSDs
14 Standard Star Destroyers
34 Re-equipped Dreadnaughts
7 Black Death Star Destroyers (armed with light superlasers)
2,233 Dominion-class support frigates
5,000 QIE Fighters (so few, they are just used for training now, and museums )
50 AOPR Frigates
50 Miasma Artilleries
20 Advanced Miasma Warships
6,4370 QIE Fighters Mk II
10,000 QIE Fighter Mk IIIs
3,317 QIE Interceptors
5,000 QIE Interceptor Mk IIs
30 squadrons of Clawcraft.
120,000 Droid-controlled ships
543 Lambda Class Shuttles
25,000 multi-purpose transports
15,000 Heavy war transports (average speed, but thick armour and powerful shields. Only weapons are a few turrets.)
55,000 Shock Trooper Commandos
10,945,607 Shock Troopers
150,000 Shock Troops w/ Speeders
1,750,000 Hazardous Environment Troopers
5,000,000 Aqua Troopers (They are all trained to use underwater speeders and stuff)
25,000 Decimators
20,000 AOPR Decimators
20,000 Ground artilleries
25,000 hover tanks
150 Sith Super Commandos
3,500 Sith
4,000 Sith Students
Planets: Frysharr

The Chiss Imperium
Planetary Defense Phalanx
50 Destructor Class
50 Búqueda Class
50 Cazador Class
50 Intromision Class
70 Huelga Class
5 Estupendo Class
2 Amoladora Class
4 Ladron Class
1 Asesino Class
20 Squadrons of Clawcraft
Xempta Defense
3x Phalanx
Lyilas Defense
2x Phalanx
1 Super Star Destroyer
1 Asesino Class
Csilla Defense
1 Eclipse Star Destroyer
2 Asesino Class
50 Ladrón Class
50 Estupendo Class
50 Destructor Class
50 Búqueda Class
50 Cazador Class
50 Intromisión Class
CEDF (ten groups of these patrolling the borders of the Chiss realm)
10 Destructor Class
10 Cazador Class
10 Estupendo Class
10 Buqueda Class
Inner defense battle groups (six) placed strategically to be able to reach any part of the unknown regions quickly
20 Amoladora Class
20 Destructor Class
20 Búqueda Class
20 Cazador Class
CEAF (there are now three divisions, each this size except for the eclipse)
200 Destructor Class
200 Cazador Class
100 Amoladora Class
100 Búqueda Class
1 Asesino Class
1 Eclipse Star Destroyer
Apocolypse Strike Force
10 Yuu Cruisers
4 Super Yuu Cruisers
1 Apocolypse cruiser
Hit and Run Strike Force
1 Apocolypse Cruiser
4 Super Yuu Cruisers
10 Yuu cruisers
1 Destructor Class
1 Amoladora Class
2 Ladron Class
5 Buqueda Class
1 Estupedo Class
2 Cazador Class
4 Chiss Defense platforms in each quadrant for refuelling
2 Chiss defense platforms servig as a permanant guard for Csilla
Caia, Caiasso, Casillas, Hierrho, Robinho, Salgda, Carlho, Mortias, Paraha, Nikrho, Ofasshas, Assanco, Barja, Biassa, Lourgo, Ryllas, Kumo, Kokia, Carlas, Tyllas, Doona, Ponaha, Xempta, Jahama, Xandrita, Chuno, Vriylas, Lyilas, Berno, Csilla, Nirauan, Mobus, Rattatak, N'Zoth
Governor: Jargon'Kyp'Nurudo
Assistant Governor: Roj'yor'nuruodo
Advisory Council:
Pears'nat'inrokini (industry, science, communication)
Kobin'will'csala (colonial affairs)
Trana'jace'nuruodo (military, foreign affairs)
Ree'tiara'sabosen (justice, health, education)
Diablos (sith bodyguard)
Commander Lantern (ex-imperial)
The Bothan Confederacy
Leader: High Council
Capital: Bothawi
4 Bothan SuperCruisers
1,500 Bothan Assault Cruisers
900 Bothan Escort Carriers
4,000 Bothan Light Cruisers
12,000 Bothan Starfighters
1,000,000 Bothan Spys
5,000,000 Bothan Storm Troopers

Name: The Outer Rim Protection Association
Leader: Jodan Kell
Army Size:
Planetary Defense Fleet:
90 Destructor Class
90 Búqueda Class
90 Cazador Class
150 Huelga Class
60 Squadrons of Clawcraft
Attack Fleet :
480 Destructor Class
480 Cazador Class
180 Amoladora Class
180 Búqueda Class
3 Asesino Class
Planets: Dubrillion, Destrillion, Mytus, Bonadan, Etti, Ammund, Telos, Bimmiel
Space Stations
Shipyard x 5
Starfighter Factory x 5
Advanced Space Base x 5

The Fortunan Dominion
Leader: Bib Fortuna
Planets: Haruun Kal, Klatooine, Kintan, Kirado III, Dosha
Army Size:
50,000 Misc. Mercenaries
3,000 Dark Jedi
10,000 Various comabat Droids
100,300 Gammorean Warriors
300,000 Nikto Grunts
50,200 Twi'lek Soldiers
30,400 Trandoshan Slavers (With Z-shields)
10,000 Korunnai Warriors
10,000 Balawai Militians
1,000 Akk Dogs
1,000 Akk Gaurds
Vehicles, ect:
5,000 Marauder Corvettes
10,000 Various custom ships
20,000 T15 Skyhoppers
10,500 Marauder Fighters
10,000 Balawai Flame Gunships
3,000 Sith Infiltrators
10,000 Attack Skiffs
1,000 DOKAW Platforms
50 Apocalypse missiles

The Endor Coalition (Loyal to Imperial Federation)
Leader: Durk Ziridan
Planets: Endor and it's moons
Army Size:
1 Super Star Destroyer
10 Star Destroyers
20 Acmalator Assult Ships
10,000 TIE Fighters
5,000 TIE Bombers
1,000 TIE Hunters

Name: Red Skull
Leader: Dey Kinar
Army size:
7 million jack troopers,
1 million AYVC troopers
10,000 M M-Savrips
3,000 Stennes shifters
1,000 Maccabree [cadre]
100 B'omarr monks [cadre]
100 Proteans
10,000 Chev [many also engineers & researchers]
100,000 Arkanians [mostly engineers & researchers]
1,000 Lurrians w/2 droids each [engineers & researchers]
~15 million other personnel of various species
Fleet size:
1,000 Imperial-class Star Destroyers
1,000 Suicide-class Star Destroyers
1,000 Kerl-class Battleships
700 Stone Mite Carriers
200 Salvation Ion Frigates
300 Nebulon-C Frigates
200 Escort Carriers
300 Warrior-class Gunships
500 Mynock-class Assault Boats
200 Sacheen-class Escort Ships
200 Bakura-class Destroyers
400 Namana-class Light Cruisers
500 Bayonet-class Light Cruisers
200 Bothan-class Assault Cruisers
800 Enforcer-class Picket Ships
300 Vibre-class Assault Cruisers
400 Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
1 million Manta-class Starfighters
2 million Uglies
100,000 SSEFs
10 million QWP Starfighters
100 PFWP Starfighters
21 Worldcraft of various sizes
Planets: none, but the Red Skull is known in the criminal underworld; they are gladly welcome at any fairly lawless planet.
Note- small is 60 km, medium is 80 km, large is 120 km
Worldcraft 1-medium-headquarters, administration, intelligence & counterintelligence
Worldcraft 2-medium- troop research
Worldcraft 3-medium- vehicle & ship research
Worldcraft 4-small- training [troop]
Worldcraft 5-small- training [troop]
Worldcraft 6-small- training [ground vehicle]
Worldcraft 7-small- training [ground vehicle]
Worldcraft 8-small- diplomacy
Worldcraft 9-small- crime research & planning
Worldcraft 10-large- troop production [brains]
Worldcraft 11-large- troop production [brains]
Worldcraft 12-large- troop production [armor & equipment]
Worldcraft 13-large- troop production [armor & equipment]
Worldcraft 14-large- ship production [starfighter]
Worldcraft 15-large- ship production [starfighter]
Worldcraft 16-large- ship production [starfighter]
Worldcraft 17-large- ship production [capital ship]
Worldcraft 18-large- ship production [capital ship]
Worldcraft 19-large- ship production [capital ship]
Worldcraft 20-large- ship production [captial ship]
Worldcraft 21-large- special troop training

60 Misc. planets between the Kathol Sector and Wild Space
Fleet Stats:
75,000 Worldships (however only 35,000 are in the Main galaxy right now)
2.000 Super Exlorga class Worldships
1.000 Ultra, Yun class Worldships
1 Ultimate Worldship-Netherbane
Organic-'Mech' Stats:
400.000 Armored Triplipedes
20.000 Projectile Blaster Beetles
20.000 Hoverbugs
15.000 Venom Spawn
Army Stats:
23.000.000 Amphistaff Warriors
2.000.000 Elite Vong Commandos
1.500.000 Priests of Pain

Army: 401st Infantry Division and 2nd Armor Brigade
500 officers
4000 NCO
10000 Stormtroopers
12 AT AT
60 AT ST
100 AT PT
2000 Stormtroopers

Shadow's Droid Rebellion
Leader: Shadow (Shadow-0000000001)
Amry Size:
50,000 Modified P2s
75,000 Modified R1s
1,000,000 Modified R2s
100,000 Modifed R3s
100,000 Modifed R4s
50,000,000 Modified R5s
1,000,000 Modifed R6s
500,000 Modified R7s
5,000 Modifed 3PO Protocol Droids
10,000 Modified M-3PO Military Protocol Droids
1,000 Modified 3D-4X Administrative Droids
10,000 PD Lurrian Protocol Droids
500,000 Modified Protocol Droids
750,000 Modified XL-Lioness TDL Nanny Droids
1,000,000 Modified Guardian Droids
1,000 Modified 12-4C-41 Traffic Tontrollers
1,500 Modified 5T Tree Feeders
1,000,000 Modified Robo-Hacks
500 Modified EVS Consruction Droids
1,000 Modified GRZ-6B Wrecker Droids
50,000 Modified LIN Demolitionmechs
25,000 Modified 11-17 Miner Droids
10,500,000 Modified Drone Barges
1,000,000 Modified ASPs
1,000 Modified CLL-8 Binary Load Lifters
100 Modified X10-D Draft Droids
500,000 LE Repair Droids
100,000 Modified M38 Explorers
10,000 Modified Scout Collector & Surveyor Packages
950,000 Modified Mule Droids
1,000 Basilisk War Droids
10,000 Xim's War-Robots
50,000 Krath War Droids
100 Dark Trooper Phase 1s
100 Dark Troopers Phase 2s
500,000 SD-9s
750,000 SD-10s
500 Shadow Droids
950,000 X-1 Vipers
750 Fromm Tower Droids
1,000,000 Robot Ramships
500,000 E522 Assassin Droids
750 Mark X Executioners
5,000 Red Terrors
10,000 S-EP1 Securities
10,000 501-Z Police Droids
100,000 X-Wings
100,000 K-Wings
100,000 E-Wings
100,000 Y-Wings
100,000 A-Wings
100,000 V-Wings
100,000 B-Wings
100,00 Droid Star Fighters
Note: All ships that aren't droids are run by droids and what I mean by modified is that it can now fight since for numerous of those droids combat is not in it's standard programing.

Custom Ships

Name: The Eagle.
Owner: Janos Aldro
Weapons: 6 Laser cannons. 2 Plasma Cannons. 2 Missle Launchers. 2 Sonic Charge Launchers.
Misc info: Hyperdrive. Small Tractor Beam for getting ship wreckage. Cloaking Device. Shield Generator.

Name of Plo Koon's Personal Flagship: The Persia
Owner: Plo Koon
550 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
150 Concussion Missle Tubes
300 Ion Cannons
90 Tractor/Repulsor Beam Projectors
5 Fully Stable Cloaking Devices
20 Planetary Bombardment Weapons
Carry Capablilities:
1,000,000 Misc shuttlecraft, fighters, ect

Custom Ship Name: "Dark Rage"
Ship Class: Kuat Drive Yards Super Star Destroyer
Size: 19 KM
Owner: Darth Persia
Weapons: 40,000 laser turrets, 700 ion cannons, 60 Proton Bomb bays, 20 Gravity Well Generators, .
Carries 800,000 Sith Infiltrtors. (The other Star Destroyers carry the rest)

Ship: Solar Cannon
Length: 250,000 kilometers
Armarment: 1 Solar Beam Dovin Basal, 10 Solar energy absorbation arms, 10,000 Plasma Projectors, 2,000 Dovin Basals
Crew: 1,300,500
Passengers: 600,000 (troops and pilots)
Carries: 800 squadrons of 12 fighters (9500 fighters), 1,000 AT-ATs
Misc info: Can pull Solar energy to anywhere in the Galaxy, under construction for the next six years.

Kel'Dor Promethus-Class Cruiser
350 Quad-Laser Batteries
5 Proton Torpedo Launchers
30 Heavy Ion Batteries
Size: Not sure exactly how much, but a little bigger than a star destroyer.
Special Abilities: It can split into three different vessels, that are fully capable of hyperdrive, navagation, attacking, repairing, and regoining together. Can cloak too, but all three ships must be together.

Ship class: Sith Annhilator Class
Length: 3 KM
Armarment: 1 Superlaser
Crew: 300
Defenses: 2 shield generators, 20 point defense laser turrets (distributed around key areas), no hanger and can't carry any fighters
Other: Contains mostly the shield generator, reactor, and laser itself. Only about .8 KM is actually for the crew. Has hyperspace capability, advanced self-destruct system in case of boarding, 5 second delay

Ship Class: Sith Annhilator II
Length: 5 KM
Arament: 1 Superlaser, 10 ion cannon batteries (equally distrubted at aft)
Crew: 500
Defenses: 3 Shield generators, 20 point defense turrets(distributed around key areas) Cloaking device
Other: Only about 1.5 KM is for normal crew operations, has hyperspace capability and advanced self-destruct system, has no hanger

Name: Imperial Worldship
Owner: The Empire
Size: 10,000 meters
Crew: 100,000
Passengers: 60,000
Weapons: 25 Heavy Turbolasers, 110 Plasma Projectors, 200 Dovin Basals, 200 Quad Laser Cannons (point-defence)
Misc Info: Refitted Vong Worldship, only limted control over Dovin Basals

Chiss Yuu Cruiser
10km long
4km wide at widest point
Gravity projectors, much like a dovin basal made using interference cruiser technology
Class 3 hyperdrive engine
2,500 turbolasers
1,000 missile launchers
10,000 defensive gravity projectors
holds 250 fighter
The Yuu cruiser is a football shaped cruiser with a completely flat bottom that holds the hangar bays. It has a massive power core in the middle that allows the gravity projectors to be utilised effectively. The defensive gravity well projectors at the rear of the ship can be redirected to give it more sublight speed. The conventional engines are used only for hyperspace travel. The Yuu cruiser takes only six months to build, because of its revolutionary construction style. The power core is constructed first, then brought to the shipyards where the hull of the ship is created around it. Droids are used for all stages of production with a limited amount of human overseers.

Chiss Super Yuu Cruiser
15 km long
6 km wide at widest point
Gravity projectors
Class 3 hyperdrive
4,000 turbolasers
1,000 missile launchers
17,000 defensive gravity well projectors
holds 400 fighters

Chiss Apocolypse Cruiser
13km long
3 km wide
Gravity projectors
Class 3 hyperdrive
1 axial superlaser
7,000 turbolasers
2,000 defensive gravity projectors

Custom Ship
Name: Scharnhorst-class Battlecruiser
Owner: The Empire
Size: 2,600 meters
Crew: 40,413
Passengers: 8,000 (Troops and pilots)
Weapons: 105 Heavy Turbolasers, 50 Heavy Ion Cannons, 40 Quad Laser Cannons (point-defence), 30 Proton Torpedo Batteries (5 tubes in each battery) 10 Tractor Beam Projectors
Carries: 8 Squadrons of 12 fighters, 6 Skipray Blastboats, 6 misc. Troop Transports
Misc Info: Equipped with back-up shield generators making the battlecruisers capable of taking a huge amount of punishment before being knocked out.

Custom Ship
Name: Allegiance Super Ship Destroyer
Owner: The Empire
Size: 2,200 meters
Crew: 35,925
Passengers: 4,000 (troops)
Weapons: 1 "Light Superlaser", 2 Super Heavy Mass Driver Cannons, 30 Hellbore Cannons, 50 Turbolasers, 50 Quad Laser Cannons (point-defence)
Misc Info: Modified Allegiance Super Star Destroyer

Custom Ship
Name: Chiss Science Cruiser
Owner: The Chiss
Crew: 2 Pilots, 4 Scientists, 1 Technician, 1 backup pilot and technician
Weapons: Two quadlasers
Misc Info: Vi'Tawn body shell. Upgraded with the latest shields and sensor suite. Has many scientific instruments. Is equipped with a cloaking device.

Custom Ship
Name: Chiss Science Cruiser Sensor Craft
Owner: The Chiss
Crew: 1 Pilot
Weapons: nil
Misc Info: A-Wing body shell with no weapons. No hyperdrive. The extra space is taken up by its scientific instruments.

Custom Ship,
Name: Dark Rage: Modofied Kerl-Class Battleship (Owner: Darth Persia
Weapons: 1 Superlaser, 250 Laser Batteries (each battery has 4 lasers) 85 ion cannon batteries, 30 ion bomb bays, 40 proton torpedo launchers. Carries standard amount of fighters.

Name: Deathsong
Type: modified Helix Interceptor
Owner: Dey Kinar
Weapons: 4 ion cannons, 1 ion mine layer
Misc Info: the Deathsong is Dey Kinar's personal fighter, but is usually crewed by himself and Dwith. They sometimes carry a command staff of four with them.

Ship Class: Sith Devestator
Size: 10 KM
Weapons: 8,000 Laser Turrets, 2,000 Quad Laser batteries, 100 Adv. Proton Torpedoes launchers,
Carries: 300 ships.
Crew: 5,000
Other: Can power down it's weapons to transfer that enegy to a Super Ion cannon (like those on the Sith Immobilizers)

Name:The Raven
Weapons:Two Laser Cannons and Proton Torpedoes
Misc Info:The ship is a heavily modified X-Wing,and it has thick armor which lasers cannot penetrade.

Excalaber-class Kel'Dor Battleship
Size: Three times the size of a Star Destroyer.
490 Quad-laser Batterias
33 Heavy Rocket Launchers
10 Experimental Anti-Organic Ship Missle Launchers
Special Abilities: Can cloak, and an Adaptive Shielding system that can deflect or absorb a small amount of damage from Yuzzian Vong weapons 32% of the time. Also an experimental Transhyperspace gate generator, It is superfast.

Custom Ship
Type: Nia Station
Manufacturer: The Chiss
Size: 160km diameter
8,000 Heavy Turbolasers
6,400 Turbolasers
4,000 ION cannons
8,000 Laser cannons
8,000 Flak cannons
4,000 Tractor beams
8,000 concussion missile launchers
4,000 torpedo ports
1 superlaser

The Miasma Supercruiser
Length: 36,000 metres (3x as long as a SSD)
Weapons: 750 turbolasers, 750 heavy turbolasers, 750 ion cannons, 500 missile launcers (any kind), 80 tractor beams
Shields: High power, a whole reactor dedicated to shields, genreators spread over the body
Fighter capacity: 700= 500 QIE-class snubfighters + 200 transport shuttles

Custom Droids

Name: A.F. (anti force) Droideka.
Weapons: 2 Quad laser cannons on each arm, 2 racks of eight missiles on the shoulder.
Misc: Has an upgraded version of the shield generator that a normal droideka has along with cortosis armor and a ysalmri inside a living pod in the droideka

Name: Shadow Assassin Droid
Type: Assassin/Soldier
Weapons: 2 hidden energy blades located near wrists, 4 concealed blasters.
Misc: This droid was designed to be a powerful fighter. Only one prototype was ever made. It has a humanoid shape and it's energy blades are similar to a lightsaber but are much weaker and can not deflect blaster fire. It is agile and has a few jets and boosters allowing it to go at higher speeds, but the jets and boosters are small and will burn out if used for too long a time. It can be controlled by either a human or droid brain and having a human brain usually allows it to perform better. Has hands that are cabable of using weapons and tools. None have been made since the first prototype went rogue.


Planet Name: Athram.
Planet Enviroment: Jungle, Mountains, Fruit bushs, Caves.
Wildlife: So far there have been highly intelligent bird like creatures which are known as Batalons. They fly from tree to tree and eat the leaves off of plants.
Strange Features:
-Trees: The trees on the planet are like metal, and they heal over time. Blasters dont seem to be effective on them. Lightsabers apear to be the only way to chop them down.
-Batalons: These birds are a new species to the republic. Sometimes they bring sweet fruit and sometimes meat to the force sensitive troops.

[This message has been edited by Shadow_Droid (edited 07-11-2004 @ 09:07 PM).]

posted 05-06-04 05:40 PM EDT (US)     1 / 1252  
OOC: Do we have to repost our stuff?

Unproud Creator of Campaign which got lost when I wiped my computer, Return of Dash Rendar!
Looks like I pwned myself...
"Plo, I am awed by your 1337 paint skills. Funny s*** too."-KevintheKing
SWGBH - The Comic: Episode II: Sorry Mace, we're a little short...
posted 05-06-04 06:50 PM EDT (US)     2 / 1252  
Name: Adlon Merove
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Job: Spy
Age: 41
Faction: New Republic
Home Planet: Correlia
When Adlon was young he could find the best hiding place's and sneak up on people without a sound. He did this just to scare them though and it worked realy well. One day he decided to pick on a nikto. He snuck up on the nikto and as he was about to scare him the nikto turned around real fast and shot adlon in the leg's. Then adlon was taken to a rebel medical center. And now he's a spy.

Name: Vess Silon
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Job: Republic Admiral
Age: 56
Faction: New Republic
Home Planet: Unknown
Bio: After a raid on the New Republic Capital, Everyone on the planet was believed to be dead. Nydar was also on the planet so Vess was made the leader. He took his new fleet and went to the unknown regions to find a new world to become their capital. When they got there they called it Athram and started to build. A few days later an imperial lambda class shuttle landed on the planet. Stormtroopers came out with their guns held high. Nydar came out and explained how he found them then took control of the new base.

Leader: Admiral Nydar
Base of operations: Athram
Planets under control: Athram, Vorelse, Obriailath
Fleet Stats:
Capital Ships
2 Mon Cal Command Cruisers (Home One and Independence)
4 Bulwark Battlecruisers
25 Mon Calamari Cruisers
500 Victory-Class Star Destroyers
230 Imperial-Class Star Destroyers
700 Dauntless Cruisers
1200 Strike Cruisers
1141 Dreadnaughts
3574 Liberator Cruisers
Support/Assault Vessels
4191 Old Republic Assault Ships
3610 Medium Transports
4878 Bulk Cruisers
4876 Nebulon-B Frigates
2243 CC-9600 Frigates
4235 Corellian Corvettes
3563 Corellian Gunships
2146 Bulk Transports
2436 Assault Frigates
1798 Alliance Escort Carriers
1347 Carrack Light Cruisers
332 CC-7700 Interdicter Frigates
111 Interdictor Cruisers
3568 Marauder Corvettes
Army Stats:
5,748 Raider Troopers
9,986,132 Standard Infanity
974,385 Commandoes
400,034 Elite Troops
74,000,000 Misc Volunteer Soldiers
500,000 Old Republic Juggernaughts
1,400,000 Misc Captured Imperial AT-models
7,000,000 Misc Combat Landspeeders
Raider Squadron:
Leader (Raider 1)- Adlon Merove (Male)
Raider 2- Eylen Cara (Female)
Raider 3- Fomleth Shek (Male)
Raider 4- Gendrom Yene (Male)
Raider 5- Halgep Den (Male)
Raider 6- Imol Shek (Male)
Raider 7- Jala Dara (Male)
Raider 8- Kerla Beynol (Female)

OOC: BTW The imperials raided the republics previous capital AND the secret rebel base was looked up in the main computer logs so they captured it too. Planet 'Cephesis' And I got out alot of the ships/army because of such a thing happening.

[This message has been edited by Robock (edited 05-06-2004 @ 07:19 PM).]

posted 05-06-04 08:23 PM EDT (US)     3 / 1252  
The Chiss Alliance
Leader: Kyp Jargon
Fleet Leaders: James Vita, Jacen Tranada, Soontir Fel, Xavier Solon
Scientific Leader : Natalie Pearson, Tiara Reed, Tray Blaise, Will Kobindi

CEDF - total
2 Eclipse Super Star Destroyers (under construction)
4 Super Star Destroyers
3,000 Comet supercruisers
20,000 Fury Supercruisers
4,000 Interference Cruisers

10,000 Chiss Corvettes
80,000 smallers craft and gunships

30,000,000 SD-10 War Droids
3,500,000 Trade Federation Destroyer Droids (on board starship defence ... there is a certain amount on each and every starship in the fleet)
3,500,000 Z-Type droid fighters
3,500,000 Fel Droid fighters

Klasse Ephemora system (starship construction facility)
Rattatak (droid construction facility ... includes droid fighters)

Name - Kyp Jargon
Age - 36
Species - Shi'ido
Job - Captain Super Star Destroyer Predictable, Leader of the Chiss
Faction - Chiss
Bio - Kyp was born on Alderaan. Despite having two eminent Jedi as parents, Kyp has no trace of the gift himself. He is however, a crack pilot and brilliant strategiser, and has amassed a sizeable fleet due to his skills as both a pilot and a leader. He left the New Republic shortly after its formation because he felt that the New Republic was moving in the wrong direction by giving control over to the beaurecrats. He led the Chiss to victory in the biggest battle in their history, before using his diplomatic skills to secure two lasting allies.

[This message has been edited by kypjargon (edited 05-06-2004 @ 08:25 PM).]

posted 05-06-04 09:12 PM EDT (US)     4 / 1252  
Name: Siac
Species: Hutt
Job: Leader of Hutt Cartell
Faction: Hutt Cartell
Bio: Siac was nearly killed by Jabba as an infant, so Jabba could gain control of the Hutt Cartell. He survived and later killed Jabba as revenge and took over the Hutt Cartell. Is allied with the Galactic Empire.

Name: Irek
Species: Human (With Cybernetic Implants)
Job: Mercanary/Dark Jedi
Faction: Factionless (Currently working for Bib Fortuna)
Bio: Irek is a force user that joined with Bib Fortuna. He isn't an adult yet but is the equal of some of the best of them in combat. Is the only person that can control machinery with the Force.

Name: Shadow-0000000001
Species: Shadow Droid
Job: Pilot(Not really but that is the best thing I can give without a huge explanation fo Shadow Droids)
Faction: Galactic Empire
Bio: Shadow-0000000001 is the first ever Shadow Droid and also has more free will then the ones made after him. He also has a bit more fire power and force energies. He is a leader of a small squadron of nine other Shadow Droids.

Name: Outroar
Species: Emblaur(FanMade Species, go to the last pages of the Episode VII RPG for details.
Job: Leader of the Emblaur Empire
Faction: Emblaur Empire
Bio: The violent leader of the Emblaur Empire. One day, Gungans with untested ships landed on his planet(Emblos). He ordered the Gungans killed and then had their technology studied. He had their hyperspace technology added to the Emblaur ships. Also Emblaurs have great technology for warfare, but not really that great of technology for anything else.

Name: Luke
Species: Human
Job: Jedi
Faction: Factionless
Bio: Luke disapeared for a long time to study the Force and find Holocrons to give him great knowledge of the Force. Now he realized he has been studying for too long and must work to get rid of the many disturbances in the force.

Hutt Cartell
(Part of the Galactic Empire and stats only include its private forces.)
Leader: Siac
Planets: Tatooine, Hutt Space
25 Star Destroyers
550,000 CloackShape Fighters
350,000 Mercanaries
100,00 Aggressor Assault Fighters
950,000 Gamorrean Guards
550,000 Weequay Guards
300,000 Vodran
7,500 T'landa Til
800,000 Mercanaries
500,000 Droid Soldiers
1,500 Nimbanel
1,000 Other

Emblaur Empire
Leader: Outraur
Planets: Emblos
675,000 Emblaur Cruisers
800,000 Emblaur Fighters
750,000 Emblaur Bombers
1,000,000 Emblaur Ground Troopers
700,000 Special Enviroment Troopers
550,000 All Purpouse Soldiers
550,000 Emblaur Anit-Air Craft Veichles
300,000 Emblaur Cannons
500,000 Emblaur Juggernauts
700,000 Emlaur Speeders
975 Sabataugers
1,000 Espionage Units
50,000 Trained Tacticians
950,750 Mechanics
275,550 Highly Trained Doctors
5,000,000 Droids(Including medical droids, translators, maintence droids, and others)

Those are all mine, I'm going to wait for maybe a couple more to join before updating the main post and starting the thread.

posted 05-07-04 02:41 AM EDT (US)     5 / 1252  
Name: Darth Vader
Species: Human/Cyborg
Job: Dark Lord of the Sith/ Leader of the Empire
Faction: Galactic Empire
Bio: After the Death Star II exploded, Vader was counted among the death, but he has now returned to lead the Empire


Leader: Darth Vader
Capital: Byss

Fleet Stats:

Star Destroyers
3 Eclipse Star Destroyers (1 in operation, 2 under construction)
10 Predator Star Destroyers
2,000 Super Star Destroyers
4 Imperial Mark IV Star Destroyers
1,500 Imperial Mark III Star Destroyers
7,000 Imperial Mark II Star Destroyers
15,000 Imperial Mark I Star Destroyers
2,500 Dominator Interdictor Star Destroyers
5,000 Victory Mark II Star Destroyers
9,400 Victory Mark I Star Destroyers
1,200 Light Assault Star Destroyers

1 Doomgiver Battleship
3 Viscount Star Defenders
3 CR-950 Crusader Star Cruisers
20 Imperial Battle Cruisers
50 Bulwark Battle Cruisers
150 Tyrant Heavy Cruisers
1,500 GE90 Mon Cal Battle Cruisers

1,200 Imperial Fleet Carriers
4,500 Interdictor Cruisers
6,000 W1A "Imperator" Attack Cruisers
9,000 Imperial Escort Carriers
18,000 Strike Cruisers
20,000 Rendili Dreadnaughts
40,000 Carrack Light Cruisers
2,000 Carrack II Light Cruisers

4,500 Imperial Assault Transports
4,500 Lancer Frigates
5,000 Rendili Heavy Frigates
8,000 Marauder Corvettes
10,000 Corellian CC-5500 Frigates
45,000 Nebulon-B Frigates
55,000 Corellian Corvettes
70,000 Guardian Light Cruisers (small patrol ships)
100,050 Adz Patrol Destroyers (very small patrol ships)

Cargo Ships/Troop Transports
8,000 Star Galleons
10,000 Imperial Heavy Troop Transports
25,000 Imperial Medium Troop Transports
50,000 Imperial Light Troop Transports
60,000 Imperial Galleons

1,000 TIE Phantoms
80,000 Missile Boats
100,000 Assault Gunboats
100,000 Skipray Blastboats
100,000 Sentinel Heavy Lifter Shuttles
800,000 Assault Shuttles
1,180,000 Scimitar Assault Bombers
1,250,000 TIE Defenders
1,300,000 Lambda Shuttles
40,500,000 TIE/rc Recon Fighters
50,000,000 TIE Bombers
100,000,000 TIE Fighters

Army Stats:

Stormtrooper Battalions: 50,500,000
Elite Stormtrooper Battalions: 5,500,000
Anti-Mech Battalions: 8,000,000
Dark Troopers: 400,000
AT-PTs: 120,000,000
AT-STs: 80,000,000
AT-ATs: 10,000,000
Misc. Hover Tanks: 200,000,000

Current Fleet Whereabouts:

Fyyar's Fleet
Current location: Da Soocha
1 Eclipse Star Destroyer
5 Predator Star Destroyers
500 Super Star Destroyers
500 Dominator Interdictor Star Destroyers
1,500 Imperial Mark III Star Destroyers
7,000 Imperial Mark II Star Destroyers
5,000 Imperial Mark I Star Destroyers
5,000 Victory II Star Destroyers
1,00O Light Assault Star Destroyers
45,000 Smaller Cruisers, Frigates etc.
Total: 20,506 Star Destroyers, 45,000 Smaller ships

Core Worlds: 10,011 Star Destroyers
Mid Rim: 8,000 Star Destroyers
Outer Rim: 5,600 Star Destroyers
Total: 23,611 Star Destroyers

The RPG & Election Ruiner
Lord Fooby & Lord Fyyarby '09 - The Superior Choice

[This message has been edited by Admiral Fyyar (edited 05-07-2004 @ 02:47 PM).]

posted 05-07-04 02:57 AM EDT (US)     6 / 1252  
OOC: Sorry for double post, but it's better to post in a second reply than in the stats post


"Another unknown force has attacked a Gungan Liberation group, I think that new force will be helpfull agianst the Vong. Send a message to them"

"Yes m'lord." Fyyar said

Message to the Emblaur Empire
Greetings, your lastest attack on the Chaos Empire and Gungans has come to may attention, I request a alliance between us. And if you deliver five of your ships for us to study, we will send 5 Star Destroyers for you to study.
Lord Darth Vader and Grand Admiral Galak Fyyar

"And send a message to our Chiss allies."

Message to Kyp Jargon
Greetings, ally. We have a huge force of 20,506 Star Destroyers ready to launch into Vong territory, We would like you to send some "heavy-duty" assistance.
Lord Darth Vader and Grand Admiral Galak Fyyar.

BTW, this is no offense to Deaf, but I think we should have a more active Vong player and someone who actuly knows something about them.

The RPG & Election Ruiner
Lord Fooby & Lord Fyyarby '09 - The Superior Choice

[This message has been edited by Admiral Fyyar (edited 05-07-2004 @ 04:07 AM).]

posted 05-07-04 04:39 AM EDT (US)     7 / 1252  
Kyp took the Predictable, the Interferenza and 10,000 Furies, 1,000 Comets and 1,000 Interference cruisers.

He also brought along 50 experimental boarding craft. Each one had teeth made from corusca gems on the underside. The craft would attach themselves to enemy ships' hulls. After the gems chewed through the hull the craft would deliver its payload of destroyer droids and SD-10s.

OOC: Yeah i agree with Fyyar.

[This message has been edited by kypjargon (edited 05-07-2004 @ 04:44 AM).]

posted 05-07-04 04:58 AM EDT (US)     8 / 1252  
Name: Hayrel Nickel
Species: Human
Job: Retired Stormtrooper/Dark Jedi master
Faction: Shadow Academy
Bio: He was once trained in the Shadow academy when he was called up by the Imperials to assist them.But he escaped with some of the Stormtroopers after he promised them to be Dark Jedi.Which he hoped to destroy what's left of the Jedi.

Member Since: 11-19-2002
Proud winner of "Zara's Challenge #2 - Funny Screenshot" award
Han Katarn's tribute thread to Stormtrooper88
posted 05-07-04 05:11 AM EDT (US)     9 / 1252  

Hayrel tried to contact Darth Vader through meditation,but it's uselsess.He doesn't know him,seen him.He was described by his students.When he came to the Galactic Empire,Darth Vader was already missing.As he tried harder,an image appeared in his mind.

One little creature who appears to be looking at him.And,Luke Skywalker behind this green creature.

"Greetings young man...Tried to contact Vader,did you?" That little creature said.

"Identify yourself,animal.And what business of it to you?" Hayrel replied stonely.

"Yoda,Skywalker this is.." It said as he points to Luke Skywalker."

"Tell me then,why are you interfering my meditation." Hayrel said before Yoda could say another word.

"Darth Vader is one of the most dangerous Sith Lord,and now he had the Imperials in his hands.If we don't do something,both you and us will be destroyed for sure." Skywalker said.

"He,is with the Imperials,even if he is as dangerous as you said,he wouldn't be able to kill me.He'll find me useful if he notice.Furthermore,he's in the same faction as I used to be.." Hayrel said calmly.

"He's my father.."


"True,this is.Son of Darth Vader,Skywalker is.Knows him better,he does." Yoda said in an unusual tone.

How could that be!?

"If he doesn't want to kill you,then what do you think will happen to me?Since I'm his own flesh and blood." Luke increased his volume.

"Then I'll destroy the both of you.."

Member Since: 11-19-2002
Proud winner of "Zara's Challenge #2 - Funny Screenshot" award
Han Katarn's tribute thread to Stormtrooper88
posted 05-07-04 05:56 AM EDT (US)     10 / 1252  
Vong Territory

The Chiss Fleet had just arrived, now, they had 32,506 large warships, the Vong was doomed.

Vader wasen't with the fleet, he had left for a planet called Kanyon, and he left Fyyar incharge.

"The largest fleet in the history....." Fyyar said.

"True, true, Admiral." Said Jargon

"Where shall we strike first?" Asked Fyyar

"Well, we got some intelligence reports indicating that there's a large fleet stationed at Belkadan. Replyed Jargon

"Then, we'll strike there!"

The Chiss/Imperial Fleet entered Hyperspace.

The RPG & Election Ruiner
Lord Fooby & Lord Fyyarby '09 - The Superior Choice
posted 05-07-04 06:45 AM EDT (US)     11 / 1252  
The fleet came out of hyperspace and powered towards Belkadan. A large Vong fleet was stationed in orbit, though it was nowhere near the size of the combined Imperial/Chiss forces.

Interference and Interdictor cruisers brought up gravity wells to stop the Vong from retreating. About three ships tried to jump anyway.

"Admiral I have a suprise for you. Leave those ships to me." said Kyp.
"As you wish." replied Fyyar.

Kyp sent three of his landing craft to each ship, while a clawcraft squadron protected each trio. All three locked on, and within moments the SD-10s had reported a complete success.

Kyp called one of his gargantuan cruisers insystem and loaded up the ship. It blasted away towards Csilla for study.

posted 05-07-04 06:49 AM EDT (US)     12 / 1252  

"Impressive, most impressive." Fyyar said.

The Star Destroyers and Furies quickly destroyed the rest of the fleet.

Another victory for the Chiss/Imperial Alliance!

The RPG & Election Ruiner
Lord Fooby & Lord Fyyarby '09 - The Superior Choice
posted 05-07-04 07:05 AM EDT (US)     13 / 1252  
Kyp set set all fours scientific leaders to work on the Vong ships straight away. It was imperative that they be analysed quickly, as it was certain that the Vong would not take this loss lightly.
posted 05-07-04 10:56 AM EDT (US)     14 / 1252  
Name: Janos Aldro
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Job: Freelance Bounty Hunter
Faction: (The highest bidder)
Weapon(s): Two Green Lightsabers, Blaster, Blaster Rifle, Thermal Detonators, Flamethrower hidden in metal bracer.
Ship: The Eagle
Bio: Janos was brought up on Nar Shaada by his mum and dad but they were murdered by Siac's soldiers when he was 12. But Janos has always been street smart and managed to live on his own while he and his Droid, Lopo repaired his family the ship, The Eagle. They modified the ship heavily and it was built when Janos turned 22. Janos is also known for his incredible lightsaber skills. The Lightsaber's where his off his dad as a present when he was 9. Now Janos seeks revenge against Siac.


Name: The Eagle.
Owner: Janos Aldro
Weapons: 6 Laser cannons. 2 Plasma Cannons. 2 Missle Launchers. 2 Sonic Charge Launchers.
Misc info: Hyperdrive. Small Tractor Beam for getting ship wreckage. Cloaking Device. Shield Generator.

James Skywalker
Resident since 2002.

posted 05-07-04 11:49 AM EDT (US)     15 / 1252  
OOC: Do i assume correctly that we are supposed to register again? If so, then here are my stats:

Name: Plo Koon
Species: Kel'Dor
Faction:The Kel'Dor Empire
Bio: Plo Koon was cloned by a mysterious jedi. He was cloned with special technology that gave him an incrededibly effective tacticle mind. He soon founded his own Empire and stole a sample of Stormtrooper DNA and cloned his own soldiers, and created and upgraded his own special walkers.
Job: To serve the Dark Jedi Darth Persia and crush their foes!

Name of Plo Koon's Personal Flagship: The Persia
Owner: Plo Koon
550 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
150 Concussion Missle Tubes
300 Ion Cannons
90 Tractor/Repulsor Beam Projectors
5 Fully Stable Cloaking Devices
20 Planetary Bombardment Weapons
Carry Capablilities:
1,000,000 Misc shuttlecraft, fighters, ect

Name of Faction: The Kel'Dor Empire
Army Size:
1,000,000,000 Cloned Storm Troopers
30,000 AT-ATs
200,000 Modified AT-TEs
100,000 MT-ATs
100,000,000 AT-PTs
2,000,000 Destroyer Droids
1,000,000 Assorted Scout and Patrol Walkers
300 Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbolasers
2,000,000 TIE Hunters
1,000,000 TIE Defenders
3,000,000 TIE Drones
24 Interdictor Cruisers
66 Star Destroyers
1,500 Scimitar Assault Bombers
300 TIE Phantoms
1 Super Star Destroyer, The Persia
My Planets: Kel'Dor Homeworld(I forget what It's called), Thrule, Sarrapin, Korriban, Kessel, Alaris 3, and Krant.



Plo Koon was in his quarters when an officer entered. "Yes?" Plo said. "We have a report of an Imperial campaign against the new enemy known as the Yuzzean Vong. Admrill Fyyar wishes to know If the Kel'Dor Empire is interested in assisting in any future battles." said the Officer. "I see. Communicate with him and tell him that I will participate in any future battles. Carry on." "Yes sir." replied the Officer. He left the room...

Unproud Creator of Campaign which got lost when I wiped my computer, Return of Dash Rendar!
Looks like I pwned myself...
"Plo, I am awed by your 1337 paint skills. Funny s*** too."-KevintheKing
SWGBH - The Comic: Episode II: Sorry Mace, we're a little short...

[This message has been edited by mAStER_PLO_KOON1 (edited 05-07-2004 @ 11:58 AM).]

posted 05-07-04 02:48 PM EDT (US)     16 / 1252  
Faction Name: The New Sith Empire
Army Size: 5,000,000 Sith Shadow Knights (Can become invisible)
1000 Elite Sith Shadow Knights
10,000 sith tanks (The force is it's power source)
1,000,000 Sith Infiltrators (Come with sith pilots)
1 Super Star Destroyer\Inderdictor blend, The "Dark Rage"
1 Super Sith Infiltrator (Darth Persia's personal fighter)
1,000 Star Destroyers
700 Interdictors
10,000,000 Tie Interceptors
40,000 Tie Defenders
500 Scimitar Assualt Bombers
1,000 Self Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbo Lasers
500 Suicide Bombers (Compter Controlled, crash into enemy ships)
1,000 Assualt Transports
Planets Under Control: Eriadu

Name: Darth Persia
Species: Human
Job: Sith Master
Faction: Sith Empire
Bio: This ancient Sith, when he saw that the sith empire was crumbling(thousands of years ago) he froze himself in cryogenic stasis. Awaking 20 years ago, he cloned an apprentice for himself. That apprentice was Plo Koon(mASTER_ PLO_KOON1). He quickly amassed an army of Sith Shadow knights through corruption of Jedi and the discovery of other sith who had preserved themselves in cryogenic stasis. Right after the Battle of Endor, he took advantage of the Empire's temporary disarray and aquired many Imperiel Ships....

Custom Ship Name: "Dark Rage"
Ship Class: Kuat Drive Yards Super Star Destroyer
Size: 19 KM
Owner: Darth Persia
Weapons: 40,000 laser turrets, 700 ion cannons, 60 Proton Bomb bays, 20 Gravity Well Generators, .
Carries 800,000 Sith Infiltrtors. (The other Star Destroyers carry the rest)

[This message has been edited by Darth Persia (edited 05-08-2004 @ 11:43 AM).]

posted 05-07-04 02:53 PM EDT (US)     17 / 1252  
I'we lived with this for sometime, but can't you make your ship a little/alot smaller and less powerfull, it seems stupid that a freelancer has money/shipyards to produce a ship that big. And 800,000 Fighters in bay also seems stupid, since that a ESD (wich is 17 KM) can only carry about 900 fighters, a ship only two KM larger cannot carry allmost a touldsant times more, and the same with the Persia, simply to many fighters.

The RPG & Election Ruiner
Lord Fooby & Lord Fyyarby '09 - The Superior Choice

[This message has been edited by Admiral Fyyar (edited 05-07-2004 @ 02:58 PM).]

posted 05-07-04 04:40 PM EDT (US)     18 / 1252  
OOC: sure, I don't care, have another player control the Vong. But I find it interesting that the entire Imperial fleet is moving to take out the Vong. Who's going to defend the Imperial territory? Sounds like the perfect time for the New Republic to strike.
Anyway, new characters. Let the Vong die!

Name: Baron Dey Kinar
Species: Arkanian
Job: admiral for the capture fleet of the pirate gang Red Skull
Faction: Red Skull
Bio: chief of the pirate gang, he fought in a battle with a group of pirates, their leader was so impressed by him, he invited Kinar to join them. He killed the pirate leader and rose in the ranks to become admiral of the Red Skull capture fleet. The only being he truly trusts is Dwith

Name: Dwith
Species: Ryn
Job: counselor of Baron Dey Kinar
Faction: Red Skull
Bio: a Ryn, Dwith is a designer for droids and cyborgs. He is the trusted right hand of Baron Dey Kinar, and also Kinar’s engineer for his robotic parts. Dwith is considered somewhat of a mystic or sage, and has great knowledge of millions of plants and animals. He is also Dey Kinar’s doctor, medicine/poison/antidote administrator, and fortune-teller.

Name: Red Skull (capture fleet)
Leader: Baron Dey Kinar
Army Size: fleet:
10 Escort carriers
10 Warrior-class Gunships
40 Mynock-class Assault Boats
10 Sacheen-class Escort Ships
5 Bakura-class Destroyers
20 Namana-class Light Cruisers
30 Bayonet-class Light Cruisers
10 Bothan-class Assault Cruisers
30 Enforcer-class Picket Cruisers
10 Vibre-class Assault Cruisers
10 Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
~20,000 Manta-class Starfighters
~10,000 Uglies
Army: 30,000 space/land troopers
Planets: none
Misc Info: almost none of the capture fleet has destructive capabilities, the entire fleet of ships has been modified to be armed mostly with ion cannons and tractor beams, as well as experimental ion warhead launchers. When captured, ships are manned by a skeleton crew and sent to an unknown location where the Red Skull operates.

Custom Ship,
Name: Deathsong
Type: modified Helix Interceptor
Owner: Dey Kinar
Weapons: 4 ion cannons, 1 ion mine layer
Misc Info: the Deathsong is Dey Kinar's personal fighter, but is usually crewed by himself and Dwith. They sometimes carry a command staff of four with them.

Alea iacta est

[This message has been edited by Deaf_Defel (edited 05-08-2004 @ 12:43 PM).]

posted 05-07-04 05:16 PM EDT (US)     19 / 1252  


I'we lived with this for sometime, but can't you make your ship a little/alot smaller and less powerfull, it seems stupid that a freelancer has money/shipyards to produce a ship that big. And 800,000 Fighters in bay also seems stupid, since that a ESD (wich is 17 KM) can only carry about 900 fighters, a ship only two KM larger cannot carry allmost a touldsant times more, and the same with the Persia, simply to many fighters.

First, why didn't you say something before? Second, do you know what kind of ratio the Dark Rage has with square yard of hanger to square yard of other stuff? Second, if you want to talk about me trimming down my ships, how about we take a look at your faction and my faction. Amazing. Your faction has more super star destroyers than i have star destroyers. Plus, you have more Star Destroyers total than I have, plus more fighters than I have etc. Plus more ships and planets. Plus, even with all your stuff, you godmooded your way out of me capturing Thrawn by creating an Exanar Kun character out of thin air, having him sabatoge my flagship so it was nearly destroyed than stole my personal fighter. After alll that, I defeated the dreamt up Exanar Kun (who in his bio is supposed to be as strong as the Emporer) I defeated him, thus, persia is stronger, or at least as strong as the Emporer. Oh, yeah. you also have the Hutt Cartel under your control. And Darth Vader. And you have a strong alliance with the Chiss, which suddendly became alot stronger, I guess all; those fighter he didn't have before than appeared later were, ummm, made by secret technology. You have tons more than me, have godmodded your way out of an obvious trap and now you're complaining that I'm to powerful. Oh, it's also convienent that when it was obviouly tough for Thrawn to take control of the entire Empire, and when the leader was captured, and, as I read from the bio for the Galactic Empire, that the handover to power for Fyar was so simple and smooth, that there would be no power struggle.

BIC: The Dark Rage headed back to Eriadu. There, it would be re-fitted with a Superlaser that was taken form the eclipse plans. Also, there would be some changes there. Also, the tie-phantom would be mass-produced as soon as they got factories up.

OOC: I'm assuming, because it was the regional capital that it has some major shipyards.

posted 05-07-04 05:24 PM EDT (US)     20 / 1252  

Outraur recieved a message from the Galatic Empire. They were requesting an alliance with him.

"They must be fools" Outraur thought.

Outraur planned as soon as all of the technology from captured ships were added to all of the Emblaur Empire, he would go see these foolish creatures that were not of his kind. If they had interesting technology, he'ld become allies for a while. Then after it was all added to the Emblaur technology, he'ld probably betray them. Outraur sent a message asking where they should probably meet.


Luke had just blocked a lightsaber blow with his lightsaber. A surprised Hayrel attacked again only to be blocked once more.

Luke wasn't doing much to try and stop Hayrel, all he did was block attacks before they could hit him. Hayrel was getting tired and Luke was standing there perfectly fine.

Hayrel next fired Force Lightning which Luke blocked by holding up his hand and absorbing the attack. Luke had spent so long training that what he was doing was incredibly easy.

"Why must you fight? Has your fighting done you any good? Has anger and hate done you any good? Has using the darkside done you any good?" asked Luke.

Nar Shaada

Irek was meditating. He was hovering slightly above the ground concentrating, looking for something. The jedi cloaked himself with the force to keep himself hidden from Irek, but was he hidden from every machine in Fortuna's base.

"I will find you, you can't hide from me forever," Irek said aloud.


Siac's army was ready to fight. He sent a message to the Galactic Empire asking them what he should next do.

Star Destroyer Hanger

Shadow-0000000001 had just recieved maintence and was ready to begin a new assignment.

posted 05-07-04 05:59 PM EDT (US)     21 / 1252  
OOC: I DO NOT mean to be rude, but I think It's very unfair that only the Chiss Alliance, Empire, and New Republic should be allowed to have huge fleets. In fact, I am insulted that my request to enlarge my fleet was denied. Admril Fyyar and Shadow_Droid, there are so many things that I could go on forever on this, but the Empire will eventually have THREE ECLIPSE STAR DESTROYERS, AND THE CHISS WILL EVENTUALLY ALSO HAVE TWO? COME ON. The Empire is invulnerable! NOBODY can stand up to the Empire(which is allied with the Chiss Alliance, easily doubling It's power, especilly with the fact that they will have 5 Eclipses), or New Republic. I think that unless someone wants his faction to be a smaller one that strings along with a big one(like the Hutt Cartel and the Empire), they have just as much right to have 20,000+ star destroyers, and produce 1,250,000 TIE Defenders (Obviously, you don't have any idea how expensive TIE Defenders are) as you guys do to have them. Plus, I don't remember the Empire having 400,000 Dark Troopers. I guess they just were in some old warhouse. Comparing this thread with the old one, I'd say that at the Empire's strength was at least trippled. Now i don't see why the Kel'Dor or New Sith Empire aren't as "big and important".

Unproud Creator of Campaign which got lost when I wiped my computer, Return of Dash Rendar!
Looks like I pwned myself...
"Plo, I am awed by your 1337 paint skills. Funny s*** too."-KevintheKing
SWGBH - The Comic: Episode II: Sorry Mace, we're a little short...
posted 05-07-04 07:55 PM EDT (US)     22 / 1252  
OOC: You can create a huge force, but you can't have one with many star destroyers unless it is the Empire or an ally of it. Also the Empire always had the blue prints to the dark troopers, the Emperor just refused to allow more money to be spent on them. Also you may increase the size of your army, you just can't have thousands of Imperial veichles because you aren't the galactic empire. Getting your hands on a few Imperial things is ok, but having a whole army of things that belong to the Galactic Empire isn't possible.
posted 05-08-04 00:48 AM EDT (US)     23 / 1252  
OOC: Erm shadow,Hayrel was meditating,not fighting.I guess I'll have to continue with it.

Hayrel looked around,but there was no one else except him and Skywalker.He wanted to call for back up,but not even a whisper came out.Hayrel felt that he was floating,an unusual situation.

Wha,what's happening,to me?

"Your in deep meditation..Your anger and hatred has push themselves,that your soul came to confront me..." Luke Skywalker answered his thought.

"It's the nature of the darkside.I can finish you off with a slight strike of my lightsaber since your soul is not as strong as your body are..But you are lucky it was me..."

Let me out,Let ME OU..

Hayrel managed to open his eyes to his surroundings and desperately release his breath that he didn't notice he has been holding.All of his students were around him.

"We heard you.." One of them said.

Member Since: 11-19-2002
Proud winner of "Zara's Challenge #2 - Funny Screenshot" award
Han Katarn's tribute thread to Stormtrooper88
posted 05-08-04 01:20 AM EDT (US)     24 / 1252  
Persia! A superlaser can't just be refitted into a ship! It requires huge amounts of space and power to work! You'll have to sacrifice alot of your weapons and hangar space, and of cause you cannot refit a ship with a superlaser in a regional shipyard, You'll have to do it in a Major yard, such as Kuat, but I'll gladly give you acces to Kuat, just you make it realistic (and pay me alot).
And if you start whinning about the Eclipse, I can only say that the Superlaser was buildt in the hull from the start, wich means I diden't have to sacrifice alot of power and space.

And KOON1, I see that you have allmost as many TIE Defenders as I, you can have a large fleet, just not 20,000+ Star Destroyers, wich would be impossible to produce simply because you don't have the money nor the shipyards to do it.

I thinksthe problem here is that some of our players simply don't know how to RP properly, dosen't your common sense tell you that a single, independent person cannot have a force at the size of the Empire's?

BTW, I think that Robock should increase the size of his fleet


"I'we got it!" Shouted Admiral Reagan

"What?!" Fyyar and Jargon said at the same time.

"The Vong capital!"

"Ohh, where is it?"

"At Helska 4!" Replyed Reagan

"Prepare to launch!" Fyyar said

"Yes, sir!"

The Chiss/Imperial fleet vanished into hyperspace

The RPG & Election Ruiner
Lord Fooby & Lord Fyyarby '09 - The Superior Choice

[This message has been edited by Admiral Fyyar (edited 05-08-2004 @ 07:03 AM).]

posted 05-08-04 08:38 AM EDT (US)     25 / 1252  
OOC: I see your point about the fighters though.


Persia! A superlaser can't just be refitted into a ship! It requires huge amounts of space and power to work! You'll have to sacrifice alot of your weapons and hangar space, and of cause you cannot refit a ship with a superlaser in a regional shipyard, You'll have to do it in a Major yard, such as Kuat, but I'll gladly give you acces to Kuat, just you make it realistic (and pay me alot).
And if you start whinning about the Eclipse, I can only say that the Superlaser was build in the hull from the start, wich means I diden't have to sacrifice alot of power and space.

Hmmmm, I see your point. I'll go to Kuat shipyards and get refitted. Can you just add some hull and a power core?


Total: 23,611 Star Destroyers

Now, do you think it's impossible, with the whole top of the Empire killed or dispersed in the ROTJ, that a small force of SD's compared to what you have, could be stolen by several Sith, wheather through force or persuasion?. If you want, i can just go to the valley of the Jedi and the point will be moot.


I thinksthe problem here is that some of our players simply don't know how to RP properly, dosen't your common sense tell you that a single, independent person cannot have a force at the size of the Empire's?

With that Exanar Kun thing you pulled, I don't think you know how to RP either. Also, i have less that 2000 capital ships. You have 23,611 Imperiel Star Destroyers. You aren't in danger of being overthrown.

BIC: "Change course" Darth persia said. "head to the Kuat shipyards. We don't yet have a shipyard that can refit this ship."

posted 05-08-04 08:51 AM EDT (US)     26 / 1252  
OOC: Persia it is an AXIAL superlaser. If u just add a bit of hull then the first time u fire it the new bit of hull will just separate. And KOON1 dont get all huffy, the empire and the chiss were not always allied, in fact they were very much enemies. The empire can be challenged quite easily, though i will not mention how as the same strategy will also topple the chiss, and the eclipe is not all powerful. One other thing ... your Kel'dor empire was invented. It is because of that fact that you will never have as much materiel as those factions which actually existed in NJO.

The combined Imperial/Chiss forces came out of hyperspace at the fringes of the Helska system. They deployed probes to determine the extent of the enemy's forces.

posted 05-08-04 10:47 AM EDT (US)     27 / 1252  
I'm putting everyone and everything just mentioned on my hit list.

Obiwan Bologna... Now that's a name I've not heard in just any grocery store! -Me
Current Project: Future in the Force: 70%
<'_'> I'm not the kind who would argue with Ben so it looks like I'm gonna start all over again
posted 05-08-04 11:55 AM EDT (US)     28 / 1252  
OOC: Ok, I think i have a new idea.

BIC: "Head to Eriadu." Persia said. "I have an idea that will implement the new technology we have and not require massive shipyards..."

posted 05-08-04 01:47 PM EDT (US)     29 / 1252  
OOC: Oops, sorry. I thought since he said he was going to kill Luke that a battle would begin. Also what does Obiwanbologna123 mean with that random post.

[This message has been edited by Shadow_Droid (edited 05-08-2004 @ 02:53 PM).]

posted 05-08-04 01:52 PM EDT (US)     30 / 1252  
EDIT: I'm going to repost my bio thing later.

[This message has been edited by ArnieFett (edited 05-09-2004 @ 07:45 AM).]

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