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Topic Subject: Wololo!
posted 03-31-14 05:52 AM ET (US)   
Are you feeling stressed out lately because of your bad job?

Are people getting down on you for no other reason than they are crazy?

Do you feel like doing something about it but are afraid to lose your job, your mind, or even your life?

Maybe you are stuck in a big stressful city with lots of crazy people around you?

Or are you one of the many gamers in fear of being falsely accused of being a terrorist?

Well rest assured and have no fear because we are announcing an exciting new product for all gamers and non-gamers alike:

WOLOLO 10 Hours.

"Wololo, ayeyoyoyo, wololo..."

That's right, 10 hours of "that blue guy" - your favorite priest chanting and speaking those mysterious words that will eventually drive anyone insane and instantly convert them to your side!

You can use this product as a handy appy in your day-to-day life. Wololoing your enemies at work, school, public, even at home - wherever you have trouble doing good things. For example you may be walking down the street and a person harasses you for no reason because you were minding your business going on your way. If you download the Wololo app you can just display your phone in front of their face and they will be hypnotized by the blue guy.

For those who can't afford the latest expensive phones we are also offering a free, open-source version of Wololo - All you have to do is watch any Wololo video and learn to use your vocal chords to sing and chant your own version of Wololo in public, complete with your own dance moves that are guaranteed to convert the enemy to your side so you can enjoy a peaceful day without stress. You can even find a stick in the forest or in the garbage to use as your own personal Wololo staff. (The staff may also function as extra security in case your Wololoing conversion takes a little longer to accomplish and the enemy is already attacking you.)

Do you have a crazy boss at work? Maybe an irresponsible roommate? You can lock your door and leave Wololo 10 Hours playing very loudly on your computer, stereo, or phone while you are gone as revenge. If someone complains you can tell them it was just a glitch and you had no idea how it happened.

Do you get annoying telemarketers or other suspicious calls? Use Wololo as your answering machine.

How about a corrupt government or overzealous spy agency? You can troll them back with the power of Wololo. Combine this method with the power of Trololo to form the ultimate power of TROWOLO and your effectiveness at thwarting them is multiplied a thousandfold.

People everywhere are raving about Wololo 10 Hours. Here is a sample testimonial from a happy user:
"Before using Wololo 10 hours I was working a terrible job with lazy workers and very low pay. Every time I tried to do a good job, it only got me in more trouble. But after showing Wololo 10 hours to the people at work - everything changed - instantly! The workers tried to get away at first but eventually they were won over and went to work being very productive, I was amazed.

Before Wololo the company I worked for was going downhill due to systemic corruption. Now after Wololo it has become much more efficient and productive and even got into the top 100 best places to work in my entire country - everybody stuck at a bad job should use this product!"
Another reviewers share their experience:
"Just when I thought things could never ever get better in my life, they did: Eventually because of Wololo the workers at my job were working like never before - they were working very hard chopping wood, collecting food, building structures, in general just being very hard workers - finally it wasn't just me working so hard all the time.

They got so good at their job they even started building a cultural wonder that stood for thousands of years afterwards because they stopped being lazy and put their minds to focus on a good work ethic.

Thanks to Wololo our entire local economy improved for the better and managed to last for millenniums thanks to this wonderful product!"
So there you have it:
The world before Wololo = greedy, lazy, corrupt, incomptent.
The world after Wololo = very productive, organized, hard working, efficient.
It's no wonder the Nsa is spying on Wololoers across the globe and that our Wololo products are most feared in the top corridors of corrupt powers.

So don't wait any longer - improve your life today!

But wait - there is more - if you use Wololo 10 Hours within the next 24 hours then you are eligible for an exclusive of Wololo 10 Hours Blues Version - that's right, an even bluer version of your favorite blue original.

Some of you may feel that the original classic Wololo is "too plain", boring, or out of date. Well, we have just the right remixes for you so you can reach out to even more people regardless of their ethnic, economic or real-time-strategic preferences in this modern internet age we live in. You can stay confident that you will be spreading the gospel of Wololo in any kind of situation for the betterment of your fellow human beings.

And for those who are short on time or need a product that works even faster, we have Wololo 10 Minutes, Wololo Blues 10 Minute, and of course the original one-word Wololo chant itself: "WOLOLO." And for those times where Wololo doesn't work so well (which is very rare, but it does happen from time to time) we are throwing in this rockin blues version as a special when you need that extra motivation in your life. Life couldn't have gotten any better than just now!!

So there you have it folks, your satisfaction is guarantee! Use Wololo today! Start now!

This post by forumer alincarpetman is one of the best an funniest I have read in years! Original post here
posted 03-31-14 02:30 PM ET (US)     1 / 3  
Thanks - I never expected this to get into the news. Maybe we should start a Wololo forum story game? Head over to the topic in case anyone is interesting in continuing the funny stories...
posted 03-31-14 03:24 PM ET (US)     2 / 3  
Lol, I got the e-mail alert. Good one xD Thanks for sharing!
posted 04-01-14 11:02 PM ET (US)     3 / 3  
Happy April Fools!

Sadly real life made me miss all the fun of April Fools on the internet in real-time, so I am checking it all out now instead.

StormComing (to me): "Seems like you're way under-ranked"

Check out my series of guides for the scenario editor in the link below! | Best Otto TR score

The definitive collection of my scenarios, along with my scenario editor walkthrough, recorded games, and much much more!

[This message has been edited by anterior2 (edited 04-01-2014 @ 11:03 PM).]

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