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The Saloon (Off Topic)
Moderated by Maffia, Elpea, LordKivlov

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Topic Subject: The Saloon in the Sims
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posted 07-17-09 10:15 PM EDT (US)   
posted 07-24-09 05:26 PM EDT (US)     151 / 317  
I wish I had Abby's talent!

And how did you take the guitar to the park? It was one of my goals to play in the park but my sim always left his guitar at home. :/

posted 07-24-09 05:32 PM EDT (US)     152 / 317  
Maybe he wasn't awesome enough at it.

Where be your gibes now? your gambols? your songs?
Your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar?
Not one now, to mock your own grinning?
posted 07-24-09 06:43 PM EDT (US)     153 / 317  
Elpea spots them and won't have any of it - he kisses Taufiq.

DrNick is still playing to no audience.
Awwww. Both of these were tragic.

posted 07-24-09 07:49 PM EDT (US)     154 / 317  
I love the plump man! Can he feature more often?

house won this
posted 07-24-09 11:03 PM EDT (US)     155 / 317  
You weren't forgotten James, you just don't turn up in a shot till day 8
You were busy washing your hair or something
Ah ok lol. Cool.
posted 07-24-09 11:44 PM EDT (US)     156 / 317  
This is the most accurate depiction of me, ever

posted 07-25-09 00:19 AM EDT (US)     157 / 317  
IRL, do you always wear no shirt? Lol.
posted 07-25-09 11:35 AM EDT (US)     158 / 317  
In real life do you always never wear a shirt?

Having a signature will finally get me some respect.
posted 07-25-09 12:04 PM EDT (US)     159 / 317  
and make out with taufiq

posted 07-25-09 12:39 PM EDT (US)     160 / 317  
Same reason none of the aussie gang except bk are in it (yet, can always add new faces) - they don't visit the saloon anymore
I haven't stopped visiting, Firefox just keeps deleting my tabs and I'm dreadfully forgetful.

I remember Jarrod and I started working on something similar about a year ago, but we gave up since we couldn't be arsed uploading so many pictures and such. Anyway, great thread.

Would love to be added
Long blond hair, blue eyes, no facial hair and stylish cloths. Fedora if possible.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
posted 07-25-09 12:59 PM EDT (US)     161 / 317  
Shan, I see you watch Buffalaxed videos as well (or at least the Indian thriller ). I can even sing the buffalaxed lyrics' for that video

*points at your avatar*

You, you... Finnish Barstool! - Enraged Popeychops
Major Helper: Helping AoE3H Housewives since 2008 - As_Saffah
I spent 3 months trying to convince a door that I was an intelligent life form and gave up. - TLM
Winner of "Nicest" (2012-2016), "Most Helpful" (2014) and "Best Moderator" (2015-2016) Forummer Awards
posted 07-25-09 01:11 PM EDT (US)     162 / 317  
Just the Indian thriller.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
posted 07-25-09 06:46 PM EDT (US)     163 / 317  
Day seven in the Saloon house - Part Two

Jax and Elpea play on the swings.

His lunch eaten, DrNick acts like a 3 year old and desperately wants a go.

He is soon threatening Jax with violence.

So he gets what he wants.

Mete has tickets to see a soccer match.

He supports the local team - the llamas.

Abby decides to visit the third saloon house.

She hits it off with Kivlov immediately.

Phraekay and Elpea share a picnic as Phraekay's new friend stands nearby.

Dio visits the park and strikes up a conversation with DrNick.

Meanwhile, Abby continues to chat to Kivlov - about art.

Apparently he's the only one home. Brandnizzle is probably still at the bookstore but where are the others?

Maffia at least was at the soccer match - where he met Mete. The match finished 6-6 and the two are a little drunk.

Mete bizarrely gives Maffia a massage.

Before he almost collapses - forcing Maffia to carry him to a cab.

DrNick leaves the park with Jax and Taufiq - it is night but he isn't going straight home.

He wants to spook them out at the graveyard. He chats to Taufiq who wants to leave while Jax tries to fish in the shallow pond.

DrNick plays his guitar for the statue of the grim reaper.

Jax discovers the grave of his favourite childhood clown. He mourns.

Meanwhile, DrNick decides to explore the catacombs. Inside, he finds a mysterious rare seed but he cannot plant it until he is an extremely good gardener.

Phraekay is still at the park and he looks over at a strange man on a bench.

Having got back home, but still drunk, Mete dances.

DrNick and Jax finally head back from the graveyard as others start going home too.

Phraekay has some late night supper with Abby before they go to bed.

posted 07-25-09 06:58 PM EDT (US)     164 / 317  
DrNick 3

posted 07-25-09 07:03 PM EDT (US)     165 / 317  
Still no me, but funny nonetheless

You, you... Finnish Barstool! - Enraged Popeychops
Major Helper: Helping AoE3H Housewives since 2008 - As_Saffah
I spent 3 months trying to convince a door that I was an intelligent life form and gave up. - TLM
Winner of "Nicest" (2012-2016), "Most Helpful" (2014) and "Best Moderator" (2015-2016) Forummer Awards
posted 07-25-09 07:16 PM EDT (US)     166 / 317  
you're a good friend maffia.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
posted 07-25-09 09:08 PM EDT (US)     167 / 317  
posted 07-25-09 09:22 PM EDT (US)     168 / 317  

This should be the cover page for this.

posted 07-26-09 00:20 AM EDT (US)     169 / 317  
Once this is all said and done DrNick needs his own show.

Like Joey from Friends, except not shitty.

[][][][][][][][][][] Stonewall J [][][][][][][][][][][]
posted 07-26-09 00:23 AM EDT (US)     170 / 317  
Also, people that don't have avatars from the Saloon Core Group image should change their avatar to the Sims version of them. Because let's be honest, most people's avatars blow.

Except mine.

[][][][][][][][][][] Stonewall J [][][][][][][][][][][]
posted 07-26-09 00:42 AM EDT (US)     171 / 317  
Parks, graveyards, soccer games... Man, I remember the original Sims.
posted 07-26-09 12:31 PM EDT (US)     172 / 317  
Thats OK Mete, besides the massage was really good.

This month I have mostly been playing Zelda Breath of the Wild
Steam - Maffia GFWL - Maffia01 YouTube - HGMaffia Twitter - @HGMaffia
Age of Empires 3 Heaven Seraph

What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare.
[This message hasn't been edited by fred_ernie (or Maffia) (not edited 12-29-2005 @ 09:57 AM).]
posted 07-26-09 03:39 PM EDT (US)     173 / 317  
lso, people that don't have avatars from the Saloon Core Group image should change their avatar to the Sims version of them. Because let's be honest, most people's avatars blow.
Maybe if I looked anything like my sim lol

Proud Citizen of Sovietcanuckistan
posted 07-26-09 03:54 PM EDT (US)     174 / 317  
Yeah Kiv doesnt even own a pair of pants. He just wears shorts all the time.
posted 07-26-09 06:39 PM EDT (US)     175 / 317  
Day eight in the Saloon house

Bk is the first to wake and he hastily arranges what now must surely be a wig in the bathroom.

Cheesewiz wakes and makes some breakfast for the group.

However, most don't join him and they eager to go across the road and the visit the first saloon house. GFGJ leads the way.

A small group wait outside waiting to be let into the house.

Once inside, Botolf eats breakfast. His own fridge obviously wasn't good enough for him.

Everybody has been let in except Dio, who continues to wait outside. Mete stands on the other side of the door wondering if he should open it or not. He eventually does, though mainly because he likes the maid.

Jax wakes and spots the second group in his kitchen. Echo's eyes immediately light up.

However, Jax is soon putting a stop to any of her ideas and she's left disappointed.

Cheesewiz sits alone watching the tellybox.

Botolf entertains Jax, Shrink, Elpea, DrNick, Taufiq and Mete with some hilarious impressions. DrNick is a little bit jealous he doesn't get as much attention when playing the guitar.

Taufiq doesn't take kindly to one of Botolf's comments but As Saffah and DrNick get on well. As Saffah gossips about Kumar Shah's riches.

James246 watches the tellybox as GFGJ and Elpea chat about rocket ships. They've both finally found someone as interested as they are!

Echo and Abby have a little argument whilst bk can be seen having abandoned the wig and gone with the cap again. Perhaps the wig is itchy?

Dio makes a comment about this changing hair and feels the brunt of bk's anger.

Elpea and GFGJ's conversation moves on to fishing as James246's attention remains held by Neighbours.

A stranger turns up at the house and Shrink and Jax implore him to go away. Echo grabs another free meal.

Botolf and Cheesewiz begin to get on when chatting about politics.

Their argument over, bk and Dio's thoughts remain on the other.

Echo is little overbearing with Mete and he pushes her away. A chilled out chap like mete can't be doing with that sort of thing.

It has gotten quite late. While Abby sleeps in her bed, James246 (a little disturbingly) stands nearby staring at himself, or her, in the giant wall-covering mirror.

Outside, As Saffah decides to nap under the moonlight on the sun lounger.

Eventually they are all told to return to the second saloon house. They do so and go to bed as James246 tries and fails to cook some food.

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