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Scenario Design
Moderated by Yeebaagooon, nottud

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Topic Subject: Codename Ripto - RELEASED
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posted 20 July 2008 04:42 PM EDT (US)   
On this day one year ago I sent Koramei her playtesting assignment.
Any chance of getting it?

"Remember, Yeeb, you can only become seraph after alienating the entire forum " - Shanks13 - Done
"The game play on this was very fun, and only improved on the standard set by the first mission, it doesn't feel out of place at all, as a moderator and his colleagues, with his backseat moderating pals you go around righting the wrongs of the mystic forum, while doing things by the book to avoid upsetting Papaya, who at times appears more than happy to either let your political career fall through the trap door, or even end your AoMH experience (a bit drastic at times but the game has a poetic license). Along the way you will meet new friends, lose old ones to spammers and conspiring figures of pop culture who have nothing better to do, try new things, and uncover AoMH's darkest secrets..." - Terminator_Ace
"yay I made it out of the quotes list, "Celebrate good times, come on, Dum Dum Dum Dum, Dum Dum, Dum Dum, DUM DUM"!" - Caribdus

The golden rule of showcasing: Always underestimate your progress so you can put stuff in when you're being lazy and people will think you're working on it. Also makes you look like a super-robot when you do the last 20% in a week.
Current Scenario Size: 1.9 MB (Now bigger than the community RPG)
Current playing time: Probably around 3 hours.
Current lag time at start: Around 20 seconds.

*Wants to break 2000 triggers*

What is this / What have you done this time guys?

This singleplayer scenario is going to be an RPG that will chronicle my past, present and future at AoMH.

Take on the role of Yeebaagooon as the newly-promoted Cherub and battle Elite Smurfs and Spam Lords as you climb the ladder of power. Ban people, recruit allies and undergo Seraph Training with Zen in your quest to become the Seraph of AoMH and to stamp out the forces of Spam. The fate of AoMH is in your hands, and only you can save it from destruction in the final mission.

There will even be choice dialogs that change the outcome of the mission! Each mission is set within an HG forum/sector with great eyecandy, stunning music, an addictive and humourous storyline and breathtaking triggerwork. If your breath isn't taken away then I'll take it away for you !

I hope that this map has a lot of interest, and as it is singleplayer, progress should be a lot faster than most of my other maps. Each mission takes a while to make, test and perfect.

My first true singleplayer map should be a milestone in the Scenario Design experience. This map will also feature guest starts from AoMH and will try to be as faithful to the truth as possible (well, for the past at least ).

Planning Specifications

Completed Missions: 3
Approximate Total Missions: 6
Completed Cinematics: A lot
Secret Folders Filled: 0

Mission 1:

Location: Scenario Design Forum
Task: Recruit allies and ban a spammer
Level: Cherub
Complete, but needs to be easier.

After your promotion to Cherub, Paperfriend has noticed a spammer in the SD forum. He thinks this is the perfect opportunity to test his new partner in crime, and so he released you into the SD forum with the task of recruiting allies to help ban the spammer.

Unlocking the secret folder requires 101% completion.

Mission 2:

Location: The Halls Of Valhalla
Task: Undergo HOV training with Shanks & Botolf and then stamp out 5 Spam Lords before returning to correct an atrocity in the LPW.
Level: Cherub
Koramei, I'm still waiting for the playtesting report.

Your first assignment is to get the 2,500th post in the LPW and become more well known. The LPW can be a safe haven for your allies to heal, or it could be infested with spammers that will try and destroy you. Spammers will wander around threads and damage your allies, and it is up to you to ban them. This mission will have a great wandering system.

Unlocking the secret folder required 116% completion.

Mission 3:

Location: General Discussions
Task: Scenario Designers have been captured and forced to analyse recorded games and play supremacy. The Hordes of GD are busy at a forum party, so you must solve as many puzzles as you can before they return to the 999 fanfare!
This mission shall see Shanks face his arch nemesis; the horse penetration guy!
Level: Cherub
Awaiting playtesting reports.

Mission 4:

Location: Scenario Design
Task: Someone mysterious drugged the chocolate cake at the last FMT party, and Papaya ate the whole thing! Now Papaya has gone mad across SD, closing the 6th great and bountiful question thread (hosted by Yeebaagooon) and uploading naughty things to the DL section.
Now you have to buy forumers (with cookies) and undertake quests to get money in an attempt to bring Papaya out of his madness before the 4 corners of Scenario Design are destroyed.

Revolutionary new system where you target his stomach!
Level: Angel
A few tiny fixes.

Mission 5:

Location: HG Main
Task: Complete Seraph Training.
Level: Angel

It's time to become Seraph. But first Zen wants to find out how good you really are. You will have to learn how to ban people with lightning fast speed. You will also have to learn a few Seraph related tricks and of course, you will learn how to appear offline on MSN!

Mission 6:

Location: Unknown
Task: Unknown.
Level: Seraph *Satisfied smirk*
Difficulty: Unknown.

Oh, you'll love this one.

Characters (In a no particular order)
The main character. At the start of the scenario, Yeebaagoon is an ambitious Cherub and it is up to you to successfully guide him through his time at AoMH.
Papaya is the Seraph of AoMH at the start of the scenario. He bathes in a box of papayas in the boardroom.
Shanks 13
Starting off as a lowly Cherub, Shanks proves a valuable asset in the HOV mission, and becomes a dominant Seraph later in the scenario.
I Love Bananas
Like Shanks13, ILB starts as a Cherub and becomes a Seraph. He is quite a quiet Cherub, but when he becomes Seraph he sets some very challenging tasks.
Also a Cherub at the start, Botolf if a hilarious character who makes moderating in the HOV just that little bit more pleasant.
The starting angel who welcomes Yeebaagoon to Cherubhood and sets the first mission. Paperfriend later defects to a lesser heaven.
Baske is good for brute force. His training in martial arts has made him a perfect first line in combat. Yet he suffers from some mental issues...
Starting off upon his promotion, DragonQ is assigned to show Yeebaagooon round GD. He is helpful, and helps Yeebaagooon during these troublesomely elite times.
For now, Elrich maintains the Census and helps calm things down. He will also make his appearance as a new Cherub soon enough...
Out Reach
Usually the first character that can be recruited in the first mission, Out Reach is a very strong ally.
A strong unit with the added advantage of a ranged attack. Unfortunately, Mephiles never becomes a Cherub or else Yeebaagooon would be accused of bias.
A very strong SDer who can be recruited if he can be drawn away from his mapping skills.
The uncapitalised xefus is a menace to AoMH.
Has surprisingly good armour and is really useful as smurf fodder.
The restoring power of the AOMI is useful, but you cannot have both Banoffee and Firefax together.
Elite Smurf
These nasty pieces of work are the result of mass smurfing. If an Elite Smurf is present, it usually indicates the presence of a Spam Lord in the current mission.
, enough said, yes?
Michael Jackson
How did he get onto a forum full of children? And why is this guy always sided with the forces of spam?
This battle may be nasty...
The Pervert From Casino Royale
No map is complete without him . His devastating weaponry is to be feared.
Divine Lord and Master of HeavenGames. Zen is definitely the most powerful character, while he has his Super-Admin Control Panel.
You'll see him if you mess up a mission or undertake Seraph Training.
Rick Roll
The evil singer who is bound to show up somewhere.
The loyal Yeebaagooon worshipper who becomes a very valuable asset.
Former owner of the LPW, Nitro_Tractor is based in the HOV and exerts some influence on everyone else when he wants to stop spam.
503 Errors
Mystic, unknown and terrifying. Watch out as these guys start to fly round the HOV.
Remember that spam-bot from the HOV? He's back!
A very influential character, Beany has many weapons at his disposal and can corrupt almost anyone. His true allegiance has yet to be revealed.
Aloft his eyecandy stallion, Brightgalrs is one of the many scenario designers captured by GD. He is trapped behind rotary forcefields.
Roxas and Alex
Both sporeians are trapped with only the limited edition creature creator for comfort. But when Alex is freed, he later becomes Seraph of Spore Heaven.
You seem to using the well known scum strategy of posting in this thread.
Can you play Mafia? You're about to find out...
Bingo Little
Chained up in GD with only a rusty saw that cannot possibly saw through his chains...

I smell an obscure movie reference.
Epic Commander
The frequent HOVer who runs around making sure things are in order.
Not a very good ninja if the switch to release him is right behind him.
The grand modder is the first victim of GD's scheme you come across. He explains what has happened and sets up the storyline for Mission 3.
If you're a mod, you'll understand this reference .
Sneaky Squirrel
A scenario designer who can only be freed by his friends.
Shanks13's arch nemesis.

"Perma banned. Confirmed horse penetration." - Shanks13
The trigger prodigy, who has been forced to analyse vanilla recorded games in GD.
Nacht Jager
The soon to be Cherub contemplates his fate in GD, trapped by a perplexing riddle.
what is your rate?
These guys lead the review team into combat against Papaya's naughty uploads. They are both very strong in combat.
Fear his uber rate. i_r_n00b is one of the deadliest people in GD and is to be avoided at all costs.
Captain Janeway
The toughest lady in Starfleet is around. Follow the 47s...
Death And Pain
A hero who puts an end to many horrors in GD. DAP is later made Cherub in the technical help forum.
Eyecandy legend, Oscar is here! He resides in his eyecandy palace and can command the power of eyecandy.
A chicken who spends most of the time pecking about in Yeebaagooon's back garden.
The former Question Thread crusader has now been reduced to a drug addict. He lies outside Yeebaagooon's house begging for food.
A member of the review team who helps stop Papaya's pr0n upload in the DL section.
Anno Dominius
The loyal roman presides atop his Roman balcony where he can easily address his senators.
Lazy Warhero
The screenshot artist in mission 4, who needs protection from 503 errors.
James Hook
The omni-annoying eater of no hats presides in the chaos he creates in mission 4. He will later lodge an unban request that can either be graciously accepted, allowing the present James Hook we all know and love, or cruelly rejected by the vindictive Seraph-in-training; Yeebaagooon.
The screenshot creator who dared defy Yeebaagooon now suffers his wrath in 3.1 surround sound and HD.
Sped along by his godly triggers, invent00r is a very powerful warrior.
The legendary eyecandier complete with evil cauldron can be found in SD attempting various satanic eyecandy rituals.
HeavenGames forum ninja, with limitless access.
Crazed Ewok
Crazed is the FMT chair, charged with training Shanks13 in the arts of FMT.
The flambouyant Seraphs Director gives the player a hearty congratulations at the end of the scenario.
Ex-AoMHer Socvazius has now risen up to become one of the most powerful figures of HeavenGames.
Zen's right hand lady is a prominent and highly respected figure across HeavenGames. GillB is a member of the EXCO.
Jayhawk commands all operations at HeavenGames. The friendly changer of titles jumps in at the end of the scenario with a surprising dialogue.

Other Characters:

There are a lot more, and some haven't been added. I update the above list almost as frequently as VG Cats.

There are more characters, but saying them would spoil the plot .

Please note that some of those screenshots seriously need updating!

More characters and locations will be posted as they are made. The HOV characters will be up when the second mission has been made.

Super Bonus Round

There will be several zipped folders included with the scenario that are password protected. Baske and I have filled them with goodies and you will have to complete a mission to 101% to get the password.

The final folder requires completion of all mission to 101%, and then you will be given a not so hard riddle to solve. If you fully complete the map and get this password, you will at last be able to look upon a real picture of me!

(Oh, and I'll be using TriggersToOne to stop you cheating !)


I will need some people to help me playtest this map, please post if you would like to test. You may only be allowed to test one mission, and I hope to release Mission 1 as a demo on its own. Playtesters will be expected to use a format similar to the review guidelines when feeding back. I expect at least 5 lines of evaluation in most of the points I specify. Thanks.

Playtesters (Key)
Have not been sent the scenario.
Awaiting Report.
Report is unacceptable and must be redone.
Report Complete.
Report complete with optional re-test.

The final list.

Guard of Olympus

In Game Screenshots

Sorry about the white, blame the jpegs (pngs with sexy trasparency are too large to show).

Only putting up a few, I will put some up later so it will look like I am working on it!

Ripto Newsletter

The newsletters keep you updated and usually contain a teaser clip. If you can't be bothered to check the thread, post in bold with your email address and I will subscribe you to the newsletters. Every time a ne wone is posted, you will be emailed a link like the one below.

Newsletter 1
Newsletter 2
Newsletter 3
Newsletter 4
Newsletter 5
Newsletter X
Newsletter 1000
Newsletter 8
Newsletter 9

PS. Please don't say 'ADD ME! ADD ME!' I will add quite a lot of people. If you say 'ADD ME' it will remind me the first time, but completely ruin the chances of you appearing the second time.

Other Credit:
Elrich for Mission 6 eyecandy
Eyecandy Of Doom for the staff boardroom
TBK145 for "TBK145's Shrine to Yeebaagooon"
Brighgalrs for "Brightgalrs' house"


N.B. This thread is NOT a conspiracy against Papaya or Shanks. They know I love them. This is supposed to be a humourous and completely fictional scenario. Mwahahahahahahaha!

______________________________________ Yeebaagooon ______________________________________
____________________ AoMH Seraph ____________________
"You can't trust yeebaagooon to lead a rebelion, He would send everyone to steal mirrors so he could bask in his own brilliance." - Out Reach
"Yeebaagooon had never seen a more handsome man in all his life. He couldn't control himself, He needed to act. Gripping the mirror in his strong arms he kissed the figure before him..." - Out Reach
AoMH: Unfinished Scenarios|Singleplayer: Codename Ripto|Multiplayer: Minigames Z|CSC 7
Ex Seraphs Dictator, Spore Heaven Seraph

[This message has been edited by Yeebaagooon (edited 09-02-2009 @ 09:38 AM).]

posted 20 July 2008 04:47 PM EDT (US)     1 / 1939  
Oh my god....amazing

||||||||||||||||My Videos||||||||||||||||
Roxas, his heart was human, yet because of his status as a being his fate was sealed since he was born. How many times must humanity judge others like that as well without giving them a fair chance?

"It would be very irresponsible of me to give you my thoughts as you are clearly incapable of handling the ones you already have" ~some guy in OD
posted 20 July 2008 04:50 PM EDT (US)     2 / 1939  
posted 20 July 2008 04:53 PM EDT (US)     3 / 1939  
Looks awesome .

Exilian Patrician
| SotK |

Valour is the contempt of death and pain. - Tacitus
posted 20 July 2008 04:54 PM EDT (US)     4 / 1939  
Can I playtest?

Cerberus- The three headed guard dog who guards the entrance to Hades; son of Typhon.
posted 20 July 2008 04:54 PM EDT (US)     5 / 1939  
Very very nice

Scenario Scriptor for Reverie World Studios
posted 20 July 2008 05:02 PM EDT (US)     6 / 1939  
well you finally announced it. Good job!
posted 20 July 2008 05:10 PM EDT (US)     7 / 1939  
Thanks . Tartarian, do you want to test Mission 1 on its own or M2 aswell?

As dedication to the truth:

In mission 2 when you try to win Nitro's LPW, if you fail Roxas wins it.

As for the M2 finale, need I say more?

Need to update the Elrich screenshot. Baske has brought the HOV to life with stunning eye candy. I have to wear sunglasses when creating this map now.

______________________________________ Yeebaagooon ______________________________________
____________________ AoMH Seraph ____________________
"You can't trust yeebaagooon to lead a rebelion, He would send everyone to steal mirrors so he could bask in his own brilliance." - Out Reach
"Yeebaagooon had never seen a more handsome man in all his life. He couldn't control himself, He needed to act. Gripping the mirror in his strong arms he kissed the figure before him..." - Out Reach
AoMH: Unfinished Scenarios|Singleplayer: Codename Ripto|Multiplayer: Minigames Z|CSC 7
Ex Seraphs Dictator, Spore Heaven Seraph

[This message has been edited by Yeebaagooon (edited 07-20-2008 @ 05:13 PM).]

posted 20 July 2008 05:14 PM EDT (US)     8 / 1939  
Whatever you want.

Cerberus- The three headed guard dog who guards the entrance to Hades; son of Typhon.
posted 20 July 2008 06:11 PM EDT (US)     9 / 1939  
I'd be glad to playtest your life 0_O.

Spooky...but I'll playtest all I can get to though.

Hurray I am captured, this sure is gonna be fun.

The Gods have left us, therefore making the old world crumble and turn into ashes...

But as the gods return, from the ashes of the old world, shall rise a more beautiful and powerful new world, and life will begin once more, if they hadn't closed...dang you ES.
posted 20 July 2008 06:37 PM EDT (US)     10 / 1939  
Is Baske the one helping you? I thought Meph would be doing it. anyways, good job on some parts!

I especially like the scenario design center. How on earth did you do this path?!

oh and yeebie, check the edit history of this post

[This message has been edited by Eyecandy of Doom (edited 07-20-2008 @ 06:38 PM).]

posted 20 July 2008 06:39 PM EDT (US)     11 / 1939  
Wow, that sounds brilliant. Is it playable on AOM and AOMT or just AOMT only?
posted 20 July 2008 06:59 PM EDT (US)     12 / 1939  
Cool, I'm in the supremacy one.
Am I some sort of guy stuck in the stone archaic age banging rocks together because I refuse to upgrade?

Looks pretty interesting. Good luck!

[This message has been edited by HailToTheOboe (edited 07-20-2008 @ 07:00 PM).]

posted 20 July 2008 07:00 PM EDT (US)     13 / 1939  
I have to say this looks fantastic. The eyecandy is really impressive and the plot sounds great! There's a tendency to reduce quality when creating humorous scenarios but this looks to be better than anything released in a long while... good luck with it, can't wait

ROME: 78 BC | | | | | THE LOST RUINS
Rome in your hands | Of Ancient Mesoamerica


AOMh Member since 2004
posted 20 July 2008 07:12 PM EDT (US)     14 / 1939  
I'll playtest if you like.

Exilian Patrician
| SotK |

Valour is the contempt of death and pain. - Tacitus
posted 20 July 2008 07:22 PM EDT (US)     15 / 1939  
funny funny funny...great showcase ripe with AOMH humor. I can't wait to play it..

"If you fully complete the map and get this password, you will at last be able to look upon a real picture of me!"

I already know what you look like, Yeeb:

In all your science of the mind, seeking blind through flesh and bone
Find the blood inside this stone
Well, I know I've never shown what I feel, I've always known
I plan my vengeance on my own - and I was always alone
posted 20 July 2008 08:25 PM EDT (US)     16 / 1939  
This looks interesting. I'd wanna playtest if I had the time, but quite obviously I cannot.

Nitro holds influence? Interesting..
posted 20 July 2008 09:04 PM EDT (US)     17 / 1939  

Looks great Yee. And with Baske helping with eyecandy you can't go wrong. Though I have no idea what it has to do with Spyro's arch nemesis.

I never asked for this.
posted 21 July 2008 01:52 AM EDT (US)     18 / 1939  
It's just a name .

Thanks for the comments everyone. I'll try and get some playtesting rolling today.

I really want to tell you about the Mission 9 plot because it's the best and the funniest - but my spoiler senses say no.

@ rjs

TT, of course .

______________________________________ Yeebaagooon ______________________________________
____________________ AoMH Seraph ____________________
"You can't trust yeebaagooon to lead a rebelion, He would send everyone to steal mirrors so he could bask in his own brilliance." - Out Reach
"Yeebaagooon had never seen a more handsome man in all his life. He couldn't control himself, He needed to act. Gripping the mirror in his strong arms he kissed the figure before him..." - Out Reach
AoMH: Unfinished Scenarios|Singleplayer: Codename Ripto|Multiplayer: Minigames Z|CSC 7
Ex Seraphs Dictator, Spore Heaven Seraph

[This message has been edited by Yeebaagooon (edited 07-21-2008 @ 02:57 AM).]

posted 21 July 2008 01:57 AM EDT (US)     19 / 1939  
Today? As in today today? 'cause I can actually playtest in the next few hours. If they start soon.
posted 21 July 2008 03:06 AM EDT (US)     20 / 1939  
I wouldn't mind being featured.

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posted 21 July 2008 03:19 AM EDT (US)     21 / 1939  
Think you're dancing round the LPW at the end of M2, but added anyway.

______________________________________ Yeebaagooon ______________________________________
____________________ AoMH Seraph ____________________
"You can't trust yeebaagooon to lead a rebelion, He would send everyone to steal mirrors so he could bask in his own brilliance." - Out Reach
"Yeebaagooon had never seen a more handsome man in all his life. He couldn't control himself, He needed to act. Gripping the mirror in his strong arms he kissed the figure before him..." - Out Reach
AoMH: Unfinished Scenarios|Singleplayer: Codename Ripto|Multiplayer: Minigames Z|CSC 7
Ex Seraphs Dictator, Spore Heaven Seraph
posted 21 July 2008 04:01 AM EDT (US)     22 / 1939  
No Cirrow....>.<
Make me a villian...Theris....
Wait, didn't we talk about this on msn? :P
posted 21 July 2008 04:09 AM EDT (US)     23 / 1939  
You're in Mission 1 . And you're not a villain.

______________________________________ Yeebaagooon ______________________________________
____________________ AoMH Seraph ____________________
"You can't trust yeebaagooon to lead a rebelion, He would send everyone to steal mirrors so he could bask in his own brilliance." - Out Reach
"Yeebaagooon had never seen a more handsome man in all his life. He couldn't control himself, He needed to act. Gripping the mirror in his strong arms he kissed the figure before him..." - Out Reach
AoMH: Unfinished Scenarios|Singleplayer: Codename Ripto|Multiplayer: Minigames Z|CSC 7
Ex Seraphs Dictator, Spore Heaven Seraph
posted 21 July 2008 04:14 AM EDT (US)     24 / 1939  
Good heavens, I haven't posted in an LPW for... several LPWS

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posted 21 July 2008 05:10 AM EDT (US)     25 / 1939  
Forgot to mention the eyecandy is excellent. You've really gotten better Yeeb.
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Age of Mythology Heaven » Forums » Scenario Design » Codename Ripto - RELEASED
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