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Topic Subject: How would you like to see your huge modpack to be stored and played in one BAR?
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posted 14 September 2004 08:01 AM EDT (US)   
The installation revolution

I. Introduction

As many of you certainly know, modding projects for AoM need a huge number of files to be installed. All those files are difficult for beginners and annoying for professionals to install and administrate. For instance, King Jared's great project "The Last Stand Of Atlantis" will have to have about 200-300 files to be installed. ES used the BAR archives to store their files comfortably. I wanted to use that method too, and so I contacted one of the most important persons of the modding community ever; Ykkrosh, the creator of AoMED. With his comprehensive knowledge we succeeded to enable the most complex projects to be installed and played in nearly only one BAR archive!

With this method, the administration and installation of mods and complex campaigns will be revolutionarily easy.

II. What to do first

Everyone has to DL the BAR loading mod (only about 2 MB). Extract the file, and run the *.exe. This will extract three files on your PC:


These have to placed in the AoM folder. To run the game with the mods, simply use this *.exe instead of the normal one.


This small program is needed to create BAR archives. Place it anywhere you like.

If you only plan to play upcoming projects (see the list at the end of the article) that use this method, don't read further. The only thing you need to know is that you will have to use the modified *.exe instead of the normal one when you wish to play the projects. You can't use this file for multiplayer games though.

III. Here we go, creating new BAR archives

At first, all you need to do is to create a new folder with the name of the BAR you'd like to get. In this example I'll use "MyNewBar".

Don't forget to create subfolders in the folder if you need them. For example, the subfolder "icons" in the textures(2).bar. "history2" is an exception, in this case you'll have to determine the whole original path, i.e. make a subfolder called "history2" with the folders "units" and "techs" if you wish to add history information. You don't need to create subfolders for other filetypes though, except subfolders in the original BARs, like I mentioned before, for example "icons".

Now put all your files in the folder. Anims, models, scenarios, whatever. There're only three exceptions that I'll mention at the end of this guide. Don't forget to use the subfolders if you need them (for example "icons").

Here's an example what the content of the folder looks like for King Jared's "Motsognir The Mighty" Modpack.

If your folder is ready, simply drag the whole thing over the barbuild.exe. Remember, double-clicking the program will only open information how to use it.

Then it'll create the BAR for you. Move it in your AoM folder.

Okay, now all what we need to do now is to load the BAR into the game. Therefore the barlist.txt was made, it determines the BARs that are loaded. Open it and enter the name of your BAR in it, then save it. Remember, lines with semicolons (";") are ignored, so don't put one in front of your BAR's name.

We're done. You can now open AoMtT through the aomxmod.exe file and use the files.

III. Additional, important notes

1. Three filetypes cannot be stored in BAR files: Campaign scripts (*.cpx), AI files (*.xs) and the xpacklanguage.dll. If you use them, you'll have to place them in the game folders like we did before. All other files can be stored in your single BAR though.
2. XML files are not fully accepted in BARs. XMBs are always necessary. Sometimes you'll only need the XMB (like the protox.xmb), and sometimes you'll need both the XMB and XML (like soundsets-xpack.XMB/XML or the sound settings files for units). If you're not sure, please search the original BARs to find out how it's done.
3. The higher a mod is in the barlist.txt, the higher priority it has. I.e. when you've several mods installed and they use the same file, the file of the first one in the list will be used. So put your current favorite at the top.
4. Files in the game folders still have the highest priority. I.e. if there's a protox.xmb or xml in the data folder, the one inside your BAR will be ignored.
5. Of course more than one BAR can be loaded, simply write all the BAR's names in the list. Consider point #3, though.
6. *.lgt files in BARs will show up at the end of the light settings list in the editor, not in alphabetical order. They will be used properly though.

IV. Projects that'll use this method so far:

King Jared's Last Stand of Atlantis,
The Vandhaal's The Rhinegold,
AoMM/MC's LotR project,
FlipBizcut's updated Hive Spiders,
and eXtinction's I-39 and its demo.

Use it for your mod/campaign too! Simply write a short readme that says in brief that the user has to use the modified *.exe and to write the BAR's name at the top of the barlist.txt.

All credit goes to Ykkrosh, who has modified the *.exe and written the barbuild program!

Many many thanks Ykkrosh! We all love you !

Before anyone asks why I posted this, I contacted and motivated Ykkrosh to help us out, and we agreed that I will announce the project. Thanks for reading!

[This message has been edited by AoMPlayer000 (edited 10-04-2004 @ 02:22 PM).]

posted 14 September 2004 08:42 AM EDT (US)     1 / 39  
Much better than I expected.
This is really really great. Not only it loads them in one bar (instead of one for each tpye as I had expected), but you can turn mods on and off without a problem.

I'm downloading this and trying it out immediately.

Whoever's in charge of the news, this should get frontpaged.

I wonder.... would it be possible to use this as an alternative to zip files... or can bars only store certain file types?
Because these seem more efficient.

Wildfire games 0 A. D. texture artist.
Rest In Peace, Flipbizcut (1979-2005)

[This message may have been edited by Dnas (edited 49-92-4096 @ 42:93 PM).]

posted 14 September 2004 08:49 AM EDT (US)     2 / 39  
Wow, I never thought you could do this, im trying this out straigt away!

NOOOO I forgot, some reason I cant get into the downloads section anymore!!! *is very upset*

Hey AOMplayer000, could you email me those files at

if you didtn realize the
(at)=@ and the (dot)= .

[This message has been edited by Centurion_13 (edited 09-14-2004 @ 09:01 AM).]

posted 14 September 2004 09:29 AM EDT (US)     3 / 39  

Quoted from Dnas:

I wonder.... would it be possible to use this as an alternative to zip files... or can bars only store certain file types?
Because these seem more efficient.

Well, I think they can store every file type. AoM simply can't use all of them. And they're no real alternative, because they don't compress the files at all. So, it's only nice for AoM. Actually very nice .

Centurion, I sent you the eMail.

Quoted from Centurion:

if you didtn realize the
(at)=@ and the (dot)= .

Ahem... No comment .

EDIT: I get Mail Delivery Errors. Anything wrong with your account?

Post your questions right here, people.

And never forget: Ykkrosh made/modified those files, not me! Thanks again!

[This message has been edited by AoMPlayer000 (edited 09-14-2004 @ 09:38 AM).]

posted 14 September 2004 11:43 AM EDT (US)     4 / 39  
Nice one! Should be useful to designers everywhere
posted 14 September 2004 11:53 AM EDT (US)     5 / 39  
This looks very good, I'm going to try this out!

|| Cherub at AoE3H
|| In honor of FlipBizcut
|| Mod: The Age of Crusades
posted 14 September 2004 12:13 PM EDT (US)     6 / 39  
Thanks. Remember, if you got a big & promising project and plan to use the method, I'll put it on the list if you want to. Centurion, read the edited reply #3, please.
posted 14 September 2004 01:58 PM EDT (US)     7 / 39  
Yikes...This is Extremly nice. Definatly a must for a modder. Never knew it would be possible but I stand corrected.

Great job guys...Extremly impressive.

This should definatly be on the front site news.

Hey AoMPlayer000..Could you ask Ykkrosh If I could get his e-mail addy "Don't ever see him around here so I can't ask him directly"...I need to ask him a few things about a project me and Dnas are working on.

Him, you or who ever can e-mail it here "FlipBizcutDragonATgmailDOTcom" incase he don't want spamminators getting a hold of it.

Would Be Greatly Appreciated.

£¿ïþß첩û £¤® ~ ¿ïØûîÐ £í® §üÐ줧
Ô¿ÿmþîåñ §â££ ã §ÅÇ
Gravity is a myth, the Earth sucks.
posted 14 September 2004 02:11 PM EDT (US)     8 / 39  
He actually published his eMail address. Have a look at his profile. I'm glad the method is welcomed BTW, thanks.
posted 14 September 2004 03:23 PM EDT (US)     9 / 39  
what happens if i have an MP scenario and i store it in a .BAR file? will it be able to be play online?

dude, Ykkrosh you rule man! thanx alot. and thanx aom for writing this down and inspiring Ykkrosh!

Auron: || Aurons Site || Aurons AoM:TT Creations || MY POETRY WEBSITE ||
posted 14 September 2004 04:54 PM EDT (US)     10 / 39  
Why did you post a "" smiley?

And for the MP games, I don't think so, because both players need to have the same version, and I don't think AoM sends a scn out of a BAR to another player. If you're looking for copy protection, hang on.

posted 14 September 2004 05:00 PM EDT (US)     11 / 39  
ahhh make me be! sanitarium, just leave me alone!

i like that smiliey

Auron: || Aurons Site || Aurons AoM:TT Creations || MY POETRY WEBSITE ||
posted 14 September 2004 09:42 PM EDT (US)     12 / 39  
Well the email should have worked but it doesnt matter, I secretly downloaded it at school and sent it to myself. But thanks for trying. Goodwork.

But incase I got it wrong its

posted 14 September 2004 09:52 PM EDT (US)     13 / 39  


If you're looking for copy protection, hang on.

Could this be a hint for another "Better" version in the future?

Not that I can see it getting any better then this.

£¿ïþß첩û £¤® ~ ¿ïØûîÐ £í® §üÐ줧
Ô¿ÿmþîåñ §â££ ã §ÅÇ
Gravity is a myth, the Earth sucks.
posted 14 September 2004 10:36 PM EDT (US)     14 / 39  
Age of Mythology: Star Wars will use this.

Why vote
for a

BUSH |*=|

posted 15 September 2004 08:34 AM EDT (US)     15 / 39  


Could this be a hint for another "Better" version in the future?

No, not exactly. Wait and maybe there'll be sth interesting, but rather for the design community. Isn't related to this topic.

Has actually anyone really tried it out already and maybe encountered problems?

[This message has been edited by AoMPlayer000 (edited 09-15-2004 @ 08:35 AM).]

posted 15 September 2004 08:43 AM EDT (US)     16 / 39  
Ill be trying it out when I get some spare time and I have something to put in it. I really like this idea.

EDIT: I might just update on of my old mods with this format.

EDIT2: Also the zip should come with a readme because this topic is not going to be hanging around the top forever.

[This message has been edited by Centurion_13 (edited 09-15-2004 @ 08:44 AM).]

posted 15 September 2004 08:53 AM EDT (US)     17 / 39  
Just link to this topic in the downloads place.

When is this going to get a frontpage.

I'll test this out when distributing the modpack to the mappers.

It will be so easy to update as well. Just send them a new bar.

Hmmm.... read-protected bar files might also be nice.... if it's even possible.

Wildfire games 0 A. D. texture artist.
Rest In Peace, Flipbizcut (1979-2005)

[This message may have been edited by Dnas (edited 49-92-4096 @ 42:93 PM).]

posted 15 September 2004 09:05 AM EDT (US)     18 / 39  
Dnas, the copy protection will be completely different, if it actually will be .
posted 15 September 2004 09:24 AM EDT (US)     19 / 39  


He actually published his eMail address. Have a look at his profile.

Spammers have had my address for about seven years, so I see no reason to start hiding it now


Just link to this topic in the downloads place

Already done that (Although I can't figure out how to actually do a clickable link...)


read-protected bar files

Read-protecting a BAR file is easy -- just delete it. But if you still want AoM to read it (without AOMEd or BAR Explorer or MultiEx being able to), I think that's a lot less possible.
posted 15 September 2004 09:50 AM EDT (US)     20 / 39  


Already done that (Although I can't figure out how to actually do a clickable link...)

It's unfortunately not possible. It's OK though.
posted 15 September 2004 03:29 PM EDT (US)     21 / 39  
Since it seems I am the first to try it out "Not really understanding this because anytime I download a new toy I have to try it out asap" I will report all experiances i had with the program.

First try I did I made my folder with all the sub folders "textures, models, anim, data and such", moved all my mod files into the correct folders and then dropped my main folder into barbuilder. Everything went smooth as silk and really fast. I was expecting the barbuilder to take longer but it didn't which is great.

Next I went to the bar txt file as you mentioned above and entered the name of my bar file into the top list "with out the ;" and then fired up the mod exe version of AoM.

Problem I ran into, The game engine did't load up my protox.xmb file in the bar file. I removed the original modified protox files from the data folder in AoM's directory and everything...But I think I know what I did wrong. When I made my folder to be made into a bar file I placed the textures in a texture folder and moved it into my bar mods folder...You stated in the article above that only the History2 folder and the Icons folder need to be made...the rest of the files "brg, ddt and such" do Not need thier own folder...just thrown into the main folder Just like it is in AoM's original bar files. Hense the protox file in my bar file wouldnt work because it was located in a data folder in my bar file...So AomMod.exe didnt read it and didnt load it right..

So the bottom line is I just messed up making my bar file via folders. I plan on trying it out again today and seeing if this will correct the problem which I am sure it will.

Also I will be updating my Hive Spider's to version 1.6 using the BarLoader program so I guess you could add it to the list if you like.

£¿ïþß첩û £¤® ~ ¿ïØûîÐ £í® §üÐ줧
Ô¿ÿmþîåñ §â££ ã §ÅÇ
Gravity is a myth, the Earth sucks.
posted 17 September 2004 12:42 PM EDT (US)     22 / 39  
Thank you . Besides, it seems like my photobucket got "deleted", the pics aren't up any longer and I can't access my album (error 404). Could someone have hacked it or so or is it normal that albums "vanish" after a certain amount of time?
posted 17 September 2004 12:57 PM EDT (US)     23 / 39  
Yeah, they were experiencing some techinical problems with lots of peoples accounts, so I made a new one, but they should be back up...

\/)o o(\/
( (Y) )
______(,,) (,,)______
This is a Dog
I hope this clears some confusion!
posted 18 September 2004 12:35 PM EDT (US)     24 / 39  
Pics are up again...
posted 03 October 2004 06:14 AM EDT (US)     25 / 39  
I havnt tested out all the possibilities yet. But would it be possible to have three or four custom bars loaded and listed but only one contain the needed protox?

Like I make a HUUUUGE mod pack...Has over a hundred textures, 200 models, 300 wav files and so on and so forth...Could I make a bar for my textures along...then one for my models and blah blah blah...But say In on of those bar files I place the protox file and Then list the bar files and the whole thing work right?

And NOOO for those modder stalkers out there...I am not working on a giant mod pack such as this atm...Unless you counted KoM . Was just wonder in case I dooo.

£¿ïþß첩û £¤® ~ ¿ïØûîÐ £í® §üÐ줧
Ô¿ÿmþîåñ §â££ ã §ÅÇ
Gravity is a myth, the Earth sucks.
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