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AoW2/SM Play By Email (Turn Logs)
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Topic Subject: #Aow:SM Random 4_6_UGL (BB-Ink-Un-Wsk-ark-Rhn)
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posted 06-16-08 10:56 AM EDT (US)   
This is a large map generated randomly and heavily tweaked for six players. The wizards positions are not symmetrical but I did certain modifications for a better balance. Some of you may find yourselves close to each other but as long as you don't want to go for war at once, there're many other options to expand your empire.

The underground is heavily modified as the original random map blanked most of it. If you are blocked from each other on the surface by river or mountains, underground will be a large battle field. I have a feeling that most of the combats will take place down here.

As I want the map to have a strategic style, there are many strategic points on the map (both surface and underground) where one single stack can defense many stacks of the enemies.

Although, I took balance to be the first priority, the map is pretty much made from random map generator with only few hours of tweaking and it was not play tested. Therefore I can not guarantee a perfect balance.

The map is epic with many structures. However, I still give each wizard a pioneer at start. Build outpost is on, so feel free to amass them if you think you need to.

Feedback and comments on the map are welcome.

Game options:

Build Outpost: On
Surrender: Off
Item Forge: Off
Allied victory: Off

Turn order:

1.Bluebaby: Archons with Scholar (redhaven12 at

2.Inkognito: Halflings with Explorer and Decadence (t_zobbe at yahoo dot dk)

3.Charx: Undead with Conqueror (charx at gmx dot net)

4.Unnapu: Tigrans with Expander (unnapu at gmail dot com)

5.albinscott : Dragonians with Scholar ( albinscott at gmail dot com)

6.Rheno: Orcs with Constructor (pjvw at live dot nl) ibobs .... (ibobs at hotmail dot com naecO : nguyen dot huyhai at gmail dot com

***Note: I forgot to fill Rheno's address during ame setup, albinscott should send his turn to Rheno's e-mail address, not mine. Thanks !

I'd advise all the players to add your fellow players email address to your mail contacts. This will prevent your game turn from falling into spam folder or being blocked by your mail provider.

Good luck and enjoy !

Edit: Edited by Unnapu, with naecO's permission, to update Charx's entrance.

Edit: ibobs replaced Rheno on August 7th 2009

Edit: naecO replaced ibobs on August 24th 2009

Tired of manually receiving/sending your PBEM turns everyday ? Try out Dave's PBEM Wrapper!

[This message has been edited by naecO (edited 08-24-2009 @ 04:37 AM).]

posted 04-02-09 08:19 PM EDT (US)     241 / 381  
Ambir, the insurance holder, day 35

Moving forward and helping White Skull in every possible way: Fredrick will have a very short life!

posted 04-03-09 05:56 AM EDT (US)     242 / 381  
We did indeed loose yet again many units. They took some of the halflings to the grave though so our secondary army killed them the remaining army. Let's hoep there is not to many of these bugger s hiding around as we lost almost our complete army. Help is on the way, but will it be in time!?
posted 04-03-09 01:55 PM EDT (US)     243 / 381  
Archons, day 36

Bad luck today, our quest against the Undead failed. Frederick was too optimistic about the strength of his men and attacked two rich stacks of evil folk. He must have been drunk, actually, I have no other explanation for this! - Well, now he is dead and I have no means to punish him.

Although I am hilarious about Halflings' astounding row of success, I must say they are in a bad shape as a consequence. We will see if bloodthirsty Ashela will dare for the rest.

[This message has been edited by Bluebaby (edited 04-03-2009 @ 01:56 PM).]

posted 04-04-09 09:44 AM EDT (US)     244 / 381  
Halflings, day 36

Since my banishment is imminent I feel that I need to divulge the mystery of the demise of Perses.

On the second last day of his reign Perses contacted me. He told me of his predicament and asked if he could borrow my tower in exchange for some assets.

I thought that could be an interesting idea; no one would know, so it wouldn't upset my standings with Gabriel.
I moved out my troops and handed over my tower city.

When Perses was banished the next turn his death was then postponed as he made ready to reappear at my tower.

Now, this is where we made a huge mistake.
Believing he was save Perses gave me back my tower. None of us had foreseen the consequences of this action.

As I accepted the tower back I instantly got the message that Perses had been defeated.
We just hadn't thought about that.

Well, I didn't want to say too much about it since it could hurt my diplomatic position; but now of course that doesn't matter.

[This message has been edited by Inkognito (edited 04-04-2009 @ 09:44 AM).]

posted 04-06-09 05:40 AM EDT (US)     245 / 381  
The Skull, day 36

Harhar! The dead is still alive! Frederic tried his fists vs Rautar and Petrog, but obviously i am very good at teaching my heroes how to cheat the dices.

posted 04-06-09 05:34 PM EDT (US)     246 / 381  
Ambir, day 36

We feel that the special insurance doesn't make sense anymore, so we will spend it right away in sun bathing suits.

We've learned something new with that whole Perses' Tower issue!

posted 04-07-09 05:33 AM EDT (US)     247 / 381  

Yet another color was added to our name today as our hero Ashela annihalated the pathetic Halflings.Two of the Orc enemies have now fallen. Although we must admid he showed some good resistance none can withstand the power of the Orcs. His tower was taken with minimal losses. Now we orcs find ourselfs without an enemy. Our generals are confused and our soldiers wonder what their next obective is. For now we are securing the remaining Halfling structures. We sent out a warning to all other races. Do not stnad in our way and do not seize those strucuteres from under our nose! IT WILL BE CONSIDERED AN ACT OF WAR AND WAR HE WILL GET!!!

@ Inkognito, thank you for the game. It was really fun. I have to say though that your position is a difficult one, being surrounded by so many enemies.
posted 04-07-09 01:11 PM EDT (US)     248 / 381  
Archons, day 37

Pha! - Skulkan is decorating his flag .. as if he deserved to wear the red one! - The Halflings .. my dear! I praise their courage and dourness; may their spirits fare well through eternal land.

Yet, my virgin is shocked! She refuses to cast any more prophecies. Too much blood has been flowing, she says. - Goodness, it is true! But I keep silence about this incident before my men in the fields; what should they think of it?

Ambir and the Undead guy received a little blow today, but also a great town has been taken away from us by Lizard people. - The situation is weird! I need a new ally, but who is there left willing to ally?

@Inkognito: Farewell, true friend! I hope you will be there for another edition of the history of the world as we knew it.

[This message has been edited by Bluebaby (edited 04-07-2009 @ 01:15 PM).]

posted 04-07-09 06:51 PM EDT (US)     249 / 381  
Halflings, day 37

It was nice playing with you all these 9 months (has it really been that long?).

I will probably join another random game in the future, hope to play with you again.

I will be watching you from the void...
posted 04-08-09 03:26 AM EDT (US)     250 / 381  
The Skull, day 37

It is always sad when another wizard leaves the world, even if you haven't met him yet. But i do believe that the void is a wonderful place, with a lot of blood to drink and maybe even naked vampires. So keep your head up, and maybe we will meet each other again in another world if you decide that all the joy in the void becomes too boring for you.

posted 04-08-09 05:24 AM EDT (US)     251 / 381  
Ambir, day 37

Hail to the halflings, our brothers in sizes! Your spirit lives on.

posted 04-09-09 12:07 PM EDT (US)     252 / 381  
Archons, day 38 - And Then There Were Four ...

Finally we took revenge for Frederick and smashed a small army of the White Skull, including Estragon - or what her name ever was. We came a day too late, unfortunately, to rescue the Elven village from migration.

[This message has been edited by Bluebaby (edited 04-09-2009 @ 01:01 PM).]

posted 04-12-09 08:47 AM EDT (US)     253 / 381  
The Skull, day 38

Her name was Estra, not Estragon. In fact she was a hero, not a medicamentation. But she did not like her company anyway, and so maybe you freed her in some way...

posted 04-12-09 08:48 PM EDT (US)     254 / 381  
Ambir, day 38

Titans walk the earth.

posted 04-25-09 11:43 AM EDT (US)     255 / 381  

Turn sent
posted 04-26-09 06:42 AM EDT (US)     256 / 381  
Archons, day 39 - Path to Victory

Despite all threats and perils our victorious troops are ever marching on!
posted 04-26-09 12:54 PM EDT (US)     257 / 381  
The Skull, day 39

Titans walk through my land... and underground, we won a painful battle agains an evil mixture of cheap cannon-fodder. Gods, these frostlings are a good counter against bats.


PS: Do they aim the bats on purpose? Or is it just luck?
posted 04-26-09 03:07 PM EDT (US)     258 / 381  
Ambir, day 39

...and Manticores fly across the skies.

posted 05-04-09 09:29 AM EDT (US)     259 / 381  

Playtime is over. The Gods have looked upon this earth and decided it was time for the Archon race to leave this world. They no longer are the guardians of this world. Now the orcs will march.. Side by side with undead and dragonkin. Soon this world will be rid of the archon evil
posted 05-08-09 01:57 AM EDT (US)     260 / 381  
I am deliberately holding the turn to give Rheno a fair chance to complete a full round of his other games he is holding up currently.
posted 05-08-09 01:35 PM EDT (US)     261 / 381  
Thx, as far as I am aware of, I am back up to speed.
posted 05-13-09 02:00 PM EDT (US)     262 / 381  
Archons, day 40 - Great Mouthed Enemies

Ha, I am surrounded by cowards! Three against one, that is what they can dare. So far I just hear great words.

Unluckily 2 villages of the foes had to be destroyed today - against my doctrine to avoid any civil damage and keep humane. But with these people .. yeah, with these people I we made an exemption.

Petrog was found stumbling by little sight through the caves and was slain consequently. A good deal-off together with other damage of the White Skull for regaining my new Dwarven village in UG. Perhaps he will think twice now where exactly he should be heading.
posted 05-14-09 01:30 AM EDT (US)     263 / 381  
The Skull, day 40

Underground we lost Petrog, which is a great loss. Somehow i wasn't expecting any more archon units there in the middle of nowhere, because we already crushed the city's defense but ok, shit happens... Of course his death was revenged (making a small mistake again), but we can't find the bat that was involved in that battle... i wonder where it is now.

posted 05-14-09 10:08 PM EDT (US)     264 / 381  
Ambir the Chicken, day 40

Coward? Maybe. But with honor!!!

posted 05-16-09 02:19 PM EDT (US)     265 / 381  
Archons, day 41 - Fleeing Bones

We retook a long lost town today from The Skull's occupation. The Bone Monster which had lived in it has fled. - We close in on Ambir's weird expedition corps.
posted 05-17-09 12:37 PM EDT (US)     266 / 381  
The Skull, day 41

The Titans are taking the northern route into my lands. Will they face us so soon?

posted 05-17-09 02:02 PM EDT (US)     267 / 381  
Ambir the Chicken, day 41

Had a few successful skirmishes with some of Ambir's scouts and even a brave Lurker managed to temporarily take control of a Nymphs producing center called Faye, to the north. The Coward shows his teeth! Wait a minute... I'm a Lizard, I don't have teeth.. "Retreeeeat!!!"

posted 05-19-09 01:50 AM EDT (US)     268 / 381  
Archons, day 42

The Skull's troops have lost themselves into a mountain pocket; we'll make mince meat out of them tomorrow. - Ambir's proud expedition corps is on the flight as well. Or so it seems, and we could recapture a long lost Tigran town today.

The magenta cowards have gathered a huge group of warriors which is approaching now from the East and is impressing us a lot.
posted 05-19-09 11:10 AM EDT (US)     269 / 381  
The Skull, day 42

Today our chief-cartographer was hanged, burned and shot simultaneously on the main market square. After he resurrected, he promised that he would never do such a mistake again.

posted 05-19-09 08:04 PM EDT (US)     270 / 381  
Ambir the Misclicker, day 42

A very childish misclick cost me a few days of hard labor. This has annoyed me even more than the most certain upcoming defeat at the hands of the Old Man or those bad memory times when Mrs Ambir refused to share the same stone with me...

posted 05-26-09 03:23 AM EDT (US)     271 / 381  
Email sent to Rheno.
posted 05-28-09 08:12 AM EDT (US)     272 / 381  

Our forces press on. It seems the white skull is in trouble as a hero and titans move in his direction. Soon our forces will be there though to protect our ally. Elsewhere we press on as well. Still there is little resistance from the Archons. There must be something we are missing..... But what!!!
posted 06-07-09 04:47 AM EDT (US)     273 / 381  
Archons, day 43

It is ever astounding what strong forces so-called "Promising" wizards can have. We chose to not attack Ambir today except for recapturing another Tigran town in the South. (Ambir seems to be very fond of them!)

The Black and the Magenta cowards make unpredictable moves beyond the middle mountain line. - Those forces caught in a mountain pocket have mysteriously escaped and jumped over the top. We hope such supernatural happenings will be rare events in the valley.

[This message has been edited by Bluebaby (edited 06-07-2009 @ 04:52 AM).]

posted 06-11-09 11:41 AM EDT (US)     274 / 381  
The Skull, day 43

The units of the pocket managed to take at least a charioteer with them...

posted 06-11-09 07:48 PM EDT (US)     275 / 381  
Ambir, day 43

While Gabriel expects his reinforcements, we take the opportunity to build up our magic situation. Also, we appreciate the aid provided by our ally.
posted 06-18-09 06:32 PM EDT (US)     276 / 381  
Bump! Sent an e-mail to Rheno.
posted 06-18-09 07:26 PM EDT (US)     277 / 381  
turn was sent out to bluebaby. Just forgot to mention it here
posted 06-19-09 02:22 AM EDT (US)     278 / 381  
It's here, sorry guys for the delay. I'm kind of too busy at the moment, I try to send it on the weekend.
posted 06-24-09 06:30 PM EDT (US)     279 / 381  
Sent a reminder to Bluebaby.
posted 07-03-09 02:20 AM EDT (US)     280 / 381  
Archons, day 44

Quite the trench-war at the moment, but things appear moving in the dark. The magenta cowards are lurking around my former Elven village in the South.
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Age of Wonders 2 Heaven » Forums » AoW2/SM Play By Email (Turn Logs) » #Aow:SM Random 4_6_UGL (BB-Ink-Un-Wsk-ark-Rhn)
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