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Modding Discussions
Moderated by Alexastor, MosheLevi, Mister SCP

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Topic Subject: List of Current Mods and Scenarios
posted 09-02-06 06:06 PM EDT (US)   
I am the Architect.

I am seeing all the activity that is on these Forums and I am wondering why there isn't any threads showing any links to other posts that are important. So, I am making this thread to show important things.

ACTIVE : This means that this mod is actively being made and is still quite alive.
Currently most popular : exactly as it says. This mod is the most popular out of all the other ones right now.
note : Ne mod has near 1000 posts, so if you can get more than that, then your mod becomes most popular.
Currently Second most popular : This is the Second most popular mod out there. The second most popular mod will get this title.
INACTIVE/BEING SCRAPPED : This is the end of a mods life where it is put on the chopping block and the Modder in question doesn't know wether to continue work, or to scrap it.
INACTIVE : This mod is inactive right now. wether the modder in question is still working on it or not is not known.
DEAD : This mod has died, the Modder has scrapped it, and the Mod is somewhere in Mod Heaven. dead mods will stay on here for reference, but they are pretty much gone forever.
COMPLETE : This Mod has a finished version and you can find them in Downloads section or on Mods website. (links for Downloads to be added later.) This doesn't mean that there is a full 1.0 version out yet.
(Demo) : means that a Demo version exists. if in same color as COMPLETE title, then only a Demo version exists.


Age of Empires III : Napoleonic Era---ACTIVECurrently most popular
This mod includes five new civs, two redesigned european civs, many new units for European civs, and several other things. This is currently the most popular mod on AOEIII Heaven right now, even absorbing several other mods in the process. No new version is currently out right now, but should come out next week as the Creator of this project, Kastor, promises.

Age of Empires III : War of the Triple Alliance ---ACTIVE Currently Second most popular
Includes Brazil, Argetina, and Paraguay as new civs and several other things. Not complete yet.

Europe Mod ---ACTIVE COMPLETE (Various versions of this mods exists)
Includes Ireland, Malta, Poland, and Italy as new civs. Irish_Legend8 is hard at work on this right now.

Age of Empires III : The Second From final Frontier---ACTIVE
Includes Brazil, Mexico, Argetina, and the United States as New Civs. Also includes many new units for European civs and a campaign. Special appearances of Bobbbo Ob's Civs from Orders and Saints. Not complete yet.

Swedish Mod --- ACTIVE
Adds sweden as a new Civ. Also adds various other things.

if you really want to unlock many of the buildings and models in the game but are too lazy to do it yourself (sorry for the negative comment), no need to worry, someone has allready worked hard to do it for everyone here!

Age of Empires III : Rising sun--- INACTIVE COMPLETE
This is a complete Japanese civ, including new politicians, new techs, and the Japanese civ itself. A very small mod in comparison to the other three, but worth downloading if there was ever one worth it. wether this mod is actulally being worked on is unknown at the moment.

Age of Empires III : Age of the Ring ---INACTIVE
Fate of this mod is unknown at the moment.

Warhammer 40k Mod --- INACTIVE
Fate of this mod is unknown at the moment.

Age of Empires III : Orders and Saints ---DEAD COMPLETE (Demo)
It is Final. This Mod is dead. Bobbbo Ob has outright given up on it and he has to face a horrid evil called College and has no time anyways. The sources and files from this are being converted and used with The Second From Final Frontier mod (with Bobbbo Ob's permission of course).


Flags for New Civs
This has flags for new civs. anyone new at moding and doesn't want to waste time learning how to make a new flag should talk to this guy.

The Holy Book of Modding
Thys booke Sayeth mani thyngs. (this is old english, not impropper spelling) well, not really, but it has some useful things on making units and several other things.

Modding Section
This is the modding section of AOEIII Heaven, it is small right now, but new Tutorials are being added from time to time, and the Modding Showcase section will be up as soon as the NE era reaches 1.0 status.

tutorial links
Important modding program
Intro to AOEIII modding
Intro to creating a new unit
having a unit Gather and Claim tresures
Homecity editing
expert AOEIII commands from .exe

(There is many other very important things, but have no link to them at the moment)

Things to be added (in this order):::
Small scale mods (will be added tonight and tomorrow)
Rest of Tutorial links (will be added on Wed.)
The Shortlist of Scenarios (will be added next Sun.)

Other things::

Things that you can't do in AOEIII (so people will quit making copies of threads.)

1. You cannot make, import, export, or otherwise change the models of anything in this game!
2. You cannot change the Physics in this game! You can but it is dang near impossible.
3. There are many buildings, models, and effects hidden in the Art Files. No we do not have a list, find them yourself or download Custergrant's mega proto mod.

Do not post questions about modding here! You may post links and I will add them to this post at a later date. You may also post comments.
If you do post questions here, then you will face the wrath of Me, Argalius, Kastor, Elpea, A pile of dog poo, Simba, A half eaten Cookie, A rotten slab of beef, J.R.R. Tolkein, The Republican party, Jack Sparrow, A man named Bob, A clown, George Washington, White, A bendy straw, The Ugly Dog's corpse, Carl Sagan, The Democratic Party, Korso, A melted ball of metal, Isaac Ashimov, Sandy, A broken Playstation 2, a Hedgehog proof Mcflurry cup, Kidagalash, a box office failure, Madonna's Crucifixion, Todays Featured Article, a folded Road Map, Alice, And A Partrige In A Pear Tree! Seriously though! Don't!

[This message has been edited by The Architect (edited 09-04-2006 @ 03:16 PM).]

posted 09-02-06 06:28 PM EDT (US)     1 / 27  
Great idea! I stickied it
posted 09-02-06 07:51 PM EDT (US)     2 / 27  
Nicely done!

Leader of Liquid Fire. Animator Seb C.

One does not simply leave HG
posted 09-03-06 07:01 AM EDT (US)     3 / 27  
Well done Architect, I think we could really use a thread like this.

|| Cherub at AoE3H
|| In honor of FlipBizcut
|| Mod: The Age of Crusades
posted 09-04-06 00:07 AM EDT (US)     4 / 27  

added a few more tags to identify the mods a little better.

Swedish Mod changed back to Activeas Spencerj is working on it again.

Rising Sun Mod changed to Inactive because of little activity on the thread and even on their own site.

also: SWEET! I got a stickied thread!

[This message has been edited by The Architect (edited 09-04-2006 @ 00:08 AM).]

posted 09-04-06 00:56 AM EDT (US)     5 / 27  
Hehe, thanks Arc.

Umm..yah, I'm working on Version 2 right now, which is much bigger, and fixing out a couple of bugs for some really picky people.


1. You cannot make, import, export, or otherwise change the models of anything in this game!

You can import and export quite easily....Just a matter of finding another game that uses Granny2 files. And if it means anything to you, I've just about cracked a resizer for it.

Co-Leader and Founder of the Eye-Candy Guild
Head of Research and Development for the AOE3 Editor
Designer's Mod Co-Creator
Official Story Writer of Wherever

Come join the Guild!

posted 09-04-06 01:21 AM EDT (US)     6 / 27  


the Modding showcase still has that "comming soon" sign on it

This is because there hasn't been a large mod fully finished yet. NE is the first large mod reaching 1.0 status.


And if it means anything to you, I've just about cracked a resizer for it.

Care to eleborate this?

|| Cherub at AoE3H
|| In honor of FlipBizcut
|| Mod: The Age of Crusades
posted 09-04-06 01:28 AM EDT (US)     7 / 27  


Care to eleborate this?

An effective way to make Granny2 models larger or smaller. More details when I successfully get an effective way. Yes, that means I have a way to resize models right now, but it's a huge pain right now to work correctly.

Co-Leader and Founder of the Eye-Candy Guild
Head of Research and Development for the AOE3 Editor
Designer's Mod Co-Creator
Official Story Writer of Wherever

Come join the Guild!

posted 09-04-06 02:06 AM EDT (US)     8 / 27  


This is because there hasn't been a large mod fully finished yet. NE is the first large mod reaching 1.0 status.

yeah, I know. if it ever gets released, you'll have a modding showcase section which a link will be placed here. You could place a few other mods there too, but they aren't exactly finished to a 1.0 version.


Yes, that means I have a way to resize models right now, but it's a huge pain right now to work correctly.

Neat. I don't bother with the Scenario editor very often though. If I do use it, it will be to resize some of those annoyingly large HC buildings down to a useable size, or make the Great Bombard, well, "greater".

posted 09-04-06 10:22 AM EDT (US)     9 / 27  


You could place a few other mods there too, but they aren't exactly finished to a 1.0 version.

I don't really feel like writing reviews for the same mods twice or even more, nor do I like to review something that hasn't been official finished, so I'll just wait until a mod is "finished"/reached 1.0 status.

|| Cherub at AoE3H
|| In honor of FlipBizcut
|| Mod: The Age of Crusades
posted 09-04-06 02:38 PM EDT (US)     10 / 27  
makes sense.
posted 09-04-06 03:31 PM EDT (US)     11 / 27  
Architect, you could add also the state of the mod. Like "Beta", "Open Beta", "Alpha" and things like that. Maybe also add a direct link to the downloads page it there's one.
posted 09-18-06 11:13 PM EDT (US)     12 / 27  
.......Ha!Ha!Ha! if anyone though that me and Architect were two seperate people. I laugh at you! ok, not really. But I am laughing still.

[This message has been edited by bobbbo ob (edited 10-12-2006 @ 05:58 PM).]

posted 10-12-06 06:06 PM EDT (US)     13 / 27  
My Architect forum name will be returning to the Forums next week to update this thread. I have listed Twenty-Five other Mods that I am adding to the list, as well as reviews to Completed mods (if there ever is one, and because Argalius's modding showcase only does completed mods, not other versions.) I have Fifteen Completed Scenario links that is also getting added to the list as well as links to other sites that have useful programs and information, such as that Wiki site or the Eye-Candy Guild.
posted 10-16-06 08:07 PM EDT (US)     14 / 27  
Can I add one
Age of Rebellion


An American Civil War mod that is nearing completion of a beta release. Will contain all new units of every type and civs. Very cool.

[This message has been edited by jerryeberg (edited 10-16-2006 @ 08:08 PM).]

posted 10-21-06 08:55 PM EDT (US)     15 / 27  
updates comming in a few days. I decided to keep all mods that aren't in english off of this list as no one would be able to understand what the heck they are trying to say. SO that brings down my list just a little bit. But the list will be brought up to 30 mods. I will also be posting the links to various other sites. And if any of your mods have a logo or special title graphic, chances are that I am going to lift some of them and post them here under the links at slightly reduced size.
posted 11-03-06 04:03 AM EDT (US)     16 / 27  
bobbbo ob, are you still updating this?
posted 11-03-06 02:42 PM EDT (US)     17 / 27  
yeah, I havent gotten the chance to do so all week though. Now that I have no school or anything for about two weeks, I am working on this thread again. It should be updated on Saturday morning or a little later. Not today, because I am going give it a good graphical presentation. You know, kind of like all of Lord Tahattus's threads.
posted 11-04-06 10:35 AM EDT (US)     18 / 27  
posted 11-17-06 02:16 PM EDT (US)     19 / 27  
Help you a little

mod adding danmark as civ, by me (not meant selfish)

mod adding canada, chili, metis and scotland as civs, by clyde 5269

Civilisation Editor mod: ACTIVE INCOMPLETED
great mod which makes lazy modders like me even lazier because it creates civs, by speljohan

posted 11-17-06 03:58 PM EDT (US)     20 / 27  
Also... could you please edit this?


It is Final. This Mod is dead. Bobbbo Ob has outright given up on it and he has to face a horrid evil called College and has no time anyways. The sources and files from this are being converted and used with The Second From Final Frontier mod (with Bobbbo Ob's permission of course).

Refering to yourself in the 3rd person is a bit silly

Also, I think you could remove Age of the Ring and Warhammer mods of the list. They seem to be dead, and don't have any downloadable version

ESO - Walker

>> Napoleonic Era --> Visit their Homepage!
"Holy *****" > Thunder (Ensemble Studios)

Retired from AoE3. But I do play AoK HD in Steam now and then.
posted 12-10-06 00:28 AM EDT (US)     21 / 27  
if I was using two usernames then why not refer to myself in the third person?

Three things...

1. I'm back from my absence. I pretty much moved all my Mod stuff to a different site so that way I wouldn't have to deal with Elpea, Kastor, and Imperiousus anymore. And Rather than fight with a Moderator who doesn't do their job properly, makes false accusations, and implies that he/she whoever the hell "is god and there is nothing you can do" far too much. And Rather than go into another war with two really talented Game designers over who's mod is better. well lets face it, Mine isn't up to par with the NE mod anymore. It was probably back in May, but not anymore until I can get a substantial amount of work done for it, which at this point is impossible because of College finals, Reports, essays, Computer Viruses and my United States Air Force basic training is comming up at the end of Feburary. (WORLD BEWARE!! I GET TO BE NEAR A SHINY RED BUTTON!!!!! THAT FIRE'S NUKES!!!!) where I will go on something like another six month hiatus for basic training and nuclear Training of sorts. so, yeah, you wont even see it until next december after everyone is tired of AOEIII and has probably bought Halo Wars allready, but such is life. but I like making that mod, so I will still make it anyways.

Its not up entirely up yet, and it wont be until sometime in Janurary, but The Architect (there's the third person again!) will post a link here when I finish the site.

2. Modding requests. well, I still havent sent those yet. I have five of them done, the others about half done, and you all know the drill. I will get them out....

Eventually!!!!!!....But no seriously though,

about three weeks ago my computer was hit with a hard virus and I would have to remake most of them you will never see them....sorry.

3. my mod. With that virus hitting my Pc, I have had to start over on my mod again. I'm not going to make everything that I had in it again, and it will only be a three civ mod for AOEIII and the Warchiefs expansion. Mexico, Japan, and the Safavid Empire. I liked those three the best and those are what I will release, eventually. My American, Greek, Mughal, Italian, and Korean, and Native civs are all but gone, so I will not bother trying to get them back... I am working on the three civs, and I wil ltry to get it here by the end of Feburary, if not, well, you wont get those three civs until December, and these boards might be long dead by then....

3.5. I'm also cutting it down to abotu 20% of what it originally was because I have started to do something else. a bigger project that combines grpahical design, Programming cleverness, and Story writing all into one. It doesn't involve AOEIII either and is something different for me to do, and I find it more of a challenge than modding AOEIII as well, so I have pretty much moved to that.

my head might poke in here from time to time, and so will the Architect(more third persons!!), just whenever I feel like it, or if Argalius and Kastor ever feels like creating an 'Un-biased' modding contest. I'll be entering those too.

3.7 This thread. all my cookies and links and history have been deleted so my assortment of Links to other modding sites has been deleted. I will find what I can, and this little LIST thread will be updated,

Eventually, no seriously though,
it will be updated this time, in about a week or two. with a really neat Graphical presentation and all too.

posted 12-10-06 04:44 AM EDT (US)     22 / 27  


I wouldn't have to deal with Elpea, Kastor, and Imperiousus anymore

Lord Tahattus - Register yourselves at the WotTA forum!
War of the Triple Alliance Beta!
Flags for new Civilizations, The Asian Dynasties, Knights and Barbarians and Napoleonic Era
TWC Tutorials: Basics of Modding - The List of Modding No-nos - Adding a Nation - Music and Sounds - Initilization Failed

WotTA back to active!
posted 12-10-06 07:03 AM EDT (US)     23 / 27  


I pretty much moved all my Mod stuff to a different site so that way I wouldn't have to deal with Elpea, Kastor, and Imperiousus anymore. And Rather than fight with a Moderator who doesn't do their job properly, makes false accusations, and implies that he/she whoever the hell "is god and there is nothing you can do" far too much.


or if Argalius and Kastor ever feels like creating an 'Un-biased' modding contest. I'll be entering those too.

It's 'funny' really, because every time you show up here you accuse everybody of all kinds of stuff that you yourself do aswell (and probably even more). Don't you think that's anything less than immature? And eventhough this whole 'thing' has passed for what is it, two months now? You keep bringing it up, even when you were away for so long. So why don't you just stay away completely? It seems like you don't like it here, and to be honest I'm fed up with all your accusing so I'd rather see you go aswell, because it seems you're never going to change. Not even when you make a smurf.

|| Cherub at AoE3H
|| In honor of FlipBizcut
|| Mod: The Age of Crusades
posted 12-10-06 12:25 PM EDT (US)     24 / 27  
Sorry, Argalius, but when you try to tell him stuff like that, he'll say something like, "Aren't we all hypocrites then?"

And bobbbo, I have yet to see you spell my nickname right, so just call me Matthew.

ESO: Imperius
-Graphic and Unit designer of Napoleonic Era
-Creator of the Unit Upgrades Modpack
-Winner of the AOE3 Heaven Modding Competition
"Your units > ES's units" -- Cherub Walker
Age of Empires: Napoleonic Era - "Be afraid, Ensemble Studios. Be very afraid..."
posted 12-10-06 05:06 PM EDT (US)     25 / 27  
actually its only been like three weeks, and apparently the post worked, because you replied to it, and even got you to complain about me yet again Argalus. And I rather make outright Accusations than asking stupid questions, such as the one Imperiousus suggested, who only purpose is to get an answer out of the other person, which is usually followed by another slurry of questions and flaming, of which is often just as negative as outright accusing anyways, though I do sometimes ask dumb questions, such as the one that Imperiousus quoted, but nowhere near as much as accusing.

So if you really want me to get started, I accuse you two of being selective hypocrites.

and no on ever says Bobbbo Ob or The Architect, which would be spelling it right, not Bobbbo or Architect, so I dont see the point in ever spelling your name right either.I've heard Bobo, bo bo, bo, bobbboob, and all sorts of stuff.

And in fact, the only one who ever bothered to spell my name properly and on a regular basis on these forums is Lord Tahattus, and for that I spell his name properly.


It's 'funny' really

I know your not laughing, so no, its not 'funny'.


rather see you go aswell

You really should have just said that you dont want me here, but no one has ever said that yet.No one ever does, Imperiousus has made some demands from time to time, but no one can ever just outright say "I don't like you and you need to go". really now. but as long as these forums exist I will be here too, so you might want to get used to it((amazed that you and everyone else hasn't after a year of me being here, which I do find to be 'funny')).

posted 12-10-06 05:15 PM EDT (US)     26 / 27  
You should really start spelling the names properly bobbbo ob. It's clear that the "o" in Imperiousus is intended.

Anyway, you know that there aren't many people who like you and you know the reasons well.

Keep in mind: You started to have problems with us, not the other way round. You started to hate Argalius and Elpea when they supported me, that's your problem. I totally agree with Argalius point: "Every time you show up here you accuse everybody of all kinds of stuff that you yourself do aswell (and probably even more). Don't you think that's anything less than immature?"

I won't go into this further, just leave us alone. I'm closing this thread because it's getting OT.


[This message has been edited by Kastor (edited 12-10-2006 @ 05:25 PM).]

posted 12-10-06 05:30 PM EDT (US)     27 / 27  
bobbbo ob, you really need to cool down. Your actions have been uncalled for and unnecessary.

[][][][][][][][][][] Stonewall J [][][][][][][][][][][]
Age of Empires III Heaven » Forums » Modding Discussions » List of Current Mods and Scenarios
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