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AoW2/SM Play By Email (Turn Logs)
Moderated by Timelord, Enginerd, Ziggurat Mason

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Topic Subject: The Golden Ring : Beta game 2
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posted 06-26-08 04:07 PM EDT (US)   
Game 2 ; 6 player expert

1 - DWARVES - Timelord - timelorddc AT gmail DOT com sub= Torso angstinenkoira at yahoo dot com
2 - DRACOS - Swolte - swolte at gmail dot com - Eliminated day 14(?) by dwarves
3 - ARCHONS - zombie eater - b (dot) regalis AT gmail (dot) com
4 - GOBLINS - Unnapu - unnapu at gmail dot com sub = lord duck
5 - FROSTLINGS - fromage67 - GMT 0 - fromage67 at gmail dot com
6 - ORCS - Henrysix - henrysix at aol dot com sub= greenmonster - greenmonster04 at gmail

organizational/comment thread HERE. Send possible *spoiler* remarks to gmmod (at) NYCAP (dot) rr (dot) com

I also recommend that everyone use a password for their turns, and to send it to me at, or send it to another password keeper!
Its a great service... Use it!


GMMod for AoW2
'a River Ran Through It' aow2 map 'the Charm'(SM edition)

[This message has been edited by greenmonster (edited 08-24-2009 @ 10:27 PM).]

posted 06-26-08 04:24 PM EDT (US)     1 / 152  

there is a small movie file used in this map (from AoW2), which you can download from
HERE if you do not have AoW2. This file should be placed into the AoW:SM "movies" folder. It is not essential to do this, but you may experience a 15 second black screen where you can do nothing. The game is NOT locking up, and nothing bad is happening to your computer. The game is just trying to locate or play a file that isn't there. Everything is back to normal after 15 seconds or so.

This will be a more common problem for the 6p version.
I've played 5 games until at least turn 40. (on the 4p version - 1 game until turn 35 on the 6p version)

  • in 4 of the games, at least 1 wizard (different each time) was eliminated by day 15 or so, almost always due to independants.

  • in each game, wizards would take turns dominating the map, but none could hold domination for long

  • there will be alot of turns where you do very little; if the turns keep moving, its no problem. Just keep in mind that it is an empire building game.

  • there is alot of suspense in the turns. things really pick up around day 30. Most likely there will be some major conflicts around this time, and then another period of rebuilding armies.

  • SCOUT! You are playing blind, and you have no wizard tower. While you should be safe on your first couple turns, all bets are off after day 3. Keep your wizard well protected.

  • While I playtest very thouroughly, what I can not predict is what effects diplomacy will have. The map was designed keeping in mind the request 'players should roleplay the races like the races/alignment really would'. There are no 'artificial rules' I'm imposing though, so enjoy whatever chaos ensues!

  • There is alot of randomness to increase replayability and unpredictability. Depending on how the 'dice land', you may find yourself very powerful early on, or under considerable duress.

  • If you play smart, you can overcome your limited and quickly dwindling resources WITHOUT having to disband troops. In fact, if you do disband troops, you may find that you get 'stuck' without enough troops to help you claim resources. Or worse, you may find your enemies are really close, and you won't be able to fend them off.

  • Its a SMALL map. That means its very dangerous. Play cautious, or gamble big - that's up to you, BUT, if you do gamble, be prepared to go down in flames. On the other hand, a well-timed gamble when another wizard has their guard down could pay off HUGE.

  • I'm confident enough in the map's balance that I can recommend it for wizard ladder games. If all players agree right away about making it a ladder game, go ahead and register them.

  • lastly, there is a GAME bug I found which pops up semi-often on this map due to unique scripting. It may cause too many units to occupy the same hex, and when it does, you will not be able to move anyone. IT IS NOT A GAME BREAKER, and is an easy fix. Simply save your game, exit out, and reload where you left off. The units will still occupy the same same hex, but you will be able to move them now. It does not cause a restart.


GMMod for AoW2
'a River Ran Through It' aow2 map 'the Charm'(SM edition)
posted 06-26-08 05:27 PM EDT (US)     2 / 152  
Ooooh, is this really happening?!

Get the unofficial Patch v1.4. here!
My best AoW-Sm map: Drums of Death (This is the multiplayer version; for single player, or AI use different version)
Other proud AoW-sm maps: The Key of Kharzul, The Fight for Light, Waikiti Island, Goldrush Mountains
My proud AoW2 maps:The River Arne
Coordinator of the v1.4 and v1.5 patchteams, Seraph of AoWHeaven, PBEM Singles Champion 2008
posted 06-26-08 07:36 PM EDT (US)     3 / 152  
Yes. Yes it is.

And I placed you 2nd, because I know you are impatient!


GMMod for AoW2
'a River Ran Through It' aow2 map 'the Charm'(SM edition)
posted 06-27-08 02:30 AM EDT (US)     4 / 152  
Er, is there a seat free here?
posted 06-27-08 02:48 AM EDT (US)     5 / 152  
Sorry BlueBaby, but I already have someone to fill in for Frall if he doesn't return in time. Also, this game is for advanced players only. I had a big sign up thread running for a while for 6 Beta games on my upcoming map, but the games were filled up a while ago.

After these games have gotten pretty far in, I will be tweaking the map, then making it public. Until then, I'm afraid there isn't a spot for you, unless someone in one of the beginner games drops out.

(BTW, it is helpful to make an email account for public use and keep it in your profile here. Gmail is quite popular, although you can't use the autosend feature of the game with it. A GMT also helps alot when PBEM games are being organized, to help them move along faster. Welcome aboard though, and if you need help getting a game started, shoot me an email, and I'll help you out)


GMMod for AoW2
'a River Ran Through It' aow2 map 'the Charm'(SM edition)

[This message has been edited by greenmonster (edited 06-27-2008 @ 07:42 PM).]

posted 06-29-08 11:16 PM EDT (US)     6 / 152  
Turn sent. Log later.

2009 1v1-Mapmaking Champion, Former PBEM Singles Champion, Proud contributor to the UPatch 1.4 and 1.5 effort
War of the Twins- 1 vs 1 PBEM map, Too Much Water - 1 vs 1 PBEM map, winner of 2009 1vs1 Mapmaking Challenge
My Dragon Age development blog
posted 06-29-08 11:48 PM EDT (US)     7 / 152  

Gin shows no emotion on his weathered face when the tower was taken. The Frostling inhabitants were no match for the fire breaths of his Lizards that put them to ashes. His forces were tired from months of travel but at least have something roasted to eat now...

The tower revealed only more barren and rough land. It seems to never end. Athough many of his fierce Lizards hate the cold, something has to happen now. With a single gesture of his hand, Gin ordered the construction a settlement on the riverbanks to build ships and move on to lusher lands.

Get the unofficial Patch v1.4. here!
My best AoW-Sm map: Drums of Death (This is the multiplayer version; for single player, or AI use different version)
Other proud AoW-sm maps: The Key of Kharzul, The Fight for Light, Waikiti Island, Goldrush Mountains
My proud AoW2 maps:The River Arne
Coordinator of the v1.4 and v1.5 patchteams, Seraph of AoWHeaven, PBEM Singles Champion 2008

[This message has been edited by Swolte (edited 06-29-2008 @ 11:49 PM).]

posted 07-04-08 11:39 AM EDT (US)     8 / 152  
TS, no time to log.
Thanks for the game, GM.

Use a password in your PBEM games, and contact the Game Password Keepers.
posted 07-04-08 03:08 PM EDT (US)     9 / 152  
Archon Explorers

Landing on a shore as white as our garbs, as unsoiled as our souls, as pure as our intentions, we start our new life by spilling the blood our a vile monster without mercy.

Turn sent

It is roaming the depths in eternal hunger, devouring all and everything, far from the light, lost in the shadows, alone, wandering, searching, evermore...
posted 07-08-08 05:09 PM EDT (US)     10 / 152  
not to crush your spirits, but the 4p rookie game is finishing day 6 already.

I thought you were suppossed to be the experienced group?


GMMod for AoW2
'a River Ran Through It' aow2 map 'the Charm'(SM edition)
posted 07-08-08 06:08 PM EDT (US)     11 / 152  
Kyr the Outcast, day 1

I am sick of sailing and of this dank, dark, lightless sea. I have founded St Morgon, my new base, and perhaps my capital to be. Two huge bears guarded the mine to the north, and Black Cat hunetd them down. I have sent scouts in every direction. Let's see what we have here.


p.s. Sent to H6 and Frall.

@GM, experience teaches that it is best to start slow and finish strong than to pull up with a monster stitch after the first turn and look foolish.
posted 07-09-08 01:16 AM EDT (US)     12 / 152  
Ancrock Anroll, day 1

We take the frostling outpost, though my Warlord nearly botches the simple task. Lucky for him there is a healer on hand. Now he wants to raze the site, but I don't trust the fool. We will let the frosties live for now. I have other plans for them.
posted 07-09-08 01:39 AM EDT (US)     13 / 152  
Glim Glendon -

Some interesting discoveries made by my forward scout.

Turn sent

2009 1v1-Mapmaking Champion, Former PBEM Singles Champion, Proud contributor to the UPatch 1.4 and 1.5 effort
War of the Twins- 1 vs 1 PBEM map, Too Much Water - 1 vs 1 PBEM map, winner of 2009 1vs1 Mapmaking Challenge
My Dragon Age development blog
posted 07-09-08 02:17 AM EDT (US)     14 / 152  

Another settlement was founded today. Though the environmental conditions are abysmal, it could not be averted. The icy lands do not allow any crops to grow and so food remains scarce. The population in the two outposts do not yet generate enough to support the army.

Scouts are being sent out to determine a course of action.

Get the unofficial Patch v1.4. here!
My best AoW-Sm map: Drums of Death (This is the multiplayer version; for single player, or AI use different version)
Other proud AoW-sm maps: The Key of Kharzul, The Fight for Light, Waikiti Island, Goldrush Mountains
My proud AoW2 maps:The River Arne
Coordinator of the v1.4 and v1.5 patchteams, Seraph of AoWHeaven, PBEM Singles Champion 2008
posted 07-11-08 01:16 AM EDT (US)     15 / 152  
Archon Explorers

A plethora of opportunities for purifying the icy wastes. Where to do good first...

Turn sent

It is roaming the depths in eternal hunger, devouring all and everything, far from the light, lost in the shadows, alone, wandering, searching, evermore...
posted 07-11-08 02:11 PM EDT (US)     16 / 152  
Hagatha - Day 2 - Foundation
The name is not under discussion, Frary, "Torquay" will become the most powerful city in the world, so break the champagne bottle once and for all. That's the one we brought from Zaranbizar, right?, I still remember that trip like it was yesterday, don't you dear? Our visits to the market, all the fine yarns, the soft furs. And the only thing you bought there was this silly mask... Do you know why I am thinking? of course not. Why don't we arrange a big party, a carnival so you have a chance to wear that red cloak...


Edit: forgot to say guys, that the game crashed when I was "replaying" a battle from last night versus indies. My apologies. I just sometimes forget to restart my laptop before starting to play my turns.

Use a password in your PBEM games, and contact the Game Password Keepers.

[This message has been edited by Unnapu (edited 07-11-2008 @ 03:31 PM).]

posted 07-14-08 10:42 PM EDT (US)     17 / 152  
Kyr the Outcast, day 2

Got control of a few key magic artefacts that were being held on a wrecked ship. The waterdancers guarding them were difficult foes and extracted their pound of flesh.


p.s. Restart because playing on secondary computer on vacation.
posted 07-17-08 04:13 PM EDT (US)     18 / 152  
A.A., day 2

To the east, a dangerous cave. To the west, a dwarven town. We move west.
posted 07-17-08 06:11 PM EDT (US)     19 / 152  
Glim Glendon - Day 3

I knew it! The Zombie Eater leading the Archons is a fake! He is probably luring those Archons into an Undead trap! My letter to the real Zombie Eater proved it to me and to prove it to the rest of the world, Zombie Eater has agreed once more to lead the Dwarven Army.

Turn sent

2009 1v1-Mapmaking Champion, Former PBEM Singles Champion, Proud contributor to the UPatch 1.4 and 1.5 effort
War of the Twins- 1 vs 1 PBEM map, Too Much Water - 1 vs 1 PBEM map, winner of 2009 1vs1 Mapmaking Challenge
My Dragon Age development blog
posted 07-17-08 06:54 PM EDT (US)     20 / 152  

An interesting day...

A hero joined our cause by the name of Swolte. The name sounded vaguely familiar and I decided therefore to pay the exuberant amount of money. His skills are quite rudimentary but may come in handy swiftly.

On other fronts it seems we are not alone...

Get the unofficial Patch v1.4. here!
My best AoW-Sm map: Drums of Death (This is the multiplayer version; for single player, or AI use different version)
Other proud AoW-sm maps: The Key of Kharzul, The Fight for Light, Waikiti Island, Goldrush Mountains
My proud AoW2 maps:The River Arne
Coordinator of the v1.4 and v1.5 patchteams, Seraph of AoWHeaven, PBEM Singles Champion 2008
posted 07-18-08 00:22 AM EDT (US)     21 / 152  
I swear, that damned hero Swolte can't get enough of this map!
He is ALWAYS popping up in these lands, and EARLY too!


GMMod for AoW2
'a River Ran Through It' aow2 map 'the Charm'(SM edition)
posted 07-20-08 04:30 PM EDT (US)     22 / 152  
Archon Explorers

After wiping out a coven of Doom Priests, we shall take a break from exploring, and see what that mythical Healing II can do.

Rumors have reached us that we are not alone, but wait, there's more! The talk claims there is another Hero with the same name as our second-in-command! Either this is play-most-foul, or it is a sign that we should seek them out as friends...

Turn sent

GM - is Timelord right and there is another Hero clled ZombieEater? Is this on purpose?

It is roaming the depths in eternal hunger, devouring all and everything, far from the light, lost in the shadows, alone, wandering, searching, evermore...
posted 07-20-08 10:50 PM EDT (US)     23 / 152  
yes... your name doesn't work in reverse
also, the archons are PROBABLY going to be elves for the final release, but I wanted to see how they play. This is the only game that has archons, so the archon hero with your name won't be making many appearances (unless the archons wind up working better then the elves do).


GMMod for AoW2
'a River Ran Through It' aow2 map 'the Charm'(SM edition)
posted 07-21-08 11:52 AM EDT (US)     24 / 152  
Hagatha - Day 3 -
... As Hagatha continued talking to her imaginary sister, her cohort left Torquay and dug a passage through the earth searching for new objectives.


Use a password in your PBEM games, and contact the Game Password Keepers.
posted 07-25-08 09:00 AM EDT (US)     25 / 152  
Kyr the Outcast, day 3

I and my frostlings are pacifists at heart. We look for no trouble. But when we meet dire penguins, our blood boils. The penguins have been skinned.

In other news, an ice dragon ravaged two thirds of my scouts.

posted 07-29-08 03:23 AM EDT (US)     26 / 152  
turn sent
posted 08-02-08 00:35 AM EDT (US)     27 / 152  
Turn sent

2009 1v1-Mapmaking Champion, Former PBEM Singles Champion, Proud contributor to the UPatch 1.4 and 1.5 effort
War of the Twins- 1 vs 1 PBEM map, Too Much Water - 1 vs 1 PBEM map, winner of 2009 1vs1 Mapmaking Challenge
My Dragon Age development blog
posted 08-02-08 07:45 AM EDT (US)     28 / 152  
- Dracos -

Most of our lizard scouts mysteriously disappeared to the depths of the waters or got snatched by penguins this day. Given our current food situation, we wish we ate them ourselves.

The deprivation is getting to our heads as a potentially bad call was made regarding wild bear. Oh well, we'll manage.

Get the unofficial Patch v1.4. here!
My best AoW-Sm map: Drums of Death (This is the multiplayer version; for single player, or AI use different version)
Other proud AoW-sm maps: The Key of Kharzul, The Fight for Light, Waikiti Island, Goldrush Mountains
My proud AoW2 maps:The River Arne
Coordinator of the v1.4 and v1.5 patchteams, Seraph of AoWHeaven, PBEM Singles Champion 2008
posted 08-02-08 11:52 PM EDT (US)     29 / 152  
Archon Explorers

Our scouts bring tidings of a mythical beast, a dragon of the ice! We will have to be careful in these lands it seems.

We also have a very bad feeling about the area we are treading in. Some of the men mumble about ambushes and traps. Nonsense! Our scouts would have seen anything that threatens!

I mean, seriously, what could possibly go wrong?!

Turn sent

It is roaming the depths in eternal hunger, devouring all and everything, far from the light, lost in the shadows, alone, wandering, searching, evermore...
posted 08-04-08 09:09 AM EDT (US)     30 / 152  
Hagatha - Day 4


TS to Fromage (who posted in the news thread his absences until August 12th)

Use a password in your PBEM games, and contact the Game Password Keepers.
posted 08-17-08 05:14 PM EDT (US)     31 / 152  
Kyr the Outcast, day 4

There are as many ice dragons in these parts as there used to be water rats in my Father's keep. We will have to find some way to deal with creatures.

The Spirit of Order offers me a quest that I have some hope of completing thankfully.

posted 08-17-08 06:23 PM EDT (US)     32 / 152  
A.A., day 4

Oh dear. Ice Dragon area guard. Poor little Impaler is about to be impaled.
posted 08-19-08 06:14 PM EDT (US)     33 / 152  
Glim Geldon -

Turn sent

Edit: GM, reinforcements without warning?

2009 1v1-Mapmaking Champion, Former PBEM Singles Champion, Proud contributor to the UPatch 1.4 and 1.5 effort
War of the Twins- 1 vs 1 PBEM map, Too Much Water - 1 vs 1 PBEM map, winner of 2009 1vs1 Mapmaking Challenge
My Dragon Age development blog

[This message has been edited by Timelord (edited 08-19-2008 @ 06:14 PM).]

posted 08-19-08 09:08 PM EDT (US)     34 / 152  
ts (log later)

(Got rid of a woodwyrm which wanted to join me at a shipwreck - assumed it wasn't intentional)

Get the unofficial Patch v1.4. here!
My best AoW-Sm map: Drums of Death (This is the multiplayer version; for single player, or AI use different version)
Other proud AoW-sm maps: The Key of Kharzul, The Fight for Light, Waikiti Island, Goldrush Mountains
My proud AoW2 maps:The River Arne
Coordinator of the v1.4 and v1.5 patchteams, Seraph of AoWHeaven, PBEM Singles Champion 2008
posted 08-20-08 02:44 AM EDT (US)     35 / 152  
Edit: GM, reinforcements without warning?
the turn b4, you get a message that they are coming
(Got rid of a woodwyrm which wanted to join me at a shipwreck - assumed it wasn't intentional)
yeah, its the problem that all of the non-aligned non-racial units offer to join unless they are set to guard. Really annoying, and I plan on reworking the spawn scripts to get rid of this problem.


GMMod for AoW2
'a River Ran Through It' aow2 map 'the Charm'(SM edition)
posted 08-21-08 00:02 AM EDT (US)     36 / 152  
Archon Explorers

A small return favor hopefully won't be too much to ask from our eternally grinning neighbor.

We are trying to poke our head down a hole. We know what expects us down below, so we'll employ a little... ploy.

Turn sent

It is roaming the depths in eternal hunger, devouring all and everything, far from the light, lost in the shadows, alone, wandering, searching, evermore...
posted 08-26-08 05:40 PM EDT (US)     37 / 152  
Kyr the Outcast, day 5

Two ice dragons! What a nightmare. I wonder if it is wise to settle villagers so close to such monsters?

posted 08-30-08 03:34 AM EDT (US)     38 / 152  
A.A., day 5

Completely botched my quest.
posted 08-31-08 09:35 PM EDT (US)     39 / 152  

Get the unofficial Patch v1.4. here!
My best AoW-Sm map: Drums of Death (This is the multiplayer version; for single player, or AI use different version)
Other proud AoW-sm maps: The Key of Kharzul, The Fight for Light, Waikiti Island, Goldrush Mountains
My proud AoW2 maps:The River Arne
Coordinator of the v1.4 and v1.5 patchteams, Seraph of AoWHeaven, PBEM Singles Champion 2008
posted 08-31-08 11:45 PM EDT (US)     40 / 152  
Archon Explorers

We've gained the support of a powerful, if slightly grumpy ally. This just might tip the balance in our favor in the upcoming ambush.

Turn sent

It is roaming the depths in eternal hunger, devouring all and everything, far from the light, lost in the shadows, alone, wandering, searching, evermore...
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