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Topic Subject: Great RTWH quotes hall of fame
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posted 14 September 2006 19:35 EDT (US)   
There have been some great zingers on all the RTWH forums. It's time to gather them all up and record them in one thread. Submit them here and I'll judge if they are worthy of inclusion here in the title post. I'm quite exacting so only the creme de la creme get in.
-The quote must be reasonably short. Whole multi-page essays or conversations will be too unwieldy.
-It could have been said on any RTWH forum, this is simply the repository.
-It doesn't matter when it was said. Some of the quotes from oldies long gone are still brilliant. I'm sure there was a thread somewhere devoted to Doikie quotes.
-If it's your own quote, you can still submit it as I'll judge whether it goes into the title post or not.
-Try and post a link to the quote rather than copy and paste it. I prefer primary source material and exact quotes.-
-Don't assume I've seen all the recent ones. I've the memory of a goldfish.

I'll start:

"Are you going to encrypt your brainwaves or somehow shield your mind from liberal penetration?"
-D Furius Venator on new improved conservative technologies


He113ent: Ooh look, the idiot speaks!
D Furius Venator: And he’s discovered the caps lock. What a clever boy…
mebertus: Either that, or he has incredible shift-key skills.
He113ent: Ah, an idiot-savant perhaps? Or just plain idiot?
mebertus: I think we might have an Idiotus Domesticus on our hands - the common idiot, bred by our socialist society.
He113ent: Not exactly an endangered species in this day and age...I think its safe to hunt 'em


"Who or what is Adder"?
- PanzerLeader asks a pertinent question


Thank you, MudokonGod, for clearing everything up. Now we can finally put this long-standing debate to rest.
Wow, I feel feel good? I know I feel good.

- Hell3ent after resolving the lyrics of the fishy fish song


If you shoot George W Bush, then I'm afraid I'll have to give you an official warning at the very least.
- Yakcamkir clears up a misunderstanding regarding the CoC


Yakcamkir, I am offended by you name. For I am a Yak.....
- MaximusDecimus points out a gross violation of the CoC


no..... can you divide?
1200 divided by 60 is not 20

- Greek Scavenger excelled at mathematics


Hey everyone: For those of you who are frustrated or annoyed with my name, I appologize, its just a name. I dont consider myself undefeatable against anyone here, or the CPU for that matter, I was just referring to my campaign on medium setting, and I was new here as well.

So again, Im sorry if my name annoys or bugs anyone.
-Undefeatable standing proud


Do you really want Doikie doing admin for the army?
Orders like this:
"deliver food and water to US army base, grid ref H1234 9876"

will become

"drop napalm and cluster bombs on AQ training camp, grid ref H1234 9876"
-Gaius Colinius pointing out the obvious


Homosexuality runs in my family
-Firefox gets frustrated with the trait system in RTW


Is it just me or do the Britton's, Spanyard's, Galic's and Barbarians suck big time? They all wage war with me daily! Yet even if im out numbered 2-1, my troops just destroy them! Its almost genecide! LOL. Example, Briton had 1900 troops (give or take 50 or so) and I had 785! I had to even come out of my stronghold and meet them! I charged cause they wouldnt, and DESTROYED THEM! I killed 1888, they killed 180! LOL, is it the same for you people? Cause so far, I havent had a challenge!
-Undefeatable living up to his name

Turn the battle mode off easy.
-lmao has some useful advice


Why the hell do you think I asked to be unbanned? I had forummers scratching my windows begging me to come back. It was keeping me up at night.
-Doikie learns that leaving HG is a little like the film Misery


Firm and Fast they call him? That's enough to harden my nipples.
-Rubber Soul raises a few eyebrows


Hey man welcome to HG im the HG drug taking alcoholic slut.
Let me tell you something. I have shagged, humped nd dumped, cheated on, kissed, felt up, almost got pregnant. many girls with boyfriends. Who cares if they have boyfriends BUT even i have standards.

-Seany flies the flag for "morality"


"i have 128mb of ram no graphics cards, and p3 proccesor, i cant get a new computer right now, since im selling my house"
-ksaleminik asks if his computer will be able to run tetris


"CTDs? Computer Transmitted Diseases?"
-georgio armani queries a common RTW problem


Welcome to the Baths. Please leave your name, age, and blood group on the side- that way we can decide if we want you for dinner or not.
-Enemy of Jupitor extends a warm welcome to a gatecrasher in Roman Party IX


An insurance company... helping... customers... ERROR.
-Doikie on logic


I wonder if anybody's ever watched a Panda... you know...

I'm sure you could find it on the internet if you really wanted to, but it might cost you a couple of bucks a month subscription, and then you'd have to explain to your mom why she's paying 5 bucks a month for something called "".
-Hell3ent gives some thought to the matter


I find your lack of taste disturbing
-Darth Doikie addresses the young padawans


He'll make a debut in the new movie Finding Nemo II - Finding Emo.
"What's wrong with your fin?"
"I cut myself too much."

-Mebertus extends comfort and sympathy to an under the weather Misplacedgeneral/Misplacedemo


like seriously, man. Popeage = ownage.
-Mebertus states the fundamentals of the catholic church


Now now, no cannibalism. It's not specifically in the CoC, but I think that eating each other would come under the heading of being "counterproductive to the forum community."
-Yak doing some more clarification regarding the CoC


There are three kinds of people in this world: people who know how to count, and people that do not.
-Mebertus. Need we say more


I hate pikemen. I hate all of them. I never have any success with them unless it's on overwhelming odds. I always find them easy to beat. I hate Levy Pikemen. I hate Phalanx Pikemen. I hate Silver Shields. I hate Bronze Shields. I hate Royal Pikemen (don't tell me it isn't a pikeman, it sucks just as much). I hate Pontus Phalanx Pikemen. (this deserves a seperate mention). I hate Pontus Phalanx Pikemen (this deserves to be mentioned again).
-Firefox and his love for pikemen


I usually frown on such threads as attention-seeking and pointless. But I figured that if I posted one, people might care.
-Firefox on the unpleasantness of compromising his own standards


On the film 300 based upon Frank Miller's graphic novel
"All they [The Persians] need is four rhinocerouses and an elephant, and the Spartans are all dead"

"Therein lies Miller's genius. You see, the Persians DON'T HAVE AN ELEPHANT! Thus they are doomed to failure..."
-D Furius Venator


"I might not mind, only because you'll get rid of that signature, and stop that stupid scroll bar."
- Mebertus


Im 16 and in a very srious relationship with bits on the side ofcourse cos the first one is falling apart. So ive experianced alot in a relationship. And im older thn 12 lol.
-seany boi

Have you perchance, in these 16 years, looked at a "Dictionary"? Or Attended "School"?


and lets hope Bush does not pull a Gaius Julius Caesar on congress.
-Lenardius VII

Perhaps he has the decency to be knifed to death in the Senate?

'Et tu, Colin? Then fall, Dubya'.
-D Furius Venator


I could just see Darth Vader being grey and neutral:
"Give in to the Dark Side!...or don't...whatever...I mean, its your life, right?"

-Hell3ent expounding on the possibility of no absolute good/evil


The problem with the dark side is that that black uniforms attract too much cat-hair.
-Hell3ent again


We shall not yield our 12 inches
-DominicusUltimus correcting a forumer who suggested that he "wouldn't yield an inch".


I hurt on the inside...really...its tearing me apart. I'm a dirty, dirty boy.
-Hell3ent has a confession to make


Mr Pot, meet Mr Kettle, and look - he's black too!


The missing E was a typing typo.
-Misplaced. As Meb pointed out, Misplaced has a blinding flash of the obvious.


Have you considered obsessive behavior, such as stalking, obscene phone-calls, telling her that you love her, and that if you can't have her no-one can?
Remember, that restraining order is just her way of playing hard to get.

-Hell3ent on "how I married my wife"


I know that guy....
you could say...Fawking hell

-Lenardius VII on Guy Fawkes


Yeah, sometimes I almost wish I had a Playstation, but then I remember that I like characters to have something a little more than what Final Fantasy offers. Something like, oh, I don't know, a gender.
-Legio Yow incurs the wrath of FF fan[atics] the world over


This is the story of a man who almost barely changed the world, and died trying. A man who died for absolutely nothing, and yet will still be remembered as the greatest of his kind. A man, who when presented with a spoon, demanded a fork. A man who despised every other human entity in the known world, a man who didn’t sorta kinda almost make a difference.
This is his story. Almost. Actually, roughly half of it is about his stupid lackeys, but I think he would have wanted it to be about just him. So we’ll just say it is, okay?

-Siamese begins the maddest and possibly most memorable war story of all time. Full text here


Area 51 is a military testing ground, and saying Canada has an Area 51 is implying they have a non-equestrian military.
- Legio Yow gives the Canucks more heartburn


...But... However can we live without the approval of the intelligentsia? If Kman doesn't approve of us, how can we possibly live?
-ArchDruid hits a despondant note on HG relations


Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
-Yuri Andropov


A gun emplacement kicks the hell out of New York.
-Misplacedgeneral suggests that living standards in the big apple fall somewhat short of the western front circa 1918


And then it was once again time for the head-wall interface to begin.
-Andrew Dunn sums up the debate threads


Alexander. .. Greatest. . . Do you like honey on your pickle?
-Misplaced getting his priorities right


And who's Zen
-Legion of Hell commits blasphemy of the highest order. 2 units of inquistors rush to the scene. 23 forumers treated for shock.


I am hoping to slowly forge TWH into a bastion of respect, honour, trust, loyalty, morality, and power.
-Imperial Justice has some modest plans for TWH




-Love Gaius
TWH Seraph, TWH Grand Zinquisitor & Crazy Gaius the Banstick Kid

Got news regarding Total War games that should be publicised? Then email My blog.
Nelson was the typical Englishman: hot-headed, impetuous, unreliable, passionate, emotional & boisterous. Wellington was the typical Irishman: cold, reserved, calculating, unsentimental & ruthless" - George Bernard Shaw
Vote for McCain...he's not dead just yet! - HP Lovesauce

[This message has been edited by Gaius Colinius (edited 12-06-2006 @ 12:46 PM).]

posted 14 September 2006 19:47 EDT (US)     1 / 300  
He113ent: Ooh look, the idiot speaks!
D Furius Venator: And he’s discovered the caps lock. What a clever boy…
mebertus: Either that, or he has incredible shift-key skills.
He113ent: Ah, an idiot-savant perhaps? Or just plain idiot?
mebertus: I think we might have an Idiotus Domesticus on our hands - the common idiot, bred by our socialist society.
He113ent: Not exactly an endangered species in this day and age...I think its safe to hunt 'em

Thats necessary, take your favorite part.

Sadly, I have no great quotes.

"It's not true. Some have great stories, pretty stories that take place at lakes with boats and friends and noodle salad. Just no one in this car. But, a lot of people, that's their story. Good times, noodle salad. What makes it so hard is not that you had it bad, but that you're that pissed that so many others had it good." Jack Nicholson
posted 14 September 2006 20:03 EDT (US)     2 / 300  
"Who or what is Adder"? - PanzerLeader.

Oldie from RTWH!
posted 14 September 2006 20:06 EDT (US)     3 / 300  
posted 14 September 2006 20:21 EDT (US)     4 / 300  
My signature. I will post it for the benefit of all, so if I change it, it can still be read.

Perhaps the finest comedy routine ever done in RTWH:

He113ent: Ooh look, the idiot speaks!
D Furius Venator: And he’s discovered the caps lock. What a clever boy…
mebertus: Either that, or he has incredible shift-key skills.
He113ent: Ah, an idiot-savant perhaps? Or just plain idiot?
mebertus: I think we might have an Idiotus Domesticus on our hands - the common idiot, bred by our socialist society.
He113ent: Not exactly an endangered species in this day and age...I think its safe to hunt 'em.

"That which we call a nose can still smell!"
-Reduced Shakespeare Company

"Abroad, French transit workers attempt to end a strike, only to discover that they have forgotten how to operate the trains. Everybody enjoys a hearty laugh and returns to the café." -Dave Barry

[This message has been edited by Legio Yow (edited 09-14-2006 @ 08:21 PM).]

posted 14 September 2006 20:22 EDT (US)     5 / 300  
I find that if ypi look through the saga of Seany Boi, you will find qoutes galore.

"It's not true. Some have great stories, pretty stories that take place at lakes with boats and friends and noodle salad. Just no one in this car. But, a lot of people, that's their story. Good times, noodle salad. What makes it so hard is not that you had it bad, but that you're that pissed that so many others had it good." Jack Nicholson
posted 14 September 2006 20:22 EDT (US)     6 / 300  
Somebody already did.

I liked He113ent's smack about Panda porn a while back ... though I can't remember the actual quote.

posted 14 September 2006 20:26 EDT (US)     7 / 300  
If we mention He11, this quote cracked me up:


Thank you, MudokonGod, for clearing everything up. Now we can finally put this long-standing debate to rest.
Wow, I feel feel good? I know I feel good.

"That which we call a nose can still smell!"
-Reduced Shakespeare Company

"Abroad, French transit workers attempt to end a strike, only to discover that they have forgotten how to operate the trains. Everybody enjoys a hearty laugh and returns to the café." -Dave Barry
posted 14 September 2006 20:28 EDT (US)     8 / 300  
Aw guys are making me blush.
One of my favorites was Gaius' mock good-bye post, modelled, iirc, on Nelson's thread...sorry, can't remember where it was though.

Cats, Sex and Nazis...That's why they call me Mr. Happy
Proud Purveyor of Panda Porn...You know you want it!
Things I'm Not Allowed To Do While Gaming

[This message has been edited by He113ent (edited 09-14-2006 @ 08:29 PM).]

posted 14 September 2006 20:29 EDT (US)     9 / 300  
Oh, and sometimes the things you people say in debates ... I have to write them down, they're so good.
posted 14 September 2006 20:33 EDT (US)     10 / 300  
From the thread "traits you like"

Quoted from Gaius:

The key to a nice forum is lots of love, preferably non-jealous very-sexual love.

Cats, Sex and Nazis...That's why they call me Mr. Happy
Proud Purveyor of Panda Porn...You know you want it!
Things I'm Not Allowed To Do While Gaming
posted 14 September 2006 20:44 EDT (US)     11 / 300  
Quoteth from Yakcamkir the Great. On He113ents picture in the picture thread.

Hell3ent (The hitler impression doesn't really work when the stick-on mustache slips down.)'

In fact, I will go so far so as to say almost every one of those quotes deserves ot be up here, for they are all quite funny.

"It's not true. Some have great stories, pretty stories that take place at lakes with boats and friends and noodle salad. Just no one in this car. But, a lot of people, that's their story. Good times, noodle salad. What makes it so hard is not that you had it bad, but that you're that pissed that so many others had it good." Jack Nicholson
posted 15 September 2006 08:33 EDT (US)     12 / 300  


I find that if ypi look through the saga of Seany Boi, you will find qoutes galore.

But that means work and effort.

bag of weed - £40
skins - 99p
new muse cd - £6
getting stoned out your head on your night off listening to tunes
"Well I've already been under and on top of 5 women at this point of my life so I guess it evens out." - DominicusUltimus
posted 15 September 2006 08:38 EDT (US)     13 / 300  
Some great quotes there. Any more of those oldie specials Ian? I'll start having a look when I get home.

The "idiot" is about the very max that would qualify and rarely even at that.

-Love Gaius
TWH Seraph, TWH Grand Zinquisitor & Crazy Gaius the Banstick Kid

Got news regarding Total War games that should be publicised? Then email My blog.
Nelson was the typical Englishman: hot-headed, impetuous, unreliable, passionate, emotional & boisterous. Wellington was the typical Irishman: cold, reserved, calculating, unsentimental & ruthless" - George Bernard Shaw
Vote for McCain...he's not dead just yet! - HP Lovesauce

posted 15 September 2006 09:18 EDT (US)     14 / 300  
I was thinking of doing something like this myself, like they do in OD. Once every quarter they'll make a post with all kind of funny quotes. Two or three people collecting all quotes and 1 posts them. Could be fun to do this in The Baths too.

My quote by D Furius Venator:


UFOs certainly exist. There are plenty of recorded instances of unidentied flying objects. In fact I myself have failed to identify flying objects on several occasions.
Why on earth anyoine would leap to the conclusion that such things must be alien spacecraft is beyond me though.


"The story of our life, in the end, is not our life, it is our story" - Americano
Ad furore Dutchmannorum libera nos domine - Ace Cataphract
posted 15 September 2006 11:25 EDT (US)     15 / 300  
Yeah. Furius has been in an excellent run of form lately. Half of what he says would be worthy of inclusion. He had a lovely put down for my tongue in cheek suggestion of "llama warriors" or "donkey raiders" for the aztecs in MTW2.

It's sad when such quote genius is left unnoticed and eventually forgotten so it's time to collect them all together.
As I've said already, I'm quite interested in the oldie ones. That Adder one is definitely going in and I will find that Doikie tribute thread, even if looking at the screen for so long ruins my eyesight.
There are a few firefox quotes that need to be included too.
Long after we depart, the next generation of HG'ers will want to know what we were like. This is the best way to do it!

Incidentally, I'll only put my own quotes in if somebody else suggests them.
[and there'll be a fiver in it for ye].

There's one where Undie claims that 1200 divided by 60 is not 20. Anybody know where that one is?

-Love Gaius
TWH Seraph, TWH Grand Zinquisitor & Crazy Gaius the Banstick Kid

Got news regarding Total War games that should be publicised? Then email My blog.
Nelson was the typical Englishman: hot-headed, impetuous, unreliable, passionate, emotional & boisterous. Wellington was the typical Irishman: cold, reserved, calculating, unsentimental & ruthless" - George Bernard Shaw
Vote for McCain...he's not dead just yet! - HP Lovesauce

posted 15 September 2006 11:31 EDT (US)     16 / 300  


Yakcamkir, I am offended by you name. For I am a Yak.....

Max was on fire then.

And there's got to be at least one example of me putting down a flaiming n00b somwhere- 'Go home, do not pass go, do not collect £200.'

I think it was Splash Splash spam thread that that weird guy psoted.

And I shall go Softly into the Night Taking my Dreams As will You

[This message has been edited by EnemyofJupitor (edited 09-15-2006 @ 11:32 AM).]

posted 15 September 2006 11:33 EDT (US)     17 / 300

[This message has been edited by Osmano (edited 09-15-2006 @ 11:34 AM).]

posted 15 September 2006 11:36 EDT (US)     18 / 300  
Ah! It was Greek!

And Seany set things straight

And AD's post in the same thread...

And I shall go Softly into the Night Taking my Dreams As will You
posted 15 September 2006 11:41 EDT (US)     19 / 300  


Hey everyone: For those of you who are frustrated or annoyed with my name, I appologize, its just a name. I dont consider myself undefeatable against anyone here, or the CPU for that matter, I was just referring to my campaign on medium setting, and I was new here as well.

So again, Im sorry if my name annoys or bugs anyone.

*loves Undies*

/I've got nothin...I'm fo like'a bajillion!\
posted 15 September 2006 11:44 EDT (US)     20 / 300  


There's one where Undie claims that 1200 divided by 60 is not 20. Anybody know where that one is?

I was going to say, hell no.

Maximus :: I knew it...Er, why God, why? EoJ, I need to borrow you police box!

posted 15 September 2006 11:48 EDT (US)     21 / 300  
No can do, mate.
Gah, I forgot to pu the link to that thread

Then there's one of your first when you complain of th e easyness of the campain, and somone suggests turning the difficulty up to mediam.

And I shall go Softly into the Night Taking my Dreams As will You
posted 15 September 2006 12:10 EDT (US)     22 / 300  
Yes, Undie quotes will be included but this isn't an Undie tribute thread you know.

-Love Gaius
TWH Seraph, TWH Grand Zinquisitor & Crazy Gaius the Banstick Kid

Got news regarding Total War games that should be publicised? Then email My blog.
Nelson was the typical Englishman: hot-headed, impetuous, unreliable, passionate, emotional & boisterous. Wellington was the typical Irishman: cold, reserved, calculating, unsentimental & ruthless" - George Bernard Shaw
Vote for McCain...he's not dead just yet! - HP Lovesauce

posted 15 September 2006 12:24 EDT (US)     23 / 300  
I think those are hardly a tribute. More like a slap in my face!

EoJ and Maximus are like a repeating nightmare that loves to haunt my sleeps.

posted 15 September 2006 12:29 EDT (US)     24 / 300  
My thanks. Here's the bill.

And I shall go Softly into the Night Taking my Dreams As will You
posted 15 September 2006 19:10 EDT (US)     25 / 300  


I am gonna come out and tell you everything on why my life sucks. some of these are minor to severe. by making this thread I will get all problems off my chest and I wont have to make retarded we go.
1. Girls dont talk to me
2. i blush EASILY making it impossible for me to talk to females.
3. i have 2 funguses/ingrown toenails. one on each foot
4. i have a small case of hives on my foot
5. i can never beat anyone in anything
6. im scared of school showers and removing my shirt
7. im addicted to something i shouldnt be addicted to
8. i have acne on my back (one of the reasons i cant go into the pool)
9. i smell
10. my breath smells bad
11. i have a thick unibrow
12. i act like im 12 when im really 16 and I cant chance no matter how hard I try.
13. i have no friends
14. i get beaten up everyday
15. i have scars everywhere and wart scars on my fingers
16. i have scabs that dont heal and i dont even touch them
17. I am scared of everything
18. I have no one to guide me (no friends, siblings, and parents are embarrassing)
19. im always stressed out.
20. i have never been on a date and i dont know how to have fun
21. i have constant erections and I cant help getting them causing me to avoid being on sports teams or in Phys Ed.
22. i have 2 lumps under my nipples caused by a deformation of my pectoral muscles during puberty. (a mini version of gynecomastia)
23. I am ugly
24. i wear bad clothes
25. im a bad student
26. i hae no self esteem and i have to avoid all contact wether verbal or physical
27. my underarms sweat a ton
28. i have stinky pits
29. my weight is to low for a person of my stature/gender/ and age
30. im not very smart
31. i starve for attention
32. i have a foot fetish
33. i have yellow teeth.
34. no one likes me
35. no one will ever like me
36. i love a girl who doesnt know i exist
37. i have horrible relations with my parents
38. im to lazy to exercise
39. i dont have any problem solving skills
40. i am a dirty person (my higene is horrible!!!!)
41. im an easy crier
42. i cant cook due to im terrified of knives and fire
43. on my myspace i have one friend.....tom and no you cant see my myspace
44. i dont have a pet even though everyone else in my family has one
45. scared to drive a car
46. i dont take chances
47. SUCK at AOE3
48. i like TV shows that were made for girls....not saying which ones.
49. i have a twisted perception on the world (remember my europe thread?)
50. my bones crack loudly whenver i walk
51. i have a red line that goes straight across my abdomonals that makes it look like ive tried to do you know what but i havent.
52. whenever i get the mail I look around to make sure no people are present and can see me.
53. i have anger issues
54. my bedroom and bathroom smell like crap...along with me.
55. people blame things on me even though i dont do them.
56. i stay at home all day and read science books.
57. i have bad sight
58. scared of doctors
59. gonna get some teeth removed soon
60. I have fat fore-arms and people think i do to much you know what.
61. im depressed.
62. i have 2 pairs of clothes which i wear to school and at home everyday
63. im scared of getting a job
64. i cant sleep at night because im always on guard against robbery (one of my phobias)
65. whenever i get hot my skin feels like its popping
66. im scared of urinals
67. i have extremely hairy legs
68. im easily distracted
69. im such a loser i make long lists to show people on forums who dont care about me.
70. not allowed to shave
71. scared of the dark and ghosts
72. im gullible
73. i dont feel like eating more than a few peices of food
74. i throwup at the sight and smell of toothpaste.
75. i have no idea how to do things (like initiating a conversation or getting a taxi cab)
76. im EXTREMELY shy
77. i stutter when im nervous
78. i get nervous easily
79. i have an adrenaline rush 95% of the day for no reason
80. im always dizzy
81. im secluded from the public
82. I get pimples everyday!!! and sometimes within my hair on my scalp
83. my pubic hair itches
84. my you know what is small
85. im scared to look at pictures in yearbooks
86. im scared to read outloud in class and present projects
87. im scared to tell of my problems to people in realife because they might put me in an institution
88. i dont know anything about pop culture and modern life. the only band i know is the beatles
89. i dont know any of todays lingo
90. im not sexually informed
91. i break everything i touch.
92. i sleep with stuffed animals
93. i talk to myself
94. i pick my nose and i can't stop
95. i cant hear things well. im always saying WHAT?
96. im obbsessive over little things
97. i have moles
98. i dont know how to make friends
99. i dont know how to make money
100. i dont know how to order food (which is why i just grab a sack lunch everyday)
101. im scrawny
102. i scream like a 6 year old girl
103. im a sinner
thats about it. I CANT STAND MY LIFE ITS SO AWEFUL!!!!! someone help me im DESPERATE!!!!! Moderators please do not lock this thread this is the last place i can turn to!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!

Best quote ever /\ Skidbladnir

2nd post in that thread, Kaiserwinterfeldt:


For the sake of the Gods don't go to OD. They will torment you to no end.
Max, stop being a twatwaffle.

Seany Boi:


Hey man welcome to HG im the HG drug taking alcoholic slut.
Let me tell you something. I have shagged, humped nd dumped, cheated on, kissed, felt up, almost got pregnant. many girls with boyfriends. Who cares if they have boyfriends BUT even i have standards.


lso, your almost classified as a harraser or stalker by now, I suggest you stop before you get maced.

Yea, thats me, in the same thread.


I dont know did i sound that jealous?

Sverous Brutus


Lol, solidarity brother! Now lets chow down!


"It's not true. Some have great stories, pretty stories that take place at lakes with boats and friends and noodle salad. Just no one in this car. But, a lot of people, that's their story. Good times, noodle salad. What makes it so hard is not that you had it bad, but that you're that pissed that so many others had it good." Jack Nicholson
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Total War Heaven » Forums » The Red Lion Tavern » Great RTWH quotes hall of fame
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