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Scenario Design and Discussion
Moderated by Sebastien, Mr Wednesday

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Topic Subject: Pretty Town Contest 2015 - Results!
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posted 04-22-15 02:45 PM CT (US)   



1st place: Smile No More, by Mr Wednesday : 137 pts

In first place we have Mr Wednesday's mysterious and highly detail town which includes many creative elements and a beautiful and authentic layout.

Download here!


2nd place: Gharain, by Arnas : 126 pts

In second place is Gharain by Arnas. A beautifully crafted settlement that has some brilliant interaction and full of life. It's excellently designed with a beautiful layout of buildings and a great many things going on.

Download here!


3rd place: Geundia, by CarolKarine : 125 pts

In a close third comes CarolKairine's Geundia. Another beautifully designed town which incorporates many techincal design tricks and a great use of the off grid placement tool.

Download here!


4th place: Brasov, by Darth Sarek : 124 pts

Just missing out on the podium is Brasov by Darth Sarek. An beautiful wintry design which has alot of creative elements and another truly beautiful design.

Download here!


5th place: Into the Andes, by Jan dc : 123 pts

Coming in fifth place was Into the Andes by Jan dc. This entry focuses on a settlement in the Andes Mountains. It has a very pretty design and incoperates architectures of the native Incans and the Spanish settlers.

Download here!


6th place: Vane'rir, by Lildbehr : 122 pts

Our sixth place entry is Vane'rir by Lildbehr. A creative entry that details a plagued city, complete with dying civilians and corpses scattered along the roads. The map also has a good design and a creative use of waterways and canals to allow boat to travel through.

Download here!


7th place: Platopolys, by DelCrosB : 119 pts

In seventh place come Platoplys by DelCorsB. The large and detailed city is fantastic demonstration of what a designer can do with the editor to create a truly beautiful map design.

Download here!


8th place: Nameless Entry, by Knaber : 108 pts

In eighth place is Knaber's Nameless Entry which is nice detailed town with a great layout and use of different buildings and architectural sets.

Download here!


8th place: Toulon, by yinyueqishi : 108 pts

In joint eighth place with Knaber is Toulon by yinyueqishi. This small but nicely designed town show a small port bustling with life, full of traders and sailors, knight and travels. There are some creative touches and some good technical skill used by the designer.

Download here!


10th place: Hidden Village, by MrMew : 97 pts

Just making it into the top ten is Hidden Village by MrMew. The only entry to make use of the Forgotten Empires Mod, Hidden Village has good design and MrMew has shown some good techincal skill in his designing. With some more practice it has the potiential to be great.

Download here!


12th place: Tortuga, by Zetnus: 96 pts

Just missing out on the top ten is Tortuga by Zetnus. Probably the most ambitious entry into the PTC Tortuga is created via RMS scripting. A creative and novel entry to the PTC Tortuga is an interesting map which shows what can be done with a few lines of script.

Download here!


12th place: Apfelheim, by Supersasquatch: 92 pts

Coming in place number twelve is Apfelheim by Supersasquatch; "A beautiful, bustling mountain lake... Somewhere in the foothills of the alps. Take a trip through around the rim of the valley, through the foothills and mountain meadows."

Download here!


13th place: Off the Track, by Exilee: 79 pts

Finally in thirteenth place come Off the Track by Exilee. This map demonstrates a good start to map designing and incorperate many different design styles and architectural sets.

Download here!



Scores by the judges: ( in the order authenticity/creativity/layout/techincal skill = total )
Max marks for each category is : 20/5/20/5 = 50

Leif Ericson's Scores
1. CarolKarine - Geundia................. 16/05/17/04 = 42/50
2. Lildbehr - Vane’rir....................... 18/05/15/04 = 42/50
3. Mr Wednesday - Smile No More... 18/04/16/04 = 42/50
4. Supersasquatch - Apfelheim........ 17/04/16/04 = 41/50
5. DelCrosB - Platoploys.................. 17/04/15/04 = 40/50
6. Jan dc - Into the Andes............... 17/04/16/03 = 40/50
7. Arnas - Gharain.......................... 16/04/13/04 = 37/50
8. Yinyueqishi - Toulon................... 13/05/15/04 = 37/50
9. Darth Sarek - Brasov.................. 17/04/14/02 = 36/50
10. Zetnus - Tortuga...................... 15/04/13/03 = 35/50
11. MrMew - Hidden Village............ 14/03/14/03 = 34/50
12. Exilee - Off the Track............... 14/03/12/03 = 32/50
13. Knaber - Nameless Entry.......... 12/03/14/03 = 32/50

Possidon’s Scores
1. Mr Wednesday - Smile No More... 19/05/17/05 = 46/50
2. Arnas - Gharain.......................... 19/04/19/04 = 45/50
3. Jan dc - Into the Andes............... 17/04/18/04 = 43/50
4. Darth Sarek - Brasov................... 17/05/16/05 = 43/50
5. DelCrosB - Platopolys.................. 18/04/16/04 = 42/50
6. CarolKarine - Geundia................. 14/04/18/04 = 40/50
7. Lildbehr - Vane’rir....................... 17/05/14/03 = 39/50
8. Knaber - Nameless Entry............. 13/03/16/03 = 35/50
9. Yinyueqish - Toulon.................... 14/04/12/03 = 33/50
10. Supersasquatch - Apfelheim...... 12/03/14/03 = 32/50
11. Zetnus - Tortuga...................... 11/04/12/04 = 31/50
12. MrMew - Hidden Village............ 14/03/11/03 = 31/50
13. Exilee - Off the Track................ 09/02/07/03 = 21/50

HockeySam18’s Scores
1. Mr. Wednesday - Simle No More... 19/05/20/05 = 49/50
2. Darth Sarek - Brasov................... 19/05/16/04 = 44/50
3. Arnas - Gharain........................... 17/05/17/04 = 43/50
4. CarolKarine - Geundia.................. 17/05/18/03 = 43/50
5. Knaber - Nameless Entry.............. 13/05/20/03 = 41/50
6. Lildbehr - Vane'rir........................ 17/05/15/04 = 41/50
7. Jan dc - Into the Andes................ 15/05/16/04 = 40/50
8. Yinyueqishi - Toulon..................... 16/05/14/03 = 38/50
9. DelCrosB - Platopolys................... 15/04/14/04 = 37/50
10. MrMew - Hidden Village.............. 14/03/12/03 = 32/50
11. Zetnus - Tortuga....................... 13/04/10/03 = 30/50
12. Exilee - Off the Track................. 10/03/10/03 = 26/50
13. Supersasquatch - Apfelheim....... 08/03/07/01 = 19/50

Total Scores
1. Mr. Wednesday - Smile No More... 56/14/53/14 = 137/150
2. Arnas - Gharain........................... 52/13/49/12 = 126/150
3. CarolKarine - Geundia.................. 47/14/53/11 = 125/150
4. Darth Sarek - Brasov................... 53/14/46/11 = 124/150
5. Jan dc - Into the Andes............... 49/13/50/11 = 123/150
6. Lildbehr - Vane'rir....................... 52/15/44/11 = 122/150
7. DelCrosB - Platopolys.................. 50/12/45/12 = 119/150
8. Knaber - Nameless Entry............. 38/11/50/09 = 108/150
9. Yinyueqishi - Toulon.................... 43/14/41/10 = 108/150
10. MrMew - Hidden Village............. 42/09/37/09 = 97/150
11. Zetnus - Tortuga....................... 39/12/35/10 = 96/150
12. Supersasquatch - Apfelheim....... 37/10/37/08 = 92/150
13. Exilee - Off the Track................. 33/08/29/09 = 79/150

Much to the delight of the people craving for a PTC; it's finally here!

The last PTC was hosted in 2013, and the results were great! I can't count them all, but you only have to look here to realise it's probably one of our most popular competitions.

To explain; this contest allows someone to utilize their creative instincts to create the most aesthetically beautiful and outstandingly pretty city, town, or village in the scenario editor.

Combat and gameplay are absent, allowing the player (and your anxious judges) to leisurely tour the beauties of the countryside and experience the rustic ways of village life.

The objective of this contest is to design the most beautiful, outstandingly pretty town, city or village in the AoK Scenario Editor. In past years there was often a theme for this contest, such as the best Native American, Swamp, or Winter village, but this year we have gone with an unthemed contest. That's right, you as the designer have the ultimate freedom to choose whatever setting you desire for your town!

If you are interested and considering entering, please be sure to read all of the rules below before committing your name in a reply.

Submit all entries (as .cpx files, which automatically includes the AIs you used, and allows viewers to see the introductory bitmap, should you choose to include one, as well as introductory info--history, scenario instructions, hints) to the Showcase Scenarios category in the Blacksmith, with the initials "PTC15" typed in the submission title. All entries must be submitted by 11:59 PM EST, July 14th. It must meet the requirements listed below to be eligible for judging. Otherwise, you will face disqualification.

As an added note, we will not be approving the files in the Blacksmith until the judging phase has passed, so don't worry if your submission doesn't appear. We will be keeping track of all files that have been submitted so you can be sure your file was submitted successfully.

In addition, please keep in mind that this contest strictly follows the guidelines of how the PTC was previously run and judged to keep with the tradition and intended nature of the contest.

1. No combat (for the player) or cinematics are allowed. You may, of course, have things going on in the town, such as a joust or a guided tour, but the player must have the freedom to move their unit and explore, not be locked into a triggered cinematic like in the ACSC.
2. One entry per person or per team only.
3. The use of Userpatch and AOK:HD are allowed.
4. The Use of The Forgotten Expansion and The Forgotten Empires Mod are allowed
5. However, no other custom graphics or mods are allowed.
6. There is no trigger limit. However, the use of extra triggers will not warrant a higher score.
7. The use of custom soundtracks and sound effects is encouraged but not required. If using a custom soundtrack, please specify somewhere on which speed the scenario is to be played, as otherwise the soundtracks might overlap if the scenario is played on a speed other than what the designer intended, which will cause points to be deducted.
8. You must supply at least 1 or 2 fast units that the judge can scout with - no Teutonic Knights or War Elephants, please .
9. A story is encouraged to add further interest, however no 3,000 word epics please. Alternatively, you can have a short narrative, a journal from a traveler or a history of the land to get us, the tourist, into it all! Use whatever you like, but make sure to remember that this is a design-oriented contest.
10. The smallest mapsize allowed is the tiny (2 player) mapsize that is selectable in the editor. You may use a 255x255 map (largest available in the CD version). You do not have to fill the entire map (quality over quantity), as only the visible portions will be judged, but if your entry is obscenely small while another entry uses the entire map and does so comparably well, then they will receive a higher score for obvious reasons.
11. You may not use files (or modified versions of them) that have been previously uploaded to the Blacksmith, or to any other community site, etc. The goal of the contest is to design a scenario from scratch, not to rest on the laurels of work that you've already done.

All entries will be judged on how they look, however only what is seen will be judged. The categories are simple and are as follows:

Authenticity (20) - Covers how the map reasonably and realistically looks and fits into the world in which it is set. It can be part of the real world or a magical fantasy world that you've created. This criteria also takes into account the atmosphere - how sounds, music, dialogue and onscreen actions that take place enhance the scenario's mood, vibrancy and emotion.
Creativity (5) - Covers the creative elements you incorporate into your map and designs.
Layout (20) - Covers the layout of terrains, buildings, units and eyecandy in the scenario, emphasizing natural placement of units, buildings, and objects, and cohesion between different sections of the map.
Technical skill (5) - Covers technical skills with regard to designing, such as use of triggers, music and sound synthesis, etc. Marks will be deducted for mistakes such as split cliffs, overlapping soundtracks, music or sound effects that are far too loud or too soft, etc.

(total of 50 possible points)

To be confirmed...

All the top three entries will receive a Official Review from one of the judges!

1. Possidon
2. HockeySam18
3. Leif Ericson

Past Pretty Town Contest Entries for Inspiration:

Contestants: (contestants with finished entries in bold)
Mr Wednesday
Kid Blink
Darth Sarek
Jan dc
Muhammad Mirza
Al_Kharn the Great

Who's your money on? Join in the ongoing speculation and your thoughts on the contestants in Lildbehr's PTC Speculating Thread

[This message has been edited by Possidon (edited 08-05-2015 @ 04:01 AM).]

posted 04-22-15 04:39 PM CT (US)     1 / 336  
Oh yes! Can't wait to see this year's submissions.I have one question,though.Will the size of the map effect the score?

Nevermind I guess it doesn't

[This message has been edited by MrMustache (edited 04-22-2015 @ 04:41 PM).]

posted 04-23-15 01:30 AM CT (US)     2 / 336  
I'm up for it.

Time of Tea
Still in the Dark Age
Don't be a melodramatic clown. ~Mr Wednesday
posted 04-23-15 01:28 PM CT (US)     3 / 336  
When is a cutscene meant to be a cutscene?

Would it be allowed f.ex?:
- a guy welcomes me and guides me arround, telling me what I see
- He is waiting at some points, so I can decide when we are going up or if I want to explore a bit more
- At some places would happen things (like a joust), triggered with condition "Object visible" (The Player would still be able to decide to watch it or just go away)

~Finished Projects~
5 Christmasmaps

some Minimaps and other stuff
posted 04-23-15 01:34 PM CT (US)     4 / 336  
Things like that have been allowed in the last iteration of the contest, so I don't see why it wouldn't be allowed. Prime example: The winning entry by Julius999, there are plenty of small things that happen, and there's a guide that offers to show and explain the city, but you don't have to follow him.

The way I understand it, you aren't allowed to have a cutscene where the player has no control over his unit and only things happen to be watched (cinematic scenario style).

Possidon, Leif and Sam can surely clarify it better than me.
posted 04-23-15 03:33 PM CT (US)     5 / 336  
John is exactly right

~ Forgotten Empires ~

Storm on the Steppe | Galderton Hill RP | Proud member of Stormwind Studios

"Deyr fé, deyja frændr, deyr sjálfr it sama; ek veit einn at aldri deyr, dómr um dauðan hvern." - Hávamál 77.
posted 04-23-15 03:39 PM CT (US)     6 / 336  
Will the story or cutscene/guide affect the score in any way?

Edit: And also what do you mean by "only what is seen will be judged." ? Does that mean for example,if I put a guide and you are following him,will you only judge the places you've seen throughout the way ? Won't you judge the whole map in the end?

[This message has been edited by MrMustache (edited 04-23-2015 @ 03:44 PM).]

posted 04-23-15 03:50 PM CT (US)     7 / 336  
What John said is spot on correct

Mr Mustache
Story/Cutscenes effect the Authenticity Score. But we will deduct points if you include a long story and non-playable elements. There must be nothing that stops the player from exploring the town. The story must be short, for example a very small bit of history on the town, etc.

Only parts of the map that are seen through the Fog of War will be judged. You can have a large blank area of the map, which as long as it is inaccessible, will not be judged. If we can'gt get there to see it, we won't judge it.

Hope that clears things up.

[This message has been edited by Possidon (edited 04-23-2015 @ 03:52 PM).]

posted 04-23-15 03:59 PM CT (US)     8 / 336  
Will the story or cutscene/guide affect the score in any way?
If it is done well, then it will affect the score in a positive manner, but if it is done poorly, then it will have a negative impact.

For my part, I don't mind reading a lot in the scenario instructions, history, etc, or even dialogues if it is done well, in which case I will consider that in a positive fashion in my scores. But if it is boring or done poorly, then, it will cost an entry points.

~ Forgotten Empires ~

Storm on the Steppe | Galderton Hill RP | Proud member of Stormwind Studios

"Deyr fé, deyja frændr, deyr sjálfr it sama; ek veit einn at aldri deyr, dómr um dauðan hvern." - Hávamál 77.
posted 04-23-15 04:39 PM CT (US)     9 / 336  
but if it is done poorly, then it will have a negative impact.
To be honest I don't think it should. PTC is about map design, and not everyone's brilliant at triggering.

Paradise Lost ~ Scored 1st in the ACSC12! ~ Voted Best Cinematic Scenario of 2013 ~ Official Rating: 4.7
Demon Town ~ Scored 1st in the HHC11! ~ " unique as an AoK scenario can get." - Panel ~ Official Rating: 4.2

Proud Member of BlackForestStudios
My AoE2 Youtube Channel
posted 04-23-15 04:51 PM CT (US)     10 / 336  
Then there's no need to go for a trigger-heavy map

~ Forgotten Empires ~

Storm on the Steppe | Galderton Hill RP | Proud member of Stormwind Studios

"Deyr fé, deyja frændr, deyr sjálfr it sama; ek veit einn at aldri deyr, dómr um dauðan hvern." - Hávamál 77.
posted 04-23-15 04:55 PM CT (US)     11 / 336  
Never entered one of these, never saw what all the fuss is about. But I feel like maybe I will give this one a go anyway.

"And Matt is a prolific lurker, watching over the forum from afar in silence, like Batman. He's the president TC needs, and possibly also the one it deserves." - trebuchet king
posted 04-23-15 06:09 PM CT (US)     12 / 336  
Yeah, I prefer playable scenarios as well. But it's a nice showcase of map design. I look forward to see what you come up with if you enter!

~ Forgotten Empires ~

Storm on the Steppe | Galderton Hill RP | Proud member of Stormwind Studios

"Deyr fé, deyja frændr, deyr sjálfr it sama; ek veit einn at aldri deyr, dómr um dauðan hvern." - Hávamál 77.
posted 04-23-15 07:24 PM CT (US)     13 / 336  

Proud owner of Splash Splash XLIV: Leave it there for someone to find, Which is on record for being the fastest thread to reach 2500 posts - which was completed in 28 hours and 17 minutes, from start to finish!
Yeah, the republican party is pretty much one big schizophrenic ball of contradictions nowadays. - Ax_man1
double post for milestone, then relentlessly bash on the community for the hell of it... stay classy thymole. - Lurker
posted 04-23-15 11:27 PM CT (US)     14 / 336  
I'm in!

Hope i can come up with something...

[This message has been edited by Knaber (edited 04-26-2015 @ 02:06 AM).]

posted 04-23-15 11:41 PM CT (US)     15 / 336  
Can you guys answer my second question too ? If it's not understandable I can write it again

Edit:Possidon already did,sorry

[This message has been edited by MrMustache (edited 04-23-2015 @ 11:43 PM).]

posted 04-24-15 00:25 AM CT (US)     16 / 336  
Then there's no need to go for a trigger-heavy map
Yes, but those that do get extra points, do they not?

Paradise Lost ~ Scored 1st in the ACSC12! ~ Voted Best Cinematic Scenario of 2013 ~ Official Rating: 4.7
Demon Town ~ Scored 1st in the HHC11! ~ " unique as an AoK scenario can get." - Panel ~ Official Rating: 4.2

Proud Member of BlackForestStudios
My AoE2 Youtube Channel
posted 04-24-15 02:19 AM CT (US)     17 / 336  
Depends on how well they are used - it can go either way. Triggers are not indicative of how good a scenario is. As an example, I'm sure Julius's Azgara (the winner of the PTC'13) had a load of triggers that he used to create a vibrant, bustling city and various little scenes throughout which certainly contributed to his high score. Lord Basse's Sagropireia (the winner of the PTC'11) probably had far fewer triggers but was still an excellent entry earning top scores. In my book, a map with 5 triggers can score just as high as one with 1000 as long as the products are of similar quality - there's more than one way to skin a cat in this competition (or any competition, really)

~ Forgotten Empires ~

Storm on the Steppe | Galderton Hill RP | Proud member of Stormwind Studios

"Deyr fé, deyja frændr, deyr sjálfr it sama; ek veit einn at aldri deyr, dómr um dauðan hvern." - Hávamál 77.
posted 04-24-15 03:10 AM CT (US)     18 / 336  
I always thought of the PTC as a map design only contest. Of course a certain atmosphere can contribute to the experience, but in my opinion the map that is seen ingame is the only thing that should be judged. I have served as judge in this contest before, and I always thought that the atmosphere had too much of an impact on the score.

Also, if I remember correctly, Lord Basse's "Sagropireia" had a lot more triggerwork than Julius' Azgara.

Paradise Lost ~ Scored 1st in the ACSC12! ~ Voted Best Cinematic Scenario of 2013 ~ Official Rating: 4.7
Demon Town ~ Scored 1st in the HHC11! ~ " unique as an AoK scenario can get." - Panel ~ Official Rating: 4.2

Proud Member of BlackForestStudios
My AoE2 Youtube Channel

[This message has been edited by Defibrilator (edited 04-24-2015 @ 05:23 AM).]

posted 04-24-15 04:43 AM CT (US)     19 / 336  
You may use a 255x255 map (largest available in the CD version) or the Ludakris map (480x480) available in the HD Edition.
4. The Use of The Forgotten Expansion is forbidden. Use The HD Version instead.
Ludakris map (480x480) is only available in The Forgotten Expansion scenario editor.
Although I think it might be possible to get that size in the HD Version using Trigger Studio...

......./ / / \ Check out my Blacksmith submissions as well as my Random Map Scripts.
....../ / /\\ \
...../ /_/_\\ \ Proud guardian of the Definitive Random Map Scripting Guide
..../_____\\\ \
....\\\\\\\\\\\\\/ and the Random Map Scripting Links and FAQ thread.
posted 04-24-15 04:54 AM CT (US)     20 / 336  
I think I will give it a try. You can add me to the list!
posted 04-24-15 08:20 AM CT (US)     21 / 336  
I always thought of the PTC as a map design only contest. Of course a certain atmosphere can contribute to the experience, but in my opinion the map that is seen ingame is the only thing that should be judged. I have served as judge in this contest before, and I always thought that the atmosphere had too much of an impact on the score.
This is actually one thing that we considered when revising the scoring categories this year. We did away with the "Atmosphere" category and added it as a minor subset of the "Authenticity" category. The goal I had in mind with the new categories was to focus primarily on map design (while still acknowledging technical aspects). Perhaps this is most evident through the point weighting of each category.
Also, if I remember correctly, Lord Basse's "Sagropireia" had a lot more triggerwork than Julius' Azgara.
Not sure, I haven't looked at the scenario files and counted the triggers. What I mean, though, is that there is a lot more going on in Julius's entry - you get the feel of a bustling, crowded city, while in Basse's entry the atmosphere was conveyed primarily through the design. Both would receive near-equal scores in my book.
Although I think it might be possible to get that size in the HD Version using Trigger Studio...
This is what I had in mind. If it is not possible, though, then I'll remove that portion from the OP to avoid confusion

~ Forgotten Empires ~

Storm on the Steppe | Galderton Hill RP | Proud member of Stormwind Studios

"Deyr fé, deyja frændr, deyr sjálfr it sama; ek veit einn at aldri deyr, dómr um dauðan hvern." - Hávamál 77.
posted 04-24-15 11:28 AM CT (US)     22 / 336  
but in my opinion the map that is seen ingame is the only thing that should be judged
Sure the map is judged by playing it, and not by looking at it in the editor. But there you just get a different impression from a city just full of static units than from one with moving, working units and sound effects. However, as Sam said, the evaluation categories have been changed, you might want to compare them to the last PTC and you will certainly like the changes.

@Judges: I would actually suggest not opening any of the entries in the editor at all, and only exploring them via the provided scout.
posted 04-24-15 11:51 AM CT (US)     23 / 336  
@Judges: I would actually suggest not opening any of the entries in the editor at all, and only exploring them via the provided scout.
^^That's why people should submit their entries as campaign files

Paradise Lost ~ Scored 1st in the ACSC12! ~ Voted Best Cinematic Scenario of 2013 ~ Official Rating: 4.7
Demon Town ~ Scored 1st in the HHC11! ~ " unique as an AoK scenario can get." - Panel ~ Official Rating: 4.2

Proud Member of BlackForestStudios
My AoE2 Youtube Channel
posted 04-24-15 11:56 AM CT (US)     24 / 336  
posted 04-24-15 03:19 PM CT (US)     25 / 336  
That's why people should submit their entries as campaign files
Indeed. This is what has been done in the past (and is such a norm that I guess most entrants assume it anyway, plus why not use a .cpx when it encodes the AI and allows you to use an introductory bitmap and slides?) but in case anyone is unclear, I'll add it to the OP.

~ Forgotten Empires ~

Storm on the Steppe | Galderton Hill RP | Proud member of Stormwind Studios

"Deyr fé, deyja frændr, deyr sjálfr it sama; ek veit einn at aldri deyr, dómr um dauðan hvern." - Hávamál 77.
posted 04-24-15 10:32 PM CT (US)     26 / 336  
Got a comment on my last ptc file from john that was weird

But really dev, the atmosphere is part of the map. It's the bits that bring it to life.

Proud owner of Splash Splash XLIV: Leave it there for someone to find, Which is on record for being the fastest thread to reach 2500 posts - which was completed in 28 hours and 17 minutes, from start to finish!
Yeah, the republican party is pretty much one big schizophrenic ball of contradictions nowadays. - Ax_man1
double post for milestone, then relentlessly bash on the community for the hell of it... stay classy thymole. - Lurker
posted 04-25-15 02:45 PM CT (US)     27 / 336  
I'm in. Again, for the fifth or sixth competition in a row. Seems I got nothing better to do with my free time.

(The above poster is right, did you know that?)
Proud associate of Monsoon Studios
posted 04-25-15 02:53 PM CT (US)     28 / 336  
But really dev, the atmosphere is part of the map. It's the bits that bring it to life.
I can't deny that, but in a contest that focuses on map design it shouldn't have any sort of impact on the scores. Just my opinion.

Paradise Lost ~ Scored 1st in the ACSC12! ~ Voted Best Cinematic Scenario of 2013 ~ Official Rating: 4.7
Demon Town ~ Scored 1st in the HHC11! ~ " unique as an AoK scenario can get." - Panel ~ Official Rating: 4.2

Proud Member of BlackForestStudios
My AoE2 Youtube Channel

[This message has been edited by Defibrilator (edited 04-25-2015 @ 02:54 PM).]

posted 04-25-15 03:17 PM CT (US)     29 / 336  
Got a comment on my last ptc file from john that was weird
Yes I gave a look at the PTC entries again. The soundtrack was great btw.

Did anyone else notice that weird sound file of NertyOX' entry?
posted 04-25-15 04:02 PM CT (US)     30 / 336  
Yeah. Knowing him, he probably made it himself in an authentic fashion...which is somewhat scarring in of itself. But, you know, better that from him than another bomb threat like he made in TC, bluff or not.

~ Forgotten Empires ~

Storm on the Steppe | Galderton Hill RP | Proud member of Stormwind Studios

"Deyr fé, deyja frændr, deyr sjálfr it sama; ek veit einn at aldri deyr, dómr um dauðan hvern." - Hávamál 77.
posted 04-25-15 04:08 PM CT (US)     31 / 336  
Did anyone else notice that weird sound file of NertyOX' entry?
You played that file didn't you...

Paradise Lost ~ Scored 1st in the ACSC12! ~ Voted Best Cinematic Scenario of 2013 ~ Official Rating: 4.7
Demon Town ~ Scored 1st in the HHC11! ~ " unique as an AoK scenario can get." - Panel ~ Official Rating: 4.2

Proud Member of BlackForestStudios
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[This message has been edited by Defibrilator (edited 04-25-2015 @ 04:08 PM).]

posted 04-25-15 04:22 PM CT (US)     32 / 336  

~ Forgotten Empires ~

Storm on the Steppe | Galderton Hill RP | Proud member of Stormwind Studios

"Deyr fé, deyja frændr, deyr sjálfr it sama; ek veit einn at aldri deyr, dómr um dauðan hvern." - Hávamál 77.

[This message has been edited by HockeySam18 (edited 08-22-2017 @ 11:12 AM).]

posted 04-25-15 10:14 PM CT (US)     33 / 336  
Two questions:

1. Is it ok to play with revealers or explore the map for the player over the total or part of it? Or does his unit have to explore everything.
2. Will the judges play CD entries with the CD? The cliffs are different and that will mess up things.

"And Matt is a prolific lurker, watching over the forum from afar in silence, like Batman. He's the president TC needs, and possibly also the one it deserves." - trebuchet king
posted 04-26-15 00:00 AM CT (US)     34 / 336  
1. Is it ok to play with revealers or explore the map for the player over the total or part of it? Or does his unit have to explore everything.
You can definitely use revealers. I'd advise against revealing the whole map, of course (part of the point of the contest is to have the judge explore the map with the scouting unit and thus gain a more detailed, thorough experience of the map they are judging) but numerous entries in the past (including many winners and finalists) have used revealers to create little effects, tricks, and scenes.
2. Will the judges play CD entries with the CD? The cliffs are different and that will mess up things.
CD entries will be played in the CD version, while HD entries will be played in the HD Edition. I've actually deleted the "HD" cliff .slps (as they are graphical abominations) in my AoE2HD, which causes the cliff graphics to revert to the ones in the CD, but there are other differences (elevation and terrain rendering, animated water) and I see no reason to not play an entry in the same version in which it is made

A note to those who use terrain mods in their HD (or CD) game versions, though - those conflict with rule #5 in the OP, and so while you are free to design with whichever texture pack you like, bear in mind that the judges will be using the vanilla stuff, which may cause a different aesthetic effect.

~ Forgotten Empires ~

Storm on the Steppe | Galderton Hill RP | Proud member of Stormwind Studios

"Deyr fé, deyja frændr, deyr sjálfr it sama; ek veit einn at aldri deyr, dómr um dauðan hvern." - Hávamál 77.
posted 04-26-15 01:32 AM CT (US)     35 / 336  
Hey dude,dude,DUDE.Why am I in the contestants list ? Remove me from the list! I have very limited time so...

[This message has been edited by MrMustache (edited 04-26-2015 @ 01:33 AM).]

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